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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6814352 No.6814352 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, I need your help. I'm a single dad (wife died) with three daughters. Ages are 5,8,16.
My eldest has decided to be vegan. No dairy produce, no honey, obviously no meat.
I love cooking and baking. I get the kids to help out.

Simple question: do you know any good vegan recipes?
Personally I eat a lot of fish, occasionally meat. I make good soup but I really want my eldest daughter to get all the nutrients she needs.

>> No.6814386

>My eldest has decided to be vegan.

ITT: parenting gone wrong

>> No.6814390

>I really want my eldest daughter to get all the nutrients she needs
Tell her to stop being vegan, then.

>> No.6814395

tell her she has to eat meat while she lives in your house
fuck that shit

>> No.6814410

Orrrrr just respect your child and allow a young adult to try making their own decisions about nutrition.

>> No.6814417


But the job of a parent is to steer them away from making bad decisions. If she decides she wants to start smoking meth should we just allow her to make her own decision on that too?

>> No.6814420

Kek, I knew a buddy whose daughter decided to go vegan. She had fucking terrible acne and when the rest of us had chicken burritos she would fill her disgusting gluten-free tortilla with fucking quinoa or some shit.

Tell her unless she has celiac disease that she will eat like a normal person as long as she lives under your roof? Or buy a whole bunch of vegan ready meals and tell her to heat up those. Or get her to make her own food.

OR give her gluten-free stuff for a week then gluten stuff and ask her if she feels any different. If she says no then inform her that gluten-free is for yuppies and retards.

>> No.6814425

>letting someone retarded making their own decisions

Think back to when you were a teenager.

Also, you could meet her halfway and Tell her she can be a vegetarian. That way she can actually get a lot of important nutrients even though she's still missing out on some

>> No.6814429

I'm not even going to entertain the idea that a vegan diet is inherently a bad decision, it's pretty obvious to me that I'm more educated about nutrition than you are. I'm a meat eater myself, but strictly because I lack the willpower/time/dedication to completely cut out animal products, but I do recognize the health benefits.

OP, tell her to do her own research and provide recipes for you two to cook together. Take her shopping with you as well.

>> No.6814433

Setting aside the implication that a vegan diet is a "retarded" idea, teenagers are supposed to make bad decisions, and there's virtually no real risk involved with this one, so let her give it a shot.

>> No.6814434

>I really want my eldest daughter to get all the nutrients she needs

That won't happen on a vegan diet.

She's old enough to make her own mistakes and live with them. Tell her that if she wants vegan food, she can buy it with her own money. Don't make the rest of the house suffer because of her.

>> No.6814439

>that won't happen on a vegan diet

....unless it does. It's entirely possible if you know your shit.

>> No.6814444


There is nothing good about eliminating entire categories of food from your diet. That's just silly. There's no health benefit whatsoever to completely cutting out animal products. That's the whole point here: it's taking a decent idea (reducing consumption of animal products) but running too far with it. Once you apply the label "Vegan" it ceases to be about health and rather is about image.

>> No.6814451

Nice digits, but you're honestly just being pretentious. Stop making sweeping generalizations about people because of their diet.

>> No.6814456

If she insists on having a special diet she, she should cook her own food.

Then again this is a thinly veiled shitpost thread anyways.

>> No.6814464

>knowing your shit

Choose only one.

>> No.6814474


Anyone, teenager or not, isn't going to know their shit unless they do extensive research on it, which is what OP should be encouraging her to do if she's serious about it, which I think is better advice than "NO, YOU DUMB TEENAGER, ME SMART MAN, YOU EAT MEAT!!"

>> No.6814477
File: 185 KB, 1000x750, o2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soups are great. Just whatever sort of veggie soup, with some beans or lentil and some rice.

Pizza is huge, and most kids like topping their own section of a pizza the way they like it. For the vegan daughter, ask if she wants to try a fake vegan cheese (I'd strongly recommend Daiya; if you get another brand, be sure it's really vegan, as many use the dairy protein casein), and/or a fake pepperoni for familiar flavors.

Mexican food is similar, just have a variety of things to put in tacos or in tortilla wraps - including have rice & beans in addition to cheese & meat. (If you're buying canned beans, "vegetarian beans" are specifically labeled as such in the Mexican food aisle).

Middle eastern dishes like taboulli, hummus, and falafel are good. Many Asian dishes are good with tofu. Pasta dishes like veggie lasagna or just a tomato sauce with vegetables can be nice. Pleb-tier bolognese can be made with various "veggie crumbles" meat substitutes that are convincing enough that many kids wouldn't know the difference.

I'd educate yourself on nutritional needs a bit. Most people worry way too much about getting enough protein, when that really tends to take care of itself. All the living stuff we eat has some protein, moreso in seeds/nuts/grains in varying ratios of amino acids, and you'd have to eat an obviously poor diet (e.g. subsist on white rice and celery) to not get enough.

I would be much more concerned with calcium and omega 3 than with protein, and would suggest some vegan-sourced supplements, unless your daughter is stuffing her face with kale and flax seed every day.

>> No.6814490

Tell he if she want's to eat vegan, she has to prepare her own meals. Provide her with a food budget (since I'm assuming she doesn't have the money to buy groceries herself), and if she complains that it's unfair, tell her it's unfair for her to expect her to double the amount of work you have to do to prepare meals.

It'll either show that she's committed and actually puts the work into being vegan, or she'll give up because she expects her fads to be spoon-fed to her.

Disregard all the other idiot posters anon, I got your back.

>> No.6814491


>>stop making sweeping generalisations

That's the point. Cutting out all animal foods is making a sweeping generalization. Veganism is the very definition of making sweeping generalizations about food.

>> No.6814501

Hahaha, what? No it isn't, it's making a conscious decision to alter your diet based on facts.

Let me just save you some time and let you know that there's nothing you're going to say here that I haven't heard before, I'm well aware of the typical reasons people choose to eat meat, and the hangups people have with vegans.

>> No.6814509

this, OP
nothing wrong with empowering your kids, everything wrong with blindly catering to kiddie whims
actual practice separates one from the other

>> No.6814512

She should at least eat non fat yogurt. That has a lot of good protein in it and tastes pretty good, and can be flavored. Try and convince her to eat yogurt at least.

>> No.6814521

>based on facts.

No, it's based on a moral opinion.
The facts are that people ought to be eating less animal products, not zero animal products. That's where the generalization comes in: it's claiming that ALL animal products are bad when that isn't true.

>> No.6814522

Man, where do people get this shit? There are countless sources of plant proteins, literally no reason she should be eating yogurt.

>> No.6814531

plants may have protein, but it is poorly absorbed.

>> No.6814534

how much protein should she need?
I doubt she's trying to become /fit/ goddess

>> No.6814539

>let you know that there's nothing you're going to say here that I haven't heard before

Speaking of generalizations....

>> No.6814540

Which is why a plant based diet is centered around forming complete proteins through food combinations, this is like nutrition 101 shit

>> No.6814545

This is another point, Americans have a huge hangup with protein, but you really don't need nearly as much as most people think, especially if you're living a sedentary lifestyle like most people are.

