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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6798115 No.6798115 [Reply] [Original]

How's it going you sad fucks, what are you drinking?

>> No.6798121

It's 11:15 on a weekday morning. Water and coffee you degenerate.

>> No.6798126
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I'm drunk on beer.

Reminiscing about my military service when I was drunk on beer.

>> No.6798129

>alcoholism general
Learn to read you daffy cunt. You do realize that not everyone here is murican right? Time zones? Ringing any bells?

Fucking idiot.

>> No.6798218

Vodka and soda.

>> No.6798295

I'm drinking plain soda water. I'll be in meetings until 9:00 pm, afterwards me and my coworkers will go to a bar and get loaded.

>> No.6798440
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In my pre-leukemia days, it would be the time where I'd crack open a cold one, just for the taste. Usually my roomate stash. I wouldn't typically store alcohol since I was a raging alcoholic.
Then I'd empty out a 6 pack watching TPB through the afternoon.
Then at around 6pm I'd go to the liquor store and buy some cheap rhum and buy back my roomie beers and get a burger. I'd get out later in the summer so the night would cover my tracks and I'd look like a working man.
Then I'd drink until I passed out.
Wake up at 2 pm the next day. Sober up, start again the following day.
I stopped that routine got a shitty job when I ran out of cash, but I got diagnosed with leukemia.
They gave me ativan for the stress. I abused Ativans and when the Rx was over I picked up drinking and smoking.
I know I'll end up drinking my life away until I run out of cash again.
Help me co/ck/s, pls helps me...

>> No.6798546


>> No.6798559

Stop it.
Don't overthink it.
I've quit cigs, benzos, and heroin at the same damn time with this mindset.
At worst you feel like you wanna die for a little bit, don't be a bitch confront your pain and suffer through it.

>> No.6798648

I got 375 ml of vodka I'm about to get into after my roommate get home and we make these brats and peppers. I hate myself. School starts in 11 days and I know I'm going to flip out on kids about shit. Save me /ck/

>> No.6798689

finishing work tomorrow at 1pm (starting 2 weeks holidays too)

will come straight home, make myself some dinner, walk the dog for a bit, then begin drinking bout half 2 until ... well, probably the night before I'm back in work tbh! fridge full of cheap beer and cider at the ready

for now I'm just having some tea

>> No.6798693

>take the pain
Honestly the best advice you can give, its going to suck ass, just deal with it.

>> No.6798703
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The pain is nothing compared to the void, the emptiness of our sober lives.

>> No.6798712

You need to find a way to distract yourself for a month or two. Lord knows I do. Just start hiking, or shooting, or hey even cooking.

>> No.6798713

yeah but i can distract myself from the emptiness.
not always, but enough to keep life moving forward.
the hardest part is everything makes me want to use. Everything.

>> No.6798725

Don't we already have a thread for this?
Why are there so many damn alcoholics on /ck/?

>> No.6798728

Not yet an alcohol (i hope atleast), Drinking beer as always.

>> No.6798775

>Just spend money, or spend more money, or hey even spend money.
Some of us are unemployed and mooching drinks off others to survive. Like hell I'm going to face my dark bedroom ceiling and my utter worthlessness it reminds me of without being drunk.

>> No.6798794

I bet every board that isn't explicitly for children has tons of alcohol posters. There are a ton of alkies out there, man.

>> No.6798799
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diet dr pepper

>> No.6798800
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First step is admitting it anon.
Are you ready to make the most important move of your life?
We're there for you anon.

>> No.6798804

Hiking is free, faggot. All you have to do is walk out into the woods. cooking is also pretty much a cost of living.

>> No.6798830

>All you have to do is walk out into the woods
Well, I guess getting shot to death by my paranoid redneck neighbors is a valid solution to drinking too much.

>> No.6798841
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I went hiking with a relative two days ago. I had to not drink the night before so I'd wake up early.
I sweated my life on the mountain. I was chain smoking the whole time.
I replenished my fluids with a liter of cheap wine and a couple of beers.

>> No.6798845

Everytime I go walk in the woods, I can't help but to bring up Deliverance. As a city kid I'm also shit scared of homo hillbillies wanting to rape me and cook my remains.

>> No.6798850

Would it have killed you to drink a gatorade? Shit, man, I hope I never get that cynical.

>> No.6798857

>this is what city folk actually believe.

Quit being a liberal pussy and actually go see nature instead of musing about it on instagram. Better yet, bring your own fucking gun. You own at least one, right?

>> No.6798861

avoid the Appalachian area, everywhere else should be fine.

>> No.6798863

He'd better, otherwise he's just wrong.

>> No.6798866
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gatorade is full of toxic bro-mine and other shitty chemicals. not to mention sugar and colorants.
I'd rather be in control of my health and drink naturally fermented grape juice by the ton.

>> No.6798876
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I don't own a gun because I'm scared I'll get drunk and kill myself with it

>> No.6798892

fair enough

>> No.6798899

My wife won't let me get a gun because of sleep walking and this

>> No.6798900

>I let my wife make decisions for me

>> No.6798909

Damn right.
>not letting your gun make decisions for you

>> No.6798912

But my gun will never leave me, never get mad at me, never cheat on me with my friends and my gun is perfectly fine with me having other guns.

>> No.6798913

Why would a gun lie to you?

>> No.6798948

my uncle was cured of leukemia through chemo and a stem cell donation. The new stem cells completely took over his blood.

