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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 935 KB, 2560x1536, 20150824_064519.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6809720 No.6809720 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think about my breakfast?

>> No.6809727


Honestly, it looks like you live a miserable life. Waking up to your dark, dreary room, lit only by the laptop that you sit in front of whenever you're not sleeping (suggesting you're a shut-in), some anime doll next to it (suggesting you're a virgin with some seriously deep sexual issues), a big pile of food (suggesting you're obese).

I suspect you don't have much to look forward to in your days. Do you have a job? What do you do? What's your goal in life?

>> No.6809731

he asked you about his breakfast

>> No.6809732

>>>/adv/ go critique people who want it!

>> No.6809739

I think you need some vegetables in there, or you'll shit bricks come afternoon

>> No.6809754


>> No.6809762
File: 951 KB, 2560x1536, 20150824_070242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dark, dreary room

I prefer the dark, big whoop

>big pile of food, obese

I'm hungry and hungover brah...most days I skip breakfast all together

I'll be honest I almost never eat vegetables other than potatoes and on sandwiches, probably gonna have some dolmas for lunch though, grape leaves count right?

>> No.6809767

>makes no mention of his pedo doll

>> No.6809888

Don't know what's so pedo about it bro

>> No.6809913
File: 49 KB, 600x619, AseNm2JCQAA8HU-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lasagna for breakfast
>on a monday

guess it's not that bad of a monday

>> No.6809945

>sexualizes little girls
>somehow isn't pedo

>> No.6809949


I just clicked on that image and saw a plastic action figure with sticks for limbs

You might want to see a doctor buddy

>> No.6809957

lasagna needs more sauce but no lasagna is bad lasagna. next time for breakfast make breakfast lasagna. Same noodles. Sausage gravy instead of sauce. crumbles of breakfast sausage instead of beef. scrambled eggs instead of ricotta and melted cheddar on top

>> No.6809961

>grown man with recreations of little girls on his desk
sounds pedo to me, just like all weebs

>> No.6809984


top edges m80! Now take your SJW ways back to >>>/pol/

>> No.6809990

>hating weebs mean you're /pol/
fuck off and die, weeaboo scum. you've got a dozen containment boards; stay there.

>> No.6810003


I don't give a fuck WHAT he asked about.

>> No.6810014



Uh oh. Did I hurt your little SJW feelings?
>"abloo hooo hooo"

>> No.6810015

where are you getting this from? what does hating weebs have to do with politics?

>> No.6810022


You cry just like a SJW.
>"boo hoo hoo woe is me waaahh"

>> No.6810040

Your posts are just one string of non-sequiturs after another. I guess Japanese entertainment has a degenerative effect on the brain, which is why only tistics and tards enjoy that garbage.

>> No.6810047
File: 36 KB, 452x585, sjw.wipes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>still implying I'm a weeb

Back to >>>/pol/ you SJW

>> No.6810051

Maybe if you keep spouting your nonsense it will eventually make sense. Probably not, though.

>> No.6810055


>abloo hooo hooo

Keep crying about it and maybe you'll get your way. Christ you SJW's are the worst thing to ever happen to the internet.

>> No.6810058

This is some next level shitposting. You're just throwing insults out, regardless of how applicable they are. I'll have to write this tactic down - you're really succeeding in coming off as a total moron.

>> No.6810099


>Look at me. I'm taking the High Road!
>my shit posting doesn't stink!

Nice deflection tactics now Fuck off SJW scum.

>> No.6810102

>he doubles down
I really have to commend you for being so devoted to this retard of a character.

>> No.6810112

Too bad your shit-posting isn't you playing a character.

>> No.6810113

How am I shitposting? By calling you a weeb and a pedo?

Maybe if you didn't love anime/fuck children, I wouldn't call you these things.

>> No.6810125


>how am I shit posting

Holy fuck just leave and learn how to not bump threads for your shitposting. Fucking sjw's when will they learn.

>Maybe if you didn't love anime/fuck children, I wouldn't call you these things

Never once did I say I like anime, but keep trying, shitposter!

>> No.6810129

A weeb apologist is just as bad as a weeb, perhaps even more so. And they're all pedophiles.

>> No.6810143


>abloo hoo hoo

Now, I'm an apologist. I couldn't just be some random anon fucking with you. NO WAY. I'm an apologist. You fucking libtard SJW shitposters are the fucking worst.

>> No.6810146
File: 65 KB, 474x369, 1401246981998.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saving this shit thread with some digits

>> No.6810148

kek, this never gets old. I'm still trying to figure out how any of this means I'm those things.

>> No.6810150
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>> No.6810155

It's not

>> No.6810160



Don't start getting mad now.

>> No.6810163
File: 115 KB, 640x480, 1407806640923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u mad bro?

>> No.6810166
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>> No.6810167
File: 5 KB, 252x200, heartattack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that shit gonna catch up to you

>> No.6810168


no pedos allowed

>> No.6810174
File: 54 KB, 881x589, 165406541632106.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6810178


>> No.6810180
File: 702 KB, 800x1129, 1434716371541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want loli you just have to ask nicely.

