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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 220 KB, 620x619, hipsterdouche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6827901 No.6827901 [Reply] [Original]

>eggrolls? those aren't authentic

>> No.6827908

Nope, an American creation. Proving merica does Chinese better than the Chinese.

>> No.6827949

Authenticity is usually a fat neckbeard thing. Most hipster restaurants do fusion cuisine so idk.

>> No.6827958

>tattoos on nerds

when will this meme die

>> No.6828027

>tfw you just ate leftover beef kawpyan gyaw your friend made for you yesterday
Better tell her she's being inauthentic.

Also kawpyan > almost all other spring/egg rolls.

>> No.6828100

OP, have you ever considered how much it might improve your mood if you didn't spend all day working yourself into a huff about hipsters on the internet?

>> No.6828102

Tattoos on nerds confirmed for not a meme.

>> No.6828109

He's just a shit poster who clogs up the boards with his reaction threads.

>> No.6828143
File: 441 KB, 1050x925, Remove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It taste good why does it mater?
Not every food culture has to be in a vacuum.

>> No.6828156
File: 165 KB, 347x346, National-Etiquette-Week.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's fusion food

>> No.6828209
File: 325 KB, 540x463, 1440029093784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck fusion it's almost always terrible. There's a big difference between fusion and natural cultural acclimation. Things like ramen, broccoli beef, spaghetti and meatballs, and curry are all products of people naturally adjusting foreign flavours to their cultural palate. Fusion is just a square peg in a round whole. No, putting miso on my burger doesn't make it taste better. No, your kimchi doesn't make this taco taste any better

>> No.6828250

That's because thoses don't make any sense. Kimchi on the side of a choucroute? Now we're talking.

>> No.6828264

Don't talk shit about Korean tacos.

>> No.6828275

>No, your kimchi doesn't make this taco taste any better

depends what else you put in it

>> No.6828307

>eating Korean sauerkraut as a side to French sauerkraut
For what purpose?
I hope you didn't mean 'charcuterie' and fuck it up. That would imply that you're a pretentious twat, the sort who incorrectly throws around Frenchisms here and there where they're not needed.

>> No.6828432

I'm french and didn't bother to check how to spell sauerkraut in english.
And I like to eat similar things together. Sue me.

>> No.6828456

... but how do you eat sauerkraut with sauerkraut as a side? Shouldn't there be a main course? Do you really intend to eat two side dishes as side dishes for one another? That seems silly and you don't seem French.

>> No.6828536

Just have sauerkraut (with sausages and stuff because else it's not sauerkraut) and have kimchi because it's not exactly the same.
Sauerkraut is a main course in my book. And you wouldn't need a main course anyway if you have enough sides.
I'm not talking about restaurants, I'm talking about home food.
Je suis sincèrement désolé que tu ne me croie pas. Mais je suis bel et bien français. Ce qui fait de moi un lâche mais aussi une autorité en matière de cuisine.

>> No.6828544

>dat broken french

>> No.6828549

>broken french
No it's not, you pretentious prick.

>> No.6828589

I'm not the one speaking broken ass French (and using the wrong French words, at that) on a Fijian 'toon site to sound more cultured.

>> No.6828593

>speaking broken ass French
but you're wrong dipshit, if you're not french how can you be sure that I'm speaking broken french

>> No.6828635

>implying i'm not french

>> No.6828654

so that's it we're both using the same argument
"I'm french and you're not"
Je t'en prie, prouve moi que t'es français p'tite merde.

>> No.6828657

Je suis a voudrais un jus de pomme ;^)

>> No.6828660

Bien joué, très joli même kevin.

>> No.6828663

3 kevin is all I got. High school French only got me so far

>> No.6828667

How does it feel to know fusion cooking is the most regarded discipline by people with taste?

>> No.6828672

I just realised I shouldn't get upset about some guy like you.
You know what I'll just stop posting now, back to lurking.

Your french is terrible by the way.

>> No.6828676

Oh I'm not the same poster you were arguing like a child with. Just drunk and alone at the bar :*(

>> No.6828679


I'm not even related to this conversation but I'm drunk at home.

>> No.6828695

Oh well then, I'll make an exception to my new no posting rule because I can't live with the idea that I made an innocent drunk unhappy.
So sorry friend.

>> No.6828698

Technically were drunk together :3

>> No.6828706

I'm not even drinking, I'm just drunk

>> No.6828966

>le i'm drunk circlejerk

Comment se dit, "obtenez un chambre."

>> No.6829054


This thread is the first hit if you google "kawpyan gyaw." Stop making shit up.

>> No.6829121

>implying burmese has a single standardised romanisation
Protip: it doesn't.
It could be spelled any number of ways.
>kaw pyan gyaw
>gaw pyan gyaw
>kaw pian gyaw
>kaw pyan kyaw
>gaw pian gyaw
>gaw pyan kyaw
>gaw pian kyaw
And others I can't dream up right now.

Also, looking at https://www.google.com/search?q=kawpyan+gyaw pulls up this thread, sure, but also a few sites mentioning Burmese spring rolls. So go fuck yourself, you fucking fuck. :^)

>> No.6829125

Drink more, commie.