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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6796890 No.6796890 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/ tell all about your favorite wines ITT

1: what brand
2: what type of wine it is
3: what taste does it have and what (if any) foods do you pair it with?

Cooking with wines is acceptable too

>> No.6796918

>drinking wine
But anon I'm not a female or a fag

>> No.6796922

Saint James
bbq porksteaks

>> No.6796948

Red meat

>> No.6796957

At the end of the day, all wine is the same, the only difference is how much you're willing to pay as a status symbol.

>> No.6796971
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> Barefoot Moscato
> white, sweet desert wine
> fruit

> prefer to be pic related or drink this wine because stomach issues

>> No.6797002

wine knowledge here is sad as fuck

>> No.6797044


JR Carter
NY Strip

>> No.6797126

I'm partial to earthy french style reds, particularly from the Languedoc-Roussillon region
it's silly to name a wine 'brand' because every one is so varied
even the same type of wine from the same winery can taste different from year to year
that being said both the 2007 and 2008 pinot noirs from Sokol Blosser are some of my favorites, especially with grilled lamb

>> No.6797265

How do you acquire a taste for red wine? It's like varnish.

>> No.6797281

Don't buy the ones with VA.

>> No.6797286
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For Whites, the dirtier and dryer the better.

>> No.6797289

Well at least we got the retarded post out of the way early

>> No.6797308
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>mfw there are faggots ITT who don't exclusively drink 5 litre bottles of 2009 Latour

>> No.6797324

1. The cheapest. Alternatively, the second cheapest (if I'm feelin' fancy, ya know?)
2. Red
3. Tastes like shit and matches well with being sad and cold weather and being alone.

>> No.6797375


That generic shit that goes for 3 bucks at trader joe's is a lot nicer than many $10-20 bottles of wine I've had

>> No.6797453

I drank a lot of buckfast once and got raped by a girl

wine is bad

>> No.6797489


Something red, strong and heavy but not too expensive. Overseas (Aus, Chile) are quite nice if that's what you're looking for.

I like Penfolds or Montes. Usually some kind of Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah or a blend

>> No.6797499

Having a favorite brand of wine is like having a favorite brand of food. Anyone who can answer this has shit taste

>> No.6797519

I don't know what that is.

>> No.6797523

Not all brands are equivalent to Twinkies, Coca Cola, Kit Kats, Slug Jugs and other flowers of american culture.

>> No.6797542

it doesn't matter. no one brand has everything, unless you mean a holding company that you can maybe find in ultra fine print on some labels, if you're lucky. you need a wide range of styles to be happy, unless you're some kind of neanderthal.

just admit you have shit taste in everything. let me guess you think tannic high alcohol heavy dry reds are the be all and end all to wine, because you have a "mature" palate and you finally managed to train yourself to drink non-sweet wine without making a face.

>> No.6797552

Volatile acidity. If your wine actually smells like solvent, it's flawed. If you just don't like higher acid wines, drink new world stuff.

>> No.6797566

Jesus Christ poor fags actually believe this. I'm not saying expensive is better in fact I find a lot of mid priced wines wipe the floor with them, but having a healthy knowledge will help you to pick the best wines at any price level

>> No.6797574
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My current favorite
1) Benjamin Bridge, Nova 7
2) Muscat varieties, off-dry, almost sparkling
3) pairs wonderfully with shellfish

>> No.6797577
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>Canadian wine

>> No.6797585
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official motto: at least it's not california "wine"

>> No.6797588

true enough I guess.

>> No.6797660

My family loves this stuff but I can't get past the pine floor cleaner smell and taste

>> No.6797820

>200-300 year old wine industry vs ~3000 year old one
But seriously wine is about celebration not elitism. So sue me if I'm excited about Canada taking its first baby steps onto the international scene. I have no illusion of being able to produce great dry whites or even passable reds, but we produce some of the best icewines in the world.

>> No.6797853

Yeah... Napa is a world contender. They often beat out the French fucks

>> No.6797863

CK Mondavi
Cabernet Sauvignon
tastes like fig newtons

>> No.6797944

>muh judgment of paris wikipedia article
You can always spot the people who don't drink wine because of their regurgitated reverence for Napa

>> No.6797952


>> No.6798093

Cali makes the best cabs in the world, that is if you can afford it.

>> No.6798138

I agree, the difference between a Merlot and a Moscato basically comes down to how much food coloring they add to it.

>> No.6798173

In the valley, we call it taking a Nap. But since you've never even been here, you can remain in dream land. Napa is the indisputable gold medalist when it comes to reds.

