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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6816333 No.6816333 [Reply] [Original]

What do you feed your kids /ck/?

>> No.6816349
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>> No.6816355
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Get the fuck out of here, you disgusting non-virgin.

>> No.6816363

Isn't this an 18+ image forum? I'm sure 95% of the posters here aren't virgins.

>> No.6816366

Non-GMOs, raw organic vegan, gluten free diet

>> No.6816371

maybe he adopted him from the kmart parking lot

>> No.6816374
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> food

>> No.6816378
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>I'm sure 95% of the posters here aren't virgins.

>> No.6816388
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>I'm sure 95% of the posters here aren't virgins.

>> No.6816392
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well that depends on how you define "virgin"

>> No.6816395

There's only one definition of the word Virgin.

>> No.6816397

fuck off with your ageism.

>> No.6816413

which is penis in vagina? or penis cumming in a girl? I had my dick in her vag, ass as well but didnt cum. had dick in her mouth and came but she pulled away and it hit her cheek.

I dont count those as wins, so I'm still trying.
>i should just get a hooker and stop wasting money on dates that end with the girls friendzoning me

>> No.6816421

It means "no sex"
Sex is penis in vagina
Therefore, penis in vagina=not a virgin.
Fellatio is not penis in vagina, therefore not sex.
Vagina rubbing is not penis in vagina, so it is not sex
penis grinding is not penis in vagina so it is not sex.
Penis in butt is not penis in vagina so it is not sex.

>> No.6816429

>Penis in butt is not sex.
..so that 12 year old on Xbox live didn't have sex with my mom after all?

>> No.6816438

no anon, they were just playing bullrider, and she was trying to buck him off

>> No.6816444

so, because it put it in her pinkhole i am no longer virgin? but i didnt even cum in her.

im still gonna go after it like im a virgin. keep me motivated so i don't go full neckbeard.

>> No.6816458

Yes, that is correct.

>> No.6816730

i feed this..

>> No.6816782
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Do you not realize where you are?

>> No.6817056
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So all gay men are virgins?

>> No.6817259
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my 14 month old eats like shit

he used to eat anything (even fish and veggies) the dad is only home two days a week and always brings him candy and junk. now he's addicted to sweets and grilled cheese and tendies

>> No.6817263

Plan B

>> No.6817264

> 18+
> 95% aren't virgins

you should spend a day on /adv/

>> No.6817742

unless their hymen is torn already

>> No.6818185

lol, this thread

>> No.6818201

I don't have kids. Don't plan on it, but if I do have them, they're eating whatever I'm eating. My parents did that and it kept me from becoming an annoying picky eater.

>> No.6818448
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i feed my 15m/o daughter dried mango slices, beans, PB+H sandwiches, potato, rice cakes, deli meat, pears, tomatoes and not much else (off the top of my head). when i'm lazy, i toss her a rice cake or stick a bottle in her mouth

damn… my baby was drinking cow's milk almost exclusively until a month or so ago. can't imagine fried foods at so young an age.

>> No.6818456 [DELETED] 
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i should mention that my wife gives her chocolate and candy when i'm not around, though—damn her chink hide

>> No.6818460

Lol good work there, you retarded heap of trash.

>> No.6818462

Mine eats what we eat, or he has to make his own food. (He's a bitchy little teenager, though, so this is a perfectly fine rule). When he was a little kid, he was never a picky eater, he'd eat pretty much anything. He didn't get picky until he became a teenager, IDK what the FUCK that's about, and it makes me furious.
Anyway, I'm making Thai green curry for dinner tonight, and he's already said he's not going to eat it, even though I know he likes Thai food. I think he's just being an asshole.

>> No.6818463 [DELETED] 


>> No.6818465
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i should mention that my wife feeds her chocolate and sweets when i'm not looking, though—damn her chink hide

>> No.6818470 [DELETED] 

Too late, cuck.

>> No.6818514

>he had kids
>he feel for it

We told you it was a bad idea.

>> No.6818518

Whole grain cereal in morning with fresh fruit on side fresh squeezed orange juice mixed with celery and spinach with other in season fruits. Or eggs with bacon ham Orange juice mix. Or Mexican sweet bread with coffee.

For lunch my daughters will either get a sandwich with garlic roasted chicken thighs lettuce tomato onion and sirrachs mayo with a bag or Doritos and a juice box. Or I make her a salad with chicken and bacon bites. Sometimes leftover pasta or a burrito with tortilla chips and salsa. Or I'll give her money to buy lunch in the school cantina.

When I pick them up I give them a snack a wrap with chips and juice or a veg stirfry with some meat and noodles.