>> No.6814563

Do you cook many Indian and Chinese meals?

There are lots of dishes from those cuisines that just involve vegetables or tofu, sauces and spices, and the banquet / sharing style serving means you can cook non vegan dishes too for the rest of you.

>> No.6814580

You just need to expand your vegetable and legume repertoire.
Vegetable Casseroles
Bean soup
Bean casseroles
Vegetable Lasagna made with tofu ricotta instead of regular
things like that.....

>> No.6814652


I suppose we'll just have to get used to your obsession with us.

>> No.6814657

I'm American, just self aware.

>> No.6814659


Nobody likes tofu. Not even people who claim to like it.

>> No.6814667

Sure you are.

>> No.6814668

I like tofu ;_;

>> No.6814669
File: 18 KB, 500x471, swolltime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro, really?
Do you even swoll?

>> No.6814672

There is literally nothing about gluten in the original post, or any of the posts before yours, you smug faggot

>> No.6814674

you don't count, subhuman.

I've even tried liking tofu, but trying to get a decent recipe out of a vegan/veggie is impossible. They all make bullshit claims about taste and how its just like fish, but its not, not at all. Vegan/veggie cooking is just blatantly inferior outside of asia. I can eat vegetarian in India, Korea, and Japan just fine, but here in the US and in Europe it never tastes good.

>> No.6814677

Yeah, /I/ do, but most people don't.

>> No.6814686

Is it a meme to honestly think vegan diets aren't healthy, or what? I strongly suggest anyone who thinks you need animal products to be healthy to look at the work of Dr. Fuhrman. The man literally cures cancer and diabetes by following a hardcore vegan diet. I'd rather kill myself than eat like that, and I imagine most people would, but you're running on some really outdated nutrition studies if you genuinely think meat/dairy is necessary. In fact, I'd go as far as to say animal products are often the opposite of healthy, especially in the quantities Americans eat them.

The real issue /ck/ has with vegans is that they are annoying as fuck 99% of the time. I'm not going to argue with that, and the majority of the time people try to become vegan as a fad and don't actually stick with it, but it's not BAD for you (physically, mentally it is kek) if you know your shit.

>> No.6814688

Most of the big meat eaters I know are lifters, or they live in an area of the US where the meat is raised and its unnaturally cheap. In parts of the midwest you can get top notch pork for cheaper than fresh fruit. Now that I live in CA the pork is worse, and more expensive, but most produce is cheaper, and the fruit is much better. Veggies are on par but more expensive. From an eating standpoint its a trade off.

>> No.6814691


fuck you troll
Dr. Fuhrman is a snake oil salesman who is currently the subject of numerous lawsuits.

>> No.6814692

>but I really want my eldest daughter to get all the nutrients she needs.
you do know she's going to have to take alot of supplements then? Every vegan does, watch any video were people show what they eat in a day, also good luck with that new food budget

>> No.6814696

I don't care about the man himself, I'm more interested in the studies he cites. If you look at RECENT studies from the last century, you'll find that a lot of popular nutritional information is actually wrong and based on outdated shit.

>> No.6814705

Long time vegan here

Please don't come to this place for advice about veganism, most people here are huge trolls about that matter and don't understand what veganism is about at all.

If your daughter is vegan for ethical reasons there won't be much problem about her getting her nutrients right and won't be expensive. Grains such as rice, pasta, couscous, etc combined with legumes will be the main source of carbs and protein, if she likes all kinds of veggies (I know vegans who absolutelt hate most vegetables) the rest should be easy. Also watch out for B12 vitamin, she won't need any aditional pills as many people would say, nuts and things like spirulina should do the job.

Check vegan blogs and websites for more info and above all else be respectful and help her with her decission about her lifestyle. Hope I helped you with this!

>> No.6814707

Most Americans eat meat at least twice a day.

>> No.6814715

that statement applies to damn near all "knowledge". Its constantly being updated as we learn more, the assumption that science is fixed is stupid, we don't know what we don't know.

>there is a pharm company in canada that claimed they cured cancer
>it went into testing in the US and was proven to be largely false, it didn't do nearly as much as their 'studies" claimed.
>the canadians claim the US botched the test because we couldn't patent it and therefor don't care about saving lives
>the canadians never put the drug into production despite having donations left and right
>they found out the US was right, but didn't want to give back the donations

Don't trust everything you read online. If money is involved people will be unscrupulous.

>> No.6814718

do vegans still hate us vegetarians? :(

>> No.6814721

I like tofu, and I'm an omnivore. Come at me, bro.

>> No.6814723

At least.
Ever hear of the Atkins diet? People are actually losing weight eating nothing but meat. My super fatty aunt gave up bread for 2 years and lost 45lbs all while sitting on her fat ass pretending to raise kids.

>> No.6814730

Most people worry way too much about getting enough protein, when that really tends to take care of itself. All the living stuff we eat has some protein, moreso in seeds/nuts/grains in varying ratios of amino acids, and you'd have to eat an obviously poor diet (e.g. subsist on white rice and celery) to not get enough.

like we are not having huge health problems because people having a poor diet

>> No.6814735

How do you prepare it?

>> No.6814736

Tell her she's going to a foster home unless she shuts the fuck up and eats what you give her.

>> No.6814746

Yeah, I don't get why people straight lie about it. Tofu doesn't taste of anything apart from a barely there sort of dried bean flavour, and that "soaks up flavours" thing is bullshit. That said it's a good substance for spreading out strong flavours that would be too much on their own, and it's nice in clear broths.

I like to cut one inch blocks, dust with heavily salted flour and fry each side, top with minced chilli, ginger and garlic, then pour a little smoking hot oil over to sizzle the topping a bit.

>> No.6814754

Nah, you're just like our children who are doing well at school but could do better. Dairy cows and chickens have a reeeally hard time at the industrial farms. I was also a vegetarian for a long period of time and for me and most other vegans I know the transition from vegetarian to vegan wasn't that hard, even for those who loved cheese like hell.

>> No.6814756

So sorry to hear about your wife, what happened to her?

>> No.6814785

Even though you're just trolling, a week is too short of a time period if you wanted to do a full digestive flush. 6 weeks would be a superior standard of testing.
It really is a corner cutting way to force yourself to eat healthier by the way. Probably your friend's daughter was suffering from a deficiency of zinc and manganese, which is a common problem for females and is usually aided little by diet. Supplementary vitamins are necessary instead.

The protein thing is a meme started by food corporations. Vitamin B12 will be the biggest issue. Of course there are some complex macromolecules in meat that vegans and vegetarians end up lacking, but conversely, you can end up with some weird bacteria and shit caused by too much meat fermenting in the digestive tracks.
Meat is profitable, though, so people will just follow the memes and buy into feeling superior to vegetarians and vegans for "knowing" their diet is better.