>> No.6798994

cool! great for him!
I actually have the type of leukemia with the best prognostic. It's a one pill a day chemo with little side effects.
they say alcoholic consumption should be kept at a minimum or avoided, but no big red flags about getting hammered. I get terrible hangovers from dehydratation though. with the new drugs the survival rates are around 95%
20 years ago it was a death sentence.

>> No.6799004

I bought a gun and started getting drunk hoping I would get the nerve to kill myself. That was 12 years ago and obviously it didn't work. It's really scary when it comes down to it. Even when inebriated. I've never even fired it.

>> No.6799009

I'll drink to that. GL to you, brother.

>> No.6799352

Anybody ever got alcohol induced neuropathy? I've been a moderately heavy drinker for about 2 years (drinking 7,8+ drinks a day about 90% of days) and this last weekend, after a particularly heavy weekend, I woke up on Sunday feeling awful. Then about halfway through the day I got a terrible bout of tingling in my extremities, i could hardly move my arms from the elbow down, and at one point my fingers almost completely locked. My legs were doing the same thing, walking was nearly impossible. I think this is my first major sign I'm in the deep end, though I haven't drank since and I'm doing fine. Has anyone else had something similar?

>> No.6799357

35 many years of drinking and i drink most days of the week

last few years my short term memory is basically nothing. i can forgot what i did 10 minutes ago. end up in rooms in the house not sure why i entered, etc.

>> No.6799382

I'm not the same anon. I'm not even a heavy drinker but my short term is absolute shit. I'll just go downstairs then forget what I was there for and then go back up then remember what I needed.

>> No.6799389

Hehe. Pretty sure we know the culprit

>> No.6799395

Wait, you are NOT a heavy drinker? Then what's the matter?

>> No.6799409

lel. Fuckin totally. Or i'm literally just retarded.
Which is completely a possibility, And I don't drink EVERY single day but I never drink for anything but the pain to go away. So maybe that's not your definition of an alchy but I still hate myself just the same. Sorry if you feel I don't belong here.

>> No.6799506

I drink IPAs to compensate for my self consciousness. I'm also buzzed right now, you dumb faggot.

>> No.6799527

>tfw no gun harem

>> No.6799553


My fingers used to tingle after a big bender. I was drinking 13+ drinks a day.

Blood in my piss and shit scared me sober. 30 days this sunday

>> No.6799574

Does 3 guns count as a harem? I used to have 8 but then I sold several and bought a new car.

>> No.6799580

Drinkin with a bud at bdubs...probably gonna get retarded drunk by myself then see motorhead tomorrow, also smashed.

I love Vegas and the military

I hate who I've become

>> No.6799585
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4am friday morning, drinking Loch Lomond.
Cheap as piss and rough as fuck.

>> No.6799596

I pity the people born without any sort of self control or will power. I have done/heavily abused alcohol, psychedelics, benzos, dissasociatives, and amphetamines and I dropped them all cold turkey. I have a friend who did too, though he suffered for a couple years before hand.

Just do't be a little over dramatic bitch with no self control and maybe you can stop.

You probably wont die if you stop right now.

>> No.6799607
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If you had any self-control you wouldn't have heavily abused that shit in the first place. Fuck off anyway, we don't want to hear about what a hardcore non-addict you are.

>> No.6799610

Nice bait, someone'll surely bite it.

>> No.6799623

We all have our vices.

>> No.6799651

Sorry I made you will power lacking, self control lacking, pathetic little bitches feel insecure. Even at the highest of my drug abuse I never complained or asked for help, I just decided enough was enough. I never did it for attention or because "life is so horrible!!!11!" I just did what I did to satisfy curiosity.

Sorry you are at the point that you blog about your problems on an anonymous image board.

>> No.6799655

>*fedora tip*

>> No.6800424
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Four days sober. Can't sleep very well, so mornings kinda suck. But at least I'm not groggy from a hangover. Besides, it's nothing that coffee can't fix. Other than that, can't complain.

>> No.6801331

Bought some cheap as Whisky from Aldi and some Coke. Just want to get drunk on a budget.

Do you gus also drink before a work day? I have to work tomorrow but I start late in the evening, I should be ok by then.

>> No.6801338

It's my day off so I woke up at noon and cracked open a beer. Why doesn't everyone do this? It's amazing.

>> No.6801345

lawsons sip of sunshine... i hate my life

>> No.6801361

black velvet canadian whiskey blend. shits like $11 at costco. i fucking love that shit .

>> No.6801381

I have so many friends that arn't alcoholics but would tip if it weren't for me and some other firends.
Sucks the laters and me really enjoy drinking.
I've gotta embottle the mead I've prepared or else it's gonna be bad.
And I've gotta put some money aside to buy some wine to keep. We drank the last old bottle yesterday on my father's birthday.
Also I'm out of gin.

>> No.6801424

>30 days this sunday
I'm at 6 days after my last fall.

>> No.6801580
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who /jimbeam/ here?

>> No.6801686

On Tinychat with my friends(degenerate alcoholics), got a .7 bottle of Finlandia, probably gonna finish all of it in a couple of hours, have some brandy too in case i need to drink more before puking and going to sleep completely blacked out

>> No.6801852

Are you seriously asking wether this is ok? I mean, read what you've written. You're fucked. Go see a doctor.

>> No.6801863


jack for the smooth and clean, typically drink it on dates

james is for savoring throughout a long night

and jim is there for me when I want to get completely fucked up

>> No.6801869

>Speights Old Dark ale
>its not even 9am

Wow I hate being off work

>> No.6801872

My last drink was august 10. Still sober, feelin' good. Hope this lasts. Binge drinking for 15 years can sure fuck your shit up ,kids.

