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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6841466 No.6841466 [Reply] [Original]

How do people even get fat

2500 calories a day is quite a lot. How do people have time to buy, cook and eat above it every single day?

>> No.6841467

Because fatties don't count soda as calories.

>> No.6841483

Because fast food and no exercise.

>> No.6841493


>> No.6841504
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Exercise usually, fatties tend to not move a lot. When I was ~260lb with minimal daily movement I was only technically required to eat ~1500kcals for to maintain my body weight.

Pic related.

>> No.6841505

this >>6841493
and this >>6841483
and boxed/packaged food is nothing near fresh food in terms of calories or vitamins/minerals.

>> No.6841513

The people who can easily get fat think the opposite of how you do, it's hard for them to eat a few amount of calories and it's very easy for them to eat a single pizza in one sitting.

>> No.6841535

I eat 2 slices at max and feel fuller than all hell. I don't eat for days. I drink. I gained 23 pounds in 4 years just from drinking. I eat broccoli and brown rice and baked chicken breast and asparagus and this and that. No dairy because I'm lactose intolerant. Simply alcohol alone can make you fat as fuck. Granted 23 pounds doesn't seem like much but on a 6' 3 frame, it is.

>> No.6841540

After I lost my weight, I find it extremely difficult to eat near maintenance. I sort of wonder how I (or anyone) could have possibly ate that much food.

>> No.6841561

Fats and sugar.

>> No.6841568

And alcohol. Fatties almost literally eat diesel fuel.

>> No.6841576

>How do people even get fat

they eat lots of high fat food.

I eat very little fatty food, and my weight is stable, even though I eat quite a bit.

However, when I need energy for exercise, I eat a handful of peanuts, because the heart actually uses fat for energy, and the fat gives me a significant energy boost.

>> No.6841586

I just find it strange how it fits into their regular week

I work, sleep and have hobbies all this food shit takes so much time

weekends though I drink alcohol eat pizza and probably so their life must have a party every day

>> No.6841598


you can get like 3000 calories in two five-minute meals. it's not hard.

personally i feel like my weight is a bit high which is almost entirely down to alcohol consumption, i consume about 1000 calories of alcohol at minimum every time i drink.

>> No.6841619


>> No.6841626

Depends on how you lost it, if you lose it by starving yourself then your stomach shrinks and it's easier to eat as much food as you used to.

I started eating a bowl of cereal for breakfast, a bowl of ramen for lunch, and a chicken breast sandwich for dinner. I went to Wendy's the other day and ordered a large triple cheeseburger like I used to and hated myself after I ate it all.

>> No.6842012

I don't know how people even have the appetite to consume more than 1000 calories per day. I get along just fine with nothing but water and a baked potato at night.

Then again I'm an amphetafiend.

>> No.6842695

One thing that happens is when an athletic person stops for whatever reason, and their eating habits don't change.

My bro broke his leg, used to swim a lot, and gained like 100 pounds.

Even in less extreme cases its usually a cause for casual fatness.

>> No.6842700

People can eat below 2,400 cal/day and still get fat. It happens over time, constant high intake and no physical activities at all besides walking to class or around inside their low-impact workplace. I wouldn't be surprised if the daily values are changed soon because of how fucking lazy people are getting.

>> No.6842706

Similar story

Had a friend that played baseball, Centerfield, and he tore his Achilles towards the end of senior year. Ended up gaining around 40 pounds before he even realized the fat shit he was turning into

Also one of my wrestling coaches was a career lightweight that was under 120 pounds his whole career. He was at least 220 when he coached me

>> No.6842709


>> No.6842719

Do you /want/ to die?

>> No.6842729

because they're stupid. or they just don't give a fuck. may sound callous but that's it.

>> No.6842745


>> No.6842785

I did the whole /fit/ sticky diet and excersise for a year. Every so often I feel like I eat a tonne and feel like rubbish, despite it not being much at all.

>> No.6842791

Because us fatties are not buying food at the store to take home and cook, we're too lazy and lacking self-control for that shit. We're eating out all the time, usually fast food, and eating way too much while we're at it. And believe me, if you eat out (especially fast food) two or three times in one day, surpassing 2500 calories is incredibly easy.

