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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 99 KB, 705x900, man-in-suit-drinking-tall-glass-of-beer-george-marks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6822824 No.6822824 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have a 'comfort drink' in the same sense that people have comfort foods?

If so, what is your comfort drink? Be as specific as possible.

>> No.6822829

When I was a kid, I was under the impression that lime-flavoured Kool-Aid would stop my stomach from hurting. Maybe it was just positive thinking, but every time my stomach hurt and I drank the Kool-Aid, I felt better. Haven't had that stuff for over a decade, though, so maybe it would still be comforting.

>> No.6822856


>> No.6822864

Beer what else

>> No.6822867

Oh, to add to this, tonic water can be nice when having a headache.

>> No.6822869


>> No.6822874


the weak, non-bitter kind

and ginger ale

>> No.6822880

a fifth of knob creek. doesn't comfort me but helps me forget ((:

>> No.6822881

a 12.25% imperial ipa, several pints worth

>> No.6822885
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pretty much any alcohol based solution...
but I like tea when I'm dead hungover

>> No.6822893

-sparkling water (topo chico, la croix)
-coconut water
-most alcohol
-overpriced "superfood" juice

pretty much anything besides regular tap water tbh

>> No.6822897

No. I don't have a comfort drink, are you a faggot from a TV network that get's comfort in sculping reality because you think that you know more than other people?

>> No.6822904

Actually the best is a mix of some ginger ale and a spoon full of angostura bitters. That helps to cure some mighty fucked up hangovers.

>> No.6822905

Root beer
Lime Jaritos
Whisky highball

>> No.6822975

Simple domestic pale lager.

>> No.6822988

Hot chocolate with those fake "marshmellows"
Squirt in a glass bottle
Shirley Temple

>> No.6823001

cool coca cola with a lemon squeezed in
an espresso poured into hot chocolate(i know it has a name but i dont know what)
maghrebi mint tea

>> No.6823011

big mug of coffee with cream and sugar

hefeweizen beer

>> No.6823014

Whole milk

Wheat beer of any kind - American, Belgian, or German

Pilsner beer


Macha Tea

Sweetened black tea

>> No.6823019
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Beer. Specifically from The Brewery in Fredericksburg, TX.

>> No.6823027
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Young's Double Chocolate Stout.

>> No.6823056

Strong black tea with one lump of sugar and lots of milk. And a biscuit to dip.

Gin & Tonic with a squeeze of lime also gives me the warm fuzzies.

>> No.6823065

Sam Smith's chocolate stout is my favorite chocolate stout. How does Young's compare?

>> No.6823075

Either a glass (sometimes a bottle) of red wine, or if I'm feeling like a 13 year old girl and I have all the ingredients on-hand, a long island iced tea or 3.

>> No.6823079
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I've had both and Young's definitely has more chocolate flavor

>> No.6823113

I agree that there is something very comforting about wheat beer. It's like liquid bread in the best way imaginable, feels like you're actually drinking food.

>> No.6823117

That's a lot of words to describe a couple 40's

>> No.6823119
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Yeah it's pretty much my favorite beer to drink, I've had so many beers over time that I'm done explo0ring all the time. I just reach for a wheat beer of some kind 19/20 times I buy beer.

>> No.6823134
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There is no need to be upset

>> No.6823136

Fat ass in a glass:
One part Allen's Coffee Flavored Brandy
One part milk

>> No.6823140
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A tumbler of Old Grand Dad 100 with a few ice cubes and maybe a mint garnish. It relaxes me after a busy day.

>> No.6823161

My brother! I used to drink OGDBiB neat but I've taken to adding ice once in a while. It can definitely take it and it's a nice, calming experience.

>> No.6823176

OGD is fine neat, but the ice really mellows it out, brings out a lot of vanilla.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Old Grand Dad is probably the best bottle of whiskey you can get for $20, it beats the shit out of a lot of more expensive stuff.

>> No.6823234
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I like all kinds of drinks but aged dark rum is the friendliest and most comforting spirit I know. It's full, but it has a gentle roundness to it that whiskey often lacks.

>> No.6823291

Taro milk tea, with large tapioca.

Cookies and cream with a side of diabeetus and preservative-laden carb, mm-mm-good.

>> No.6823293

Black rum.

>> No.6823317

Which ones?

>> No.6823423

Sierra Nevada Pale Ale or Torpedo. They are like the beer psychological equivalent of a "blankey."

>> No.6823433

r u an ork?

>> No.6823437

Whole milk. Down a fourth of a gallon occasionally.
Alternatively Imperial stouts. Really good stuff.

>> No.6823474

Orange juice

Used to drink so much of it when i was younger

>> No.6823478

I'm poor, so Morgan Black or Kraken when I can afford it.