>> No.6802589

If I can't be happy at least I can be drunk.

>> No.6802651
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Johnny never let me down.

>> No.6802669

I know I'm a day late but in my heavier drinking days I would sometimes get this obnoxious tingling in my lips and face the day when stopping drinking. Only ever happened when I was around other people and forced to talk with them though.

>> No.6802686

This used to happen to me before I started drinking. Smh

>> No.6803353

Gin, homemade shrub, pechaud bitters and soda. U can be brutal and drink 40s or be all set and drink sazeracs but we all have a problem. Im into champagne drinks these days (french75,brosnan,champagne cocktail)

>> No.6804251
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Been trying to quit recently, temptations were and are big though. I've got a bunch of different kinds of beers and some cheap whiskey for tonight.

It was sort of easy-ish to not drink during my vacations, and I used to have no problems staying sober on work days, because I was sure to get drunk on the weekends to compensate, but knowing I'll have to stay all sober, all the time, it's fucked. My life feels too empty.

This, basically.

That's what I've been trying to look for at the store today. got something called Mic Mac now. Was the cheapest they had.

Too expensive m8.

>> No.6804480


Take your b vitamins dummy.

>> No.6804521
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I'm not drinking anything yet. Still sobering up from last night's bout. I need half my wits so I don't catch on fire while grilling pork loins. I'll hit the throttle and crack the bottle around 7pm. The old lady should be here by then. I enjoy her company much more when I'm under the influence.

>> No.6805144
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>> No.6805165


both b6 and b12? I just got a bottle of b12 recently, and I usually take: fish oil, D, garlic oil, and a multi when I feel particularly shitty

>> No.6805171

a...anybody here? Anyone gettin drunk? I am and watching anime and football (go saints) anyone wanna hang out?

>> No.6805220

I'm drinking liquid happiness

>> No.6805258
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>that first sip of beer after you've been booze-sick and puking for 2 days straight

>> No.6805459

>be sober
>wish I was dead
>be drunk
>forget that i'm not dead for a while
sobriety is suffering
someone get me drunk

>> No.6805485

I'm drinking Holsten right now.

>> No.6805564
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straight SVEDKA. the shit tastes REALLY good

>> No.6805585

Got pretty turnt on shitty beer last night, smoked a blunt before bed, woke up and threw up a single time. Fuck buddy gave me some weed after that so I felt better.

Laid around and drank wine all day with said fuck buddy, now I'm out of weed and sleepy drinking some Leffe, an old favorite. It's a lot sweeter than I remember, not really doing it for me as much as it used to, tbh. Probably won't even end up getting drunk tonight, but that's for the best I suppose, been on kind of a binder lately.

>tfw start school again on Monday

Kill me.

>> No.6805634


You need B1 - Thiamine to avoid negative neurological effects from alcoholism.

>> No.6805637


reported for underage

>> No.6805640

yeah what's up blood

struggling to keep a buzz, sleepy from sex

need weed, or blow. please send drugs and good company.

>> No.6805645

>what is college

It's culinary school tho, so not like I can't show up still drunk/hungover

>> No.6806014
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I'm mixing gin and dark ginger ale. Nothing exceptional but I find that I can make any gin drink strong as fuck without having much burn. I'll give it a 6/10. I was getting bored of gin and tonics

>> No.6806112

I only drink every night, i never get blackout drunk, so like half a bottle of 1000ml vodka, i wanna quit cold turkey. How bad will my withdrawals be? This has gone on for every for about 2 months

>> No.6806119

You won't have any.

>> No.6806154


I´m drinking cheap beer because I´m a cheap loser.

>> No.6806215

Youre not a loser, screw buying expensive shit if youre just looking for a buzz

>> No.6806220

I'm not reading this thread because it will fuck me up harder but just reporting in for my count tonight so far:
5 natty ice
2 steel reserves
3 coronas
working on finishing off the 6 corona pack

I love food though, all kinds.

>> No.6806223

Food is great! Cooking > buying meals all day every day

>> No.6806254
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Is it possible to die of a hangover? Please this is not a troll reply. I drink a six pack of flying dog raging bitch every two nights with a shooter of vodka. Please answer me if you can die from a hangover, ie: 6 hours after last drink

>> No.6806257

If you're an alcohol the detox can kill you. Start drinking again.

>> No.6806260

If you dont drink every night your fine...

>> No.6806261

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.6806264

But I feel like shit and think I'm going to die the day after...

>> No.6806271

A hangover will not kill you, unless you're an alcoholic.

>> No.6806275

Cmon man. Let me ask this again. "Will a hangover kill you?" Think about it.

>> No.6806281
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Am I retarded or are you just talking in circles? No, a hangover will not kill you.

>> No.6806288

split a pitcher of 21st amendment hell or high watermelon. not bad

>> No.6806460

A hangover may not, but unattended to alcohol poisoning will.

>> No.6806488

Not even an alkie, but I had a genny with my coffee and cheerios. Beer's great morning food.

>> No.6806561

Just woke up to piss gonna kill this 24 Oz of steel reserve then go back to bed

>> No.6806583

I have this. After a heavy night I can't feel my entire left arm or left side of my face. When it first happened I thought I was for sure having a stroke.

>> No.6807149

I had to drive to BC this week and my car raped me on gas so I'm drinking popov. I drink a half gallon of Smirnoff about every 3 days

>> No.6807166

>Hiking is free

Lol if you wanna look like a pleb walking around with a jansport bag and jeans.

>> No.6807168

Red wine, 7:30pm where I live, drunk a bottle already.

