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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6812930 No.6812930 [Reply] [Original]

I worked at a Papa John's last summer in a wealthy suberb with a LARGE influx of indians (from india). These mofos would order absolutely delicious pizzas. The best order went as follows
>large pizza
>two cheese
>light onions
>green pepper
>dash of crushed red pepper before baking
>parmesan cheese right out of the oven
>Well done (this is key because Iearned that the cheese and toppings could easily withstand the extra three minutes in the shitty oven but the crust would come out perfect, crunchy on the bottom but still a little soft in the middle).
If any of you fags find yourself near a Papa John's this is an absolute must.
The crust is often railed on but I learned that an extra few minutes makes it much better. Feel free to substitute their basil sauce in place of the overly sweet tomato sauce.

>> No.6812947

Next time, try pineapple, ham, Cheddar, and jalapeños.

>> No.6812955


Papa johns is one of two pizzas ive ever thrown out in my life. Absolutely garbage factory made shit, baked in a retarded conveyor oven.

This shit pizza made me question the saying there is no such thing as bad pizza, because it was fucking terrible.

I had a deluxe btw.

>> No.6812970

Ok, Papa Shill

>> No.6812974

What was the other pizza anon?

>> No.6812978

> no gluten free option

>> No.6812980

the papas near me doesnt offer the basil sauce or the ranch one anymore. only normal and bbq.

>> No.6813002

Papa John's has no consistency between their franchises. It's such a fucking crapshoot.

>> No.6813009 [DELETED] 
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sup, cu/ck/s.

I noticed that on foods like pic related, the serving size is based on weight.

What kind of scale should I get to accurately measure food weight?

I'm really into calorie counting

>> No.6813016

>light onions
>green pepper
fucking DROPPED

>> No.6813029

this >>6812974
Don't leave us with our boners out, tell us the PIZZA

>> No.6813032

Pizza Hut with their hot dogs and other garbage don't even count anymore, although many, many years ago they used to be pretty tasty, when it was them versus Pizza Inn and maybe Mazzio's, any of which were better than any chain today.

It's Domino's versus PJ's for supergiant chains, and when a PJ's is good it's the better of the two, to me, although I'd argue PJ's in the past was superior to today's PJ's.

>> No.6813046
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>Pizza Hut

>> No.6813049

fuck that noise
White sauce pizza, with chicken, bacon bits or pepperoni, sauteed onions and mushrooms, spinach, light banana peppers, and light drizzle of garlic infused olive oil.

welcome to not from papa johns at all ville.

>> No.6813060

>sauteed onions and mushrooms
remove that nasty shit and you got yourself a nice pizza

>> No.6813063

what ever floats your boat anon
i would still enjoy the pizza without them

>> No.6813079

Not that surprised. I already figured out from my own experience that the best pizzas have some combination of herb and/or veg. Meat fucking ruins pizzas, I will say it to my grave even if I get shot for it.

>> No.6813361

Get Vietnamese slaw, chilli flakes, wedges, scrambled egg, peperoni and peri-peri sauce on your dominoes pizza for a combination so disgusting it somehow tastes good.
>mfw some cuck on /g/ tricked me into buying one

>> No.6813379
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>> No.6813412

>Delicious pizza
>Papa Johns
Try again

>> No.6813439

i don't get the anti-pineapple meme on pizza. its the only sweet ingredient that works. its delicious. i've been eating ham, bacon, jalapeno and pineapple pizza since forever. its fucking delicious.

>> No.6813445
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Obama hating owner complained about health care. Workers must come to shift sick or not.
Enjoy your sick pizza.

>> No.6813452

Papa John's has the worst quality pizza anyway.
The cheese is basically some kind of petroleum product.

>> No.6813453

The customer's immune systems should just pull themselves up by they're boot straps

Liberals think their entitled to food served by people who aren't coughing flu viruses everywhere

Thanks obanana kenya monkey man muslim not my president!