Beans, lentils, curries, grains, rice, and pasta for cooked meals. Try to look into Indian and some Asian cuisine which has a lot of vegetarian recipes due to Buddhism and modify as necessary. Ghee (clarified butter) can be substituted with oil.
For direct recommendations, try a seared tofu bahn mi, vegan cauliflower enchiladas, vegan noodle salads, and thai yellow curry (just don't use fish sauce).
Though a conversation you may wish to have with her should include that though she may be protesting, in her way, against factory farming, a lot of vegan/vegetarian staples come from inhumane treatment of fellow men. Rice farming is one of the most grueling professions. The tofu industry is another offender as well.

>> No.6814830

You sound like ignorant idiots. As if I can hold her head back and make her eat what I decide. I'm pissed off about it and told her she has to go to the doctor for a blood analysis and other tests like vitamins etc. I was furious. I've clearly made my opinion known to her, without shouting or ultimatums.

I was just asking for vegan recipes. I made a spicy bean and tomato stew earlier. With roasted pine nuts. But I can't make that every day. It was tasty.

>> No.6814848

Why would you be furious about it, you'll just make her double down.

>> No.6814855


it isn't a meme, there is nutrients that vegans are deficient from in meat products.

OP, there is no way of getting all the nutrition she will need from a vegan diet, you will have to implement supplements that are missing.

As for recipes, look at indian and asian foods, a lot of it can be vegan easily, you will be using spices a hell of a lot more though so get good with them. Here are some key ingredients to play with for meals and desserts.

nut butters and nut milk
silken tofu and smoked tofu
roasted squashes and vegetables
beans, lentils, chickpeas
couscous, rice, bulgar wheat, quinoa
hummus, guacamole, salsa
puff pastry sheets
most breads
NOT vegan cheese

>> No.6814903

I'd like to reiterate the point many have made on here about protein. You really don't need to worry about it. Protein is just the last thing left to market after sugar and fat has been irredeemably demonized. That's why they sell protein bars that are only slightly better than candy bars. Protein is the nutrient selling food atm. Helps that it's perceived as expensive so that the profit margins are higher. In reality if you're getting your daily calories in even a relatively poor diet you're getting enough protein. Even a french fries based diet will give you enough.

The nutrients to look out for are iron, calcium and B12. Eating your veggies is probably more important for vegans than omnis. I've heard cooking in CI skillet increases the iron content of food. Might want to check into that. B12 will need to be supplemented. No way around it.

As for recipes pasta with lentils is a good and easy daily banker with familiar flavors so you won't feel like you're changing your lifestyle too much. Indian food, especially potato recipes. I'd advise having Indian food with lightly fired bread rather than rice or naan, again with the view of not changing your eating habits too much. Chickpea flour omelettes. Stale bread based soups.

Stay away from imitation meats and the like. Might seem like the easier choice but it gets old very soon and I feel you don't get the benefits of a vegan diet if you just rely on faux-meats. You might not agree with her or like her choice but since she's going down the path anyway might as well get all that you can from it. In the long run even if being vegan is only a phase for her she'll hopefully think about nutrition in her adult life and be better for it.

>> No.6814922

>wants to change her diet in a extreme way
>wants you to be responsible for all the changes in it
OP there's being a good parent and then there's being a catering service.

>> No.6814927

The good news, OP, is that this is a teen girl phase and she'll lapse in under a year, longest.

Also, google.

>> No.6814964

And you know this, because ...?

>> No.6815043

That's not true. The only vitamin you could be talking about is B12, which is produced by bacteria, which is found in almost every vegan alternative product.

>> No.6815053


Tell her firmer.

If you're really going to give in, get some Quorn or something, I hear that stuff is pretty good.

>eating a french fry diet will get you enough protein

Why are you so determined to intentionally spread disinformation? Do you hate everyone?


>> No.6815075


>> No.6815175

It's awesome that despite your disagreements you are able to support her in her choice. please ignore the jerks on here putting down vegans. a huge amount of evidence and studies back the vegan life! For a quick intro to these watch the documentary Forks Over Knives (on Netflix!). Anti-vegans often find this at least informative. the only thing that is lacking in a vegan diet is B12, so Be safe and supplement.
blood tests are an option maybe 6 weeks in. It's better to pay attention to how she feels, maybe make note if/when illness occurs. Watch her nails for ridges/dents as these are signs of malnutrition.

NOW, for what you've ACTUALLY asked for. A Vegan recipe

Salad rolls & peanut sauce:

8 pieces rice paper
2 cups of rice noodles (Alternatively, you could sub rice here)
2 cups of shredded carrot
1 cup of cucumber, sliced length ways into thin strips
add tofu to bulk it up or other veggies!

Bring a pot of water to boil, place in your rice noodles. Boil until tender, approx 3-4 mins. Scoop out noodles into a strainer (keep hot water in pot) and put noodles to the side. With tongs dunk in 1 rice paper and let it sit in the water until soft. Remove from water & lay flat on counter. Place some noodles, carrot, cucumber on the rice paper like a burrito. Fold down top and fold up bottom sections over the filling. Fold over left or right side and roll up! Done!

Peanut sauce:
I get a bit freaky and go off the books here and I encourage you to do the same. But here's an approximate recipe of what I make:

1 tablespoon peanut butter (check ingredients for non vegan additives)
1 cup water
Pinch paprika
Pinch of pepper
Tablespoon of siracha sauce (or a couple drops of whatever spicy stuff you've got in the fridge)
Few dashes of soya sauce

Add all ingredients to a small pot and boil for 5-8 mins, cooking it down and making it creamy :). Leave to cool for a few mins and it will thicken.

Dip your rolls in the sauce and enjoy!

>> No.6815179

Quorn is actually not bad but by god it gives me the gut gas. Had some "mince" while camping once and I swear that tent nearly went airborne.

>> No.6815234

Oh, I don't know. It's a big change. I'm over it now. I never was angry with her directly. I'm a good dad and love my kids. I try to give them all what they need. As I said, I'm on my own with this as my wife has gone.
I'm going shopping tomorrow morning and need to buy loads of food. I've put aside about £60 for the week. In addition I gave my eldest daughter £20 so she can go to the health food shop and buy what she wants. I'm making leek and potato soup in the morning.
I'm sure I can put together some vegan food, but that won't stop me getting some sausages from the butcher.
Thanks. I love hummus.
Is bread vegan?

>> No.6815238

Black bean burrito:

1 can black beans
1/4 cup vegetable soup stock (or water)
1/2 onion, diced
1 cup corn
1 cup chopped cabbage
1 tomato, diced
2 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup cilantro
1 lime

Sauté beans, onions, garlic, and soup stock On medium heat until onions begin to shrink in size, Approx 6 mins.

While they sauté mix corn, cabbage, tomato, and cilantro in a bowl. Slice lime in half and squeeze juice over vegetable mixture.

Place one scoop of hot mix and one scoop of cold mix over a tortilla. Wrap up, voila

>> No.6815254

Thank you so much. I'll try it.