>> No.6823482

Birthday milk. its strawberry milk with sprinkles.

>> No.6823488

that's autistic

>> No.6823489

Old Crow fggt

>> No.6823495

sounds like you need a birthday milk

>> No.6823496

Drano. Only works once though.

>> No.6823502
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OGD 100 proof is good sipping whiskey. I don't do whiskey neat because I can't stand drinking anything that isn't cold that isn't coffee or tea. I respect y'all for drinking it neat, though.

Old Overholt is a decent rye as well.

For a while I used to make a 'mixed drink' that was:

>3 parts OGD
>1 part Old Overholt
>1 part water and ice (roughly a squirt from the tap and two-three cubes of ice)

Fucking delicious whiskey.

Old Crow is barely tolerable. Old Crow Reserve is alright, though, but I can never find it.

>> No.6823503

>birthday milk
this sounds like some sort of roundabout euphemism for placenta

but strawberry milk with sprinkles sounds kinda delicious, in a "if i had this as a kid i'd be all over it" nostalgic kind of way.

>> No.6823507

I agree with the knob creek. Good and numbing

>> No.6823510

As another anon already replied, and I will back it up, Young's is more chocolatey.

I don't mean to bring down Sam Smith's in general. They make my favorite oatmeal stout.

>> No.6823515

A, "comfort drink" implies something specific to where you grew up, takes you back to that time/place, and most importantly, is actually good.

I personally don't have any drinks that fit that criteria.

>chocolate milk
>sun tea
>thai iced tea
maybe, but nope
>cricket cola
>carrot juice
>gin gibsons
>bottom shelf vodka
I drink it every day, so I can't really judge, but, nope.

>> No.6823520

-whole milk


-bourbon and orange juice

>> No.6823526
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That's an awful list of ingredients for a drink.

How would you drink that?

>> No.6823536


Extraneous things that might be included in /ck/ images ranking list:



Kitchen knives that aren't being used to eat with the meal shown










Random guns for absolutely no reason.

>> No.6823537
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yea my mom made me birthday milk when I was a kid and it was my birthday, she usually didn't let me drink flavored milk. especially flavored milk with sprinkles lol

>> No.6823540

Blue Cream Soda takes me back to a simpler time...

>> No.6823546

V8 (reminds me of when I was a kid)

Green tea almond milk lattes (I know, it's faggy, but I'm allergic to dairy)

Bushmills, neat (that's for situations that require dire need of comfort)

>> No.6823577
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That's because of the Entente Cordiale between /k/ and /ck/ resulting in /c/k//

>> No.6823589



>> No.6823594

The best hangover/general thirst killers are Vytautas and Borjomi

Comforting alcoholic beverage might be a BrewDog Punk IPA or a Bryuvers, Brothers Strawberry Pear Cider is bredi gud, too

In terms of soft/sweet drinks it has to be either Dandelion & Burdock or Irn Bru

>> No.6823605

cup of black coffee

i can be on the verge of tears and hot coffee will give me some amount of comfort

>> No.6823610
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This, Kraken neat, or a good chocolate malt.

>> No.6823613

Drive through daiquiris

>what color do you want?
>Easter pink with banana

Tastes like pink starburst

>> No.6823651 [DELETED] 
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Drive through bourbon

>not a cuck, so don't have to go through a drive-thru
>just pull large bottle of whiskey out of the back
>drink as much whiskey as you want
>$20 for a handle of 90 proof bourbon
>enough to get drunk on, stay drunk on and go to sleep drunk on for at least two days

>anon suggests drive-thru daiquiris



>> No.6823668

You can milk me babby.

>> No.6823675
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Venti iced caramel machiatto with soy
.... forgive me for I have sinned

>> No.6823677



I hope you like growing tits, you fucking hippy.

>> No.6823693

i dont get why people just can't accept red cap milk

>> No.6823707

port, liqueurs, white russian, oolong tea and condensed milk iced coffee.

>> No.6823763

Half coffee/half hot chocolate from 7-11.

>Taro milk tea, with large tapioca

Also this.

>> No.6823773

I love getting a cup of coffee before its even done perking.
Theres just something about a fresh cup thats just been brewed seconds before. Before its even sat there for a minute.
It may just be in my head, but it tastes so much better.

>> No.6823791

gin and tonic

>> No.6823828

hot milo with baileys

>> No.6823936

You people should be upset you fuckin morons!
You're as stupid as hillary clinton supporters. If I was that stupid I'd sure as fucking might be upset but then I'd be stupid so wouldn't know to be upset.

>> No.6823938

I love a large caramel mocha or some piping hot green tea.
They both calm me down and comfort me.