>> No.6813482

I remember being a kid when they first started expanding. It was the first pizza I had ever had that wasn't pizza hut or shitty school pizza party little ceasars. It used to actually be pretty good. Some MBA fucks have destroyed so that now its equally good but simply different from Pizza Hut. Neither of which is actually bad but neither is good when compared to a decent pizza place.

Despite what the internet will say most local places are NOT as good as the big chains.

>> No.6813553

oh, so you're a memer

>> No.6813559

dude, i was eating that before 'meme's were a meme. before you ever went on the internet. i was eating that shit in 1994. before 4chan existed. its not a meme. its a pizza topping.

>> No.6813597

Memes didn't originate on 4chan. The concept has existed way before.

>> No.6813601

lol hurr durr de mene is a greek word.

no, you fucktard, it was just an oddball idea tossed around by a few thinkers before mass internet culture. so fuck off my bacon and pineapple pizza that i ate because my dad bought it and it was good and i wanted more.

>> No.6813604

Fuck off faggot before I suck your dick.

>> No.6813620

>Good food
Nice try, Pandeep. Your people's food reminds me of tonsil stones.

>> No.6813623

so much edginess in one post. I can hear your fedora rustling all the way over here. Did Sanjay fuck your bitch?

>> No.6814000

I've always hated Papa John's pizza, haven't had it in years and years because it sucked so bad the couple of times I had it.
Also, on a related note. "Papa John" needs to stop getting botox and dying his hair. He's starting to look fucking creepy, like a badly made muppet.

>> No.6814003

Isn't the bigger question, "Did they tip"?

>> No.6814066

Chicago style deep dish.

>> No.6814091
File: 1.30 MB, 2950x1100, detroit_red_wings_fb_timeline_by_barongraphics-d6gkvvm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did Papa John ever get his camaro back? It was stolen when he parked it in Detroit.

Also, I've been getting ham, pineapple and onions on pizza since I was a kid back in the 70s.

>> No.6814113

Maybe he will have a new "find my car" competition

>> No.6814118
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That took a turn I was not expecting

>> No.6814191

most autistic string of words ever assembled, congrats anon.

>> No.6814210
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Literal autism.
>Pic related: You're on it.

>> No.6814221

POS socialist detected.

>> No.6814238

gb2 55+ republican facebook

>> No.6814299

Who else pepperoni + jalapeno master race here?

>> No.6815501


Why are americans so fucking disgusting?

like seriously, i know you guys eat everything that the food corporations put in front of you, but pineapple on a pizza? just vile as fuck

>> No.6815505

>Why are Americans
Here's your (You)

>> No.6815841

I got pizza at Papa Johns last night after not going there for years. Reason I ordered there was because I got a coupon that's only good on mondays for 50% off a large pizza. Total came out to $10.

I guess I've just been eating better pizza over the years or something but it was pretty awful. Gave the rest to room-mate after 2 slices.

>> No.6815912

i just realized that papa johns uses breakfast sausage on their pizza when i ordered from them about a week ago and it fucking blew my mind

>> No.6816005
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>Ordering Papa John's


>> No.6816034 [DELETED] 

Jesus christ, you midwestern redneck fucks. You diabetics wouldn't know good food from the frozen cuck dinners you shovel down your throats every day. Go to an actual nona and nono pizzeria run by actual paisanos. Or learn to make your own superior pies. You will never eat that garbage again.

>> No.6816238

currenty drive for a papa johns in an upper class neighbrhood, ask questions if you want. only thing i can say is that garlic knots and garlic parm sticks are the same thing, also dont buy a small or medium specialty cause a large is only a small upgrade fee

>> No.6816243

i see people ordering a small or medium and you could get a large for cheaper

>> No.6816246

also if you choose pick up and pay for your pizza and then ask for extra garlic sauce or special seasoning they wont bother ringing it up so you get it for free

>> No.6816307

How much do they tip?