>> No.6815264

>I was just asking for vegan recipes.
One thing you'll find on /ck/ and some other anonymous internet forums is that any discussion of vegetarian or vegan cuisine is quickly dominated by offtopic rants and misinformed statements from ignorant people and people who hate vegetarians/vegans or the reasons people cite for such diets. So asking for vegan recipes always turns into a threads like this.

You also get (much less commonly) nutcases like the poster talking about some quack "doctor" who cures cancer with vegan diets, and some well-intentioned but off-the-wall posters like the guy saying to at least get her to eat yogurt.

In between those posts, you may find okay ideas, so just try to take what you can. More specific questions than "recipes" sometimes helps guide a thread. I posted my thoughts in >>6814477 , and while it includes dishes rather than recipes, specific recipes seem better learned from traditional websites and cookbooks. I'm also guessing an experienced family cook/baker doesn't need recipes for taco night or pizza night, you just need to realize those are easy to adapt for a family with a single vegan amongst the normies. :-)

>> No.6815318
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1000, QuinoaSummerSalad_2131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should be great for dinner

Basil, pepper and corn summer quinoa salad

1 1/2 cups quinoa
1 teaspoon salt
2 cups fresh or frozen corn
1 cup tightly packed basil leaves, finely chopped
1/2 cup roasted red peppers
1/2 cup diced red onion
2 tablespoons olive oil
3 to 5 tablespoons fresh lemon juice (1 or 2 lemons)

Rinse Quinoa thoroughly in cool water and drain.
In a medium saucepan combine quinoa, salt and 3 cups water. Bring to boil over high heat.
Cover, reduce heat to low and simmer for 5 minutes. Add corn, cover and cook until water is
absorbed. Let cool, then transfer mixture to large serving bowl. Toss well with fork, fluffing
quinoa. Add basil, peppers and onion. Stir in oil and enough lemon juice to give salad a
distinct lemony edge. Adjust seasons to taste.

>> No.6815324

Yeah, that's who is going to be trying to fuck OP's daughter

>> No.6815355

Grain salads like that also work well with bulgur wheat in place of quinoa, or even couscous (which is pasta, not grain). Nothing wrong with quinoa, just a different flavor, and quinoa often costs several times the price of wheat. Veggies and herbs in a grain salad are completely flexible...tomatoes, carrots, parsley, dill, whatever you have that's good!

>> No.6815398

Quinoa is nutritionally more beneficial than Bulgur, quinoa has about 13g protein per 100g and remember 10 essential amino acids

>> No.6815459

>As if I can hold her head back and make her eat what I decide.
No, but you can offer her regular food or nothing. She's 16. Worst she'll do is attempt a hunger strike, complain to her friends about what a, like, toootal dick you are like omg, and then give in and eat some chicken. I seriously doubt her high school is going to offer her any filling vegan options, IF you're even paying for her school lunches.

Alternatively, tell her to get a job and buy herself vegan options. If it's really that important to her, she'll do it. If it isn't, she can fuck off. You realize what a pain this going to be for you, buying and making all these special meals just for her, when there's a very real chance that she's going to blow this off in the long run anyway? That's not even getting into the ways this could affect her health.

If you insist on doing this, don't make it fancy. Buy a giant bag of beans for protein and tell her that other than that, she needs to figure it out herself and cook it all herself.

>> No.6815463

Maybe he's trying to be a dad who isn't a total faggot

Like you would be, you cock.

>> No.6815464

Hey buddy. I'm a 24 year old guy who went vegan when he was 17. Yes, it was a shock to my family, but as I grew older, went to a great university, and have entered the world of young adults in a city like Los Angeles, veganism is common, respected, and a very, very low-key thing people experiment or totally adopt as a strict lifestyle and diet choice. It's especially common in health-conscious wealthy people. It puts your daughter in far, far better company than the meat-eating fatties she's probably surrounded by at school.

Honestly, meat-eaters and fat fucks hide and cover up the gross things about their diets: constipation, acid reflux, weight gain, the way marketing and "bad habits" influences their eating habits, and then the ever present family member who has had massive heart attacks, dangerous and deadly diabetes, etc.. Your daughter probably just listens to The Smiths and falls into a world full of good-hearted, well-intentioned, cruelty-free, and very sweet young ladies who don't eat animal products. I had vegan dinner out at a Mexican restaurant with 4 ladies who work for PETA2 two weeks ago. It was great. They're just into conscious living and questioning the status quo, as any great leaders in history have been. They're iconoclasts. I loved it. They asked the server to turn off the matador bull fight on the TV and she did. It was wonderful.

>> No.6815469

it will, nigger. you can live off potatoes, at least for your macros.

>> No.6815472

Next time shitcan this

>/ck/, I need your help. I'm a single dad (wife died) with three daughters. Ages are 5,8,16.
My eldest has decided to be vegan. No dairy produce, no honey, obviously no meat.
I love cooking and baking. I get the kids to help out.

and post this
>Simple question: do you know any good vegan recipes?

anyways, your answer is vegweb.
Next time shitcan this

>/ck/, I need your help. I'm a single dad (wife died) with three daughters. Ages are 5,8,16.
My eldest has decided to be vegan. No dairy produce, no honey, obviously no meat.
I love cooking and baking. I get the kids to help out.

and post this
>Simple question: do you know any good vegan recipes?

anyways, your answer is vegweb.

>> No.6815487

you are why nobody likes vegans

>> No.6815503
File: 40 KB, 485x354, 1366163157706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be a fucking copypasta.

>> No.6815596
File: 433 KB, 1466x1187, quinoa-v-oats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quinoa is nutritionally more beneficial than Bulgur, quinoa has about 13g protein per 100g and remember 10 essential amino acids
As several people have pointed out in this thread, obsession with protein quantities and amino acid balance are misplaced concerns with any sort of remotely balanced diet, vegan or not. Bulgur is admittedly slightly lower in lysine, but it's still got plenty even if you ate no other source of protein. There is no reason you need to get all amino acids from a single ingredient, except in hypothetical "if you had to eat a single ingredient for the rest of your life" scenarios. And if you compare something like oats at $1/pound to quinoa at $8/pound, the amino acid profile is darned near the same. (Pic related). Dupes get suckered in by quinoa's "superfood" marketing - the claims aren't false, they're just irrelevant. Amino acid deficiencies just aren't a thing outside of impoverished developing countries.

>> No.6815684

Kids don't get to choose what the parents cook for them unless it's an special occasion.

>> No.6815685

Nah, just autism.

>> No.6815719

fooking disown her m8

>> No.6815773

OP I'm going list some ingredients

Kidney beans

There is an awesome meat substitute called Quorn (google it) which isn't made from soy like all the others.

There is vegan cheese.

Just buy heaps of vegetables, tomato based recipes, garlic and chilli are your daughters new best friends.

Peanut satay
Mushroom sauces with vegan cream
Mushrooms were my best friend when I was vegans

The only thing she might get deficient in after some years is vitamin b12. There are supplements and injections she can take if she needs.

From, an ex-vegan who is eating steak for lunch today. Your daughter is awesome BTW.

