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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 746 KB, 1456x2592, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6830567 No.6830567 [Reply] [Original]

Most disgusting ass candy on the face of the earth.

>> No.6830577
File: 45 KB, 625x414, reddit meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like them.

but i can only eat maybe 10. then i get sick of them.

>> No.6830581

Ditto. Same thing with circus peanuts.

>> No.6830606

Circus peanuts are worse.

>> No.6830644

Circus peanuts are at leat tolerable

Other holiday candy that are absolute shit tier.
>conversation hearts
>Cadbury eggs

>> No.6830678

You must convert them!

>> No.6831009

Why the fuck are they already hawking stupid Halloween shit. They don't even start the Christmas marketing this many months in advance.

>> No.6831026

If you mix them with peanuts they're actually pretty good

>> No.6831038
File: 127 KB, 500x425, 3389447987_617185485e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awful candy general?

>> No.6831041

Fuck off with your generals, crossboarder.

>> No.6831045

Stop disliking what I like!


>> No.6831048

I think it's the only time they generate sales

>> No.6831059

you can do way worse than candy corn you nancy

>> No.6831265

This. My weird as fuck grandparents told me about this over the summer.
Also, if you stack candy corn pieces, you make a corn.

>> No.6831273
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My friend, if you believe that is he worst candy, then you must not be from China.

Perhaps one day you will venture to try Chinese Haw Flakes.

>> No.6831286
File: 16 KB, 350x271, polls_smarties_0001_24732_answer_11_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst candy in the world coming through

>> No.6831292


No. Worst is Haw Flakes.

>> No.6831296

what the hell do they even taste like?

>> No.6831297
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>> No.6831303

wtf is "ass candy"?

>> No.6831305

Those are actually pretty good.

>> No.6831317

They taste like dry up Haw. Not sure if have Haw in USA. Is taste like flakes of how burning food smell.

>> No.6831334
File: 30 KB, 320x252, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In China, you don't know Haw Flakes is bad candy. You think Haw Flakes is ok, share with friend, have as reward for make best math test.

But, then you eat USA or Islam of Europe (not sure if Islam or Christian?) chocolate candy and is change your mouth.

Then you see Haw Flakes and say "is just flakes of haw with terrible flavor."

>> No.6831370

candy corn

>> No.6831515
File: 222 KB, 700x327, GetFile[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fucking things

>> No.6831551

I like haw flakes more than the average cheap chocolate. Although when I gave some to my American friend, he said they tasted like pee.

>> No.6831584

You're right, the dominant religion / culture in Europe is Islam now. Just crossed over with Christianity / European culture within the last 5 years.

>> No.6831595

Is this true? I thought the number of practicing Muslims was equal to Christians across Europe, not more than.

>> No.6831603

Varies by nation.

I raised my daughter catholic, but she married a Muslim man and she has become very devout, so my grand children and forward will practice Islam. In the future I believe it will be more prevalent. I am not Muslim myself, but I believe diversity enriches us.

>> No.6831617


>/ck/ - "Like /int/ but with fast food"

>> No.6831635

Not yet, but increasing. A damn shame Been my experience Islam professes peace. tolerance and love, until they gain a majority. Then it's sharia law, and my way or the blade.Worst candy vote is for those orange marshmallow peanut things.

>> No.6831655

Thanks for that story shlomo goldstien

>> No.6831672
File: 40 KB, 640x480, necco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Necco Wafers are a candy made by the United States-based New England Confectionery Company (Necco). Necco Wafers were first produced in 1847 and are considered by Necco to be its core product.[2] Each roll of Necco Wafers contains eight flavors: lemon (yellow), lime (green), orange (orange), clove (purple), cinnamon (white), wintergreen (pink), licorice (black), and chocolate (brown). The ingredients in Necco Wafers are sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, gums, colorings, and flavorings.

>> No.6831677
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Early by 1 month and some change is hardly anything to get triggered over. How else do you propose I hit a 90+% sell though off a 300k order if not by having set by sept 1st.

>124ft set, not even done setting it up yet, lol

>> No.6831691

>1 month and some change
>not even september
>all hallow's eve is oct 31
>2 months
>1 month and change
fuck this site

>> No.6831708

Yes, like I said a little over a month early. Or would you really consider Oct 1st as too early still.