>> No.6842792


I'll tell you why.

I'll tell you exactly why.

That gross, painful, immobilizing sensation of being way too full of food that you hate so much is actually a source of pleasure. It is psychologically ingrained into us to be the goal of eating.

Imagine having sex, but stopping before ejaculation. That's what eating without eating to excess is like for us.

>> No.6842798

Well, calories tend to be fat and sugar/carbohydrates, so that's a fairly obvious statement which doesn't address OP's question at all.

There's also protein and alcohol, but the majority of energy is derived from fat and carbs.

>> No.6842819
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reeally?simple.e=mc2.eat3500 calper day when 18=35. then get a desk job, andeat the same. shit happens faster then you think. walk or move 2000 cal per day. if like me, don't take much hit that mark. Cerrtainly not fit, or gym rat, but walk or move. lots easier to keep off than take off.(and beer counts) dont befreaky,but know. water is better than soda. after 35, thedhit hangs on. just saying... less an ice=more. an ice creme cone occasionallyis great. A half gallon a week is not. unless running a marathon each week.and most of us dob't.live and laugh, but realize you aint 22 no more. less is more unless writting diet books

>> No.6842826

Can you repeat that in English?

>> No.6842827

You aren't funny

>> No.6842831

>asshole frog poster
Fuck off

>> No.6842837

Well lets use jack in the box for an example, a popular chain in California. Jumbo jack with cheese 690 calories Medium fries 360 calories and a medium coca cola 20 fl oz 170 calories which tallies up to 1220 calories for one meal.

So you are getting almost 50% of your total caloric intake in one meal.

This doesn't tally breakfast which for some reason Americans still eat like they are farmers or working outdoors for 8-12 hours. A heavy breakfast.

This also doesn't tally lunch nor snacks nor drinking alcohol.

Many Americans can eat breakfast and eat fast food for lunch and already hit 2500 calories while not being active.

Unhealthy prepacked meals.

Honestly anon with basic knowledge of nutrition and some contact with obese people you can easily understand how they can shovel calories in.

In fact alot of obese men and women have problems at 2500k and or not eating every 3 hours. Start shaking and sweating like an addiction honestly.

Pasta is easy to cook and caloric dense.

>> No.6843008

I think that is a shitload of food. Two of those fatty meals

Remove the coke for water and you can eat even more in the day

I'd love to see pictures of what food for 2000-2500 calories look like but I can't find much

>> No.6843042

Drink beer. Get fat.

>> No.6843073

Eat Taco Bell for lunch.
Go to bar drink 5 beers, 5 whiskeys.
Eat fast food.
Sit on butt, no exercise.
Be older.
That's what I did.

>> No.6843082

>fat, sugar, alcohol
>easy to stuff too much of it

Common knowledge so why don't you jerks just fuck off fit and do your wankfest over there?

>> No.6843204

>10%body fat
>eat 3500 calories
>exercise intensely 2-3 times a day

Ahh... this is the life

There's no better feeling than having a healthy and nutritious meal after a hard session of training

>> No.6843240

>2500 calories a day is quite a lot
it's really easy if you eat a lot of sweets and/or drink a gallon of soda a day

>> No.6843299

They don't have time to do all that, so they buy fast food.

>> No.6843303

why not eat less and exercise less? exercise does have drawbacks. you risk injury and wear and tear.

>> No.6843334
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Kinda easy to overeat if you pick the wrong stuff.

Recently found out that the kind of sausage I like to eat has 400kcal per 100g, and there's 300g in the bag.
So thats 1200kcal already taken and that shit isnt filling at all.

>> No.6843371
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>> No.6843391

I began counting calories a few weeks ago. I was amazed at how many calories a couple/three glasses of plain milk have (144 per 8 oz). McDonald's Egg McMuffin (300 calories). Alcohol / wine (620 calories per bottle).

>> No.6843408

Not him.

I can eat small meals but when presented with a lot of food my brain goes out of whack, not sure if its due to old eating habits, and bites more than I can chew with me regurgitating half of what I ate.

>> No.6843426


Do not like food or something?

If i could eat all i wanted without getting dat i'd eat 3-4 huge ass donuts for breakfast with chocolate milk, some fast food burger joint with my fried dipped in ranch for lunch, and pizza for dinner.

