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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 53 KB, 600x400, waitress-600x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6830761 No.6830761 [Reply] [Original]

Why are waiters and waitresses so overly nice? Why do they even exist?

I'm there because I want food. Energy. not to have someone kiss my ass.

I can even get the food myself and then they can cut down on costs. Thought?

>> No.6830776
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Breaking news: some places are already set up like this.

>> No.6830777

You're not the sort of person who should be going out to eat

>> No.6830918
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Man I despise this bullshit

>New restaurant opens in my town, right down the road
>excited as FUCK to try out the tasty dishes, it is an indian restaurant, can't get good Indian food around here
>go on the first night of opening
>get to the restauant, am given a seat
>Indian young female waitress comes over
>HUGE fucking smile on her face for some reason
>literally SCREECHES
>''Hi! Welcome! You qualify for our opening night Naan bread extravaganza!''
>slaps fucking 5 naan bread on the table in front of me
>makes me mad for some reason, probably how obnoxious it was
>white blind rage
>stand up
>knock the plate over onto the floor, knocking my water down as well
>the manager rushes and grabs me
>throws me out

Fuck, I got banned and made myself look stupid all because of this shit

>> No.6830928

They make big feed tubs called buffets for trash like you

>> No.6830938

Is pretending to be an autist for kicks at a Mongolian cave painting discussion website what the kids are into these days:

>> No.6831193

I would gladly get my own food and bus my own table to know that dumb college dropouts and humanities majors don't have jobs.

>> No.6831194

fuckin' kek

>> No.6831493

How do you not binge on naan?

>> No.6831649

If a waitress is flirty, I won't tip. Nice try, you manipulative cunt.

>> No.6831756

>people serving you are nice
>this is somehow a bad thing
only on 4chan...

>> No.6831762

>I get hard at the slightest bit of female attention

There's a difference between nice and being an obnoxious twat for tips

>> No.6831798

>being this pleb
>cute waitress at the local steak house always flirts with me
>one time she spilled water on my lap and wipes my leg
>smiling and compliments me
>feels good
Just enjoy it. She makes me feel good and it's worth the 20% tip.

>> No.6831805

>Go to restaurant for family night out with wife and kids
>get seated by 9/10 blond waitress with mammoth mammaries
>she starts getting really flirty with me and my wife takes notice and gets a little upset
>we order drinks and she brings them back and as she's handing me my beer she winks and says "this ones on me"
>now wife is visibly upset at the current state of events
>meal finally arrives and as she is handing me my plate she leans in really close and her giant buzzums are now RIGHT in front of my face
>being the male that I am I can't resist and reach out and grab one
>wife erupts in anger and causes a huge scene in the restaurant
>she tells me she's leaving me and taking the kids
>they all storm out of the restaurant and I am left there with my meal
>I eat my meal in shame and she brings me the check
>"that'll be $49.99
Never again.

>> No.6831806

>Flirts with you
Is this seriously what the manchildren on this board believes? Her interest in you begins and ends with tips

>> No.6831839

She doesn't do this to the other patrons.

>> No.6831851


Some people perceive them as being the same, much like they think that any girl who is polite to them must be attracted to them.

>> No.6831910

Because the people who set up this sort of thing are pathetic and have to buy human interaction

>> No.6831951

as much as I hate waitstaff and how much money they make, there's no way in hell a fine dining restaurant is going to serve things cafeteria style

what, we're just going to have them all mill around and then call their name out to pick up their food? No thanks, I already hate dealing with the waitstaff enough so I sure as fuck don't want to deal with picky customers directly while I'm trying to cook

>> No.6831960


>being this oblivious to how the world works

oh boy

>> No.6831970

How much do you tip at buffets? I heard the norm is 10% since you get the food yourself but the waitstaff diligently take away your plates. Is 15% too much or "just right to be nice"?

>> No.6831995
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>> No.6831998
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>> No.6832002

That's pretty much why that sort of behavior works

>> No.6832020


But "that behavior" could just be the completely normal demeanor of a polite, social person, with no other implications.

>> No.6832037

Gotta employ art majors.

>> No.6832243
File: 33 KB, 280x192, service economy snapshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is the service industry that employs almost 80% of Americans?

People who work with the public act "nice" because that's their job. They have to be nice and serve well in order to give the customer a pleasant experience so they want to come back and encourage their friends to visit there as well. People who do well in that job also have to swallow their pride and take a lot of bullshit with cynical asshole customers not unlike you.

If you ever had to work in a service type job like waitstaff, cooking, or retail, you would know and this thread wouldn't exist.

>> No.6832255
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>> No.6832275

I honestly can't wait for the day that restaurants have self service machines like supermarkets.

The food will arrive on a conveyor belt and I will be greeted by a warm blast of air.

