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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 573 KB, 847x567, apple-pie-thinkstock[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6813390 No.6813390 [Reply] [Original]

Who else finds apple pie to be fucking disgusting? Sticky and sweet like syrup while having soft and rubbery apples pieces squish around in your mouth as you chew.

Pumpkin pie the best

>> No.6813392

I don't like apple pie either.

>> No.6814361

apple pie flavored stuff is better.

>> No.6814423

Sorry to hear you're not American.

>> No.6814440

apple pie is pretty good in my opinion

>> No.6814442

Apple pie is actually Dutch :^)

Pumpkin is American though.

>> No.6814520

You never heard the phrase, "as American as baseball and apple pie?"

>> No.6814527

Pears beat apples in general, but apple pie is especially disgusting.

>> No.6814549

>Apple pie is actually Dutch

You lying bastard kanker.

>> No.6814558

Actually they're English

>> No.6814568

France invented apples before The English, true historical FACT.

>> No.6814577

Dutch style apple pie is totally different to US style apple pie.

>> No.6814584


>unable to handle the texture of apples
>needs to have a smooth purée


>> No.6814630

They call them le apples.

>> No.6814634

There is ALWAYS too much filling, in my opinion. It's good, but it needs a lot more crust to balance out that syrupy sweetness.

>> No.6814636

All fruit based pie is disgusting. Fruit is not meant to be baked.
Chicken pot pie & shepherds pie, etc. are excellent.
Dessert pies are for fatties

>> No.6814642

Literally autism third worlder flyover: the post

>> No.6814645

Don't be stupid.

>> No.6814647

i agree, the texture of the apples always puts me off apple pie. it's pretty disgusting

apple crisp is good though

>> No.6814681

Guaranteed a skinny jeans nyc faggot.

That was redundant. Sorry. NYC faggot.

>> No.6814685

Posts like these prove there really are teenage girls on the internet.

>> No.6814687

Guaranteed flyover third worlder autist

>> No.6814700

Busted yourself.

Go on. Don't let me keep you from your anal insertion challenge, coastal low life.

>> No.6814722

>im bettee than you because i live in impoverished Nebraska


>> No.6814733

I like apple clafoutis but really, really dislike apple pie.

>> No.6814734

>flyover insults

>> No.6814739

Add a slice of cheddar. The fat and tangyness cut the apple sweetness and it adds a fantastic viscosity/chewiness.

>> No.6814778


>> No.6815084

>Sticky and sweet like syrup while having soft and rubbery apples pieces
it sounds like you've only had shit-tier apple pie. find someone who can actually make it and then report back.

>> No.6815085

apple crumble > apple brown betty > apple cobbler >>>>>>>>>> apple pie

>> No.6815105

Oh stop

>> No.6815121

underrated post

>> No.6815122

>coastal low life
Ahahaha you colossal homo

>> No.6815127
File: 41 KB, 480x365, tumblr_n8i9v0RPVq1r8brruo1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking communist.

>> No.6815144

It shows you've never traveled. You people are the lowest forms of life to us. You're infinitely naive and proud of it.

>> No.6815147

>Pumpkin pie the best

Try cooking and mashing some sweet potatoes the next time you make a pumpkin pie. For the love of God do not tell anyone that it's not pumpkin. At least sweet potatoes have some flavor.

>> No.6815154

>it shows you've never traveled

Nice bait, you might actually catch some retards such as yourself :^)

>> No.6815537

Shut the fuck up, if it's good enough for Superman it's good enough for us.

>> No.6815549

They sell no sugar added pie filling sweetened with splenda. It's just as sweet but much less sticky and nasty. sugar is just gross.

>> No.6816073

no, they're called potatoes of the tree

>> No.6816087

>Pumpkin pie the best
You're alright, OP.

>> No.6816178

how about you try something more than a McDonalds handheld pie product

>> No.6816181

Try it with a thick slice of cheddar. You will never eat anything but apple pie ever again.

>> No.6816222

only in ireland

>> No.6816224

I've heard about this. is this the same as fries dipped in a chocolate shake?

>> No.6816232

Sounds like the OP has only ever eaten shit pies with frozen / shit tier ingredients.

If you cook it right the apples aren't rubbery and it doesn't taste syrupy.

>> No.6816236

>go to Wendys
>buy fries and frosty
>dip fries into frosty

Guilty pleasure, man.

>> No.6816247

>Sticky and sweet like syrup while having soft and rubbery apples

stop eating frozen trash. there's a reason the phrase 'as easy as pie' exists, it takes no effort to make a good one yourself.

>> No.6816249

Yeah, because saying easy as masturbating is crass.

>> No.6816255

I don't mind it, but I definitely don't prefer it.

>> No.6816271

I've never had fries in shake, but there's no tang in either of those ingredients so I doubt it.

>> No.6817375

Cold apple pie is the tops tbh. The apples chrisp up and it's not so runny.