That would easily probably be in the 5000 calorie range

>> No.6843437

ye just drink a lot of water is a good way of losing weight

>> No.6843444

one chipotle burrito with sour cream, cheese, guac, and meat comes to over 1500 calories. throw in a soda with a refill or two and you're pushing 2k.

if you include anything else for breakfast, dinner, snacks, alcohol, whatever, just eating a burrito with soda for lunch can easily get you to 3k+

source: https://chipotle.com/nutrition-calculator#/category/1

>> No.6843449
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Natural selection. There is literally no excuse to be overweight in this day and age with all the information available.

>> No.6843452

I eat about 3k kcal per day but lift around 6h per week, 80 kg.

>> No.6843453

Would you say that the main reason people gain weight is that they eat shit like that and If they change to normal people food it shouldn't be difficult to stay within calories?

A burrito like that can make you hungry after a few hours

>> No.6843459

>A burrito like that can make you hungry after a few hours


>> No.6843478

You can totally overeat on regular people food too.
I do it all the time. I also lost weight by buying shitty precooked meals in the past simply because I knew that I can eat X a day maximum.

Portion control is key.

>> No.6843488

burritos are pretty damn normal where I come. if you're eating brown rice and chicken breasts obviously its going to be difficult to reach those numbers.

>> No.6843495

I like food, but it takes time to cook. I don't think I have enough time to cook 5k calories of food per day

>> No.6843496

Mate those things are pretty fucking big. And a refill or two? One refill is pushing it but three large sodas with one meal is beyond excessive. You then have to find another meal or a full k tonne of snacks worth 500 calories or more, and eat at least that (if not more) to get fat. You still haven't convinced me how you can get fat without deliberate effort.

>> No.6843518

I eat as fast as I can inb4 I'm not fat.

>> No.6843532

That makes no sense.

>> No.6843559

years of overeating have trained them to not feel full with a meal like this. A normal person can feel full with 3/4 to 1lb of food but a fat guy can pack away 3 or 4 lb's of food before they get the same feeling.

>> No.6843569

It's non-water beverages that cause a lot of obesity. Even fat fucks who drink diet coke usually down a fucking gallon of sweet tea a day along with kool aid and other white trash bullshit.

>> No.6843578
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I can assure you that its not just that. Like, for some sure, but not for all.

I've been raised on water and tea and drink my coffee black and I still manage to put on massive amounts of weight when I dont watch out.

I'm actually jealous of people who can lose a ton of weight by just cutting out the calories they drink. Shits fairly easy.

>> No.6843610

Can confirm.

Water, black unsweetened coffee & unsweetened tea guy here. It's super easy to get fat if you just eat a lot and don't work hard. Sure, if you drink sugary stuff you will gett even fatter even faster, but it's not needed.

>No, captcha, a lemon is not an orange.

>> No.6843618

Even working hard wont save you.
You can out eat the calories lost from a marathon if you really want to.

Eating less is the only proper way to go.

>> No.6843646

How do fat lazy fucked find the motivation to get/prepare/eat so much food? I'm lazy and depressed so I only eat when my girlfriend gets it, meaning I don't eat much. I don't know how you fat cunts manage when you're too lazy to do anything else.

>> No.6843665

I'm a smoker and if it's close to that I can get it - walking 5 miles to a store for a pack of smokes because the cravings are so intense

>> No.6843672

So do you get 2500kcal worth of pre-prepared food and have it to hand all day?

>> No.6843673

Doesnt take much effort to prepare a glass of nutella with a spoon.

>> No.6843675

I see what you mean now. A pack of smokes lasts more than a day and fits in your pocket

>> No.6844431

fast food is food

it does not require cooking

>> No.6844437

it takes motivation to eat a gallon of ice cream? you can do it on your back, half-asleep.

>> No.6844614
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>How do people even get fat

Well, because

>2500 calories a day is quite a lot.

and the people who get fat either don't know this or don't care.

10 years ago, your average fast food burger and fries meal wouldn't get me full. A meal like that is a day's worth of calories, but I still wanted to eat more.

These day, I can barely handle 500 calories in one meal. Any more I'm sure I'll get acid reflux and dat halitosis to go with it.