>> No.6832296
File: 5 KB, 180x130, reaction_face_ringo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if liberals get their way that will happen

>muh $15/hr
>muh liveable wage for doing teenager work despite having three kids
>it will totally end poverty this time, the last dozen times don't count

>> No.6832328

>price of everything continually goes up every year
>min wage should stay the same

>> No.6832343

A good garçon or garçonette is supposed to be a dignified professional that manages people's times. He watches the crowd to see people's reactions, attend to their needs, and make time seem less boring by bringing the menu and drinks and hours d'ovre at appropriate moments and hurry food for some clients who seem to need to leave fast.

If you just want to eat food fast, go to a Buffet or a McDonalds. Their service is fundamental to a good restaurant.

>> No.6832370
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>> No.6832374
File: 379 KB, 1111x597, 1440175488711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Naan bread extravaganza

>> No.6832388


Those restaurants which have conveyor belts bringing you meals are the best.

>> No.6832396

It works perfectly well in countries without the US slave mentality.

>> No.6832427
File: 121 KB, 922x872, commie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your cost of living goes up
>you shouldn't strive to better yourself and instead blame the people who gave you a job in the first place

>I have no skills but I deserve to be paid like I do.

>> No.6832437


>worshiping the business owners for "giving" you a job

you're a retard. the business owners rely on US, not the other way around. they should be kissing our asses, not the other way around. that's why there's no job loyalty nowadays; workers are treated like shit overall.

IMO employees should get a small stake in companies they work for as incentive to give it 100% since you own a piece of it.

>> No.6832471

>employees should get a small stake in companies they work for as incentive to give it 100% since you own a piece of it

that actually exists. part-time min-wage jobs don't often get that, but full time regular positions offer that as part of a retirement incentive

>> No.6832482 [DELETED] 


>> No.6832491

Holy shit this thread is gold

>> No.6832492


i know it exists in upper echelon jobs.. but those are upper echelon jobs. it would make sense to give even a lowly dishwasher or custodian a partial percentage like 1 or 2% or stock options if the company is big enough.

that way everybody has personal vestment in the success and that makes people loyal to the cause, with incentive to work their way up and stick around instead of floating from shitty job to shitty job.

giving employees partial ownership is SUPER rare.

>> No.6832499

Isn't this only sushi joints?

>> No.6832502
File: 263 KB, 341x551, Screenshot from 2015-04-20 17:31:53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is, low quality bait

>> No.6832510 [DELETED] 

Poorfag waiter cuck detected

>> No.6832514

I worked as a cashier at a grocery store and I was offered a stock option. Cashier is not an upper-echelon job regardless of what you think it is.

My employer only existed in three bordering states.

>> No.6832516


>> No.6832531

Oh boy, I can't believe there are people over the age of 16 who actually believe this.

>> No.6832555

>Autism, the Thread

>> No.6832559

It worked for the unions. People today don't have the fortitude of their forefathers. I know I couldn't go on strike for 2 years. I like my cable subscription too much.

>> No.6832577

Wait wouldn't that be a "fille"? Wouldn't a garconette be a trap or something.

>> No.6832590

Then you just pay them with tax money, anon.

>> No.6832708

>work at a restaurant where the entire theme is waitstaff and bartenders being assholes
>pretty sweet job
>always that one autist coming in unaware of the theme
>get butthurt
>yell for manager
>everyone laughs at them
>regular customers tip on how well I can talk shit
>we have drinking games based on negative yelp reviews

It's good shit. The cooks get to come out and bitch you out if you send a meal back 2x. And we get to make ugly faces at bratty children.

>> No.6832724

Holy patheticness. Are you really this starved for affection, bro?

>> No.6832766 [DELETED] 


Waiter make well above median wage. Average salary for a waiter is 60k. If you isolate it to single blonde thin females they make, on average, over 120k a year.

>> No.6832782

Is this in Vegas? Honestly I think I could beat you at your own game, fam

>> No.6832789

>implying I pay taxes

>> No.6832790

How much is from tips?

>> No.6832792 [DELETED] 

you probably donate to girl streamers on the internet too you fucking beta orbiter

>> No.6832825

Nope but it's a chain shit so there's likely one there.

Everyone thinks they can beat me or us. Tourists come in just to beat us. It's just always easier to win when you just don't give a fuck and don't have to though.

>> No.6832904

You've obviously never been or known a waiter

>> No.6833073

It's more like 25k

>> No.6833448

ever hear of those conveyor belt sushi places? i hope the future is like that.

>> No.6833462

>not understanding that the kinds of people you described are a minority
look at some statistics before injecting your home-brewed cynicism into your opinions

>> No.6833562

This. First thought.

>> No.6833571

How about thinking about the world around you retard?
if there was a waiter who had to be deadpan to an insufferable cunt like you to serve only your needs, and had that same personality with the average person, he wouldnt get shit in tips and would get shit on by management.
the world doesnt revolve just around you op.

>> No.6833574


workers make their bosses money. how is that not more valuable to the employer than the employee? the employee can work anywhere.

maybe you need to take your employer's cock out of your mouth before speaking.

>> No.6833591


>op just moved out to go to college
>doesn't understand the service industry

You should really think about your major if the concept of good service seems strange to you.

>> No.6833684
File: 76 KB, 519x600, 1420177523270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cam to laugh at OPs autism but this is just too good.