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6845641 No.6845641 [Reply] [Original]

Simple question. And I'm being completely serious. What's the best water you've ever had?

>> No.6845658

Was out somewhere in Canadistania on vacation back in like 2003.

My family and I were on some glacier, which had a stream of water running down it.

Filled up some empty water bottle I had with me and drank it.


I still have half that waterbottle sitting in my freezer.

>> No.6845667
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athabasca glacier

I live there bruh, can confirm water quality

>> No.6845671

I live in an era with a shitload of natural springs, so basically ordinary, naturally filtered well water out of my tap.

>> No.6845706

Ice is really refreshing on a hot day, but water is so flexible I would say it wins out overall. Steam is shit though. Just going to burn the hell out of your mouth.

>> No.6845707

Well water at my parents cottage. No idea why, it's a fairly standard cottage-by-a-lake type area, but the water just tastes amazing.

>> No.6845725
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>better freeze this water to keep it from spoiling

>> No.6845730

In recent memory, it's well water from my friend's house in Lakemont, GA.

>> No.6845740

de-oxygenated water for pipeline injection
tastes like absolutely nothing

>> No.6845747

In highschool playing football during august and doing two practices a day: being able to drink iced water bottles of hose water was probably the best I've ever drunk.

>> No.6845758

Water from the house I grew up at in Maine. We had a well that went down like 300+ feet through granite into some big underground reservoir. The water had a ton of minerals and stained all the sinks and clogged up the filter things on the faucets pretty regularly, but it was excellent drinking water.

>> No.6845763

If I'm thirsty I'd rather have iced water over gatorade especially im outside running around.

>> No.6845775

15 mile trail hike in Hawaii, ran out of water halfway through because switchbacks on a mountain take more out of you than you think, got back to the car and drank hot melted ice and diet coke residue out of a McDonalds cup.
It was heaven.

>> No.6845782

bacteria? whats that? keep your liberal disinformation out of my God fearing home!

>> No.6845794


when I was a kid, a can of Hawaiian Punch was my favorite thrist quencher and then it quickly became Ice Water

>> No.6845796

Hiking in the North Cascades, drinking from a fast-moving stream from glacier runoff. Felt like Popeye afterwards.

>> No.6845800

Rainwater from a tropical rainforest

In my experience you can often buy bottled rainwater in towns surrounding a tropical rainforrest

>> No.6845808

Hawaii punch doesn't come in cans fggt

>> No.6845818

yes it does

>> No.6845823

When I lived in the Caribbean, we had a cistern in back of our house and the gutters from around the roof all fed into the cistern to collect the rainwater.

It was ok for drinking, but we always had to make sure to dump some bleach into it every month to make sure there were no parasites or anything.

We also had a well but depending on the time of the year and how much rain we had, it was sometimes kind of brackish so not great for drinking.

The city water was fucking awful desalinated garbage that I refused to ever drink.

>> No.6845831

OP here, never posted mine. A few years back I had been hiking with some friends of mine in some mountains a little upstate from where we all lived. It was towards the end of winter, but due to the altitude it was still very frozen up there. There were all these little waterfalls which were really just rivulets of melting ice water runoff streaming down the sides of these cliffs. And they were sharp, precipitous kind of cliffs. Beautiful sights. Anyway, the waterfalls. They were all frozen over, but you could see water flowing behind the ice. And I remember while climbing, there was an opening in the ice and I put my lips to it and drank. That was the best water I can remember ever having. I came down with hypothermia a little later in the hike. But for that water, it was completely worth it.

>> No.6845832

Fresh out of the river in cherynobl. Shit made me feel like the hulk.

>> No.6845841


The artesian well on my property. No greater filter than muther erff.

I'll buy a jug of store bought water and dump it out to fill with that water.

It comes from over 100 feet below the earth, so its nice and cold even on a hot day.

But I live in a 'flyover' state, I'm sure most of you like your fluoride tap water that makes superior garbage pizza in NYC or whatever the fuck. Stay pleb.

>> No.6845848
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>google? nah, never heard of that shit.

>> No.6845850

Water can take on tastes of the container. Cooling it slows this down

>> No.6845855

Totally shoped
Nice try though faggot

>> No.6845861
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[this window will close in 5 seconds.]

>> No.6845927

u can tell cus of the pixels

>> No.6846213
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Ty nant bruh, so fresh

>> No.6846224

Looks fancy, how much does that cost you and where do you cop something like that?

>> No.6846229

High end bottle water price, I wanna say like $2.79 for a liter. I drank it many years ago and still remember it as the best bottled I've had

>> No.6846230

fake and gay

>> No.6846235

I'll be sure to be on the lookout for it, thanks man.

>> No.6846236

I'm not an autist so I don't make a mental note of when I particularly enjoyed a cup/bottle of water.

>> No.6846309


>> No.6846377

I have not experienced this glacier water or mountain stream water but my well water tastes a ton better than any public water I get from taps at work and stuff. Especially in the winter time when it comes out ice cold almost it is so refreshing and good.

>> No.6846383

I've always been curious: do americans have soft or hard water? Or is it different from state to state/ city to city?

>> No.6846384

go defrost and drink that 12 year old water

right now

>> No.6846388


>> No.6846393

It varies a lot depending on where you are. Sometimes even house to house depending on if they have filters or filtration systems installed or not for the local city water.

>> No.6846395

Ooh okay. Thank you very much for replying!

>> No.6846398

i want to fuck your pussy

>> No.6846401
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fuck her right in the pussy

>> No.6846402

from a self-drilled well pump at my grandmother
ice cold even in summer
it felt like drinking juicy diamonds that would pop with crystal freshness in your mouth

>> No.6846404

Don't be mean to me when I was nice

>> No.6846408

My tap water. It comes from artesian wells, so its rather hard but it tastes great.

>> No.6846409

You're welcome

>> No.6846420

Grandpa lived in northern Ontario. He had a well that delivers the cleanest, freshest tasting water.

>> No.6846422

has he ever seen bigfoot

>> No.6846424

Different anon.
I have, turns out he's not a missing link or anything. He's just a homeless nigger.

>> No.6846427

lol..I figured it was a kid from when andre the giant slept with a negro in his younger days and it ran into the woods and is lost forever and doesn't know why every one runs away from him. I bet bigfoot gets some good water

>> No.6846447

Tap water from norfolk specifically gt yarmouth is god tier
Other than that i like volvic

>> No.6846449

Pool water at this one apartment building I lived near.

>> No.6846623

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aWEbOKQjEU Typical ck user

>> No.6846634

My dad's house has its own well and that's nice compared to regular tap water

I think it's the excess of chalk or whatever it is

>> No.6846878

I personally find Smart Water to be the most refreshing.

>> No.6847492

Great stuff guys. Thread's gone really well so far. I have another question. What's your favorite bottled water?

>> No.6848590

Glacial stream way up in the remote hiking trails in Sequoia National Park.

>> No.6848621

>tfw live in a city and all I've ever had is shit tier flouride water
>can't bring myself to drink more than a cup a day

>> No.6848627

There's no particular location to it, but any time I've been without a drink and have been working or exercising all day and I get a chance to drink not just water, but cold water? It's glorious.

>> No.6848639


>> No.6848700
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>bottled water

>> No.6848765

It probably had to do more with how thirsty I was but the best water I had ever imbibed in my life was from a natural spring coming right out of the mountain on the Appalachian Trail. Specifically, it was somewhere near Peter's Mountain in Pennsylvania.

Man, I need to get /out/, I haven't been backpacking in ages.

>> No.6848800

Stanfield Oregon tap water. Tastes just like orange fanta.