>> No.6844619


> A meal like that is a day's worth of calories

not actually though.

>> No.6844636

eating something fatty and calorie-dense for more than one meal a day does it quick. fast food lunch, greasy red meat for dinner, sodas and sides of fries with everything, etc.

>> No.6844643
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If you're literally moving around all day with little or no breaks in between, then no.

Recommended amount of calories per day is 1,500 for sedentary people, isn't it?

>> No.6844666

I can't emphasize these enough. Also cheese of any kind, which is ~70% fat by calories (mostly saturated in nature).

>> No.6844674


>Recommended amount of calories per day is 1,500 for sedentary people, isn't it?

no. unless fucking regina george is doing the recommending.

>> No.6844681

Soda here, I quit and go back a lot.

I lose 50-60 pounds every time I quit.

I for some stupid reason self medicate depression through soda.

>> No.6844682

Then what is it?

>> No.6844700


like maybe down to 1600 for sedentary women but that's the absolute minimum. most BMRs will be well above that

>> No.6844705

Its about 2000kcal for a standard grown male.

>> No.6844714

I drink a lot of pepsi and booze and I can't gain weight...been 135lbs for the last 15 years.

>> No.6844715

I can relate to that. Small meals are fine, but I overdo it when presented with something large and get sick.
I've been feeling ridiculously hungry the past couple days, though. I haven't had anything since lunch earlier because I felt disgusted with myself. You wouldn't think food would make someone so knackered.

>> No.6844720

rob is that you

>> No.6844732


>> No.6844896

Doesn't required calorie intake varies from people to people?

>> No.6844906


yes, obviously. not generally by more than a sandwich's worth though.

>> No.6844984

Yes but its a really overrated thing and usually just an excuse.
If you feel like the average calorie intake isnt enough or too much then just adjust accordingly.

>> No.6845178
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reminder that exercise is severely overblown in how much it contributes to weight loss compared to just diet. part of this is because very few people are willing/able to keep a consistent exercise schedule (this probably includes you)

6lbs more lost over 12 months compared to just diet, but another analysis after another 12 month followup found no statistical difference at all

>> No.6845185

not to say exercise isn't good for a lot of other things that typically plague overweight persons, but it doesn't do as much for weight loss as diet does.

>> No.6845203

You dont need extreme studies for this.
Fact is that working out doesnt burn as many calories as many think.

A full Marathon is estimated to burn between 2000 and 3000kcal.
A dedicated fatty could outeat that.
One hour of jogging can be like 400kcal.
Thats a burger, and its easier to simply not eat that burger.

You pretty much cannot outtrain eating like a pig. At best you can burn stuff a bit faster.

>> No.6845220

>fast food is food

>> No.6845223

I'm pretty sure running has its own benefits beyond just expending calories that contributes to the healthiness of the individual.

>> No.6845269

duh. that isn't the point here.

>> No.6845309

no, you are completely wrong. get the fuck off this site and go read a book, you stupid faggot

>> No.6845313

Ask again when your an adult and your metabolism shuts down faggot

>> No.6845362

explain the 350lb 14 year olds

>> No.6845419

Definitely. But thats not what we're talking about here.

If anything you should run to improve your stamina rather than losing weight.
Nothing worse than those fat guys who drop all their weight and then turn into weak skeletons.

>> No.6845469

Is it true that you can get skinny just by eating exclusively subway?

>> No.6845520

Nah, Jared had aids, remember?

>> No.6845576

fast food and/or candy
or beer, that's what made me fat

>> No.6845596

who is that animu

>> No.6845862
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>attempting to spoiler on /ck/

>> No.6845867

>How do people have time to buy, cook and eat above it every single day?
I'd understand how this could seem hard to understand if dairy and grain didn't exist.

>> No.6845882

It's pathetic how these transparent, cheap bait threads get so much attention, but whatever tbh fam

>> No.6846498

Sure. Enjoy being hungry all the time though because these subs arent filling at all and you arent allowed to eat much.

>> No.6846503

I usually only eat 500-700 a day. 1000+ calories a day makes me fat.
Not everyone needs that many calories.

>> No.6846506

One chipotle burrito is food for 2 days for me. How can you eat that much?

