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6806526 No.6806526 [Reply] [Original]

How can people eat 70% dark chocolate? It is disgusting

>> No.6806528

It shouldnt be compared to normal milk chocolate, its nice but I can understand why you wouldnt like it. Same as some people dont like beer and wine.

>> No.6806531
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>> No.6806532

It's nice with a good cigarette or cigar.

>> No.6806537

People have different taste anon

>> No.6806544

let me know when you turn fucking 10 years old, op

>> No.6806572
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This man speaks the truth

>> No.6806594

They don't like it, they're just manchildren who think pretending to enjoy bitter things is a sign of growing up. This is why dark chocolate is eaten in public, and never in private (exception here being for the purpose of taking pictures to post on tumblr and other cancer).

Anyone who enjoys candy, which chocolate is, eats milk chocolate. No exceptions. Dark chocolate is literally (barely) edible fedora.

>> No.6806610
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>> No.6806616

>How can people eat Lindt chocolate? It is disgusting

>> No.6806617
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>a good cigarette

>> No.6806620

Try the 90%. It's much better.

>> No.6806623

I like extra dark chocolate and I don't like milk chocolate. It's good as an occasional treat and pairs well with coffee and things like cherries or smoked almonds.

Don't eat an entire bar in one sitting, you dolt.

>> No.6806638


i actually try to hide the fact that i eat dark chocolate when in public. i'm afraid of people judging me and thinking to themselves "wtf he's eating DARK chocolate? that bitter disgusting stuff? ICK what a PLEB with NO taste"

>> No.6806642

it depends on the brand, if you're eating lindt then you're obviously some fedora neckbeard who thinks that his $10 gas station sushi and shitty mass market dark chocolate makes him cultured

there are some brands of good chocolate that have good dark chocolate, but guess what? they also have good milk chocolate so why even bother with the dark?

>> No.6806643

some cigarettes taste good. usually the additive free ones.

>> No.6806645
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let me guess, you think American Spirit is actually good?

fun fact: american spirit is the lindt 97% of cigarettes. plebs pretend to like it because it's the fanciest thing they sell at the gas station and they've never heard of anything better.

>> No.6806647


>let me guess, you think American Spirit is actually good?

Has your guess made you happy anon?Validated your existence?

>> No.6806648

>How can people NOT eat 70% dark chocolate? It is disgusting to eat chocolate with less cocoa!

>> No.6806649

Are you the same guy?

If so, weren't you just saying that no cigarettes are good?

If not, fuck off.

>> No.6806651

70% is the sweet spot for chocolate to be robust but not too bitter IMO. I don't care for darker chocolate.

>> No.6806652
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>everyone who isn't me is the same person
yes, sometimes I get a small jolt of pleasure out of shitting on someone's shit taste. this sort of behavior is ultimately harmful to me in the long run but it feels so good. kind of like smoking!

anyway I quit smoking before all the good stuff was removed from the market.

>> No.6806653

I didn't assume you were. I was asking. Now fuck off, hipster cunt.

>> No.6806655

try and make me shitmouth

>> No.6806657

I know, right?
I'm a fan of dark chocolate, but Lindt is seriously a huge, cloying vanilla bomb. The actual vanilla flavor itself is nice, but there's way too much.

>> No.6806660

I know one way.

>> No.6806680

>always buy the cheap Irresistibles 72% dark chocolate
>tastes pretty good

>decide to try 70% Lindt chocolate because it's three times more expensive, so maybe it's better
>tastes like ass

Fuck you, Lindt. Fuck you in the ass.

>> No.6806704
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Master race reporting in

>> No.6806715
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true master race reporting in

i put it and a little splenda in my coffee sometimes. it real bitter but alkaloids right?

>> No.6806736

You are disgusting

>> No.6806745

I like it, the strong taste reminds me of a sweeter, more fragrant coffee taste

>> No.6806777

American Spirits are less shitty than most cigarettes.

Do you smoke menthols or something you nig?

>> No.6806779

And what might that be

>> No.6806789

As I mentioned previously, just because you've never had tobacco products other than what the local gas station sells doesn't mean they don't exist

Also I don't smoke anymore, and what shit hole do you live in where there are only two possible races that a person can be

>> No.6806791

>what shit hole do you live in where there are only two possible races that a person can be
You're either white or you're not bud

>> No.6806807

>not eating spoonfuls of high quality cocoa by itself

>> No.6806911

you don't eat it the same as normal chocolate. break off one square, break it in half, and let the two pieces melt in your mouth. once your saliva starts breaking down the chocolate the bitter/hash taste subsides and the delicious aromas and flavors come out

i used to believe this

>lindt 90%
>processed with alkalai
pleb shit, lindt 85% is the best lindt

i really like dark shit around 85%

>> No.6806915

I liked milk chocolate when I was younger, but now I can't stand it because it's too sweet

the bitter dark chocolate is nice though

>> No.6806916

Dark chocolate is good for you. I like to dip it in peanut butter.