>> No.6831891

>>Cadbury eggs
Take that back!

>> No.6831893

Those are the best. The clove, licorice, and chocolate ones are my favorite.

>> No.6831903 [DELETED] 

so fat people have an excuse to buy it without feeling as guilty

they'll roll up with a bunch of candy to the qt3.14 cashier and pretend like they aren't going to devour it all as soon as they get home

they trick themselves into thinking other people judge them less because now there is a "reason" to buy candy other than being fat

>> No.6831907

these are good, though

>> No.6831939

Sour and caramelized fruit? It's an acquired taste, I only like it because I grew up eating it

>> No.6831971
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>> No.6832004
File: 122 KB, 484x230, Twizzlers_TwizzlersBites_Licorice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit right here

>> No.6832170
File: 203 KB, 1280x960, ?u=http%3A%2F%2Fs13.postimg.org%2Flx5dql547%2FIMG_20140325_171357_1.jpg&f=1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had these, but I've had the watermelon pops with chili powder on top.

Terrible. The spice and sweetness doesn't mix at all.

I'd imagine chilipowder and HFCS on a spoon would be worse.

>> No.6832231
File: 28 KB, 210x265, face_scared_yao_ming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit is disgusting !

>> No.6832249

Get a load of this faggot. Licorice is awesome. I used to buy ropes of that stuff before America evidently unilaterally decided that no candy shop may ever carry actual licorice.

>> No.6832256

>not knowing what taqiyya is
>not even knowing that it's a Shia doctrine and that the vast majority of Muslims don't believe in it

I'm not even Muslim and this shit pisses me off.

>> No.6832285

Really? I used to devour these when I was a kid

Black licorice should be outlawed, however

>> No.6832291

you are a pleb and should toss yourself into a rageing fire.

>> No.6832294

Literally everything you said is a lie

>> No.6832297

Can't remember the brand name but look for "Australian style" licorice. It isn't sold in long strands but they're big chunks. They've got black licorice and red, both good

>> No.6832300


>Cadbury eggs

Kill yourself.

>> No.6832308

hersheys kisses have always tasted like sick to me

>> No.6832393

Mazapan is great

>> No.6832399

>Cadbury eggs
wtf? really?

>> No.6832412

>Europe (not sure if Islam or Christian?)

>> No.6832419

those Japanese DIY candies are pretty nasty. they're kinda neat though.

>> No.6832509

I don't mind the hearts, they're alright

>> No.6832539

i thought the pic was peanut m&m's. i would've agreed

>> No.6832545

holy shit I used to eat the shit out of this as a kid

>> No.6832567

this. first i thought i'd gotten a bad packet, but every hershey's product has tasted like curdled milk or something.

>> No.6832568

nice taqiyya, ackhmed

>> No.6832671

>conversation hearts

Aren't those the things that are like chalky, solidified Pepto Bismol?

>> No.6832833


>> No.6832863

A year or so ago thst company sold bags of them mixed with peanuts, I really liked that. Especially because nobody bought them at the place I was working at so I got a shitton of bags for 75% off after Halloween.

Some of the alternative flavor ones sound really gross though. I've seen s'mores, peanut butter cup and fruity flavored candy corn so far.

>> No.6832941


I've only ever seen them; what do they taste like? Peanuts? I hope.

>> No.6832995

That's not circus peanuts.

>> No.6833033


>> No.6833061


What type fam? I'm from une island. Taste like our American banana, or plantain?

>> No.6833234

We can never be friends.

>> No.6833360

Image is taking too long to load. Jist gonna assume it's milk duds and OP isn't a burden on society

>> No.6833444

They give me the shits bruh but I eat them anyway because they're cheap as fuck and can be bought in bulk.

>> No.6833468

Its candy corn

>> No.6833503
File: 178 KB, 834x608, swedish-fish-candy-red-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say the worst candy in the universe?

>> No.6833509

Those aren't candy peanuts

>> No.6833514

why the fuck is clove a flavor?

>> No.6833525

leave. now.

>> No.6833534

Agreed, these are fucking disgusting

>> No.6833536

Yes peanut cookies are great. It's a weird texture, almost powdery. I love it though.