>> No.6846508

>I usually only eat 500-700 a day.
Same here, but I don't get hungry often like fat people do.

>> No.6846509

>Not everyone needs that many calories.
Pretty much any grown human needs more than that.

>> No.6846514

This I know

A day goes by pretty quick and you lose 2000-2500 calories just by existing

>> No.6846516

>I usually only eat 500-700 a day.

In other words, you just suck at counting calories.
A month on a diet like that and you wouldn't even be able to type your own post, let alone function normally.

That's /b/-tier in terms of 'believe-ability'.

>> No.6846518

My BMI is in a healthy range for my size and my doc always tells me that I'm one the healthiest people he's ever seen in his 30 years.

>> No.6846521

You definitely dont eat 500kcal a day then.

>> No.6846527

So you're a liar

>> No.6846528

I said 500-700. It's not always 500. 15 minutes of running every other day doesn't use that many calories. I'm pretty slow moving and sedentary otherwise.

>> No.6846531

You're still full of shit then.
700kcal is somalian bloat belly babby tier.

You retards dont understand that the body burns the most calories just by existing.

>> No.6846534

As a man you need about least 2000 calories just by exisisting

eating that little and you'll go into starvation mode and the body will break down muscles and bones before fat making you skinny fat

>> No.6846535

>15 minutes of running every other day doesn't use that many calories. I'm pretty slow moving and sedentary otherwise.

You're saying that as if most of the calories intake of any human wasn't from the basic 'maintenance' of a body.
Even kids above 4 never go below 1200 which is kind of the standard calorie intake below which it is assumed you simply won't be getting enough nutrients to survive and start developing all sorts of nasty sicknesses and crap.

Seriously, just list out that 500-700 calorie diet you eat from day to day so we can tell you where your maths teacher failed.

>> No.6846544

Two medium potatoes
Two cans of sardines
Green beans
If I go to Chipotle, I eat half a burrito and the other half I eat the next day.

>> No.6846547

My problem is that I stress eat and boredom eat and I stress drink and boredom drink.

>> No.6846552

You are ruining your body and it will have serious consequences in the future

please stop

>> No.6846572

I'm good. If I eat more, I get fat. I'm not a kid anymore.

>> No.6846577

may you rest in piece.

>> No.6846581
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>> No.6846600

Well you're sort of right since your body is in starvation mode meaning it breaks down and doesn't build muscle and bones while holding onto every bit of fat it can and it doesn't give you a lot of energy to use during the day

>> No.6846607

It's been almost ten years since I've been eating 500-700 calories a day. I'm not going hungry nor can I eat more without feeling bloated.

>> No.6846613

>ten years
that is physically impossible.

>> No.6846618
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You must be a Thermos.

>> No.6846626

i only eat once a day is that good?

>> No.6846632


No you will get cancer

>> No.6846635

I am a bit overweight because I really enjoy food. I eat a good amount throughout the day but it's not fast food or packaged sweets. I have a garden and I get my meat from a butcher. I also make my own sweets so I know what goes in them. Not a big fan of chocolate, so it's usually scones or muffins. I eat those when I drink my tea so I don't put sugar in my tea.

I just like food.

>> No.6846640


As long as you're not morbidly obese you're ok. There isn't much harm in being overweight anyway.

>> No.6846656

As long as you eat enough there's no real issue.

I think a proper breakfast is the most important meal, but I'm seeing people do well without one so what do I know?

>> No.6846663


If you guys wanna know stuff about healthy food, calories, macros and such go to /fit/.
I know its the gayest board on 4chan, but its just as wise as gay.
Remember fat doesnt make you gain weight per se, it jusr has more kcal/gr

>> No.6846664
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you know enough to not judge others, which is really all you need to know here.
>i like how non-autistic you are

>> No.6846679

It's important for energy to get through the day. Health wise I don't think it matters

>> No.6846685

Yeah you should probably eat the most in the first half of the day because of that.

There's not much of a reason to load up right before sleep. Just feels pointless.

Actual scientists and athletes argue over this topic every day. Its not that clear cut. Some people were trying to push this seven meals a day shit as an example. Others only eat every 12 hours to get some semi-fasting shit going on.

Ultimately we just know that the body needs x calories a day to work so we should get those in one way or another.