>> No.6815866

>My eldest has decided to be vegan
Is she a feminist too?

>> No.6815954

>Why are you so determined to intentionally spread disinformation? Do you hate everyone?
lol. Funny that you use the word disinformation when you've happily swallowed the lies sold by the health food and body building industry. 1600 kcal (or 6-10 potatoes) of potatoes with 1/2 cup of oil gives you 42 g of protein and 2600 kcal. More calories and protein than you'll need unless you're an athlete. If you sub some of those potatoes for bread and you're up to 60g of protein. Unless OPs daughter is >180lbs 60g of protein can sustain even the most active of lifestyles. And this is on a diet of french fires and bread. Which no one sane will ever follow.

Like I said earlier the things to look out for are some of the micros. So veggies and whole foods with bread, potatoes, beans and legumes will keep you in better shape than anyone else around.

>> No.6816008

>Amino acid deficiencies just aren't a thing outside of impoverished developing countries.
Even in impoverished developing countries protein deficiency in people without a caloric deficiency is extremely rare. It just isn't a thing to worry about.

Excess sugar is directly linked to diabetes. Excess fat is directly linked to CVD. Excess protein hasn't been linked to any disease (though some correlations to cancer are present) and as such is the best macro to shill to suburban wives who're worried that their 12 year old 150lbs boy might be malnourished. And also potbellied 27 year old guys who think having beef jerky as a snack is good because of >muh brotein

>> No.6816041

>ask for vegan recipes
>start a /ck/ civil war
Poor OP, he just wants to make his daughter happy.

>> No.6816054

In Mexico, the authorities are killing off all the feminazis who think women should be allowed to drive, not be raped, walk outside without a chaperone, etc.

They've got the right idea. Feminism is a cancer that must be stopped, NOW.

If op finds out his daughter is messing with this CRAZY idea that women are human beings, he needs to beat some GOD DAMM sense into her before she grows up to be a real problem to society and a shame upon the family.

Fucking cunts, they won't sleep with me? I was a SUPREME GENTLEMAN and look how they repay me. Women are evil.

>> No.6816201

Go to your local Asian supermarket and peruse the tofu products aisle. They'll usually have products like dried tofu, fried tofu, etc. Get a few that look interesting.

>> No.6816277

It's never too late to have an abortion.

>> No.6816295

What facts? Seriously, what facts? I don't care if it's a single shitty pubmed article or a bunch of articles from the same journal. Post it so we can talk about it instead of thinking this is something everyone should know by now.

>> No.6816499

if it isn't, it should be. pitch-perfect.

>> No.6816908

Watch out for Gelatin and check soups/flavored rice for beef/chicken stock.

I have been a veggie fag for more then 10 years but my dad just tried to trick me into eating meat all the time when I was living at home.

>> No.6816911

You can make good veggie stews without any animal stock - the secret is good tomato paste

>> No.6816973

>My eldest has decided to be vegan

You have already failed.

>> No.6817016
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Veganism is a fucking expensive and time consuminh diet, you may as well have a kid that's a diet of strictly delicatessen shit and imported from France. If the 16 year old can get a job, then it's fine but the answer should be a stern NO if:
>She doesn't participate in cooking dinner/finding recipes
>Doesn't pay for her bullshit soy ice cream and coconut yoghurt crap.

I work with a lot of young people for a living, and I'm finding the kind of people who go vegan not long before used to hate on their body size. They'll tell you it's for animal welfare, just to hide it.

>> No.6817028

uh..pics of daughter? To make sure she seems healthy enough...before I give any advise..

>> No.6817033

My favorite simple vegan meal is just some Lundberg brand brown rice with chickpeas and greens or vegetables of some sort with some curry powder out other seasoning on it. Sometimes I'll eat that everyday. Bean burritos are good too. I recommend getting your kids involved with the cooking too if they aren't already. When I became a vegan at 16 I started making my own meals and learning how to cook.

>> No.6817041

This would be nice.

>> No.6817088
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>soy ice cream, soy puck burgers, raw maca root spaghetti, soy standing rib roast
lol, you think Indians eat $15 pre-packaged soy snacks shaped to look like steaks? Not even vegan but you're utterly clueless

Ask me how I know you subsist entirely off junk food from Trader Joe's and every month you vow you're finally going to "QUIT SODA FOR GOOD"

>> No.6817097

You need fermented soy and not the non fermented kind they grow in the US.
I only eat soy products when I'm back in japan because everywhere else I've been only sells tasteless abominations.

Tofu is actually really varied if you research a bit.

>> No.6817114

After a hundred replies, it should probably be noted that the correct response to your kid asking for something difficult and time-consuming is to make them put in a large enough part of the work that it's difficult for them too, to see whether they're really serious. Tell her that you normally eat meat twice a week, so she has to research and cook two nutritionally complete vegan meals every week to replace them. Give her a budget, but make it a bit more than your normal meal budget.

If your daughter gives up veganism after a week of this, then she wasn't serious in the first place, and you can break out the sardines. If she keeps doing it, then you get two meals cooked for you and your daughter gets experience in making things happen.

>> No.6817149

Are you serious cunt?
Veganism isn't difficult or time consuming. The majority of decent easy and quick to make vegan meals require you to have vegetables and a few spices stocked.
Literally most indian cuisine and a bunch of mexican stuff can be made vegan and it's piss easy.
I wish /ck/ could get off their fuckin horse about this shit. I get that you hate wanky hipster dickheads who make it their lifes mission to rub it in the faces of those around them, but leaving animal products out of food isn't a huge fucking deal.

I agree with you that the op should encourage his daughter to make her own meals so that she can learn. Fuck, have a vegan fanily dinner every now and then.

>> No.6817158

>young adult
Kek, 20 is a 'young adult', 16 is has the same adult rights and responsibilities as her 5 year old sister in the eyes of society.

Also, you could meet her halfway and Tell her she can be a vegetarian. That way she can actually get a lot of important nutrients even though she's still missing out on some
This OP. You're the adult in the house, and its selfish for one member of the household to adopt radical dietary restrictions for no medical necessity.

>> No.6817165

You ever notice how many threads there are about "never made a salad before wat do"?

This is the level of incompetence you're dealing with her

Keep in mind also that there are a lot of underaged people on this website pretending to be adults. Whenever someone says something impossibly ignorant or naive, consider the possibility that it was written by a 6th grader

>> No.6817166

Sorry to hear about your wife, OP. That's a tough break. As for vegan recipes, I'll share some, but please know that this is not the place to talk about veganism in the future. I say that as a long time vegan. /ck/ is 20% people who actually cook at home, 20% people who are involved in the restaurant business, and 60% fatties who only want to talk about SJWs and how veganism is gay. Anyway, vegan gyoza are great, and very easy to make. All you need is cabbage, gyoza wrappers, soy sauce, and whatever other vegetables you feel like putting in them. You just chop everything very small, mix it in a bowl with soy sauce (I often put some sesame oil in as well) and mix it together until it's almost like a very finely chopped salad. As for the wrapping of them, it's very easy to find a YouTube tutorial that will explain how to do it better than I ever could. Put them standing up in an oiled pan, let them get hot, then add a bit of water, and cover it. They don't take long to cook (usually 8 minutes or so) and they're really very good. For the dipping sauce, just 50% soy sauce 50% rice wine vinegar is really tasty. Also, vegan mashed potatoes are very easy to make. Just substitute milk or cream for unsweetened almond milk, and add some scallions and garlic, and you're good to go. Pasta (boxed, made with semolina flour) and fresh sauce is a fairly easy, and very quick vegan meal as well. Good luck, OP. Again, I'm sorry to hear about your wife. I'm glad to see that you're accepting your daughter going vegan, and I hope you can find places to get other recipes where overweight 20-somethings won't try to give you their ebin parenting "advice" in the future.

