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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.13 MB, 4160x2340, 20150902_191439.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6842121 No.6842121 [Reply] [Original]

The fuck is this thing, /ck/? Tastes like bleach. My mom bought it and expects me to cook it without knowing what the fuck it is.

>> No.6842128

>didn't read 4chan age requirement

>> No.6842142

Is that a loofah?

>> No.6842145
File: 250 KB, 1288x746, QGYNlaS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6842151

Does it taste bitter? Because that's a bitter melon, yo.

>> No.6842157

Perfect. Into the trash with it.

>> No.6842164

Bitter gourd, aka the worst vegetable ever.

>> No.6842179

One of the only foods I've ever thought was just disgusting.

Off the top of my head all I can think of is picked eggs, cactus, root beer candies, circus peanut candies and those goddamned abominations.

>> No.6842191

That's what I know of as 'frogmelon.'
Bring it to me. I will make curry of it with onions and egg. It's delicious.

>> No.6842195

That's a bitter melon.

If throwing it out isn't an option, remove the white fiber and seeds in the center, and slice it as thinly as you can manage. Coat the slices in a fuckton of salt and let it sit for at least 30 minutes to let the juices come out, then squeeze the slices as hard as you can to squeeze out more juices. When you can't squeeze out any more, rinse off all the salt. Then, blanch the slices in boiling water for < 1 minute before dropping them in ice water to stop the cooking. This process will reduce the bitterness as much as you can.

Once you've done that, cook it in something with a really strong flavor that will mask the bitterness as much as possible, and serve with a lot of starchy food to try to dilute it further.

>> No.6842199

Holy shit. I would literally only eat this garbage if it was my only source of calories. God bless America.

>> No.6842219

Well for young ones, you can julienne them into small strips, rinse in water then stir fry, but that seems quite old and rather yellowed, so...

Hollow out the white part and soak in sugar-salt water for 2 days, then stuff with seasoned pork mince (same as you would make wontons with) and boil in broth. Serve in slices with the soup over rice.

>> No.6842224

Ok, that sounds interesting so I'll try it. I'll fish them out of the trash.

>> No.6842228

>reduce the bitterness
It's so odd, because every single time I've tried that, it's paradoxically more bitter than when I just remove the seeds and pith and slice it up to cook as-is. Every. Single. Time.
As said (>>6842191) I make an egg-thickened curry of it and eat it with rice. I'm making a similar egg-curry tomorrow with yard long beans and tomato.

>> No.6842236

Bitter melon. Google some ideas on what to do with it.

>> No.6842252

I've always loved it stir fried with coarse ground pork in a black bean sauce. But the one in your pic looks more like the Indian version, which is even more bitter. This Anon >>6842191 has the right idea. I've had that curry. It's somewhere between a challenge and delicious.

>> No.6842304

I tried out that snack once. It's shit.

>> No.6842320

Locally, we call it 'ampalaya'. Removing the white stuff and the seeds in the core is a must. The way we cook it, we cut it in half and slice it into thin pieces crosswise. Then we rinse it in salt and water and squeeze it to remove the bitter taste. We usually stir-fry it alongside with scrambled eggs, garlic, onions, or we cook it with other vegetables as a salad.

>> No.6842337

Your mom is fucking with you bitter melon is nasty and everyone knows that
She wanted to see your bitch ass try and eat it

Anon shea trying to tell you its time to move out your 27 you live in the basement for your whole life

>> No.6842372

You know a vegetable is worthless when the preparation advice consists mostly of techniques to remove its flavour.

>> No.6842491

My parents always just stir fried it with eggs and a bit of garlic. It's not so much the bitterness I dislike, it's just very dry, even when cooked with a lot of oil

>> No.6842758


I wouldn't say you need to mask it as much as balance it. Same problem with dandelion. Soaking in salt water and boiling in salt water will help.

>> No.6842781

this. looking at you, endives.

>> No.6842980

i don't know what good pinakbet tastes like

pls post recipe

>> No.6843076

>picked eggs
I'm assuming you meant pickled, so I wanted to say that your opinion is wrong

>> No.6843078


>> No.6843079

Find a way to cook it then boil it in water for 10 minutes then rinse it and cook it like normal.
This will get out most of the heavy bitter taste but if its not your thing its gonna be still shit.

>> No.6843100
File: 70 KB, 485x474, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like a snozzcumber, pair with frobscottle.

>> No.6843105


>> No.6843106

First off, that's the East/Southeast Asian variety, not the Indian/South Asian one. The Indian one is spiky.

Secondly, you've had Sri Lankan food? That's a rarity.

>> No.6843111

>Get the bitterness out
The bitterness of it is really addicting and what makes it unique. Had it quite a lot in Japan in stir fries with eggs.

>> No.6843429

>If throwing it out isn't an option

kek, you know a veggie is bad when you start explaining about it with this sentence

>> No.6843734

Makes it sounds like it will fight back or something, if you try to throw it in the trash.

>> No.6843768

In India bitter gourd is eaten as a snack at times. As a sort of pickle with poori(fried unleavened bread). It's pretty heavily salted, spiced and fried to within an inch of it's life. Kids of all ages hate it though

>> No.6843787

>Be You
>Go ask Mommy where she bought this
>Go there and ask what it is
>Google recipes
Follow my advice and you won't have to shit post again.

>> No.6844011
File: 41 KB, 400x266, goya_champuru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make Goya Champuru.

>> No.6844020
File: 88 KB, 500x401, bitter_melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not the way to cut it. You halve it, then scoop the seeds out with a spoon. Slice it up thinly and stir-fry with fatty meats like spam and eggs.

>> No.6844290

>Not liking root beer candies

Why even live?

>> No.6844324
File: 53 KB, 485x474, Snozzcumber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That, ser, is a Snozzcumber

>> No.6844374
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>> No.6844409

Mix it with some ammonia, bleach and ammonia will fix that right up.

>> No.6845026

>wanting to eat a snozzcumber

>> No.6845237

>cook it until all of its original properties are gone
Why bother tho

>> No.6845308
File: 252 KB, 598x398, fucked up cucumbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's bittermelon, one of the only foods that I don't understand why people eat.

Pic related. You have a Chinese one. The Indian ones are small and spiky.

>My mom expects me to cook it.

His mom wants someone under 18 to cook for her? Think before you post, faggot.

>> No.6845387

>kids of all ages
Including 30? lol

>> No.6845410
File: 691 KB, 2240x1344, 201507071205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i don't understand why people eat bitter melon
Mostly because we like it but also partially because we actually know how to cook it.
When I cook mine, it's never overwhelmingly bitter. I don't know why that's the case, but all the "do X to make it less bitter" techniques I've tried have only resulted in a bitterer final dish.
Split. Scoop. Slice. Stir-fry (often, though not always, followed by stewing). In that order. And it's delicious, every time. Last time I cooked some, it was bitter melon and prawn stir fry, one of my favourites.
Pic related: made this in July.
I buy about six bitter melons in a year and use it in various ways, but prawn stir-fry is probably the most common dish I prepare with it.

>> No.6845418

Vietfag here,

Two most common preparations are 1. Hollow the white and then stuff with pork, shrimp, beef whatever and mellow it out with broth soup, or 2. Jullian and stir fry with egg and minced something.

Other than those two methods, that shit is the most boring fucking vegetable I've had. No smell, no flavor, no up or down, no nothing.

>> No.6845852

>be you
>be sad
>need to shit on people for posting about food on a cooking board
>the only solace in your worthless existence