>> No.6846687

> 15 minutes of running every other day doesn't use that many calories.

So, you're walking then.

>> No.6846690

Whats on that burrito, fella?

>> No.6846709
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>Two medium potatoes
200-300 calories
>Two cans of sardines
300 calories
>Green beans
>If I go to Chipotle, I eat half a burrito and the other half I eat the next day.
even on a veggie burrito option you're into 200-300 calories.

Just because you think its only 5-700 calories, doesn't make you right or even accurate.

>> No.6846710

meat, beans, cheese, green salsa, and guac

>> No.6846713

I usually eat the entire bag of green beans so that's more than 30 calories and the sardines are around 200 each.

>> No.6846800

Okay, so you're bad at math. Glad we cleared that up.

>> No.6846826 [DELETED] 

Fuck off.

>> No.6846831

That would be you.
Fuck off and learn arithmetic.

>> No.6846836

There was a gymnast/cheerleader/dancer/whatever girl in my school who broke her tibia in two places and couldn't exercise fully in almost two years. She bloated up like a balloon really quick and maintained that weight for as long as I knew her. Shame tbh, she was mad fine before cracking her shit up.

>> No.6846913

Yep. Don't drink your calories and cut out the cheese. You can save a lot of calories doing that alone. Not to mention cheese is absolutely terrible for you (tons of saturated fat).

>> No.6847151


Damn. I like those taco bell habanero/chipotle wraps, and they're only 550 cals. Two of those is a very satisfying meal, but just one plus whatever an apple or something is adequate. Is chipotle the devil or something? How do you get 1500 cals in one wrap?

Most of my meals are under 400 cals though (cutfag.)

>> No.6847161

this is the reason im getting fat. i was fit a couple years ago, i still eat healthy...i just drink a bottle of vodka every night and its making me get a gut and slowly killing me.

>> No.6847168

>one chipotle burrito with sour cream, cheese, guac, and meat comes to over 1500 calories.

no it doesn't. i mean it's high, but it is not over 1500 calories, not by your source.

>> No.6847341
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You sound very mad that you've been called out on your bullshit calories intake.

>> No.6848089

I'm /sci/ and I got triggered.

>> No.6848599


ck is a bunch of alcoholics.

Alcohol is just empty calories. Also, you are more inclined to fuck calorie counting during drunk eating random shit.

>> No.6848818


you're also on fucking meth

>> No.6848923

>How do people have time to buy, cook and eat above it every single day?
They don't cook. People get fat from eating shitty food all day long without getting any exercise. Of course there are some legitimate cases of "muh genetics" but for the most part it's the above causes.

>> No.6848941

Drinking is still calories, numbnuts

>> No.6848949

Cooking your own food wont save you if you cant stop eating it.

>> No.6848990

>tfw eat nothing but junk food
>can't even run 50 meters anymore without feeling like I'm going to die
still 140lbs at 6'2 though

I don't know what fat people are doing.
And I had no clue a chipotle burrito was considered that big. Yeah, I can hardly finish one in one sitting, but it's far from "food for two days" like someone said earlier.

>> No.6849115

Retard detected.

>> No.6849121

Take your meds.

>> No.6849125

>tfw have to eat ~4500kcal just to maintain weight
>tfw eat no fast food and use no supps
This shit is getting a bit hard tbqh lads

>> No.6849511

I tried to quit smoking a month ago, but I gained 5 pounds because whenever I try I just start eating like crazy. I restarted and lost 10 pounds in the last week.

>> No.6849567

>How do people have time to buy, and eat above it every single day?

>Yeah, I'll have a double quarter pounder with a large fry, and a Mr. Pibb. Also, add a McFlurry please.

There, 2000ish calories in a single meal. Now imagine they eat two more meals in a day because "you need to eat three meals a day." and then factor in snacks or alcohol and you can easily hit 3000+ calories a day or at least a weekly surplus.

>> No.6849578

>double quarter pounder
>and ice cream
>and 2 more meals
>every day minimum
that isn't "easily" at all.

>> No.6849585

Sure it is. I did it for years.

>Gotta eat something with some substance before work
>Loaded omelette, toast with peanut butter, coffee with cream/sugar or a star bucks latte if I was running late.