>> No.6817168

Again with tthe notion that veganism is radical. It really isn't difficult to stop eating animal products. everything animal can be substituted in vegan cooking, and it doesnt have to be imported from france and grown in a local persons backyard using sustainable methods etc.
It also isnt difficult to get all of your nutrition via veganism. Everyone that makes the arguements you have just made comes of as completely ignorant.
Im assuming youre some kid with a vendetta against a bitch at school who rants about dirty meat eaters and picked on you one time, but for anyone who actually thinks like this: you are wrong.

>> No.6817171

Bruh, i just wrote this post >>6817168 before i saw yours. I feel you. This is honestly the first time i've posted about it, but im drinking and just finished work and bored.
I cant fathom that people feel like veganism is radical/stupid/a big deal

>> No.6817175

Hey dude. I learned an easy teriyaki sauce today if you ever want to mix things up. Soy sauce, sesame oil, ginger, garlic, kecap manis (which is amazing) and lemongrass paste (otherwise just blend the shit out of some lemongrass if you cant find any paste)
Oh, and some sugar, or agave for sweetness. Good shit. Im gonna marinate some tofu with it, im stoked.

>> No.6817178

What the actual fuck? This guy's skeevy as fuck. "Mmmmmmm, vegan vaginas!"

>> No.6817179

>Veganism isn't difficult or time consuming.
For a single father with three kids, who's presumably working full time, changing your family's diet is difficult and time consuming. This holds particularly true if your kids are fussy eaters, and if you're worried about providing a nutritionally balanced diet using a cuisine you don't understand.

Teenagers are not know for having a nuanced moral understanding of the world, and part of it is because they're shielded from the tradeoffs adults have to make. Everyone knows an ex-vegan or vegetarian who gave up because it was too much hassle, because they stopped believing as strongly, because they decided that Africa was too big a problem for them to worry about chickens, or because they found an ethical way to buy eggs.

>I get that you hate wanky hipster dickheads who make it their lifes mission to rub it in the faces of those around them, but leaving animal products out of food isn't a huge fucking deal.
This has nothing to do with that. He's got a 16 year old daughter, and she wants something that will take some effort for him to provide, so she should help out with it. They can work together and come up with a new menu, saving him time and teaching her how to eat healthy.

>Fuck, have a vegan fanily dinner every now and then.
That was what I meant. Get her to cook a couple of meals a week, making sure they're healthy enough and tasty enough to feed to the younger kids, and no matter what the outcome is it will be good.

>> No.6817182

Sounds really good. Thanks, man!

>> No.6817183

Are you retarded? Op doesnt have to radically change his shopping list. Just add lentils, chickpeas, things to make a sauce base with and some spices that will last a fucking age. "I'm going to make a meal that isnt steak on a plate and leave out the animal ingredients" WOW HOW DIFFICULT
as for ethics, op should encourage his daughter to think about her choices, and if its a case of "i saw veganism on tumblr and decided to adopt it but nlw i cbf" thats okay. If she believes in animal rights etc, thats okay too. No one is polocing veganism. Its a lifestyle choice like going to the gym or whatever. Its a personal thing.
Also, with the whole 'effort' thing, that was addressed with encouraging her to cook. What are you arguing against?

>> No.6817185

What if I am from Colombia and Quinoa is about $4/pound, In addition, OP is asking for an easy way to keep all food requirements of the young lady while maintaining a vegan diet, so Quinoa is one of the best options.

>> No.6817186

>Its a lifestyle choice like going to the gym or whatever.
You ever talked to one of those anti-gym parents?
Then again I was raised by a single mom who worked and went to grad school with 2 kids and she still managed to find time for hobbies and shit, while taking care of us.

Some people are just hopeless.

>> No.6817189

These guys have the right idea.

Vegan is by is very nature a radical diet. And before you get your nickers in a wad, I don't mean that in the same way you would call ISIS radical. Veganism takes the GOOD IDEA that people should consume LESS meat, and takes that to it's logical extreme by completely removing ALL meat and even meat products.

>> No.6817190

Who mentioned genetics? I dont give a fuck about your family or how you were raised, you want sympathy?
"No one argues against going to the gym so veganism is bad"

>> No.6817193

Nope. Removing /animal/ products, which is fine if you cknsider that animals are living creatures capable of experiencing pain that are farmed for their bodies.
It is radical in that it removes your own participation from the industries which profit from that, but it isnt dangerous to your physical or mental health and doesnt affect the loves of those around you negatively.
Try again.

>> No.6817195

You were complaining that buying different stuff the next time you're at the grocery store is an unbearable burden and people with kids JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND MEEEEEEE

I was explaining how there are people who are good at life, such as me and my family, and people who are not so good, such as you and your family.

Good luck with those genetics.

>> No.6817196

Im obviously a bit tipsy, i hope people can decipher. I dont mean to sound callous.

>> No.6817197

You've come down to attacking me personally, you are presenting no arguement worth thinking about. Stay mad faggot :3

>> No.6817205

It's not an attack, it's a factual observation

I'm not trying to change your mind about anything, since I am not a vegan and I'm only in this thread to make people like you feel rightly ashamed of your incompetence around the kitchen, and at taking care of yourself in general

Keep blaming everyone else for your problems, genetics-kun ^_^

>> No.6817208

but perfectly fuckable

>> No.6817212

Bruh, im not a vegan either. I just feel like its a rational lifestyle choice. I work in kitchens all day every day, and i do take care of myself. I've not blamed one person for anything.
You arent making anyone feel ashamed, you're just showing your ignorance and buttfrustration.

>> No.6817217

>tossing a bag of lentils into the shopping cart is an unbearable burden if you have kids
>but all of a sudden I'm ok with veganism
Ok buddy, good luck sorting that out

>> No.6817222

pls OP post a pic of your daughter, in order to know her weight and how tall is to give you a better advice

>> No.6817232

Blogs, bro. That's how I got into it. If they use fancy expensive hard to find shit move on. You don't need 8 dollar an ounce sea weed starch or whatever new thing is trending this week(something's are necessary for some recipes, you don't need $16/lb raw cashews though because there's an alternative recipe for most things). There are some odd things that you can find at supermarkets that are relatively cheap, like flaxmeal(get the seed and grind it yourself) and nutritional yeast(only vegan source of b12 that's not made in a lab) that are essential. Find blogs that have "normal" ingredients in it, they tend to be the ones by people that are doing it not because it's cool now. The important thing is to learn what they substitute and where so you can begin creating your own recipes. I spend less money at the store being vegan than when I wasn't.

