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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6829229 No.6829229 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever met a famous/popular chef? How did it go?

>> No.6829232

My aunt is a star on the Food Network.

>> No.6829237

Is she actually a talented cook?

>> No.6829253

indeed. she's more than a pretty or rather 7/10 face. yes, i judge my family members sexually. i trust that won't be a problem.

>> No.6829256

did you "fuck" her?

>> No.6829270

i may have had a few fantasies in middle and high school but no, nothing happened in real life. although she is really cool and likes to joke and tease me. she's your typical mom's younger sister.

>> No.6829272

I met Giada at a fund-raiser for autism awareness in Los Angeles.

She was a good lay.

>> No.6829280

ive always had a fantasy or two about her. she has a giant head though. and it would be awesome if she would put on about 20 lbs so i'd have somethign to hold onto.

>> No.6829300

Do you legitimately have autism, or were do you just live in LA and wanted to meet her?

>> No.6829408

>Giada at a fund-raiser for autism awareness in Los Angeles
Are you from the future? Because this event hasn't happened yet.


>> No.6829425

Barefoot Contessa is not 7/10

>> No.6829435
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I believe you.

>> No.6829446 [DELETED] 

No but I ran across a local chef from a m4mw posting on CL here, the guy is a complete cuck with a hot wife way out of his league but never got to fuck her. I think hes just a closeted homo but I do have some pics of his wife though.

>> No.6829449


post pics

>> No.6829450

I met Dave McMillan. Only talked for a few seconds. I believe I spaghetti'ed or was just awkward.


>> No.6829454

what show is this from? i know ive seen it.

>> No.6829459
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Amagi Brilliant Park.

>> No.6829464

>Go to new "upper-class" restaurant that just opened in my town
>Place order, get drinks, everything normal
>Dude brings me out my meal and after he sets it down he just kind of stands there looking at me
>Thank him again but he's still just standing there (wtf)
>He then just kind of storms off
>Couple minutes later manager comes out and tells me to leave
>Turns out it was some "celebrity chef" I was apparently supposed to recognize
>There had been no advertisements announcing chef was there
>Even if there were I wouldn't have cared
>Apparently the dude wasn't even waiting for me to tell him how the food was, he was pissed because he expected me to start clapping when he brought the food

>> No.6829467

I met Jaime Oliver when he came to my high school.

I made him a steak and he seemed to enjoy it.

>> No.6829477


>> No.6829484

I met Guy Fierri when he was interviewing people about a local restaurant.
He stole a piece of bacon off of my plate.

>> No.6829486

Did you boil it in olive oil?

>> No.6829487

I've met that blind cunt Christine Ha that won Masterchef Season 3 (related to my wife). She's alright, seems like a generic blindie. Oh, and socially awkward.

>> No.6829511

What a bitch, can't even see shit.

>> No.6829516

inb4 syn shows up to tell everyone what Ramsay's smegma tastes like

>> No.6829527

amanda freitag and sam the cooking guy came to my old work to do a charity cooking demonstration. both nice people.

>> No.6829531

>things that never happened

>> No.6829541


>> No.6829545

thank you anon

>> No.6829553

Is she the girl who won food network star from Kentucky, Damaris?

>> No.6829555

Would bang tho

>> No.6829589

Met Chef Ramsey. Awesome guy. Ultra personable and a great conversationalist.

>> No.6829631

This actually almost happened to me.
I was around 15 in New York with my father (at the newly opened red rooster). Then, Marcus Samuelson was walking table to table and asked me how the food was. I didn't hear him for a while, and simply continued eating. I then assumed he was some manager or something so I just said that the food was pretty good. Anyway, after he walked away my father let me know who he was. I ended up catching up to him on the way out and apologizing while complimenting him on his food.

>> No.6830318

did he offer to take you to Flavor Town?

>> No.6830334

I saw Alton Brown a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn't want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, "Oh, like you're doing now?"
I was taken aback, and all I could say was "Huh?" but he kept cutting me off and going "huh? huh? huh?" and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw Alton trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like "Sir, you need to pay for those first." At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually "to prevent any electrical infetterence," and then turned around and winked at me. I don't even think that's a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

>> No.6830364

kek I never get tired of these

>> No.6830373

yes and I cooked with them ...

as a professional cook its not uncommon to meet other cooks, and some of them are popular...