>Time for my Lunch break. Gonna grab some taco bell. Don't want to be hungry the last half of my shift so I might as well eat something
>Order a couple burritos and a soda

>Well work's over but I'm craving something salty, gonna have a bit of chips before dinner

Dinner is a large meal, possibly like the McD's trip I described earlier, which was a common occurrence for me at the time.

Might have a few beers after all that before bed.

I use to weight 325lbs. I'm down to 195 now after almost two years of weight loss though calorie restriction and some incredibly mild exercise. I don't eat like that any more, but I knew/know several other people that would eat that way.

>> No.6849785

Went to college. It was so hectic, wasn't able to exercise regularly. All I was able to afford for meals is fastfood. Gained 15 kg in 4 years.

>> No.6849798

>maintaining healthy weight means consuming less than 1500 daily
Pls kill me

>> No.6849806

If you're a dude then that's just fucken funny.

>> No.6849815

Any 5'1" dude would have killed himself before being old enough to post here

>> No.6849822

I live in the states so I've observed many fat people

The following things are what I notice most about fat people
Sedentary lifestyle
Soda pop (in the states one can purchase a 52 ounce beverage and it is considered by the public to be an individual serving)
TV dinners/pre-prepared food. Every time I see a big fatty at the grocery store in one of those motorized shopping carts, there is always an abundance of TV dinners and pre-cut and cooked French fries.

>> No.6849848

Mom was used to cooking in bulk. 2 boxes of pasta and half a gallon of sauce. I'd always go back floor seconds because it tasted great. Couldn't bear seeing it go to the fridge, so when putting it away, I'd sneak some. On Sundays, we'd make egg rolls and other finger foods and leave them on the counter all day. I took a bite whenever I passed.
When I started gaining weight I didn't care.

Now my doctor says I've gotta clean up or die.

>> No.6849876

So, if you eat 1500 kcal/day forever, eventually you wither away and die?

>> No.6849896

>the body will break down muscles and bones before fat making you skinny fat
This is what people on the internet actually believe

>> No.6849898

>empty calories
what does that even mean?

>> No.6849911

If you burn 2000 every day, then yes.

>> No.6849929

A story: the other day, I was eating homemade lasagne I reheated for lunch. It was green due to a homemade spinach-based sauce rather than a tomato-based one.

A coworker, a woman who is both far shorter than me (172cm/5ft8in to my 183/6ft) and far heavier (104kg/230lbs to my 79kg/174lbs) commented that my meal looked "quite healthy" and good for weight-loss dieting, completely ignoring the copious amounts of cheese (smoked scamorza, which is fuckmazingly delicious) oozing in all directions, the seasoned minced pork and the oiliness in the container.

I had it with a salad of radish and carrot ribbons.
It was a small serving of lasagne, taking up less than a half litre worth of space (just under a pint/2 cups), nonetheless, due to its high fat content, it had around 800 calories. Plus the roughly 300 calories in my salad, that was an 1100 calorie meal. Hardly weight-loss food. But see, I can eat like that. I exercise daily.

The coworker, however, lives an entirely sedentary lifestyle and eats about as many calories as I do daily. She says she doesn't but I've sat at breakfast, lunch and dinner with her on several occasions, in her own home, no less, as well as at work and elsewhere: she'll have pastries (plural; not just one) and coffee with milk at breakfast, mayonnaise-based salad wraps at lunch ("but it's wholewheat!!!") and huge bowls of pasta, rice or couscous (she's Algerian) with copious amounts of sauce, dressing or side dish with it.
She's a sweet, kind girl, but a fatty-fat fat-fat fatty who doesn't understand how weight and calories work.

>tl;dr people who are overweight are also less active than those who aren't and/or unknowingly overeat and/or underestimate the caloric content of their foods and/or mistakenly believe its colour ("it's green so it's healthy!!") or composition ("it's wholegrain so it's healthy!!!") somehow negates its caloric content

>> No.6849995

im fat, it happenrd over years of a binge disorder.
I do not drink calories, just water, my calories come from food.
My daily limit is 1500 cals I usuallly have
Turkey, cheese tomato multigrain sandwich. (no margerine, two thin turkey slices)
orvTwo multifrain toast and dippy eggs.
Dinner is a chicken oven baked schnitzel or lean protein with potatoand veges.
Water and crackers with tomato and ww low fat cream cheese.

