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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 208 KB, 750x1334, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6822399 No.6822399 [Reply] [Original]

Rate my dinner /ck/, steak, mashed potatoes, and feta cheese.

>> No.6822401

Looks like something you'd get in prison.

>> No.6822403

What's the point in eating cheese with a fatty steak?

>> No.6822422


>> No.6822538

Inmates should be so lucky.

>> No.6822583


>> No.6822638

I wish they served this in prison

>> No.6822642

r u amerika fuk? ye thats rite u amerika fuk get SHIT fode in prsinoe lol.

>> No.6822676

The food, the plate and the cutlery all look like you got them at the dollar store. And you probably stole that water, you little fuccboi degenerate

>> No.6822683

Try replacing the feta with a blue and topping your steak with it.

>> No.6822701
File: 253 KB, 1063x598, buy one get one free steak night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon im having steak tonight too. one of my customers left it for me in the fridge said it was buy one get one free. i think its a new york strip.

anyway i wish i had cheese, just a pepper and tomatoes and a cold beer.

'tis life living in a cabin below poverty level.

>> No.6822746 [DELETED] 


>> No.6822749

What the fuck are you even saying?

>> No.6822760

Learn English before you post.

>> No.6823005
File: 32 KB, 339x358, 1439658366221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6823030

a) if you got beer you aint that poor
b)atleast fry the veggies in the meat juices instead of eating them cold
c)eat from the pan
d)more heat, less time

>> No.6823035

Forget grill marks, this has nothing. It looks like it was boiled. Did you boil it OP?

>> No.6823038
File: 2.98 MB, 500x500, 1439461475405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That steak looks like shit

>> No.6823095

isn't that the chick that /g/ thinks is the reason they can't get a highly paid job designing video games?

I'd hit it

>> No.6823125
File: 23 KB, 251x230, 1268871950657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW!! she's super CUTE!! sauce?????

>> No.6823145

i didnt eat it all, i put the other half in a ziplock baggie and its in the cooler

as a side note, im watching youtube vids of songs i listened to during highschool right now.

def leppard and taylor swift. shold i even?

>> No.6823182

The fuck? Is she eating staples? Thats a horrible way to eat anything.

>> No.6823261
File: 101 KB, 500x366, sleepyfrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>50% well done, 50% medium steak
>whole fucking red pepper

this is pleb level shit. I know you said you are poor, whatever. How is throwing away your cutlery and plate every time you eat economical? When did slicing a pepper up before eating it cost money?

>mfw i ever find myself in your situation

>> No.6823266

Well... at least you got some kind of crust on it, I guess.

>> No.6824221

>no ketchup
Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.6824289

Never stick your dick in crazy, anon, and she's as crazy as it gets.

>> No.6825850
File: 103 KB, 480x640, Salmon_Noodle_Soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is my dinner tonight. I love egg noodles. And instead of chicken, I use salmon. Salmon Noodle SOup :)

>> No.6826199

thats a terrible knife

>> No.6826210

if you had to throw it at a ninja, could you incapacitate her?

>> No.6826288

Damn that looks good