>> No.6806948

I grab a bar of the 90 every now and then - it's good with espresso.

>> No.6806949

i cant eat milk chocolate or anything too sweet, so this shit is my ideal

>> No.6807052

Are you a lady? Try cadbury's or malteasers with a nice can of diet coke.

>> No.6807076

>if you're eating lindt then you're obviously some fedora neckbeard who thinks that his $10 gas station sushi and shitty mass market dark chocolate makes him cultured

or you could just be a guy who likes decent chocolate and can get these bars for $0.99 at the Grocery Outlet sometimes.

>> No.6807079
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>all these 90 plebs

>> No.6807087
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You obviously haven't tried the 105%. That is pure orgasm

>> No.6807090


why not just buy bakers chocolate at that point, same thing and it's cheaper.

>> No.6807093
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>> No.6807098

I choose to pay more and just be a massive faggot.

>> No.6807120
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the darker the better, 90% is where I like to be hovering around

>> No.6807212

tried it... prefer baker's chocolate.

>> No.6808063

I never cared for Dark Chocolate. I thought it was disgusting shit for old ladies, as many grandmas in the world enjoy fucking awful prehistoric concoctions as treats.

I went to a whisky taste event once. The guy had something I never had before, a Bowmore Laimrig. It's one of the best whiskies I've ever had. Waxy/Oily as fuck too. Once we've all had a chance to taste it on it's own, he moved on to distribute dark chocolate. It went incredibly well with the whisky and, well, I've been having dark chocolate regularly since.

We also had some cuban cigars afterwards, which I also had never tried before. It was a fantastic evening.

>> No.6808100

Griss tbh

>> No.6808107

Fucking made me google "griss". You meant 'gross' rite?

>> No.6808118

Then this thread shouldn't even exist if it's premise is based on "why do people like other things?"

>> No.6808125

No I meant butter

>> No.6808161

No, Griss! Look further please

>> No.6808282
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pick one. I eat 86%+ chocolate and I love it. Any less and you're eating brown sugar bars for people who don't like the taste of chocolate.

>> No.6808322

That is correct. This thread should not exist.

>> No.6808330

Why 86%? How did you arrive at this arbitrary line? If you actually like the taste of chocolate why not 100%?
>not eating raw cocoa beans

>> No.6808368

it's the percentage of chocolate in my favorite Swiss chocolate bar they sell at our local store.

>why not 100%?
more put chocolate bars are more expensive. I occasionally make my own chocolate bars with a combination of pure cacao powder, unscented coconut oil and honey.

>> No.6808370

>more put chocolate bars
more pure chocolate bars*

>> No.6808473

I had to transition to this because I can't eat milk anymore. It tastes just like milk chocolate when you get used to it.
What I couldn't get used to is 90% & upwards.

>> No.6808484

>and honey

>> No.6808503

thinkin about this thread and a few replies..

i can eat the 90 cocoa, not because i like it, but ive been fed stories it might have some alloys my cells like or some shit. im fine with that ill take getting called whatever name those would belittle me with, cause its my choice because i knida believe the stories. i dont get mad.

wut? oh, yeah i fad diet, err rampage,

when did you realize that OreIda frozen french fries and tater tots was Oregon/Idaho?

I can see small stuff but that eluded me for 40 years

sorry no pic

>> No.6808820
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I eat baker's chocolate lol

I love the bitterness

>> No.6808998
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Have you tried these?

>> No.6809001

It's disgusting because you bought shitty chocolate m8. Find some micro batch chocolate from a single origin done right. 65-70% is a sweetspot.

>> No.6809007

sugar helps cocoa.

whats good for our cells

>> No.6809016

>falling for the cacao jew

>> No.6809022

And 65-70% is quite sweet, and not over bitter, but just has a touch of bitterness that balances the sweetness. I've tried lindt 70% and it tastes pretty rough. At least partly because it is stale as fuuuck.

>> No.6809149

I eat 85% dark, but the only sweet thing in my diet is fruit, so super dark chocolate actually doesn't taste that bitter to me.

>> No.6809352

If you like black coffee, try drinking some while eating it. It takes both to another level.

>> No.6809371
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Yup I get 85% too and it's the best chocolate for that price that's available easily. $2 for that chocolate is ridiculous. No soy lecithin either. Minimum ingredients.

>> No.6809372


>> No.6809443
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I like cacao nibs and milk chocolate, dark chocolate is just some bizarre inbetween that fails at both sides.

>> No.6809445

Anything under 85% is for poor people.

>> No.6809447

It's like you don't want to taste your food

>> No.6809664
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I like 99%. You can't eat a whole bar in a few hours, but 1 or two pieces a day are great!

>> No.6810376
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Lindt is garbage tier.
The darker the chocolate the harder it is to hide how shit tier the raw ingredients and production process is since you dont have as much sugar to cover the taste.
You should get yourself some proper single origin chocolates and blends from an actual premier chocolate producer.
pic related

PS. Hershey isn't even chocolate