Pre made vegan foods(the ones marketed as vegan) are expensive and aren't that good anyways. You can find fast food options, taco bell has a decent selection. The thing you want to look for is accidentally vegan stuff, stuff that just happens to not have animal products in it.

The most important part though, nutrition. You need b12 to live. Seriously, a severe deficiency can cause your central nervous system to fail. They develop over long periods of time(as much as 2 years), as at the point you realize you're dying because of it...well sometimes there's nothing that can be done. Maybe even look into monthly b12 shots. Also, nutritional yeast and chewable b12 vitamins(b complex tend to have little b12, and it breaks down when mixed with other b vitamins).

>> No.6817233

>if its a case of "i saw veganism on tumblr and decided to adopt it but nlw i cbf" thats okay
Not if he gets stuck cooking her tofu and nutmeat for her, no, it isn't. The lesson OP SHOULD be teaching is that your moral opinions have no value other than what you're willing to sacrifice for them. Her personal choices are only personal up until the point at which they affect the family, at which point they are his problems, because he is the sole adult.

He also has a duty to make sure his daughter isn't, say, hiding anorexia behind a mask of veganism, and a duty to feed his family the right food to give them a successful future. If she's going to handle all her own food, none of this is relevant, but she probably won't do everything herself, and thus he is forced into the matter.

>What are you arguing against?
You keep claiming that starting a vegan diet is effortless. It is not effortless. It will consume precious hours of his limited free time. Thus, he should spend those hours working with his daughter, which will be much more rewarding for him and for her.

We're basically in agreement. We agree that his daughter should help him cook and should take an active role in her new diet. What do you have a problem with? The idea that people actually have to think about what they feed their kids? The concept of not having much free time?

>> No.6817236


The next most important is iron, women are more prone to iron deficiencies already, being vegan doesn't help. Dark green leafy vegetables. Spinach is the best bang for your buck, but it contains an enzyme that bonds with the iron before it enters your blood, so that cuts down the amount you absorb. Kale has less iron, but I also believe a lot less of that enzyme(dont quote me). Also, iron from plants doesn't absorb as easily as iron from meat.

A large amount of both of those come from red meat.

Protein is important, you'll be getting much less from a vegan diet, nuts and beans are good for that, and some grains. I worked as a framer for years as a vegan, I was regularly carrying 80 lbs of lumber up and down stairs, the lack of protein never affected me.

Google's a great resource honestly. There's a great meatball recipe out there made from brown rice, wheat germ, and lentils. Look it up.

Good luck brother, I've been vegan for 5 years and have never felt better in my life.

Also gelatin(which is in pop tarts) vegan.

>> No.6817242

Gelatin isn't vegan I mean

>> No.6817243

There is no way you can eat less meat than a vegan eats. Veganism is as far as you can go in the direction of "not eating meat". It is the most radical possible diet in which you eat less meat.

Unlike, say, eating less gluten, veganism is usually ethical and/or political. Thus, it's also radical in the sense that it implies a commitment to animal activism, because not eating meat is a step that many animal lovers don't take.

Thirdly, it's radical in the sense that it's fringe. Vegans are a small minority of western eaters.

>> No.6817246

make bacon once a week. she will cave.

>> No.6817262

>le epic bacon time x3
That shit was gross even when I ate meat.

>> No.6817299

Not that guy but indians eat a lot of ghee and dairy products in general you colossal faggot, they aren't vegan.

>> No.6817315

>what is reading comprehension

>> No.6817358

I'm pretty sure bacon isn't going to make anyone cave you fucking redditard.

>> No.6817461


Both my girls are 8 (twins) You need to let her do what she wants, I know she's not grown but becoming vegan is not the worst thing she could do at that age I'm 25 so do the math haha

Ignore the fact that its buzzfeed, I have tried nearly all them they are great, I am not a vegan and a fucking horrible baker but the wife is a fucking weirdo and thinks eggs are bad but that's a whole different story

>> No.6817464


Forgot the link


>> No.6817476

A vegan diet is totally untennable without unnaturally occuring supplements. Zinc is practically impossible to get without supplementation or eating oysters. BEans contain bunch of phytate which messes up mineral obseorption of other things.

>> No.6817487

Maybe if you learned English you would have an easier time finding zinc without eating oysters

>> No.6817504


>> No.6817507

Cooking in cast iron can help bolster the iron content of food as well

>> No.6817528

This is simply untrue. I just has a blood panel after 8 years of being a vegan and only regularly supplementing with b12. Only thing I was in low range on was vitamin D (same as the rest of my family though) and cholesterol (lol). Granted, it's not a bad idea to sup with zinc, calcium, iodine, and vit D, but it's not necessary.

>> No.6817532

doctors are stupid and they don't know what they are talking about. Organs can selectively deplete of necessary minerals are that isn't under the pervue of a mere blood test. You're wrong.

>> No.6817762

I have perfect LFT's and I was a alcoholic superscription drug addict, I went a pint of vodka deep, 4mg of Zanny and a fentanyl 100mg patch still stuck on me

>your body is trying to survive taking meat out your diet is not that big of a deal

>> No.6817844

is it common to have malnutrition from a vegan diet?

>> No.6817871
File: 575 KB, 2998x1690, averagevegan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its nearly impossible not to unless you take tons of pills or keep copious logs of the nutrional value of everything you're eating and have an unlimited budget.

But even still you end up looking like this when you hit 30

>> No.6817909

Or don't eat a fuck ton of lettuce. You don't need to take tons of pills. A B12 pill occasionally will do the trick.

You don't need to take a note of everything you eat just try to be balanced in general sense. But that goes for everyone not just vegans. The meds you have to take for CVD and hypertension are worse than popping a b12 every other week. And both diseases are almost completely absent in vegans.

>> No.6817948


>> No.6818016


She'll need B12 supplements because the only source of that which occurs naturally is in animal products (the very thing she's avoiding). She'll need more than an "occasional" pill; she'll need at least 1000 mcg daily.

Honestly, there isn't a woman between the ages of 13-40 who shouldn't be taking a multivitamin because the typical diet is shit.

The biggest concerns at her age are getting enough protein, iron, folic acid, and calcium, importance in that order. If she's going to refuse to eat fresh vegetables and fruits and enough protein/iron, you have to have enough backbone as her dad to say, "Nope, you're not going to sit on your ass and just eat Cap'n Crunch and coconut milk."

Rice (brown) and dried beans (whatever kind) are a great building block for any diet, and relatively inexpensive. You can use that as a starting point. Use the leftovers for a taco night so your non-veggie kids can eat, too. :)

This is doable, and it's great you're honoring her decisions, but don't cave in to bad decisions because her mom is dead. Also, don't be surprised if she caves rather quickly and wants to go out for double cheese pizza in a week.

