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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6817319 No.6817319 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.6817321

Not really sure what I'm supposed to say here. Ok? Awesome, another limited edition fast food menu?

How you people manage to spend this much time thinking about junk food is beyond me.

>> No.6817322

dumb shit

>> No.6817324


>> No.6817326

>thinking about junk food
Why are you here?

>> No.6817331

That'll happen the day I grow wings and fly underwater.

>> No.6817349

>laggy ass website

>> No.6817350


>> No.6817352


Whopper is shit and Big Mac is shit.

Now if it was their Angus Beef Burger mashups, I'd be all over that like /pol/ is on Jews.

>> No.6817370

Fucking stupid to sell it only in a shithole like atlanta

>> No.6817420

I don't get it. Are they really going to build a restaurant and sell the burger for one day? What a fucking waste of money.

>> No.6817438

The burger is also free. It's a peace day promo. It's a novel idea that would draw attention to the day. This isn't to merge companies or turn profit you mongoloid.

>> No.6817447

>peace day
Choose one

>> No.6817453

>This isn't to merge companies or turn profit you mongoloid.
I understand that you shit-for-brains, but a fucking McDonald's/Burger King collab isn't going to do a goddamn thing for peace. It's a stupid marketing ploy to cater to high-minded slacktivists who think getting a sandwich is making some kind of statement.

>> No.6817455

Frankly all the whopper has to add is extra lettuce, onions, and that stupid sauce and then it's the same.

>> No.6817459


Welcome to America.

>> No.6817463

A poorly veiled marketing scheme to make a bunch of money.

>> No.6817467

Terrible website, inane attempt to market fast food by means of another dumb look-how-social-justice-we-are disingenuous campaign. I'll continue to not be buying this food as I have been for years.

>> No.6817470
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>> No.6817492

Bond villain detected.

>> No.6817494


>> No.6817510

If they really cared, they'd save the money from setting up the building, staff, and product, and donate it to relevant organizations instead. Then they could simply expand the peace day market through they're advertising channels, set up a 1-day promo for all locations (something like x% of profit this day will get donated to ____, or something). The word about peace day would get out, and people would be able to contribute to that cause through consumerism.

But no, this is just a ploy to get people to like McD's and BK more. They may be getting the word out, but they aren't providing people with any way to contribute to or assist the cause. The real purpose is to humanize these massive corporations, so that people will be less likely to demonize them on other things (wage, for one).

>> No.6817511

get off my front page you rancid swine

>> No.6817533

This is because two massive corporations that make a combined $17B gross income (revenue - expenses) doesn't want to spend money for more than one location. Y'know, greed > social/political statements.

But sadly it will work for them. Thus is the age we live in.

>> No.6817549

I see this more as bk trying to get mcdonald's to bend over and take it. With mcdonald's in the news a lot lately about their poor sales numbers, bk is just trying to take advantage of it. Bk is trying to brand itself as the modern sjw business. They propose this idea to mcdonald's publicly with this hipster website and mcd's pretty much has to comply or they'll receive a ton of backlash and get portrayed as an "out of touch" company. Even if mcdonald's complies it was still bk's proposition/idea.
Charity was not the core focus when creating this campaign, it's a part of a coup to take the current "king of burgers", bend them over, and fuck them in the ass.

>> No.6817563
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>> No.6817585

I was just about to post this.

I hate how what they say makes sense ("...do something bigger to make a difference", 'don't equate our business rivalry to real war') but the public opinion of largely WOW MCD'S IS A CUNT WHY WOULDN'T THEY DO THIS?

Hey, people, this whole idea equates to nothing for the cause. Maybe with that stupid idea shot down, the fast food giant can come up with something better?

And I mean McD's, because BK doesn't have nearly the funds they do. BK is an Ant compared to McD.

>> No.6817590
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I like mcdonald's response, but all the fucking morons on the internet are too retarded to see the obvious marketing ploy by Bk.

>> No.6817608
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>> No.6817611
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>Mc fucking Donald's passes a chance to get free advertisement and marketing dollars in favor of actually supporting something
>retarded 300+ pound faggots are dissapointed

>> No.6817614

holy shit the SJW's are coming out the woodwork

>> No.6817635

Actually, you know what I'd like to see? I'd love to see McD just go on their own and do:
>something like x% of profit this day will get donated to ____, or something
without BK entirely. Just be like 'Nah, we don't need you, this is our cause now'. I'd love to see BK BTFO over this.