>> No.6807224
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AB fag? have fun with ridiculously high liquor and gas prices

>> No.6808078

>beer's great morning food

Chill out, Misato.

This is the weeaboest thing I HAVE EVER SAID.

>> No.6808243


>> No.6808255

>How's it going you sad fucks, what are you drinking?

Not drinking a fucking thing today and I'm not happy about it. Red wine is about 625 calories per bottle. I'm under my 2000 calories a day count, have about 710 calories left... apparently alcohol contains the worst calories you can consume...

>> No.6808333

>Is it possible to die of a hangover?

You may wish you were dead, but no.

>> No.6808394
File: 30 KB, 960x355, FB-Cover-Photo-James-Lahey-I-am-the-Liquor-June-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you become the liquor yet?

>> No.6808404
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>get rum
>drink way too much rum just to feel good
>wake up in the middle of the night puking my guts out until morning


>> No.6808424


>> No.6808451

Buy better rum dude

>> No.6808453

yeah i really don't think that's the problem man

>> No.6808459

drink light rum then, but rum is delicious. I always end up puking with rum or getting a nasty hangover with it. i love it though.

>> No.6808476

he doesn't drink though. if you analyze a scene he is in, no real drunk person would be able to do the things he does. it is all an act.

>> No.6808487

as a drink? yes. it works well with food, but genessee isn't a good beer to replace milk in cheerios. maybe the cream ale with an omelette would work.

>> No.6808495

so you had:
6 beers
1 shot of vodka
and feel like you could die
fuck off. most alcoholics would kill for your tolerance. stop being a bitch and drink more. you fucking underage pussy.

>> No.6808511

no fucking shit it's an act he's an actor. john dunsworth doesn't even drink in real life so it's amazing he's able to act like that in the first place

>> No.6808552

easy fuckface, just wanted to entertain you or give you some knowledge. no hard feelings. i feel that he is better in seasons 1-3 rather than season 8.

>> No.6808587

oh no doubt. seasons 1-3 are the peak of tpb. shows kinda become a series of rehashed jokes, which, are still pretty funny to fanboys like myself but it's pretty obvious that the show is kind of aids now. the new season will be no better. sorry if i came off harsh my nigga

>> No.6808608

found natty light tall boys 6 pack for 4.55

bought two

maybe drink all of them

>> No.6808612

don't worry. worse will come. it'll be a slippery slope lubricated with a layer of freshly-spilled beer.

>> No.6808641

i hope you have the day off the next day.

>> No.6808647

yeah check the thread title son.

>> No.6809249

How many detoxes have you all done? I finished my 4th last week, this one was my favorite because they gave me a shitload of klonopin instead of librium.

>> No.6809253

i detox daily thru sweat and other ways, and rehydrate with a cold beer about 6pm

>> No.6809255

>not having your breakfast vodka shots

>> No.6809277

I've never gotten that, but anyone ever had bad wrist drop? I passed out one night in a weird position leaning on one arm, and when I woke up, I couldn't extend my wrist up anymore. I had to wear a brace for a while, and it's mostly back to normal now.

>> No.6809292

im at top of my pinnacle now, i assume this is blackout

i could ascend right now maybe

>> No.6809330

Early onset Alzheimer's.
Sorry bro.

>> No.6809336

If you are a full blown alcoholic quitting cold turkey is extremely dangerous, it can kill you.

>> No.6809341

Because after the first one I can't stop.

>> No.6809347

Cranberry juice and vodka

or red sour puss and sprite

>> No.6809354

15 pack of Kokanee

>> No.6809356

First day of a new job, so can't drink till after 5, it's gonna kill me.

>> No.6809366

Most alcoholics, while definitely alcoholics, are nowhere near that level though and just use it as an excuse.
This coming from one of those said alcoholics. I've quit for weeks and months and only relapse because I hate the people I live with.

>> No.6809406

It shouldn't be an excuse not to quit, it just means you should get medical help when you do it.

>> No.6809438

Yeah man, being a pussy sucks. I've come to terms with my cowardliness, knowing I'll never actually kill myself. Shit sucks, but at least I don't have that to distract me from trying at life as much now.

>> No.6809442

Those things are normal. Unless they happen consistently (like, multiple times a day). I have that happen occasionally, and I drink maybe 4 or 5 units of alcy a week. I also have short term memory in the top 5th percentile.

>> No.6809444

Too bad you're addicted to being a narcissistic asshole.

>> No.6809450

Happy for you dude. My gf's brother is about to have his 1 year anniversary of sobriety. His life has taken a 180, and he's feeling great about it. Gone from a dude who was difficult to be around, to one of my best friends. I wish you the same!

>> No.6810065
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Drinking Rum straight, i'm just swigging out the bottle at this point.

>> No.6810114

who /morningdrinker/ here?

just about to go to work kill me

>> No.6810191
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Had to move back in with my parents after splitting up with my fiancee over my drinking.

Was told to behave myself last night and I promised too, ended up drinking 2 bottles of strong red wine and a couple more glasses, blacked out and told I was smashing my head against the wall and kicked my mother when she came in to stop me...

>> No.6810194

Jacks is fucking shit and you know it.

>> No.6810205

You're talking AFL right?

>> No.6810210

Why not make a Tom Collins?

>> No.6810245

You'd feel better about going to work if you weren't hungover to be honest. Why do people try and cover pain? I drink a fair bit but only because it's fun to get drunk and browse 4chan. If I have too much and am hungover for work I do my job and don't drink that night, feel great the next morning and get on with my life. I don't get alkies.