Examine why she wants to do this. There's a high incidence of teenage girls using veganism as a way of indulging in disordered eating. Be on your guard.

source: pediatric nurse

>> No.6818096

Liver function is laughable and most blood tests are not an indication of overall health people need to realise if your body tells you bad things are happening , they are, I stopped using because my physical body could not cope.

>just know you felt the need to post that, no input, just a idiotic 2 letter comment

>> No.6818112
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inexpensive, tasty, convenient, healthy food? learn the dif btwn japanese soy saucewhitesugarmirin and korean and chinese and you can cook seasonal

mabo tofu: duobanjiang black bean paste garlic ginger hot sesame oil canola oil
green onions silken tofu soy sauce corn starch shittake mushrooms

best garlic fried eggplant w/ dim sum sauce: brown sugar soy sauce white vinegar eggplant&oil

cold cucumber rice noodle salad: slices cucumber rice noodles cold, seasoned sushi vinegar sesame seeds optional shredded carrots wakame

protein stuffed pepper: red peppers soy crumble $4 for 16 oz brown mushrooms salt pepper garlic onion ketchup basil parsley
corn beans black, red, kidney, white, peas green, black eyed, quinoa rice brown, long, short, cherry tomatoes

favorite korean glass noodles : carrots green beans SPINACH onion green onion leek shitake mushrooms soy sauce garlic sugar hot sesame oil red pepper flakes doubanjiang

cold hijiki salad: sugar soy sauce cubed firm tofu

stir fry: napa cabbage sprouts frozen veg.dumplings rice soy sauce & rice vinegar

sukiyaki stock:soy sauce sugar mirin shitake

miso soup: enokitake mushrooms,tofu,miso,kombu / wakame

fried tofu: dry tofu in towel, fry in oil, w/ soy sauce and steamed white rice, soup, anything

best cold japanese spinach sesame: tahini soy sauce sugar sesame seeds

rice & beans: sofrito or recaito (cheap awesome tasty seasoned oils ftw)

salsa: (preferably vine, seasonal, canned is vegan) tomatoes habanero / peppers red onion
cilantro lime juice salt, pepper red pepper flakes

guacamole: avocado, salsa, lime juice, salt

refrigerated 3bean salad: chickpeas black beans corn (kidney maybe also) parsley lemon juice garlic salt pepper

spicy cantonese stir fry: carrots celery onions peanuts firm tofu doubanjiang sesame oil hot sesame oil garlic ginger

szechwan eggplant: carrot onion celery
garlic ginger soy sauce brown sugar szechwan chili oil sesame oil canola oil black pepper peanuts

>> No.6818131

alot of the recipes sound simple (brown sugar, soy sauce, white vinegar on fried eggplant)

but if eggplant is on sale, serve with steamed white rice and it is really delicious!

i like japanese short grain even with the chinese sauce, but short grain, enriched, or long grain or whatever you have carolina or anything! give it a try

also fry with just a touch of sesame oil

>> No.6818138

also cold wakame salad, (with firm cubed tofu)
good red/white miso soup with enokitake mushroom, kombu and vegtable ''dashi'',
and fried tofu (sesame oil) with green onions
and soy sauce
and steamed white rice

also mabo tofu

>> No.6818146

I don't care. Why are you talking to me?

>> No.6818148


mapo tofu without the pork sucks.

>> No.6818150

I think you responded to the wrong person, dude. He wasn't even talking about that.

>> No.6818157

i forgot mirin with cold sesame-spinach

soy sauce white sugar mirin tahini
sesame seeds on top?
steamed rice.

>> No.6818158

I'm pretty sure coprophagaphiles can produce b12

>> No.6818162

it's all about flavor really, if you can cater to your own tastes there's no need to recreate a ''pork-y'' flavor, just add different amounts of oil since just hot sesame oil can be overwhelming and too much for some people

>> No.6818165

and serve with fresh white rice, obviously, for all the asian stuff get good rice, although i sometimes go for brown or long also

>> No.6818189
File: 3 KB, 200x200, ex-vegan-button.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP should try some recipes from Isa Chandra Moskowitz. Google the post-punk kitchen and consider buying one of her cookbooks like Vegan with A Vengeance or Veganomicon. Her recipes are fairly simple, generally cheap, and almost always delicious. Pic unrelated.

>> No.6818221

I can second this, I prefer vengeance.

>> No.6818420

(forgot shittake again)

and about shittake in general- slice very thinly, so you get the most flavor when you fry

good luck!

>> No.6819197

>What if I am from Colombia and Quinoa is about $4/pound, In addition, OP is asking for an easy way to keep all food requirements of the young lady while maintaining a vegan diet, so Quinoa is one of the best options.
Nothing against quinoa at all, it's a great seed to eat; nice flavor and texture, keeps well, etc. Just saying, it's hella more expensive than most other common grains in most of the world, and the difference between it and most other grains fulfilling real-world protein needs is irrelevant, because people eating normal amounts of grains won't suffer from protein deficiencies anyway.

>> No.6819481

OP, I love when chics go vegan. Vegan pussy tastes better than other pussy. Look up Quinoa. It's a complete protein. She'll want to get foods like that so she doesn't have caved in eye sockets like your average vegans who are all ideas and no brains about doing it right. Might want to get her into foods like falafel as well. Shit's basically ground up chic peas with other towel head spices. Tastes fucking awesome. Also, you have your mexican foods like bean burritos and salsa and shit. Don't get too spicy though because then she'll smell like an immigrant.

Try out lots of hearty vegetables and mushrooms to take the place of meats. Eggplants are the bomb for Italian dishes, for instance. Don't forget zuchinni and mushrooms, spinach...

>> No.6819917


Quorn also happens not to be vegan

OP, Fry's Vegetarian (vegan, disregard the name) does all kinds of stuff, from fake chicken, to beef, to mince, Linda McCartney sausages are vegan (as are some other products from that company) and they're pretty good, on the rare occasion that I want a meat substitute for my protein I go with TVP which is usually enriched with B12, iron and other vitamins and minerals and what-have-you sometimes missing from a vegan diet

The question of cheese is a tough one; realistically, you won't find too cheap a vegan cheese for a good price and all the really good ones are sold at exorbitant prices, I personally restrict my vegan cheese consumption to foods that seem to be incomplete without it, such as pizza (though hummus can easily substitute cheese on a vegan pizza), so here's a helpful guide on different vegan cheeses available on the UK market:


If she wants REALLY good vegan cheese, tell her to save up money for Miyoko Schinner's Artisan Vegan Cheese cookbook or some of the other ones available for purchase and for a few of the special ingredients that she might need for the recipes in the book

For things that just need a basic cheese sauce, nutritional yeast flakes will be the base flavouring, they also come in the B12 enriched variety, this stuff is expensive in the UK, but a little goes a long way, there's a few recipes kicking about the internet for cheese sauce recipes, a YouTube channel called CookingWithPlants has some good ones but a quick search on Google will yield you a variety of recipes