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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6801547 No.6801547 [Reply] [Original]

here again. last time it was swamp beast spare rib. today it's eye of round beef roast. going classic, gonna be served with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli.

what are you eating, and what do you smoke?

>> No.6801662

hmm...nobody eating anything and nobody smoking anything? that's a bummer.

>> No.6802417
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it's finished.

>> No.6802423
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aaaaand, dinner...

>> No.6802427

>drowned in gravy

it's well done. admit it

>> No.6802438

its a fucking roast you mong

looks tasty op

>> No.6802451

>eating dry beef roast

why live?

>> No.6802461

you're a jackass if you don't put gravy all over your roast, well done or not. and no, it's not well done.
thank you. it was outstanding.

>> No.6802607

Dear god please tell me those are Bacos. I fucking love Bacos.

>> No.6802672


>> No.6802680

With a name like smoky smokerton you sound like a faggot without cadence that's sucking up to XM/Serius like lil jimmy.

Just sayin.

>> No.6802720

what? I'm not sure I follow your shithole references. in all seriousness, please explain what the fuck that's supposed to mean.

>> No.6802732

they invented this thing, you may have heard of it, called a meat thermometer

>you're a jackass if you don't put gravy all over your roast,

delicious medium-rare roast should be great without gravy. but that wasn't my point. my point was that OP was obviously hiding the fact he burnt his roast.

>no, it's not well done.

pics or didn't happen

>> No.6802755

don't be butthurt because of your lack of faith in anyone else's ability. don't presume only you know how a meat thermometer works, or how to cook beef. 3.5lb eye of round at 250-275 for 5.25 hours in a smoker. you tell me, shitcake, was it burned? suck my dick, bitch. and roast, no matter how done, ALWAYS gets gravy. without it, you're a tryhard gayballs who WISHES he had some gravy.

>> No.6802771

got enough seasoning on that nigger? god damn

>> No.6802775

>dried chives

fucking dropped

>> No.6802778

dropped the mic and walked away, cause dried chives kick asses on potatoes.

>> No.6802782

I bet you hate frozen peas too huh

>> No.6802786

>too lazy to chop fresh and too dumb to grow your own

No and I have no idea what that has to do with shitty ass dry chives

also samefag more

>> No.6802790

that wasn't me.
that was.

>> No.6802794

also, you must've missed the part about how dehydrated foods carry concentrated flavors, which means that logic dictates that if you like fresh chives, you will LOVE dried chives. fuck off, high horse.

>> No.6802795

that's exactly how that doesn't work

>> No.6802803

tell me again about how it doesn't work that way?

>> No.6802808
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I shut my mouth.eye round is alot leaner looks nice. gwg. same. age to sage

>> No.6802815

>smoky smokerton

kill yourself

>> No.6802817


>> No.6802822

>kill yourself

cause you don't like my name? but you haven't even tried my smoked foods yet...

>> No.6802838

then lets start with that sausage bb, u want sum fuk?

>> No.6802844

>no pics

confirmed well done

>> No.6802852

you want it to be so bad, don't you. the best i can do, since I didn't take any pics of the slices, or an open end, is to point you to the picture of the cooked whole roast. see all that juicy redness pooling under it while it rests? confirmed butthurt assclown. go eat some raw beef with A1, you dumbass.

>> No.6802868
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why would i be butthurt OP, I didn't burn my roast LOL

>> No.6802879

nor did I. and that's why you're butthurt. cause you want me to have. also, poor gif choice, as I have explained my cooking procedure, and your lack of knowledge about cooking beef allows you to continue to butthurt over my wonderfully cooked roast.

>> No.6802884

no pics

>> No.6802893

you insist that because no pics, it didn't happen. but the converse of that is also true: no pics of over cooked roast also means it didn't happen. your argument is based entirely upon my use of gravy. but because gravy is so common on roast--a fact immediately pointed out to you--we cannot possibly assume that the roast is over cooked BECAUSE of the gravy; moreover, gravy is preferential. and because i have said it wasn't overcooked, and because i have explained my procedure, and because I have directed you to the nearest possible picture that can refute your insistence, your 'no pics' argument, as well as your assumption that it was overcooked in the first place, is totally invalid. kindly fuck off, all I wanted to do was talk about smoked foods.