>> No.6810250


Four Roses Single Barrel

>> No.6810306

I just wwent five days clean and celebrated last night with a solid tipple of bourbon, not quite a pint. felt fucing amazing.

super glad I can still go without, although I did miss sleeping and I am seriously behind on my dreamwalking, rusty as hell

>> No.6810374

The first time I bought hard liqour it was a 750ml bottle of jagermeister.

I woke up the next morning covered in blood, vomit, and half the bottle was gone.

Never again, I felt so terrible afterwards. I am going to limit myself to a max of 4-5 drinks if I want to drink heavy.

>> No.6810377

>4-5 drinks
>heavy drinking
Surely this is bait.

>> No.6810381


4-5 what? Shots? Beers? I don't think that is drinking heavy.

>> No.6810401

Really kind of new to drinking, and also 200lbs. Only been drinking for two months.

I find that my fun quickly degrades after 5 drinks. (Probably more like 6 drinks, as I tend to like heavier beers)

A 750ml bottle of omme gang dubel got me pretty fucked up a few days ago. Felt bredy gud.

>> No.6810406

Why would being fat make you a lightweight?

>> No.6810412

>order £65 of spirits and mixers from tesco last night
>£16 off with "first shop only" coupon fuck yeah (i just use a different email address)
>waiting for delivery today
>no delivery
>phone tesco re: where is it?
>order has been cancelled because i used the "first time only" coupons 8 times in a row and they finally caught on
>tfw no vodka tonics
>tfw no screwdrivers
>tfw no white russians
>tfw no pina coladas
>tfw no brandy for the sangria
>whole week's cocktail drinking ruined

Fuck. At least I still have a little brandy, couple bottles of red wine, strawberries, cherries and lime juice and some OJ left so I can enjoy a few sangrias before I go out and buy more booze.

>> No.6810413

I dont see myself as being too fat relative to most on this board.

Though that 200lbs is definetly not muscle lol.

>> No.6810420

5 drinks would be a lot if you were a 100 pound 13 year old girl who had never drank before. otherwise, that's just an average, baseline buzz.

>> No.6810632


get off your lard ass and walk to the store?

>> No.6810660

>Not knowing what abv is
>not knowing how strong some beers are
>being a faggot

>> No.6810766

I envy you. Back when I was landscaping I would come back, finish a 12-er a night, wake up, then after the first few hours and two liters of water I'm back at tip top shape.

Now that I have a desk job, though, I suffer and power through, still feeling slightly crummy when 5 o'clock hits.

>> No.6811468

Port royal cut with tap water to make it palatable kill me

>> No.6811486

hey guys! i'm looking for experience here.
I've got 10 USD and live in Oregon.
What should I buy?

>I don't mind cheap
>I cannot afford mixer
>I need to get drunk

I just want something to choke down and survive until next week. Suggestions?

>> No.6811488

just had a bottle of wine, trying to keep the nightmares and feels at bay.

>> No.6811497

Picked up a few bottles of 120 minute ipa this weekend and about to drink one of them. Just got off work so this should be fun.

>> No.6811545

I picked up a nip of Old Forester 86 so I can see what I should be looking for in the Single Barrel Select I have waiting and the Birthday Bourbon I'll hopefully find this fall

it's bad but it's not the worst well bourbon i've drank neat

>> No.6811553
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Hadji store next to me is selling these for 2.50 a pop. It's going to be a good week.

>> No.6811560

Where do you live you lucky faggot?

>> No.6811633


Well duh, that's what I said I'll do. But I'm not gonna walk half a mile back home from shops with about 12 litres (3+ gallons) of assorted booze and mixers, AND pay an extra £20+ for it all since there are no special offers and no £16 discount.

I'm just gonna have to get whatever spirit's on offer at the local Sainsbury's and get the appropriate mixers at the same time. I can't get Kahlua or coconut milk from there so that's the White Russians and Pina Coladas out the window, and I'm getting sick of sangria.

Probably end up on gin and tonic all week. Again.

>> No.6811642
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Just took the first sip and its very very boozy. Even more so then Brew Dogs' Tokyo which is the same abv. Going to let it warm up and continue on drinking it.

>> No.6811644

You should definitely let one age

>> No.6811651

I have two more and thats what I plan on doing.

>> No.6811686

>Dropping psychedelics

Unless you mean dropping acid I don't know why you'd ever do that.

>> No.6812050

I need motivation to got buy a 12 pack bros what do I do

>> No.6812078

Went to a bbq with my parents and their friends last night, then proceeded to get way too hammered which I usually only do when I drink alone. Lone story short I embarrassed myself all night like a true alkie, then fell off their porch and completely embarrassed my family. I think I'm done drinking for a while

>> No.6812087

You shouldn't give up so easily.

>> No.6812092

I've accepted that I fuck up aspects of my own life, but it hurts more when your family is disappointed in you as well

>> No.6812126

That sounds like rock bottom friend

>> No.6812141

Nonsense, you can always keep digging.

>> No.6812147

Print out this statement and look at it every day.

>> No.6812176

Stop being silly my friend. These people are drinking a 5th a night and you're complaining about a hangover off 6 craft beers.

Be happy you're not a frog poster.

>> No.6812190

Nah you can't die from a hangover. Alcohol detox can kill you if you're really bad off and don't get medical help to do it. Also alcohol poisoning can kill you. But if you woke up hungover you're not gonna die from it. It seems like you didn't dribk all THAT much. Might be an allergic reaction to something you ate or drank in combo with it. Or maybe you're a pussy. Who knows.