My once weekly binge though (narrowed it down from 3)
diet pepsi,
bag of chips,
block of chocolate,
fish and chips
boxes of crackers, stale cereal and plain rice.

It's not a taste thing I'll usually throw up after.
I've cut down my binges to a
bowl of frozen yoghurt
crackers with tomato salt and pepper
and a piece of batteree fish, chips, calamari, seafood stick and diet pepsi. (I like the taste of pepsi diet.)

>> No.6850041

See? Grossly underestimates his/her caloric intake and espouses the whole "it's wholegrain so it's healthy!" mentality lots of fatties have.

I guarantee this person is eating far more than s/he realises. And likely doesn't move much.

>> No.6850069

I find that very hard to believe

>> No.6850087

Do you have any reading comprehension? My main days of food intake are 1500 I track everything in mfp.

my unhealthy days are below with binging and are over that amount of calories.

I know my intake and why I am fat, I'm getting therapy for the binges which is why I've narrowed it down to one a week if that.

one lean turkey fucking sandwich with no butter or sauces just turkey, low fat cheese and tomato is healthy for lunch. It's better for me than chocolate or fat dense food.

>> No.6850115

Guarantee you're eating more than you're admitting. Unless you've just started this regimen recently.

I don't mean to spook you if this is a new diet for you, but the rate of failure for such a course of action seems to approach 100%. This sort of deprivationist/rewardist mentality has failed every person I've known who's tried something similar. They lose weight at first but can't ever keep it off.

The best way to lose weight is simple: curb your current intake little by little and move more. I don't mean to go from a 4000cal diet to 1500cal. I mean to go from 4000cal to 3500cal for a while. Then from 3500cal to 3050cal when your weight starts to plateau and from that to 2700 when it happens again. And so on and so on and so on. That's it.
It's slow, but it works and it's the only one that always does.

I sound as though I might be being harsh, but really, I wish you luck, though I worry that such a restrictionist diet will only lead to disappointment.

I absolutely wish you all the best. Truly. The road to healthy weight and size is long and difficult and there are too many snakeoil salesman along the way who will detour you away from the proper route.

>> No.6850144

Sorry, I didn't mean to sound angry, I started a month ago. Trust me I'm not, I track every mouthfull, even down to the half bite of a strawb as a snack.

I used to be annorexic i.e eating two small potatoes plain a day, so eating this much is hard. (except for the binges because I just throw it up.)

My cal amount is right for me cause I have agoraphobia so don't exercise. Although yesterday I ran to my bus stop and back.

I have no idea how to stop the binging my, it's gotten to the point I have my bf sit on me until my urges subside.
Or I hit my head sometimes and lie facedown in the bath to let the water wash out the urges inside me. The drowny feeling is nice.

Thanks for the luck!

>> No.6850155


>> No.6850202

That Sugar Film explains it quite nicely, even if the presentation is a little childish.


I would recommend it.

>> No.6850211

Probably at some point you will have no reserves to burn more than you eat and you will lower your activity.
So you wont get to the point of dying, you will just adjust your activity to the available amount of energy.

>> No.6850213

I lost 60 pounds all while still drinking a shit ton of craft beer. I just make sure to count their calories into my day.

>> No.6850296

Everything I have written is true.

>> No.6850300


nigga where do you think the additional energy comes from

>> No.6851141


Food like beer and Nutella (even popcorn) is so calory dense that people justify to themselves that since they haven't eaten a large volume of food/drink they're not gaining fat.

>> No.6851318

You ever like, eat an entire pizza?
A store brought pizza?
>those are usually somewhere around 2k calories
Then remember that some people who work are lazy and/or tired enough that they 'can't be bothered' cooking food for ten minutes when they want to eat.
so they just pick up the phone and pizza themselves.
>yfw 2 pizzas a day is 4k calories
>I know a large amount of people who can eat two pizzas for one meal

>> No.6851324

>I know a large amount of people who can eat two pizzas for one meal
>amount of people
Sounds violent and horrific
Is it some kind of human centipede thing?

>> No.6851365

Human octopus