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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 70 KB, 416x342, spam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6846902 No.6846902 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ enjoy Spam?

>> No.6846905

Not particularly. I'll eat it if someone was making it and there really wasn't any other option, but I certainly wouldn't seek it out or bother preparing it myself.

>> No.6847250

Fuck no..

>meat in a can
>in a can

>> No.6847256

too salty

>> No.6847258

Yes. Cubed, fried, and with rice.

>> No.6847271

You're goddamn right I do. It's the food that fueled the armies that killed the japs and krauts wholesale.

>> No.6847288

>Implying America had anything to do with winning ww2
Soviets and britbongs won it tbh. Japs didn't even care about our nukes, they gave up when russians showed up

>> No.6847311

le tricky hook

>> No.6847313
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Kek that's a cute story

>> No.6847318

It's good with eggs
Cut thin and fried like bacon or cubed
Side note: I am pinoy

>> No.6847320
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your trolling does not affect me

>> No.6848180

i think there is a misconception how to prepare and eat these.

yes there are tons of preservatives.
yes the flavor can be too intense.
yes it is salty as fuck.

i always get the low sodium variety and i cut them into very very thin slices. they are already fully cooked so you can heat them up any way you want. i mostly have them for breakfast and sometimes lunch when i have literally nothing else to make.

>> No.6848215
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I only like it in nigiri form

>> No.6848217

cut it into little squares, stack it on crackers with cheese.

like lunchables.

>> No.6848225

I enjoy it but its too many calories for my diet

>> No.6848233

It is the single most disgusting thing I've ever tasted how can people even swallow that garbage without throwing it up

>> No.6848241

I've wanted to try this for a while. Simple and delicious and silly.

Concerning spam; get the low sodium kind and always fry it up until it gets crispy. It's actually quite good like that. I know it has a bad rep, but it's pretty great if you prepare it right.

>> No.6848281

I can't eat spam because the first time my dad made some for me, he fried it. This would have been ok but right as he served it to me as I was watching Total Recall, they showed Kuato for the first time. In my mind Kuato and spam are one and the same.

Quaaaaaaide, start the reactor.

>> No.6848509

Spam is the number 1 food in my emergency supplies....The rest of the family don't like it so it is all mine! Fry it with eggs....the energy from the fats will keep you going all day.

>> No.6848518

Indeed, when you fry Spam and it gets all crispy....mmmm. I like the low sodium one too, the regular kind is just a buttfuck ton of salt.

>> No.6848996
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I had a similar reaction to hotdogs;

> be a little kid
> dad's company hosts a summer picnic
> all the food you can eat
> including hotdogs
> eat a dozen hot dogs
> that night, The Wizard of Oz in on tv
> the Flying Monkeys come on screen
> immediately become violently sick and puke up a dozen hotdogs on the carpet
> refuse to eat hotdogs for the next two decades

Nowadays, I'll eat coney dogs every so often (Michibro here) but from that day on, I lost my taste for hotdogs and to this day, watching the Wizard of Oz makes me queasy.

>> No.6848999
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I want to make this

>> No.6849002

I'm numba one fella, otha fella numba ten. All catchy same same, savvy?

>> No.6849010

What's the shelf life of Spam? Is it infinity? I've got an old can in my cupboard, and there's no best before.

>> No.6849015

For me it was baloney sandwiches. I stayed with my aunt and uncle one summer on their farm in New Mexico and spent the better part of a July morning pulling my two cousins around in a wagon, and I guess I got overheated. Anyhow, I came inside for lunch and ate the baloney sandwich my aunt had made for me. I immediately vomited it up and haven't eaten baloney since.

>> No.6849021

2-5 years after the printed date.

Take note if there has been any break in the sealing, that's an indicator that it's already been tainted.

>> No.6849041

That's so wrong I would move to Hawaii just to learn about why it became a thing. Fortunately, I don't have to.

I second >>6848241 recommendation. Low-sodium doesn't mean healthier. It means it tastes more like ham and less like salt. Fry it up just about right (especially if you have leftover bacon grease), and it can taste like the meaty bits of bacon.

Basically, it's good forever. If the can isn't visibly damaged (rusty, bulging, otherwise physically compromised), open it up and eat that fucker. If it's bad, you'll know. It'll be revolting in a way that ... well, OK, fresh Spam doesn't exactly have a wonderful aroma, but there's a universe's worth of difference between what Spam smells like and what putrescence smells like.

Remember it was designed for extended shelf life back in the 1930s-40s. It's basically an MRE (Meal, Ready-to-Eat) using tech that dates back to when MREs came in cans.

>> No.6849043

Hawaii fag reporting in.