>> No.6812220

This thread makes me sad. I hope I'm never as pathetic as you losers. Quitting drinking is as easy as not reaching for the next drink. I quit smoking and that was easy as fuck, only did it to show a friend how easy it was

>> No.6812224

Round of applause please for the non alcoholic. Take a bow, you're a regular person.

>> No.6812400

Being a 200 lbs chubster should make you hold your alcohol a little more than your average highschool girl. Who, also, tend to drink more and better than what you are describing.

>> No.6813055


Nah I've been worse, was drinking a bottle and a half of vodka a day for like 4 weeks then stopped dead, the withdrawls made me want to jump out of the window, puking up some thick black substance every time I took a sip of water, laying in bed sweating constantly. That was horrible.

>> No.6813250

My step son knows I'm an alcohlic and he knows it's a bad thing, but tonight he told me "Anon, it's too bad alcohol is bad for you. You're so much more fun when you've been drinking."I don't let him see me drink often, but I see it.

After a few glasses of wine I end up acting like a kid again.

>> No.6813252

Why don't you just change to cigarettes or snus you retards. One bad habit for another works

>> No.6813254

No shit, AA meetings are coffee festivals.

>> No.6813262

I'm trying to expand my drinking tastes, I'm tired of drinking cheap beer and liquor with college kids. I like enjoying my drinks instead of getting drunk, where should I start?

>> No.6813272


I do smoke, well I use an e-cig now but nicotine gives about 10% the pleasure that a nice drink gives me.

>> No.6813329

Change them for what9

>> No.6813332

>trade organ failure for cancer
thanks for the tip bro

>> No.6813334


S5 is best tho

>> No.6813335

Each habit has its flaws. Anus is worse than smoking. There is no better answer to drinking or smoking. Quoting is the only cure

>> No.6813348

>Quoting is the only cure
I don't feel cured

>> No.6813349

>anus is worse than smoking
>quoting is the only cure

>> No.6813363


I think he meant "snus" and "quiting".

>> No.6813433

i laughed at quoting anus. its only 7:43 am and because i woke up with bad anxiety im on my 4th beer. i need to go to work. life really sucks for some of us who cant get proper help

>> No.6813441

Yes youve made the fact that you are from some third world country abundantly clear and while everyone is impressed that you can cobble together a computer from junk you found in your slums its also totally irrelevant.

>> No.6813442

I'm working my way through a handle of Jim Beam

>> No.6813455
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>> No.6813483

I didn't drink anything yesterday so I feel good today, will get back on it in a few hours, I remember drinking the moment I woke up, those days always ended badly I'm glad I've managed to discipline myself to not drinking before 6pm.

>> No.6813594


>> No.6813610


you should also stop there too, why drink anything else? It's what they drink on the space station

>> No.6813661

2 hours to go then I can down a nice bottle of wine.

>> No.6813706


>snus is worse than smoking

all snus does is mess up your gums a bit and vaguely ups your bp through the vasoconstriction caused by nicotine

meanwhile it's ironically good for your teeth enamel unlike smoking which rapes it

also no mouth cancer, throat cancer or lung cancer

no lung problems, no messed up breathing/being out of breath, can't cause kol, doesn't make you smell bad from 10 feet away

>> No.6814314

Who /drunk/ here?

>> No.6814322

how long does it take you?

3 days per handle here

>> No.6814336
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sup dude

what you drinking?

>> No.6814405


Red wine, on to my 2nd bottle within 2 hours, feeling a good buzz what about you?

>> No.6814575

Snus isn't even bad. Can make gums bad and it's more addictive than smoking but that's it. No diseases really

>> No.6814684

I'm nursing a handle of strawberry Bacardi. I know it's a girly entry-level kind of liquor, but damn, it's tasty. Like getting drunk on candy.

>> No.6814727


Sounds more manly than my red wine ... Stronger than what I'm having.

>> No.6815135

I've only got about a pint of Canadian club and $9 and it needs to last me until Friday when I get paid.

What alcohol should I buy before then?

>> No.6815150

Sounds disgusting, flavored liquors taste like cough syrup with rubbing alcohol from my experience

>> No.6815861
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Back from a great (Mostly booze-less) vacation.
Fell straight into my old habit(4-6 liters of beer a day)
Drinking tyskie lech ziewec,zubr...
(not even polish)

>> No.6815870

I'm twenty five years old and the only time I've touched alcohol is adding brandy to my custard and banana bread.

Is it worth starting now when I'm at this point of my life?

>> No.6815881

screwdrivers all day everyday

>> No.6815896

Do you guys want to quit? I got blackout drunk 360 days a year for a decade before the shake, dry heaves, and anxiety became too much.

Sobriety is really, really lonely but I feel better otherwise. I guess that's good, right?

>> No.6815920

I don't want to quit, because I like drinking too much, but I'd like to decrease my daily consumption. My digestive system is fucking up and it's pretty expensive.

Are you one of those people that binge every single time they drink?

>> No.6815921

moved halfway across the country with my fiancee. we are staying with my aunt in her basement. i can't even use my desktop computers. my laptop died. im just on my phone.

ive relapsed pretty horribly. drinking like 12 cans of colt 45 a night. wake up feeling awful. get withdrawal by noon.

im gonna taper before i move into my place on the 1st. i live in a very exciting city but my aunt lives in the middle of nowhere so its hard to do anything but vegetate on the sofa and get drunk.

>> No.6815955

I really like drinkign too. Booze is utter shit as far as drugs go but it's the only that ever made me feel good.

>Are you one of those people that binge every single time they drink?