Dinner at 7 when my wife comes home from work honestly depends I have a wide range I myself am Hispanic and skilled with American food and Spanish food I dated and married an American Japanese girl and lived in Japan for 2 years so I got pretty good at Japanese food. Depends what my wife or kids want.

Saturday we go out to eat and Sunday I bake or make ice cream with my daughters and teach them how to cook.

>> No.6818744


>> No.6818961

>Penis in butt is not penis in vagina so it is not sex.
What is it then?

>> No.6819081

In my opinion a woman is no longer a virgin when she loses her hymen and a man is no longer a virgin if his dick gets blood on it.

>> No.6819221

> The dad
> my wife
Wait, then who are you?

>> No.6819246

i like the idea of forbidding all candy.

so when a kids eats an apple slice, they're blown the fuck away from how amazingly sweet and delicious it is.

but enforcing such a rule seems impossible. they'll get candy some school and friends.

the only way to keep candy away is to lock your kids away in a dungeon.

>> No.6819275
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Fruit loops with evap milk for breakfast, bologna with mayo and iceberg on white with store brand cola for lunch, Spagetti O;s or fish sticks and canned corn, with Sunny-d for supper. If restless at bedtime, I find a small glass of any red Kool-aid with a double cap full of liquid Benedryl helps them sleep through the night.

>> No.6819303
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raisins, lara bars, chicken, steak, milk, bacon, meatballs, broccoli, carrot, cauliflower, green beans, tomatoes, bananas, apples, strawberries, yogurt, and eggs. he is three

>> No.6819320

My sons are 1.5, 3.5, and 5.5 yrs old...Breakfast can be anything from fruit smoothies with bagels and cream cheese, or toast and peanut butter or sausage biscuit sandwiches and cut up melon. I will sometimes give them sweets during this meal too, maybe cookies or a slice of cake or pie with ice cream. (That way they have the rest of the day to get that sugar out of their system, plus they think it is awesome!)

Snacks are pretzels, baby carrot sticks, celery sticks with peanut butter, dill pickles, raisins or cheese nips, yogurt with fruit and almonds, they might get chips with dip maybe once month.

Lunch is a cold cut and cheese wrap, maybe some chef boyr d ravioli, a sandwich of some kind, chicken tenders, beef hot dogs or cheese or pepperoni pizza.

Dinner is what the adults eat, spaghetti and salad, tacos, fajitas, steak and green beans, chicken breast on salad, shrimp and asparagus and brown rice, or grilled pork chops with a veggie.

And then we eat out no more than 2xs a month. They mainly drink water, they have outgrown milk, and they might get a soda once or twice a month, usually when eating out because we don't keep it in the house.

They eat pretty well and have fairly broad palettes for their ages.

>> No.6819355


Oh thank God. Normal fucking parents.

Breast feeder here, but I'm not one of those idiots who pumps and dumps if I eat curry.

>> No.6819365

to be honest, I think /ck/ is the least virgin board

>> No.6819377

I have to babysit two screaming 2 year old nephews for 60 mins a day when I pick them up from school until mommy arrives.

They cry everyday and dont want to leave school unless its kicking screaming.

I just bribe them with french fries and they get in line quick. Use my mini-fryer, dump some frozen seasoned fries i got from costco and it's happy days.

It's their treat.

>> No.6819381

>I'm sure 95% of the posters here aren't virgins.
Filthy sex-havers please go

>> No.6819409

be like the swedish and say candy is for saturday only
alternatively, don't forbid it but don't make it a huge naughty treat either, my parents were like this and neither my brother or I were particularly fussed on junk food as children
>mfw my little brother had lamb cutlets for his 10th birthday instead of a cake

>> No.6819436
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literally what are you talking about

i am dad

>> No.6819450

Kid's food of course. Do you feed your cat dog food or your dog cat food? The five year old gets nuggets, ketchup, and kraft dinner for dinner. The ten year old is old enough to get the big kids meal from BK. The 13 year old eats candy, cookies, and cakei since that's what she needs. Breakfast is usually cereal or toast with jelly but on the weekends, it's waffles, french toast, pancakes, crepes, or root beer floats on a hot summer morning. They get pizza, nuggets, fries, and soda for lunch at school. At home, lunch is cookies and milk. You can feed them anything and as long as they eat their vitamins, run around, and brush and floss twice daily they're good to go.

>> No.6819456


fuckin' /ck/ is a 35+ forum n00b

>> No.6819472


It;s Ok, you can be white people now too you know. You're allowed in the club.

>> No.6819499
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>35+ forum n00b
I assume you're referring to I.Q. Sometimes I wonder.

>> No.6819787

Yup living the dream house husband with a pretty wife, 2 daughters 1 step in San Fran. I made it fellas all because I cooked a free meal to my then poor single parent wife.