>> No.6810185

rule violation

>> No.6810188
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>> No.6810190
File: 72 KB, 929x618, 258002589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Revving up the SJW train again! Choo Choo!!

>> No.6810193

whatever you say, degenerate

>> No.6810200


>no u
>u r hurting my SJW feelings
>abllooo hooo

top reply m80, top reply.

>> No.6810203

>disapproving against degeneracy, cuckoldry and moral decay is SJW
What's next? Hating niggers is SJW?

>> No.6810209

>grape leaves count right?
Close enough.

>> No.6810226
File: 300 KB, 512x341, 3ab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this whole thread

you dudes need to calm down, that's not even some anime loli in OPs pics it's Pinkie Pie from MLP Equestria Girls, don't ask how I know this

>> No.6810232

somehow thats worse in a way
but holy shit this thread

>> No.6810234

>brony shit
as if that's any better

>> No.6810262
File: 111 KB, 640x481, spider-man-shrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, they're not little girls at least /shrugs. I don't give a damn either way what kinda dolls some guy wants to keep

>> No.6810266

I'm usually against genocide, but I make exceptions for bronies and weebs.

>> No.6810289
File: 67 KB, 344x156, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends all his time shitposting on the cooking board of a mongolian fingerpainting website
>thinks he's not a weeb

I capped this a minute ago from this very thread. Never forget where you are, you fucking self-hating weab faggot.

>> No.6810300


What is it? Chicken? With more chicken? Is that glare your computer screen or a furnace of some kind?

>> No.6810302

>next time for breakfast make breakfast lasagna. Same noodles. Sausage gravy instead of sauce. crumbles of breakfast sausage instead of beef. scrambled eggs instead of ricotta and melted cheddar on top

OMG you just qualified for Evil Genius status

>> No.6810307

>uses the [asian country] [action] [place] meme
found the redditor

>> No.6810353

OP here, it was chicken, lasagna, and a roll with garlic and parm


Thanks for blowin' up my friggen spot nor/mlp/erson, I was enjoying these anons fight about lolis

>Breakfast lasagna

Aw snap brah....that sounds good as heck

>> No.6810356

Pony talk is against the rules. Enjoy your ban, horsefucker.

>> No.6810378


actually simply mentioning that /mlp/ exists isn't against the rules

/mlp/ /mlp/ /mlp/, one time i went to /mlp/ and talked to nor/mlp/eople

>> No.6810380

Why are you sexually attracted to horses?

>> No.6810405


>If it talks like an sjw
>if it walks like an sjw

Guess what!

>> No.6810408

You are aware that there is a difference between social justice and actual justice, right?

Social justice is making sure people are nice to each other.

Actual justice is making sure grown men can't have sex with children.

>> No.6810414


Wow, got any more memes? You're such a hard core 4chanarian! Your parent must be proud.

>inb4 your epic le maymay response

>> No.6810417
File: 934 KB, 449x425, 1435284335248.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And none of this has anything to do with anime.

>> No.6810418

You sure are defensive about being called a redditor. I wonder why.

>> No.6810419

>pedophilia has nothing to do with anime

Then why are all weebs attracted to images of little girls?

>> No.6810421


If you don't like your shoes then don't wear them. You are the definition of an SJW, but it's probably not your fault. I would personally blame your parents, but it's not their fault for raising a nigger sjw. Good luck maybe one day you'll realize your sjw ways are wrong (probably around your 17th birthday(.


>> No.6810426
File: 99 KB, 900x810, 1437417252407.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're fucking kawaii as shit, lad. Do you want to fuck puppies?

>> No.6810427

I've never met a normal, well rounded person that had either a passion for anime or video games. Aaaaalways something wrong with them. Either have a social phobia, rely on character personas/dialogue as substitute for conversation, or have some physical deformity. I honestly couldn't care less what you think about anime or what people who enjoy it relate to it, normal, well-rounded people DON'T like it. Again, same with video games of any sort.

>> No.6810429


>> No.6810432

I think people who spend all day looking at pictures and videos of puppies in lewd situations/poses/outfits probably want to fuck puppies.

>> No.6810441

We were talking about molesting children. I'm well aware that most people who like anime are a bitch touched in the head, but there's quite a few leaps between being weird and diddling kids.

>video games

That's just bullshit though. What are you, 40 years old? Everybody plays videogames.

>> No.6810442

More anime fans would be child molesters if they ever left the basement. Since they don't, they're just pedos.

>> No.6810447

I must agree.

>> No.6810786
File: 280 KB, 800x911, faye_valentine_vector_by_mike_rmb-d5i6n9n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>More anime fans would be child molesters

You just know nothing about anime. A minority of the anime people watch has anything to do with that moe stuff...and guess what, it's usually girls who are into it

>> No.6810792

>pedophile damage control
I'm sure the FBI would be interested in your laptop.

>> No.6810801

100% of anti-anime shitposting is bored faggots from /jp/ looking to get a rise. You could've just ignored it, the thread was dead anyway.

>> No.6810884
File: 275 KB, 600x629, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6810906

>A minority of the anime people watch has anything to do with that moe stuff...and guess what, it's usually girls who are into it
Keep telling yourself that, fatso.