>> No.6830479

Met Bobby flay, he's a twat
Met Tom colicchio, seems decent. Came in to the restaurant with his brother & brothers fam.

>> No.6830487
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Saw Heston Blumenthal near one of his restaurants here.

I'm a big fan and wanted to say hello but couldn't think of what to say so ended up blowing my cheeks out and making quacking noises to show I like his fat duck restaurant. He saw me and started walking faster until he vanished. felt so fucking stupid, I love his ideas and he is a hero to me

>> No.6830511

Met John Besh, genuinely one of the nicest people I've interacted with.

>> No.6830910



>> No.6830917

Autism: The Post.

>> No.6830951

I met rachel ray, she sucked my dick at fundraiser bathroom,

>> No.6831575

I've never met a celebrity chef, but I have met a popular Food Network Personality. I met John Catucci at a local diner. I kept staring at him trying to figure out if it was actually him. I dropped him on his way out of the kitchen by pointing and squinting at him. We took a picture together and off he went to find more restaurants.

>> No.6831587

Most believable story in this thread

>> No.6831619

I got into a bar fight with Ainsley Harriot and William Shatner

>> No.6831627

I know this is old pasta but this actually works really well with Alton. Like I can imagine him doing something like that.

>> No.6831630

did ainsley rape you?

>> No.6831642
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Oh man I would kill to meet Ainsley. Seems like a real cool dude.

>> No.6831710
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Nigella Lawson

It was at one of those celebrity tour dinner hosted events, and I got a photo op with her. I'd had a few drinks and she put her arm around me; I took her by the waist and grabbed that juicy ass. she didn't even flinch, the tart. easily one of the top 10 moments of my life, as I've bricked a ton of loads watching her cook. Goddamn I wish she was on my lap right now.

>> No.6831779

I went to a large brunch with Paula Deen
She was so nice and hugged me

>> No.6832006

I think it would be cool to meet David chang

>> No.6832072

I met Michael Symon and his family several times. Never hung out with them or anything, but they seem like they're pretty cool people.

>> No.6832121
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We had ramsey come to our restaraunt once. Came in with a party of 8.

We decided to fuck with him. We did everyones plates perfectly like normal, but we cooked the ever loving shit out of his duck. Like it might as well have been KFC. And then for presentation we did it kind of sloppy and sprinkled parsley on everything.

So they take the food out, and everyones looks amazing and is cooked perfect, and then Ramseys plate covered in parsely with extra crispy duck.

I actually snuck out to watch them bring the plates to the table. He had this hilarious look on his face as he leaned forward to look at his plate really closely, leaned back up and looked around at the other plates everyone else had that looked just fine.

One of his friends started kind of chuckling and put his hand on ramseys shoulder and gave him pat on the back.

He sent it back and we made him another one perfectly normal.

They seemed to enjoy themselves and tipped and everything. Maybe he realized it was a joke and had a good sense of humor.

>> No.6832154

What an absolute waste of a duck

>> No.6832365

I work for Albert roux. True story. He is a cool guy. Ask me anything, I guess

>> No.6832602


All she does is complain about that cookbook that she helped write for winnning Masterchef and how she doesn't get a single cent from sales of the book because Fox takes all the jew coins.

>> No.6832691

I met Wolfgang Puck at his restaurant at MGM Grand. Awesome guy. He buttered our rolls for us.

>> No.6834232

>He sent it back and we made him another

if this story was true, you would have already made the other and had it sitting under the warmer.

>> No.6834249

>white people

>> No.6834262


stop calling him chef ramsay. he has a fucking first name.

>> No.6834273

Two. Four if you count food personalities who don't cook on TV.

First the cooks:
1) Alton Brown in Philadelphia last year.
Exactly what you'd expect, albeit a little pretentious.

2) George Duran in Geneva in like... 2003 or 2004? Right after Pop Cuisine started.
If you're French/Swiss-French, you know him. I don't know how well-known he is abroad. He's really corny, but nice.