Pretty much. I would drink compulsively until I lost consciousness. Sometimes it would take two hours, sometimes I'd make it foru or five hours listening to music and watching snippets of the same movies night after night.

>> No.6815997

i got fired from my job for showing up drunk.

I'm thinking what the fuck, I'm a karaoke jock, I am supposed to be drunk.

Fuck 'em. They can swallow the lost revenue. I was worth a mint to them and they fucked up.

>> No.6816065

You could satisfactorily live your life never having touched the stuff

it's not worth avoiding, but it's also a bad habit to pick up, as you can well see in this thread

>> No.6816291

Jesus fuck.

I just threw up but I don't think I was that drunk but apparently my body is a pussy faggot and couldn't take it so I went to my bathroom and barfed up what I was drinking and the eggs I made an hour ago. I saw a full undigested spinach leaf that I threw in there, kek.

But shit, alcohol is so awful, I should just stick to weed because this is bullshit.

>> No.6816298

at least try to drink less. if you have acess to weed it really helps cut down on booze

im in the same boat, drank a few handles of rum last week. been a few days of just weed. feel a lot better already

>> No.6816303

Weed is the superior drug no doubt. But I ran out yesterday and won't be able to pick up more until the weekend so turned to the sauce.

I wish weed was more readily available and cheaper. Fucking police state.

Also I bet I'm hungover tomorrow and I won't have weed to make it better, perfect. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.6816353

I'm a new fag to /ck/ and I recently turned 21.

What would you recommend me to drink? Please don't suggest memes.

>> No.6816358

bubble tea. its really fun and tasty all at once. youve never had anything like it!

>> No.6816361


Russian Standard chased by diet 7up until you're blackout drunk. Otherwise known as the Alcoholics Autonomous. You set your body on auto pilot.

>> No.6816365

sugar helps process the alcohol. are you denying sugar in this recipe on purpose? trying to stay drunk longer?

>> No.6816372
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No thanks. I've had it twice and I was disappointed both times.

Try to stay in the same realm as this guy: >>6816361

>> No.6816373

Wish I could smoke weed. It gives me panic attacks, has even made me manic before after prolonged use. Feels like I'm missing out on something great, but it just doesn't match with the chemistry set in my head.

>> No.6816376

what i have discovered is smoking and then literally jumping on my bicycle and riding to some music. being cooped up in a house makes me get antsy and paranoid

>> No.6816390

why did captain haddock always drink this at his estate if it sucks

>> No.6816393


When you're on the hose you can't chase with sugary drinks or your pancreas will try to leap out of your body and call 911.

>> No.6816396

good to know

>> No.6816398

you know it's sad when a entire bottleof wine can't even get you half way to lit. now i on 3 beers and i'm still not even fully lit

>> No.6816401


The one good think about a wine drunk is you get the extra kick of fruit pectin methanol. It almost feels like a drug on top of the booze. Toss back 3 bottles and you get a really weird singing in your head and really slow reflexes even compared to moonshine.

>> No.6816407

Pharmafag here, what med for which leukemia? Do you have CML?

>> No.6816422

Not judging you whatsoever anon, but I'm curious, how old are you?

>> No.6816440

I normally have a 750 ml bottle of red before 6-8 light beers a night. I've gone numerous days between drinking and never felt any withdrawal symptoms. The other day, my right side flank was getting random aches throughout the day, only a few seconds a piece. Think this is liver/kidney issues?

I should probably add that i've been diagnosed with health anxiety, so there's always that.

>> No.6816446


You can box your kidneys on a heavy drinking night and end up with pain the next day. Go easy on salt, drink lots of water, get some thiamin into your system, b complex as well. Just stop dehydrating yourself to the point of pain.

>> No.6816456

37, why do you ask?

>> No.6816465

You all might hate on me for this, but I'm drinking black tea mixed with Wild Turkey whiskey. I think the bitterness of the tea completes the taste for me

>> No.6816501

No real reason I guess anon, just trying to compare. Godspeed

>> No.6816505

I drink whatever I can get my hands on. It was worse before but after suffering a seizure and detoxing 4 times from alcohol withdrawal last year I'm getting a better concept on how to deal with it. I would say I drink 5-6 days a week. But they aren't as bad as before. It's just so hard not to celebrate and a lot of my friends are heavy drinkers. I never smokes weed because it was never my thing. It's more a habit now than anything, and it makes life easier to deal with. The FUCKING ANXIETY SUCKS when you're sober

>> No.6816510

Holy fucking grammar guys, sorry it's late.

>> No.6818267

4 consecutive alcohol withdrawals? How is your brain not blue cheese at this point?
5 drink days a week is still a lot, if you feel like you can get better you can try to cut back even more.

>> No.6818300

Guy who threw up eggs here. I went to bed slept for a bit then woke up and threw up bile. Jesus. No more drinking for a bit for me. I wish I had weed, especially for this hangover.

>> No.6818327

2 years clean and sober(except marijuano maybe once in two months)
I still think about OE or Drambuie from time to time. There's hope for you degenerates, I just wanted to let you know that.

>> No.6818350

anyone else do anything creative while they drink? I like to write poetry(it's mostly bad but I've had a few gems). I probably seem like some pretentious hipster for doing it in public but fuck that noise I like to people watch and play pool while I drink and write

>> No.6818359

I bullseye chipmunks off my back porch with muh .22

>> No.6818372
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perfect reason to post an image I stole from another thread

>> No.6818788

nd Bell's Oberon Ale. It's pretty good.

>> No.6818846

Hertog Jan pilsener.