>> No.6833546

Fuck those hearts, they tasted like dried wax dipped in sugar. Easily as disgusting as candy corn

>> No.6833551

Basically Halloween "season" is the candy company's Christmas. Also many see the entire month of September as apart of Autumn, though it doesn't start until late in the month, thus Halloween "season".

>> No.6833579


>> No.6833587

Those aren't Baby Ruth's.

>> No.6834373
File: 48 KB, 466x650, Cadbury-creme-egg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit... there is sweet, and then there is disgustingly sweet

>> No.6834426

They burn my mouth

>> No.6834433
File: 485 KB, 2000x2000, circus-peanuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything resembling or like these. Whoever invented this disaster should have a special layer of hell reserved for them.

>> No.6834444

Cadbury eggs are the worst I think. Can't eat one without shivering from how disgustingly sweet they are

>> No.6834452

wow this shit checks out actually
thanks for red-pilling me, /ck/

>> No.6834459
File: 409 KB, 210x206, 1440703128895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The quads confirm

>> No.6834465


This is the Jew nonsense from 9/11/01. Count the Jews involved in 9/11. 2% of the population demonizing 20% of the population? NICE. "By way of deception..."

>> No.6834467

>why the fuck is clove a flavor?

Because they're the worst candies on Earth.

>> No.6834469

I like necco wafers....

>> No.6834481
File: 5 KB, 117x90, candycorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does candy corn taste like? And why is it associated with Halloween?

>> No.6834502
File: 52 KB, 500x340, 513cSs78DaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the caramel candy corn is so much better than the original

>> No.6834509

They have a pleasant distinct sweet taste. The colors are of the fall and therefore Halloween since halloween is the closest America has to a fall harvest holiday.

>> No.6834513
File: 144 KB, 800x800, 7340946-origpic-ef1534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff, chewing resin (spruce). Tastes just like you'd be chewing on a piece of wood.

>> No.6834929
File: 26 KB, 342x260, thewaxpapertastesbetterthanthecandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe these are still made anymore

>> No.6834982

Does it taste like corn?

>> No.6835077

One company originally called them chicken feed. It doesn't taste like either.

>> No.6835080

>we muslims dindu nuffin.
oh fuck off. you guys say that literally every time something happens.

>> No.6835082

Used to nearly drive me to tears when some asshole would drop these in my trick or treat bag

>> No.6835206 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 618x400, sugar daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your daddy baby?

>> No.6835212
File: 75 KB, 618x400, sugar daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is your daddy baby?


>> No.6835214

it taste like cheap honey

>> No.6835215

Did circus peanuts change the recipe? My mom used to love them and I would sneak them from her drawer and devour them. Now I can't quite like the. They are too plasticy and stick the the teeth to forcefully. It might just be that I'm getting old and as bones stop growing, sugar tolerance wanes.

>> No.6835286

Bong here
What is the texture of Candy Corn?
Slightly crisp shell and then chewy interior?

>> No.6835320

it's not crunchy. just kinda waxy. same texture throughout.

>> No.6835333

The outside is sleek and almost like plastic. Not exactly a shell. Once you break into it the candy has a sort of grainy texture.

>> No.6835337

I guess chewy could describe the "inside."

>> No.6835344

thank you for your responses
i am gagging

>> No.6835384

get out

>> No.6835398
File: 17 KB, 368x137, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't make myself eat this stuff, way too sweet.
last time I was offered some I tried to eat it, failed, and re wrapped it to put in my pocket. terrible substance in every way

>> No.6835406

Until you try it you won't be able to tell whether it is pleasant or not though the descriptions can make it sound appalling.

>> No.6835435

Please leave.

>> No.6835487

home-made candycorn is miles ahead of the store stuff but it's just not halloween without a little bowl of the brach's candycorn on a table somewhere. In theory it tastes of honey or something.. eh.

I want to make candycorn myself this year but skip the coloring and corn-shaping in favor of making a mold and pressing it into sugar-skull shapes or assorted bones.

>> No.6835498

Do you make your own marshmallows as well?

>> No.6835517
File: 925 KB, 3456x2304, White_Marshmallows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post recipes

>> No.6835582

Ive attempted marshmallows twice, never quite got the right stability/set. I partially blame my kitchen due to it's insistence on being a million degrees as soon as the range is turned out. The rest of the blame is me certainly.