Now for the guys who cook off camera but you never actually see cooking on TV:

3) Anthony Bourdain in Philadelphia 2012 or 2013 or so?
Again: exactly as you'd expect. He's a pretentious twat.

4) The guy with the "every job in the business" tag line. Forgot his name and can't be arsed looking it up. Met him in Philadelphia.
Best of the lot. Friendly. Unpretentious. Made the women uncomfortable, which is always a plus.

Keep in mind, this is entirely off first impressions in the under a minute (except for "every job" guy, who I hung about with for several hours). They could all be legitimately pleasant people with their friends and relatives but not with "the public."

>> No.6834282

Gordon Ramsey
Jiro's son
Have eaten in all their restaurants.
Skinny rich guy.

>> No.6834345

Yeah, Chef.

>> No.6834739

I was the executive sous chef at the host restaurant for a Share our Strength event in San Francisco. I cooked all of Traci DesJardin's dish, and was the go to guy for Chris Cosentino, Michael Symon, Gavin Kaysen, and Elizabeth Faulkner. They were all really nice and it was a pretty cool experience.

>> No.6834775

Worked for tom kitchin

Few famous Brit chefs came in the kitchen but I didn't really get much interaction with them individually

>> No.6834779


even if you made a joke... if had some respect, you already have an other plate ready to go

>> No.6834813


>> No.6834839

Shared an elevator with Ramsay at the O'Hare Hilton once.

Asked him if he ad-libbed all the insults on Kitchen Nightmares etc.

He laughed and said "Part ad-lib and part set-list."

Then we got to his floor and that was that. He seemed perfectly affable but I gather he's quite nice outside of "head-chef-in-kitchen" mode.

Look how nice he his to James May:


>> No.6835305


she is an absolute saucy little cunt m8. great fun.

>> No.6835359

>"head-chef-in-kitchen" mode.
You mean
"On-Television" mode

>> No.6835383

So how's Giada doing?

>> No.6835402

I met Charlie Trotter at a Christmas party, is he famous enough?

>> No.6835625

I have met Alton brown in person, he was a pretty cool guy. And also knows everything about food you could ever want to know

>> No.6835709

ran into adam richmond in a burger joint in hermosa. He has slimmed down pretty well so i couldnt recognize him at first but his mildly nasally obnoxious italian voice caught my attention. Lo and behold he's with his friend. I walk up to sit and chat with him. We talk about fitness cuz i gym too. Eventually he goes on a hate rant on fat people. He's just going on and on while he stuffs his face with an eggy burger so theres a glistening coat of yolk over his lips which distracted me. Mind you that he's still kind of fat by my standards to be honest and his friends is lean 6'1 jacked etc. eventually i can tell his friends a little uncomfortable and overall i clicked with him more then the richmong. i dont know the whole experience was off putting. Its like seeing a jew defect and become a nazi and the next day and he's already being racist to jews. Cool guy asides from that. He seems mentally crippled in a certain aspect though. Hes always appears zoney and spaced out and can barely hold coversation. I dont know i guess i feel bad for him.

>> No.6835725

He's a Brooklyn Jew, you moron.

>> No.6836932


>if had some respect, you already have an other plate ready to go

Ha, get a load of this faggot.

>> No.6837081

i want this to be real so much

>> No.6837171

Bro I met SpongeBob once

>> No.6837815

Guy feiri

>> No.6837820
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bro detected

>> No.6837887

I worked at The Little Nell hotel in Aspen, which hosts one of the top Food and Wine festivals in the country (hosted by food and wine magazine)
and every year the hotel hosts a publishers party, which includes all of the top chefs / names in the food and wine industry. I was fortunate enough to get stuck on oyster shucking duty on the floor of the party and was stationed next to a caviar table. So besides being handed flutes of Veuve all night, i got to eat oysters (i believe they were all Island Creeks), sample $1200/oz caviar, but got to talk with and serve some of the top chefs in the world.

Thomas Keller, Jose Andres, Jacque Pepin, Wylie Dufresne, Daniel Boulud just to name a few. There were also a few of the food network contestant chefs.

Giada was a fucking Dime Piece IRL. I still jerk off to her winking at us.