>> No.6798247


Cali makes fruitier reds - they're great
France makes funkier reds - they're great
Oregon makes reds that are a little of both - they're great

>> No.6798264


Pinot Noir

Moscato or Riesling

>> No.6798265


I'm a huge fan of minus 8

Canada produces great ice wine

>> No.6798266

>Napa is the indisputable gold medalist when it comes to reds.
Never change, /ck/.

>> No.6798276

Pinots from the willamette valley are my favorite

I love alexander valley merlots. Almost anything from the alexander valley, my favorite region in California.

I love rieslings from the Mosel Valley, but Dr. Loosen is my favorite. For pretty much all german whites. The also make Moscato d'asti which is a cut above. It's hard to find good dessert wines.

I love Temperanillos, so far the only comparable wine I've had in Texas.

Tawny ports are my first experience with truly enjoying the complexity of wine.

>> No.6798285
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>> No.6798288
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>> No.6798291


I have always disagreed with the assertion that chocolate and wine do not mix.

>> No.6798293


This is awesome.

>> No.6798296

>need chardonnay for meal im cooking
>hate wine
>still get decent wine
>ask what he reccs at store
>gives me california wine
>taste it before using it
>its delicious
i usually hate most wine but this was really sweet and tart, if that makes sense. i might start drinking more frequently if i start getting more hours at work

>> No.6798299

Stop posting this, it's stupid and wrong

>> No.6798301

white wine definitely doesnt mix with it and I've never liked fruit with my chocolate but I know plenty of people do so I'm surprised its not paired with a red one. maybe it just means hard chocolate because the sweets probably includes chocolate cake

>> No.6798305

its a very good start and everyone can make their personal changes to it. nobody is going to agree on every pairing

>> No.6798308

>le uve never been here maymay
Why do retards always say this when someone doesn't like what they like?
Enjoy your tasting rooms staffed by orange skinned plastic surgery victims serving up overripe booze juice

>> No.6798310


Yeah I wouldn't pair chocolate with whites, but The depth of flavor lends itself to reds very well I think. I suppose that the combination brings out the bitterness of both and maybe that's why people don't consider it a true pairing.

>> No.6798314


here is your (you) now move along please

>> No.6798321

It's incredibly mediocre, any babbys guide to wine book has a better table of pairings

It looks like an online graphic design course student exercise that someone mistook for actual advice about wine

>> No.6798327

No, I'm fine thanks. If you can't handle the fact that your home region has become a punch line, maybe you can go on a rampage with a monster truck and a silencer in your nearest vineyard

>> No.6798332

I recommend this book. It is a joy to read and extremely informative, but with a candid tone about the trends of the industry. It also makes a great edition to your "look at how cultured I am" living room bookshelf

>> No.6798336
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forgot image

>> No.6798341
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and any book on it is going to break it down to more than just 8 types of wine. like I said its a good start and if anyone cares enough to know more they'll base their pairings on their own taste rather than what a picture tells them

>> No.6798347

Port or
cheese n fruit

>> No.6798352

Well so I guess once the Napa fans have successfully genocided wine into exactly 8 types like they've been trying desperately to do for the last couple decades, we can agree that a chart based on 8 types makes the most possible sense

Unfortunately we have all these pesky weird styles and varietals, that obnoxious hipsters keep shoving down our throats. Why can't we just have normal things?!?!

>> No.6798557

Mien nigger

>> No.6798885

red -
expensive california cab with silk dry tannin with
bordeaux - good but not fullbodied enough for me like cali cabs
ripe currant flavor
cali zinfandel
oregon pinot noir
long island merlot
chile cab if i am poor

mersault - french chardonnay with dry mineral tone. way better than cali butterbomb
gewurztraminer - good for seafood appetizers
dry riesling - good for seafood appetizers
sancerre - good clean dry french sauv blanc, goes with seafood

>> No.6798929
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I don't really like wine. If I get anything it is either pic related or, if i just want to get drunk and ignore flavor, some boxed red whatevers on sale. pic related is the only bottle I've found that I actually enjoy the taste of.

>> No.6799381
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Generally i agree that California make some excellent reds, but the good ones are too expensive $60+ for some decent tanin. Low end reds are too poor in quality and too overpriced. I can get a $10 Chilean (veramonte cab) that will blow away any cali $20 bottle. Do not buy robert mondavi reds, that shit is overpriced, overrated.
If i drink french its going to be whites and pinot noirs (rarely).