Unstable marshmallow fluff toasted on chunky chocolate-chip cookie was a-ok though.


I've not made it myself yet but the home-made candycorn I had was based on http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/candy-corn-recipe.html , from the All Hallows Eats episode. That's where I intend to start on the chewy bones.

>> No.6835657

The worst candy are those caramel things with cream in them. The idea sounds perfect but all the ones I've had were just shit

>> No.6835700
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They're not so bad.

>> No.6835727
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>> No.6835830

Strong fruit flavor, slightly sour with overtones of over-ripeness. They're actually not bad IMHO.

>> No.6835838

You shut your whore mouth.

>> No.6835842
File: 29 KB, 347x424, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Islam allows it followers to lie to infidels when it suits them
>I'm a Muslim and most of us don't do that
>Trust me! Would I lie to you?

>> No.6836633

Depart the realm of the living.

>> No.6836665

Kill yourself my man

>> No.6836670

so that's what the mystery purple flavor is...

Now I want some Necco Wafers

Good job being an accidental shill.

>> No.6836862

Circus Peanuts are that one candy where I eat one and immediately regret buying them, but purchase another bag another month or two later.

Being from the northeast, anything from Necco is fucking disgusting. The wafers suck, skybars are fucking awful and mary janes are a let down.

>> No.6836902

What's the best Haribo?

>> No.6836906
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these are decent but the wrapper always sticks to them.

>> No.6836938

i like the spaghetti.

>> No.6836945
File: 227 KB, 1152x864, 310b6556e41361338d62d1643865d0bc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


naw fam

>> No.6836954

i;m not sure how that company is even still in business, must be some fuckery afoot.

>> No.6836965

The store I work at had Christmas items delivered last week

>> No.6837061

halloween is the only thing stopping these animals

>> No.6837099

>not eating them with the wrapper

>> No.6837121

Jesus Christ. The most deranged fiction about what Scandinavians eat is nothing compared to the truth.

>> No.6837324

Why are they re-branding De la Rosa mazapan?/

>> No.6837326
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>> No.6837380


>> No.6837390

Thanksgiving is two months into fall and well past harvest. It is only less than a month away from winter.

>> No.6837392

Honestly that sounds kind of interesting to me.

>> No.6837400

I fucking love Necco wafers. They're one of my favorite candies.

>> No.6837436

Basically it tastes like ketchup, just dry and with the texture of freeze dried strawberries. I grew up eating them so I can stand it, but a lot of people hate those shits.

>> No.6837440

They intentionally use acid from rancid butter/buttermilk to stabilize and curdle the dairy earlier in the process. After a few decades of Merifats being conditioned to think chocolate should be grainy like bad cheese and sour like bad milk they keep adding it for "tradition".

>> No.6837523

Kåda is great, fuck you

>> No.6837589

Get the fuck out of my country.

>> No.6837650

Schlumpfe, definitely

>> No.6837678
File: 123 KB, 1024x768, chocolate-chocolate-30471811-1024-768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6837741

It can be. But not that brand.

>> No.6837755

>he doesn't know the difference between sunni and shia

>> No.6837788

You lick it out then devourer the chocolate

>> No.6837797

Yuro here. What is candy corn like?
Are there any people who've lived in both Europe and USA that know of any comparable sweets?

>> No.6837838

How about belly flops instead....hehe

>> No.6837839

your candy "ass"

>> No.6837903


Bit O Honey is good. You are wrong, sir.

>> No.6837909


They're like mildy sweet little waxy sugary wedges.

Their flavor is unique. I wouldn't know how to describe it. It's absolutely distinct but not aggressive. I can see how people don't like them, but hate is pretty strong for something so unoffensive. Candy corn is something you must have at Halloween. It's an inseparable part of the tradition.

>> No.6837912
File: 83 KB, 1280x960, kinder_surprise_chocolate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't mind me, greatest of all time just passing through

>> No.6837914

>What is candy corn like
corn syrup

>> No.6837919

>Low in fat
>3g or less per 40g

So...nearly 8% pure fat?

>> No.6838120

normally chocolate is like 30%+ fats by weight, with the higher % dark chocolates being more than half fats by weight.

