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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6797890 No.6797890 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ long time lurker, first time shitposter.
What are some food habits your friends do that disgust you?

>have one friend who is lanky malnourished skeleton
>always orders pizza but when he gets it he wipes off the cheese and sauce with a napkin
>proceeds to get parmasean cheese and covers the dough in that
>when asked why he fucking wastes all this money just to eat dough he says "I don't like mozzarella cheese, my way is better"

>> No.6797909

when im with a group of friends who want to go to tacovbell there's always the one self righteous healthy guy tbh

>> No.6797921

>they don't put ketchup on their well done steaks

>> No.6797922
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I loves ze tacovsbells. That guy is dildos.

>> No.6797925

maybe he just doesnt want you to have a heart attack by the time youre 40 you fat fuck

>> No.6797926

Sounds like what you need is a better group of friends that don't want to go to shit places like taco bell.

>> No.6798589


>have one friend who is lanky malnourished skeleton

Translation: he's American and weighs less than 300 lbs.

>> No.6798595
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>> No.6798597

i would have fucked with his food just because he left those notes

>> No.6798616


>> No.6798628

Why, because you're children? The notes are obviously there because some asshole(s) kept eating the guy's dinner. Why can't a guy just have some fucking food without you people picking at like some vultures and then getting prissy when he gets frustrated? Grow up

>> No.6798633

Nah, I just don't like people using passive aggressive notes like a bitch. Either come and talk to me like a grown up or I will fuck with you like we are children, if talking to me wasn't enough to dissuade me then I clearly have no respect for you and will fuck with you anyways.
I think you have being an impotent beta confused with being mature.

>> No.6798640
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get a load of this badass

>> No.6798644 [DELETED] 


>Come and talk to me like a grown up

Says the person who gets irrationally irate at someone writing on their own property. How cucked are you that you can't comprehend someone writing on their food because it might get eaten while they are away?

>> No.6798652

His aggression in the notes is why I would react this way. A simple note like "please dont touch" would've been more than enough, I generally don't each shit that isn't mine anyways, but passive aggressive notes with hostile language make me want to fuck with you just as a matter of principle. Seriously are all muricans whiny like this?

I am a badass, my ass is the baddest, you should be scared of how bad my ass is.

>> No.6798676


>Threatens homicide for touching his food
>He isn't the autistic manchild

I'd bet $100 if you did, he wouldn't do anything at all except more passive-aggressive things.

>> No.6798681

Marco detected

>> No.6798685

You are entirely correct, I've had roommates like this before.

>> No.6798686

Kek if this is how you act in real life I'd just skip the notes and knock your dumbass out for even thinking about touching my food.
What a child

>> No.6798698

>knock your dumbass out
You couldn't. You simply couldn't, nice attempt at bravado though.

>> No.6798700

>id knock you out
Oh look its marco, trying to act tough again.

>> No.6798706

I've been boxing for eight years but if you say so "badass that catches feelings because people write mean notes on their own property"

>> No.6798722
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KEK, thats my line.
This is also why I know you can't touch me, been practicing the sweet science since for over 18 years. My dad is actually a well known pugilist, and I have been ranked nationally.

I'll even let you take the first swing, even if you hit me I'm not going down.

>> No.6798739

I have friends who eat each others food and one does nothing about it but act like a bitch and the other one enjoys always provoking him by doing it time after time. Like they are that hungry and poor this guy eats what is not his.. But this other guy seriously counts his fries. As if..

>> No.6798748

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

>> No.6798760

>6 year old pasta

Damn, those are some stale noodles.

>> No.6798806
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not much, sorry, i 'tend to get going. I gues it boils down to, or too, eat what offered and try to walk outdoors to "get some "fresh air". Miricles happen in the strangest of places. Was in a rehab center. Getting ready for posible death. (yeah, ben in places for alcohol. truth telling. A CNA named james (and otres) checked on me. Said I'm scared James. No reason to be. Instant calm. Shit. a CNA making lessthan um forgot CK , 10 buicks an hour. Better than any hundred buck an hour psychyistrist. Sometime, everyone needs to hear "al is ok. relax." Simple and conscise. and verry, very true. yhanks ck There are consequnces. to any action. going blimd. You think it's blad now? S'okay., al is well.

>> No.6798812

As a university student I really hope you guys are all being ironic because if this is the attitude of people in any workforce I think I'd rather kill myself now and not have to deal with you people.

>> No.6798814

You might want to lay off the booze and go lie down for a bit.

>> No.6798820
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>I think I'd rather kill myself now

Get to it faggot.

>> No.6798956

I am the self-righteous healthy guy, but unlike that faggot, I realize that, by virtue of being the healthy guy, I can afford to eat whatever I want when I'm out with friends because I eat well the rest of the time.

wrong opinion

>> No.6798970

>"don't touch my food!"
>passive aggressive
>he should go have a personal conversation with every single person who might steal his food to make sure they don't do it instead of just writing a note on the container

>> No.6798977
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>every single person
>because there are so many fucking people who have access to his fridge

God what a fucking retard.

>> No.6799012

It's obviously at a restaurant you autist

>> No.6799248

Think again bud he's 6 foot 4, 140 pounds

>> No.6799258

my bf will take a whole can of tuna, throw it on a "salad" comprised of kidney beans (just dumped on there with juice and everything), add things like raisins, drench it in peppercorn and like 1/2 cup of expensive EVOO, basically make a frankensalad that is very healthy but looks and smells completely unappetizing

>> No.6799262
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Its obviously at his home you fucking retard. If it was at a restaurant he wouldn't need to do this because people would assume its a carry out order. Or he would have put it in his car. Or in the office.

>you've never worked in a kitchen

>> No.6799263

This probably seems petty, but I have a friend who still chews with his mouth open.

>> No.6799291

Or maybe it could be at work ? Who the fuck would write this shit at home srsly ?

>> No.6799292

My sister does this, can't tell if she just does it to fuck with me since we only see each other a few times a year, but it's nasty

>> No.6799297

People with roommates/family/a fat gf
How fucking dumb are you?

>> No.6799301

You should fuck your sister.

>> No.6799312

>break one of his fries in half
>hide it underneath the rest
>he now has 88 fries

>> No.6799326

>people keep styrofoam to-go boxes at their house
ur grasping at straws lad

>> No.6799331

>not sure if troll or actually retarded

>> No.6799535
File: 283 KB, 546x432, Let Go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are some food habits your friends

>> No.6799541

Yay methposting anon is back!

>> No.6799551

>he's right, better shitpost!

>> No.6799614

this doesn't disgust, but rather enrages me. When people make noises when they chew/I can hear them chewing.

I used to have a friend who made little moans when he ate. At first I think he was doing it because that was just him, but then he started doing it just to fuck with me.

>> No.6800363

my girlfriend eats pasta with grated chedder mixed into it and nothing else. Sometimes she snacks on uncooked pasta.

>> No.6800367


Former roommate used to buy ramen, throw the seasoning out and just eat the noodles. Uncooked.