>> No.6817389

apple pie is my favourite shit ever. the gum line where the apples soak in, the brittle sandy crust, the understated sweetness from either caramelised cox's or minimally sweetened granny smiths with the layer of crystallised sugar over the top and a sagging dollop of creme fraiche to rake everything through. my nan used to make it by boiling butter and dumping the flour into it then pressing it into the dish. it was very low sweetness cause my grandad had the beetus.

>> No.6817391

Fucking merry cans.

>> No.6817551
File: 27 KB, 468x264, febotje.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When I was in highschool we had to study the changes of the Dutch language throughout time and to compare language from long ago with the language as it is nowadays we used apple pie recipies. The earliest recipe was written somewhere in the 15th century long before the US even existed, so yeah I guess you could say apple pie is originally Dutch or at least German/European.

>> No.6817808


OP has only had supermarket apple pie.

>in before he says he hasn't and makes up a story about homemade pie or other such bullshit

>> No.6818412

7/10 decent bait
As far as America is concerned the trail of apple pie goes back to Dutch settlers in the 1600's. But 400 years of apple pie is enough to take "ownership" of.

>> No.6818416

>pumpkin pie
pumpkin is a gourd and as such should be savory, like in a pumpking curry soup

>> No.6818422

Still redundant.

>> No.6818626

I chuckled

I don't think you got it

>> No.6818631

pumpkin pie will always be superior

>> No.6818747

It's British, you wanker. I said cheddar, not Cheese Wiz.

Anon, have you really never paired fruit and cheese?

>> No.6818763

Either this is b8 or op has never had actual good apple pie, which is incredible if done right (i.e., lots of fresh/in-season apples, not much added sugar, homemade butter crust)

>> No.6818805

Not sure. It was very common in the 70's to order cheddar with apple pie. De Niro orders it in Taxi Driver, and my father has always had it with his pie. Maybe it's an eastern seaboard thing.

>> No.6819051
File: 27 KB, 572x600, 1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all dem buzzwords

>> No.6819066

You've must of had some shit pie then OP. Try a turnover instead.


>> No.6819087
File: 599 KB, 2816x2112, Blackberry_pie_and_ice_cream,_2006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a huge fan, i much prefer fieldberry or some derivative thereof.
apple is def not the worst pie though, it gets better when the chunks arent XBOXHUEG and are diced in manageable squares like mirepoix should be.

the hotpockets of pie, when i quit drinking i used to use these as a reward instead of getting plastered every weekend.

>> No.6819109

apple pies made with huge apple chunks like this are nasty. you gotta slice the apples thin, then they lay on top of each other and cook better, you don't get all that gooey shit, just cooked apples

>> No.6819116
File: 132 KB, 1600x1067, 18472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good dessert pies are custard or cheese-based.

>> No.6819118
File: 63 KB, 600x462, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everybody get the fuck outta the way. Peach cobbler master race comin through

>> No.6819124
File: 68 KB, 1000x563, cherry pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite.

i want to plant a cherry tree in my backyard for the sole purpose of having an abundant supply of cherries for pie.

>> No.6819151

>the hotpockets of pie
Nothing wrong with that as long as you make it yourself.

>> No.6819160

Today's my birthday and I'm celebrating alone because my girlfriend is at university and my family hates me.

If I'm sober enough to remember to bake it, I'll have an extra slice of cherry pie for you m8. It's my favorite too

>> No.6819163


All other fruit pies wish they were cherry pie.

>> No.6819168

Are you faggots really discussing pie on 4chan?

>> No.6819353

I halfwAy agree with you anon, I loathe apple pie, but cherry pie is second to none.

>> No.6819364

I like apple pie if it's warm and made from scratch. Otherwise, I don't eat it.

I love raspberry, lemon meringue, and coconut cream.

>> No.6819383

>origins negate the fact that another country adopted something and makes it much more popular
It's OK, Dutchbro, we like your apple pie and we can't take that from you, but that doesn't mean that shit ain't 'MURCA BABY! as fuck now.
yelling overweight people and banjo music incl

>> No.6819430

>Discussing food in the food related board
>This is unprecedented!!!!!

I don't disagree on the Pumpkin Pie part (that or chocolate cream, sweet lord) but neh, I find apple perfectly acceptable.

>> No.6820126
File: 142 KB, 1200x600, tv_omenapiirakka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dont you try this type of apple pie?

>> No.6820140
File: 34 KB, 400x300, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no one even mentions lingonberry

>> No.6820157

Apple pie is delicious, actually it's the best pie when done right, sugarcube.

If the apples are rubbery you didn't make it right. Fruit pies in general are the superior form of pie, cream/pudding based pies are for chillrin. strawberry rhubarb is a personal favorite as well.

>> No.6820169
File: 3.46 MB, 3456x2304, ninamatt-088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loathe apple pie, BUT, the best dessert I've ever had in my entire life was a homemade tarte tatin. It's superior in every conceivable way.

>> No.6820191

Can you make Apple pie like pumpkin.

Just tear that apple up and mix it with the filling.

A lot better than a chunk of bad apple.

>> No.6820214
File: 34 KB, 400x308, tumblr_inline_nob536XOm11s3cj0w_540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking communist