I'd be concerned I'm being sold something that's barely pretending to be chocolate if it was only 8% fat

>> No.6838141

the car has the face of a skull, this is far too dangerous for children!

>> No.6838142

Fuck those shits, I've chipped teeth in my youth because of these candied hardtack.

>> No.6838401

I like the pumpkins.

I also had some Pumpkin Spice candy corn last year that I really liked.

>> No.6838789

this post is hilarious but it gave me cancer

>> No.6838796
File: 72 KB, 1200x605, candy corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll get a riot out of this comedic video on candy corn anon. I guarantee you'll love it, and he's spit on about candy corn.


>> No.6838802
File: 64 KB, 700x700, OF047P-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange marshmallow peanut things.
circus peanuts. not certain i've ever tasted them in my life but since they're marshmallows i'm certain they taste like pure sugar and peanut oil.

waxy texture, sweet, doesn't taste like corn. all the flavor comes from the corn syrup. people consider them gross because they're sold in bulk because of how cheap they are to make and how difficult it is to eat a ton at once. i recommend trying some someday but i assure you you're not missing out.

first thing i thought of when i saw the thread

>> No.6838812

Has anyone on /ck/ ever tried melting candy corn down and using it to make a candy corn cake?

>> No.6839309
File: 207 KB, 640x439, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6839369

op here, wow surprised this is still alive

That was last year, this year brachs didn't send me any.

I enjoy circus peanuts in moderation

thought the same thing. also their coloring scheme seems to be way off base.

>What does candy corn taste like?
like i said in the op, candied ass

these go by 'Indian corn' in my region

Jesus Christ yes, i forgot about these. fucking people still ask for them and they sell out fast.

agreed, they can be good in small amounts.


a tourist once came into my store asking for these, i had to explain to her that they cant be sold in the us because they don't meet us regulations. lol

the pumpkins are exactly the same as the corn just in pumpkin shape, even fucking worse.

shut your whore mouth

>> No.6839395

one more pass
thank good sir. gave me a hearty kek

my whole hispanic candy section just make me wonder and shake my head. chili on everything, what i can only assume is tree bark flavor. i can bring myself to try any of it at all.

I was talking to my Hershey vendor hand he agreed. how on earth was this flavor ever decided was good, not only good, but good enough to be make into candy.

My Halloween order is split up into 3 'holidays' >Back to School
>Halloween proper.
my candy season however runs from July(for back to school) all the way to the end of April(end of Easter)
everything is the exact same it just changes color
Easter is the 2nd biggest candy holiday after Halloween

We give American Greetings a endcap to do with what they want and last month they set up Christmas Tree Ornaments.

Indeed, thank you based Halloween.

>> No.6839428
File: 30 KB, 383x550, 1420233319748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>american friend: wtf is this disgusting shit this isn't licorice licorice is red

>> No.6839439
File: 30 KB, 433x347, 1439288470445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I actually like these

>> No.6839491

>not making candy corn butt plugs
>not making candy corn fuckhoals
your missing the point anon

>> No.6839544
File: 26 KB, 431x479, hathaway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read description
>this must be some kind of scandi nonsense--nobody else would put up with this
>expand the image

>> No.6839551

waxy and yet also mealy. the outside is a little hared, but only because it's stale. there's no shell.

>> No.6839552

Those are good though

My dad used to bring them home all the time.

>> No.6839569

These are delicious. Eat shit.

>> No.6839747

Think so.

>> No.6839832

>getting your body damaged by a candy

>> No.6840039

Had those several times. Except for the toy, they are pretty shit.

>> No.6840182
File: 48 KB, 600x373, 13wmt-articleLarge-v3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

swedish fish are neither good nor bad
kind of like hershey bars

>> No.6840385

>Easter is the 2nd biggest candy holiday after Halloween
I wonder where Valentine's day ranks.

>> No.6840387

Hershey milk chocolate is pretty bad.

>> No.6840390

This candy is what I use to look forward to when it came to hillshire farm gift sets given around the holidays.

>> No.6840395


Necco wafers are alright if they're new. If they sit for a while the clove ones eventually permeate the whole roll and you end up with a whole bunch of nasty fuckin' chalk shit.