>> No.6818876

19:00 here. Jacquins in iced tea. So far I only need to drink if I wait to long to take my anxiety meds although most nights I'll have a shot or two anyway just to put me out.

Is... Is there I chance that I could become the liquor?

>> No.6818903

corona extra familiar
the big brown bottle type

>> No.6818904

As soon as you go out of your way to make sure there's booze in your house at all time, you're the liquor. Treating anxiety with alcohol seems like a terrible plan, since it exacerbates anxiety whenever you're not drunk

>> No.6819082

I am getting drunk on IPAs and some bourbon right now so I am feeling pretty American.


>> No.6819104
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I really don't know why. When I was at my worst I wasn't eating at all and only drinking. I lost 30 pounds. I started putting weight back on after the last detox and felt 100 x better. Alcohol is no joke. It's not something you do for fun once you're addicted, it's something you do to maintain being "okay". Tonight's going to be my first night only having 2 drinks, lastnight I had 3. I'm cutting it down to only be the weekends soon. I've done a lot of other drugs, this one is the worst.

My feels are with my fellow alkies

>> No.6819130
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Went 4 days without drinking...so celebrating by working my way through a growler of local stuff currently

>> No.6819134

I feel the same way, I don't see myself as strictly an alcoholic but rather can't stand sobriety. When I have weed, I hardly ever drink at all, maybe a couple beers a week. When weed runs dry, I become boarderline alcholic

>> No.6819152

I write in a journal when I'm fucked up. When I read it sober it mostly just helps me see how stupid I am when I drink, but sometimes my true feelings and goals come through and it can be beneficial

>> No.6819155

i exclusively drink taaka. ever since i was 21. i'm 29 now.

it gets the job done. why change?

>> No.6819850
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I literally let alcohol ruin my life. I hurt so much inside. I'm sober now and can't sleep or look anyone in the eye I'm so ashamed. My poor blessed parents are saints, nobody deserved having to give birth to me. I just feel sick.

Please guys, quit when you can. Don't put yourself or your family through this no matter how bad you feel and how bad you need a drink. I'd commit suicide if it wouldn't destroy my poor mother.

Good luck and peace with you all.

>> No.6820209
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Who else /budget/ here?

>> No.6820333

Oh no anons
My wife's and i are gonna have a baby.
Guess I can't be a raging alcohol anymore. Wut do?

>> No.6820342
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Pic related . I'm studying in france and trying to get into wine (even if it's cheap wine )

>> No.6820351

Simple, abort the baby. There are too many people already and you shouldn't pass on your drunk genes

>> No.6820355

>watching the same movies night after night
Oh god, this is me. Every time I reach a certain point of wasted 'enough' I always end up putting on the same few bits of films over and over. I must have seen the start of the princess bride a dozen times in the last year. What is it for you?

>> No.6820692


>> No.6820744

that's actually not a bad wine

>> No.6820754

Woke up and drank 10 beers. Look ma, I made it to the big leagues.

>> No.6821121

Bullshit. I live in Appalachia. There's plenty of space where you can be totally alone and not be bothered.

>> No.6821297

artificial sweeteners in diet soda are proven to increase absorption of alcohol, thus getting you drunker quicker

>> No.6821304

i cant handle amaretto sour
everytime i have one i get an erection because its so damn good CHRIST

>> No.6821326

Does anyone else get uncontrollable rock hard erections when they detox? I'm pretty sure if I hit my dick with a hammer I would break my hammer. I assume it's because my blood pressure is off the charts and I'm about to pop an aneurysm or stroke out.

>> No.6821330


I do this with the Chronicles of Riddick movies.

I don't know what it is about those films but I love them to death.

>> No.6821348

How much of a whiskey taste does fireball whiskey have?

I had some cinnamon schnapps the other day, but the cinnamon taste wasn't strong enough. I want to try fireball but I am afraid that I won't like it due to the whiskey.

>> No.6821365

you could easily make your own cinnamon infused liquor
add a few sticks of cinnamon to any distilled high abv liquor (i prefer korn) and wait a few weeks, you can add vanilla, sugar, whatever you like really
you can do that too with candy shit
recipes are on the net if youre interested

>> No.6821587

Who /onthewagon/ here?

>Quit September 7 2014.
>Week and a half away from being a whole year sober.
>Girl who left me the day before I quit wants to be with me again.
>Lost 80 pounds.
>Finally doing stand-up comedy like I always promised myself I would.
>Life's the best it's ever been.
>But there's still...the voice.
>That voice in my FUCKING head that wants me to drink.

Goddamn that fucking voice I wish it would leave.

>> No.6821603

not all that much. and it's really good with lemonade

>> No.6821605

Tell us a joke

>> No.6821607

Your life.

>> No.6821615

Predictable tbh

>> No.6821622

>I hear le voices XD

Fuck off back to your tumblr, snowflake

>> No.6821627

It's not literal you shitposting moron.

>> No.6821636

Really? Because you just said you literally "heard voices," fucking unfunny mouth breathing fat fucking retard alcoholic fucking failure

>> No.6821648

Last week of summer, gotta get that last bit of shitposting in?

>> No.6821663

It's not summer any more retard. Now go drink yourself into a coma you fucking filth

>> No.6821675

You kids don't go back until next week, and your autism is akin to calling someone a schizophrenic when they are talking metaphorically with commonly used verbiage.

>> No.6821688

>I hear le voices guise XDDDD
No you don't

Your post wasn't intended to be metaphorical, snowflake

>> No.6821800

Is English not your first language, or are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.6822225

drinking a lot releases a lot of cortisol a hormone to combat the effects. that also makes you hornier