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6812067 No.6812067 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else like making this easy dish? What's your favorite brand of roux?

>> No.6812101

Vermont curry is my favorite

>> No.6812118

Do you get mild, medium or spicy?

>> No.6813386

vermont is a bit sweet

>> No.6813393

Only the Nips could make curry bland.

>> No.6813420

We have this thread every fucking day.

>> No.6814479

because its a good thread

>> No.6814547

I bought the golden curry brick things you guys were talking about, and picked the hottest flavor.

If you've ever eaten dinty moore, it's that except instead of beefy flavored gravy, it tastes like chicken ramen packets. I am also a pussy when it comes to spicy (cannot eat anything with jalapenos for example) and this BARELY registerred on my radar. Japanese must be pussies like me.

That said, it was really REALLY cheap and easy to make. I will keep making it especially on days where I'm too burned out to cook hardcore.

>> No.6814644

How many peppers do I need to add to make Japanese curry tolerable?

>> No.6814656

try java curry, its supposed to be the hottest

>> No.6814661


Why bother when you can simply add chili peppers, powder, or sauce to any brand to make it however hot you like? Food is customizeable. Not hot enough for you? Just add some chili.

>> No.6814690

java is prebalanced so it still tastes like curry, whereas if you just squeeze sriracha in you will overpower the taste

>> No.6814709


Right. Which is why I said chili peppers or powder, not sugar-and-garlic-and-chili-sauce, which is what sriracha is.

>> No.6814719

nope I'm not a weeaboo

>> No.6814758

>flour sugar and rice
enjoy your weight gain fatty

>> No.6814761

You're supposed to add meat and vegetables to it poorfag.

>> No.6814775

That wouldn't negate those high GI things.
Next time try a more patrician curry such as one of the many Thai or Indian varieties.

>> No.6814799

Sorry we have self control and actually work out, aspie

Enjoy grazing

>> No.6814861

That's actually not how GI works at all. By eating the more processed carbohydrates along with things like fat and dietary fiber the glucose response weakens because digestion takes longer.

Even if you were eating the exact same number of calories of curry roux over white rice when you added meat and vegetables (which isn't going to be the case in actual practice) the meal would have a lower GI than the rice or flour does on its own.

>> No.6814869

in terms of nutrition, two meals' worth of golden curry is 660 kcal before meat/veg/rice. So it still fits within the average dv 2000 kcal/day diet. Maybe that's a bit high for sedentery NEETs who don't do anything?

The only major issue is the sodium content, which is quite high, something like 2x dv. But in the context of the typical american diet it's not so bad. Just one chipotle burrito is already 100% dv sodium.

>> No.6814999

damn he took a bad shit rofl

>> No.6815528
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tastes too fake and processed to me. I just make my own curry now with garam masala, toher spices, and some flour to thicken

>> No.6815615

curry roux from scratch... looks really time consuming http://blog.umamimart.com/2014/06/japanese-curry-scratch/

>> No.6815642

You don't unload your diarrhea in the tub and marinate in it?

>> No.6815655

my wigga

>> No.6815732

Im an indian and on my trip to japan I had curry twice, once at a fancy resturaunt in yokohama and another at some roadside diner place somewhere near tokyo. It was okay, a bit sweet for my taste but its more like chilli with a thick gravy. Not even sure why they even call it curry as theres nothing like it and its like passing off a crepe with cheese on it as pizza.

>> No.6815800

>Not even sure why they even call it curry

It's descended from British Royal Navy stews seasoned with curry powder from back in colonial days. It's many many steps removed from other Asian curries because of that.

>> No.6817831

Everytime I make japanese curry it always ends up too thick, how can i thin it out withoutblosing the flavour? Do you use a full box when you all make your curry?
Vermont brand is my favorite . golden curry is objectively the worst.

>> No.6817896

Don't use water, use chicken stock. Add more than what the recipe calls for, but not too much. If you slightly go over you can just let it simmer down, but if you go overboard everything turns to mush. especially if you precook your veggies like you're supposed to

>> No.6817960

>precooking vegetables
ain't nobody got time for that

>> No.6817973

Who has time for shit food?

>> No.6818164

>tfw japanese curry is one of my GOAT foods
>tfw buttmad indian and thai curryfags always talking shit

Fuck that, curry doesn't have to be spicy to be tasty. Jap curry with those red radishes and good ol' white rice is some of the tastiest food in the world.

>> No.6818187

Japanese food is about balance. You can't just add chili flakes or something without having to adjust the entire dish

>> No.6818194


I would say that if your complaint was that the curry wasn't spicy enough then adding chili flakes (or similar) would correct the problem.

In other words, if you think the food isn't spicy enough then by definition the taste is unbalanced. Adding the spice you want corrects the taste to the way you like it.

Also, I think it's a bit silly to be discussing the finer points of balancing flavors in the context of highly processed instant curry blocks. If you want flavors fined-tuned to perfection then perhaps we ought to be cooking from scratch rather than using instant mix.

>> No.6819198

Instant curry isn't about balance it's about convenience.

It's basically Japanese Kraft Dinner.

>> No.6819203

that's YOUR FAULT as a cook. you should be able to make anything taste good from prepared curry roux

>> No.6819208

FALSE, you should be able to cook it to your liking if you have the skill

>> No.6819217
File: 28 KB, 425x211, s and b curry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here works very well.

>> No.6819507

beef stock might work better if you're making a beef curry

>> No.6820454

Fine it's Japanese hamburger helper. The point remains, it's a mass market convenience food not serious cuisine.

>> No.6820470
File: 129 KB, 269x245, wat6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 tbsp curry
>1 tbsp garum
>1 tbsp cumin
>1 tbsp tumeric
>4 tbsp worcestershire sauce
>4 tbsp ketchup
>1 tbsp honey
>2 tbsp bulldog (tonkatsu sauce)
>1 tbsp fish sauce
>1 tbsp shio koji
>1 tbsp instant coffee
>1 dried togarashi
>4 tbsp flour

>> No.6820681

yeah golden's been my goto ever since cheap japanese place at the mall I played ddr at a thousand years ago had some really good shit that used golden as their base

I got some vermont recently, haven't gotten around to trying it yet

>> No.6820686
File: 22 KB, 464x34, warp wat the absolute top of the scale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 tbsp ketchup
>1 tbsp instant coffee