>> No.6817641

I applaud McD for standing against bullshit marketing ploys, but I'm sad that people that are intelligent enough to understand what they're doing aren't typically the kind of people that eat at McD.

>> No.6817650

Maybe this is what BK wants. Now that McD's is suffering financially, they hatch a plan to cut into McD's profits even more, to kick them while they're down. Either they have to give away free burgers, or lose some profit % wise. Could be a brilliant strategy on BK's part. but what do I know, I smoked weed too much back in the day and now im just paranoid all the time

>> No.6817651

I agree, the Ronald McDonald house and their other charity projects are far larger than this bs marketing scheme anyways

>> No.6817660

>yfw all the disappointed responses come from Georgians who just wanted a chance to stand in line for a free burger.

>> No.6817670


>> No.6817671
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well said sir

>> No.6817673

The Whopper is easily the best burger of the top 3. Its not great but given the choice I'd choose the whopper every time

>> No.6817676

So was this McWhopper thing even supposed to actually do anything for Peace Day besides bullshit "awareness?"

>> No.6817681

I highly doubt this is an actual proposal, if you ask me McDonalds are already in on it.

>> No.6817683

Yeah, they planned to put heroine in every single ounce of meat in the store.

>> No.6817685

>kony 2012
>mcwhopper 2015

>> No.6817686

>not simulating an actual warzone ceasefire and having militants gun down everyone there and steal all the food

>> No.6817690

>one of those cancerous slow loading one-page foreverscrolling websites

>> No.6817703

>I walked into McWhoppers
>to get a coke and fries
>That's when ISIS
>caught me by surprise
>People ran and screamed
>they headed for the door
>That's when ISIS
>landed four more
>The clown and the king
>took a look at all the dead
>That's when ISIS
>shot them in the head
>So the next time I'm hungry
>I'll skip both of these
>Instead of McWhoppers
>I'll go to Wendy's

>> No.6817705

love me

>> No.6817725

Their food is awful. Go with Carl's Jr.

>> No.6817745

Nope, just white trash fatties.

>> No.6817754

It didn't rhyme

>> No.6817766

So they're replacing the shitty patty on the bottom of the one burger with an equally shitty patty from another company?

Cool? I guess?

>> No.6817784

>stupid sauce
you mean mayo and ketchup?

>> No.6817794

I'm sick of fast food threads. Please stop.

>> No.6817834

Good on Burger King. Normalfags are just stupid enough to equate McDonald's refusal to be fucked as some kind of hate for peace.

>> No.6817842




>> No.6817854

It must be hard for you to live life where you're unable to ignore the things you don't like.
I feel sorry for you, there's no cure for autism.

>> No.6817866

Fat tubs of shit in Atlanta don't need this burger. It might be the straw that gives the camel a hearts attack.

>> No.6817878

>We're at war!!
>wtf man calm down we make burgers.

>> No.6817904

That wasn't even a halfway decent attempt at trolling

>> No.6817905

Sandwich looks gross tbh

>> No.6817933


this will not end peacefully

>> No.6817971

>one location
>opposite side of the continent and filled with thugs and lowlifes

>> No.6817982

i literally just craved a whopper and am now eating one. your fault

>> No.6818013
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Now that's the truth with sone cheese on it nigga

>> No.6818055

at a glace it looks like some more sjw bullshit being crammed down my throat

>> No.6818087

You forgot the club, man! That stale peice of bread in the middle that does absolutely nothing for the sandwich whatsoever.
I've never seen anyone order a Big Mac ever, except for the one time I felt like trying one. It's just a mcdouble with gross sauce and extra bread.

>> No.6818170

Well lets all just be honest here, we know the real reason McDonald's passed on the offer is because the Big Mac is inferior to the Whopper and they know this. When combining the two, it'll be obvious which is better and McDonald's doesn't want that. Which is not to say the Whopper is the best or anything, it's just better comparatively.

>> No.6818188
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And that right there is the genius of BK's plan. McDonalds can turn them down in favor of """"actually making a difference"""" or maybe even donating money, and still look like the bad guys.

It's probably one of the reasons. Hell, even in the Promo, The Big Mac looks worse. Smaller.
Other reason is that they obviously don't want their brand to be shown with anything else, as their brand is a long stronger, more recognizable, and cleaner-looking than BK's.
Plus they have it copyrighted too hard. Look at BK's proposal again. Not a single McDonalad's logo. They'd get sued.