>> No.6823953

I like a shot of good bourbon in some piping hot green tea.
A couple of those are great for dealing with airlines in the early mornings.

>> No.6823985

My nigga

>> No.6823987

Some quality cream soda.

>> No.6823995

Jack and Coke in a styrofoam gas station cup. Bad, I know, but it takes me back to the good days.

>> No.6823999
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Depends on various factors.

>hot weather
Pina Colada or Pineapple juice

>cold weather
Hot Chocolate (preferably pic related) with brandy

>during a hot greasy/salty/spicy meal
Dr Pepper

>after something especially stressful
Hot mug of tea (Yorkshire Tea, milk + 2 sugars)

>> No.6824001
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>> No.6824009

Ha. I remember reading a reporter asked Billy Carter how having a president for a brother changed his life. He said "well, I mostly drink my bourbon out of a paper cup now".

>> No.6824027

If alcohol related, spring and summer, High grav. beer or gin Gordon's or Gilbey's) and club soda with lemon. Fall and winter, Bourbon (Evan Williams Black or Henry McKinna) and diet Coke or RC. Non Alcohol, large mug strong hot tea with milk and a little sugar.

>> No.6824053


No, I just drink enough to the point that I feel comfortable, normally after a couple of bottles of cheap wine.

>> No.6824108
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football special

>> No.6824348

Stewart's Oranges & Cream is a favorite from my younger years

Coke is my go to for caffeine which is quite comforting

also recently I've been loving the Apple Pie juice from Old Orchard, it's pretty fucking amazing and I'm gonna stock up on it

>> No.6824417

does it actually taste like apple pie?

>> No.6824424

German wheat beers

I like IPAs at parties, and stouts when i feel like catching a buzz while taking tiny sips of something.

>> No.6824492

If apple pie were a bit less sweet and a liquid yeah. Distinct cooked apple taste with a hint of vanilla and cinnamon aftertaste. It's pretty nice

>> No.6824616

As a female I enjoy these tits :D I also get the worst smelling gas ever if I have dairy milk...

>> No.6824640
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>> No.6825351

black coffee, abuelita's hot chocolate or cranberry juice

>> No.6825385

Rum and ginger beer, for those dark and stormy times.

>> No.6825392

No fucking way. I lived in Hong Kong for a few years and that shit was weirdly good. I actually can't believe someone else has heard of this.

>> No.6825396

Cheap beer

>> No.6825404

Bourbon or Rye on the rocks with a splash.

>> No.6825539

what is it, lads? some sort of iced tea?

>> No.6825542

Sweetened iced tea. I fucking love it. Calms me down even.

>> No.6825606

A 24oz budweiser or canadian club rocks is my go to comfort drink. I usually drink nicer stuff but those two always do the job. CC was the first whiskey I ever tasted.

>> No.6825614

Bought CC on a whim as a eurofag not expecting much but it was actually very decent. Not special or something, but I can see how it's your go to. Very solid, stable, smooth.

>> No.6825626

Sierra Nevada torpedo and lagunitas maximus are my two go to beers, I can't decide which brewery I like more

>> No.6825634

Suck a fucking dick

>> No.6826425

Coffee is shit.

>> No.6826462

Old Rasputin or a good IPA

>> No.6826494

It's some sort of Chinese herbal tea. The closest Western equivalent I can think of is non-alcoholic Jagermeister. Imagine some bitter concoction that your local druid or apothecary brewed using local herbs and grasses. It has that bitter yet refreshing taste that some European cultures enjoy. I've tried the real deal before at a traditional Chinese medicine shop and it's bitter as fuck, but after you finish it it's strangely refreshing. The canned version is packed full of sugar so it's not as bitter but still refreshing.

>> No.6826528 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6826560

Sounds really nice except for the sugar. I also like Jagermeister, except for the sugar.

>> No.6826561

Rooibos and builder's tea

I basically get everything right

>> No.6826569


>> No.6826580

Good old fashioned half and half.

Nothing beats half and half made with fresh lemonade. Just acidic enough to barely burn your mouth if you drink too much.

>> No.6826583

A nice pinot noir and indie pale ale from Nantucket brewery. I like variety

>> No.6826848

chocolate milk if sad
ginger ale if sick
root beer float if nostalgic and its summer

>> No.6826859

It's not alcoholic but I will melt milk choc in milk over the hob to make a hot chocolate
Only very occasionally

>> No.6826895

>ginger ale if sick
>root beer float if nostalgic and its summer
That reminds me of growing up If puking, stomach ache, diarrhea, Mom gave me ginger ale. When feeling better, I got cola with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Also, If you had a sore throat or bad cough, you got honey mixed with dry powdered ginger, lemon juice, and a big spoon of my Dad's bourbon.