>fried spam and runny eggs.
>fried spam and egg sandwhich
>broiled spam and white rice
>spam musubi
>spam with cloves roasted over fried onions
>spam katsu with gravy
>spam loco moco
>unfried spam musubi

>> No.6849048
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2/2 Spam is literally some of the comfiest food for Hawaii fags. Terribly unhealthy. I also love Vienna sausage cooked in soy-sauce and sugar. But the one thing that irks me about spam, it has a similar trait to asparagus, in which you can smell spam in your piss.

>> No.6849057

Same here. Garlic fried rice, thinly sliced spam and eggs over easy.

>> No.6849062


I grew up in Hawaii, but haven't been back for over a decade.

Who the fuck still eats Vienna Sausages?

I ate spam musubi for lunch every day for years, but Vienna Sausages seemed like a joke.

Are you Filipino or something?

>> No.6849067


Half Irish, quarter Japanese, quarter Filipino.

I grew up eating it I guess? I don't know, my grand parents grew up in the Japanese camp so a lot of canned meats.

>Take Kikkoman soy sauce
>dilute slightly.
>add sugar
>over medium high heat
>add vienna sausage
>poke holes with fork
>simmer until shoyu has penetrated sausages
>bowl of rice
>smash sausages into rice
>comfort feels.

>> No.6849079


How old are you, and which island/shore?

>> No.6849081
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>> No.6849087


Holy fuck, what a honey. Give me one like that and I'lll reconsider my pledge to never get married again. What a babe!!!!

>> No.6849093
File: 68 KB, 716x960, 1401146323405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Asian women will never be defeated, I got a few more of her.

this one gives me a boner to cut diamonds.

>> No.6849098
File: 59 KB, 716x960, 1387413789095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bitch drives my boner up the wall.

>> No.6849104


North Shore Kauai, born and raised.

Haven't really spent much time on Maui, but I totally called you out on the Filipino thing; they're the most conservative, traditional people, who still have a distinct presence there.

>> No.6849109

hahaha shiet.

my mom is 100% irish so I cannot make the pinoy shit I want to eat while she is around. Kauai is fucking awesome, literally the only other island I would consider living on.

>> No.6849128

slice that shit thin like prosciutto...fry it or wrap it...white trash wonderful

>> No.6849162

>outer islanders
absolute savages, oahu is the only civilized island

>> No.6849210


It's funny, because out of the few girls I dated growing up, I was with a redhead (well, two - I like them - and am just going to assume there was some Irish there), a couple half Japanese girls, which adds up, and a full Catholic Filipino girl, who's family I had the fortune, and misfortune, of having to eat with a few times. I had a few amazing home cooked meals, but still no Vienna Sausage.

I'm 100% haole, but was in preschool with these people and somehow grew up with friends who's names mattered later on. It's nice to hear some respect for Kauai; I hope to move back some day.


Oahu might have the best "food scene", but otherwise represents everything wrong with HI.

>> No.6849221


Hahaha I don't know man. I love those little shits, sometimes I make vienna sausage sandwiches. Most japs love em though.

Oahu is for Micronesian. Granted I have had some of the best meals of my life in Oahu where the fish is fresher than Japan, but I wouldn't trade any of that shit for being on Maui.

>> No.6849224

Get out of here Queequeg. They don't have internet in the 1850s.

>> No.6849226

Are you Filipino? I put a fried egg on top with soy sauce.

>> No.6850156

I enjoy small bits of it mix in with rice, some peas, part of a bullion cube and some spices. It's one of my favorite lazy poverty meals.

>> No.6850288

I have them as an emergency food source when I'm lazy.

>> No.6850292


Sliced and fried on a sandwich or with eggs for breakfast? Sure. It's tasty. Haven't had any in a really long time, though.

>> No.6850305

It's decent fried with a runny egg. When my mom died and my dad couldn't really afford to support the four of us I used to eat it from the can cuz my sisters wouldn't eat it, so my dad and I subbed our protein for spam while they ate chicken. It's pretty decent in fried rice or with ramen.

>> No.6850312

fuckin bitches god i hate women.do you still have a taste for spam today?

>> No.6851136

ohhhhh, bim bi bim bip dam da dam dap, ang pidang dang... ohhh work all day for one banana, ohhhh bang pdang dang ang, oh nooo here come the americans!

>> No.6851173



>> No.6851193

By itselt, meh.

My mom used to make fried rice with diced up Spam and chopped garlic and it tasted awesome. Actually I thinki I'll learn how to cook it because it was pretty great breakfast food with some eggs on the side. The Spam itself could probably be switched out for another cheap salty meat but whatever.

>> No.6851638

I season, fry it and add it to my green beans.

>> No.6851653

die it up with eggs, potatos and processed cheese, then roll it into a tortilla

serve with brotien drink

bulkin' food

>> No.6851687

I make an awesome shrimp and grits using pamcetta and diced spam

>> No.6851724

What exactly are we looking at?
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