>> No.6799415

Thats because you're a child

>> No.6799432

Is it pleb to like white wine but actually suffer while sipping red wine?

>> No.6799435
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>> No.6799617

Depends on the kind of white wine. I'd say that neither type is more pleb than the other, but whites like moscato and cheap/branded pinot grigio are full pleb.

>> No.6799727

not as bad as white zinf and $5 rosés

>> No.6799790
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>$5 rosés are bad
>$5 vinho verdes are good
Thank god we have uncle asimov to tell us what's classy and what isn't, otherwise all we would be allowed to drink would be big bold 90+WA cabernets

>> No.6799837

Reds: Southern italian, langue d'oc-rousillons whether pinot noir or some blend with mourvedre, southwest has a ton of obscure varietals, provence has some good stuff too. Super tuscan if i'm splurging.
White: Blends with viogner or semillon, rioja and french pinot gris.

Poor student here.

>> No.6799914

>good and more wine

>> No.6799918

viogney too floral but pretty impressive for a student

>> No.6801522

What's you're opinion on Tokaji/Tokay?

>> No.6801574

is it just me or do wines give the absolute worst hangovers?

i regularly drink heavier alcohol like rum and whiskey and it's never as severe in the mornings, and I drink plenty of water whether im drinking wine or hard liquor. maybe its just a problem with shitty $10-$15 wines.

>> No.6801575

I just go to a lot of free tastings. They can go up to a 100 bottles to taste so I get to try a lot of stuff. I then buy a few bottles of what's reasonably priced/good value of what I like. A pair of friends who got into wine tasting by subsidized uni classes taught me how to appreciate wine.

>> No.6801598

this graphic is fucking horrendous, jesus, its just a massive clusterfuck thats a pain in the ass to navigate.

>> No.6801653

1998 Central Texas Cabernet Sauvignon. The heat index hovered around 115 degrees that year. That meant the grapes became shriveled, concentrated and succulent.

>> No.6801658

>Texas wine

>> No.6801659

>wine thread
so it's time for the weekly /ck/ cringe thread

>> No.6801663

disregard this for no one but this guy:
he knows whats up

>> No.6801811

>what brand
Las Rocas
>what type of wine it is
Garnacha, but you're probably asking if it's red or white. It's red.
>what taste does it have and what (if any) foods do you pair it with?
Somewhat fruity with very mild smoke and spice flavors. Pairs very well with most evening meals and chocolate-based desserts. I doubt it is exciting enough to be everyone's favorite wine, but I've never seen it offend anyone.

>> No.6801813

1)from local winemaker who lives 30km away and has no brand (TM)
2)Cabernet Sauvignon
3)red meat (drink or add some wine to marinade or stew)

>> No.6801818

West Coast Pinot Noir.
South Australian or South African Shiraz
Chenin Blanc (Vouvray)

>> No.6801826

Exactly. I'd argue that buying wine at all is a waste of money. It all tastes like Ribena with a dash of vinegar, so why not just buy Ribena and mix it with white vinegar?

>> No.6801833

Oh god did I really do that

>> No.6801848

Mix Ribena with vin aigre, bitter wine, to replace wine?

>> No.6802009

I've always enjoyed a thick, meaty penis

>> No.6802026

How the fuck are you supposed to know whats worth buying though?

I've purchased a few $15 - $20 bottles of various reds and liked exactly none of them. I dunno if its just because I don't care for wine or if I bought bad wine because there doesn't appear to be any sort of communal knowledge base like there is with beer and whisky.

>> No.6802061

Try drinking one with a steak dinner. Beef gets along well with tannin.

>> No.6802066

First of all, where did you buy your wines? In general, a good wine shop should have good wines at many price brackets, but most grocery stores only stock uninteresting big brand wines. Second, $15-$20 isn't going to get you the same quality of wines from every region. If you were looking for Bordeaux or Burgundy, it's mostly a crapshoot in this price range. You would do better with value regions like Cotes du Rhone or Loire. Third, there are sites dedicated to posting wine tasting notes, the most popular one being cellartracker.

>> No.6802127

It really depends on where you live, if I go to a grocery store in a part of the country where nobody drinks wine, it's mostly mass-market crap at any reasonably affordable price point

That doesn't mean it will be bad wine, it just means literally all of it tastes the same, especially if you buy new world, so if that generic cookie-cutter international style isn't to your taste, you're SOL. Although generally what old world stuff you can find will sometimes have more personality as this guy mentioned >>6802066, which means every bottle is, from your perspective, going to be risky, but at least you have a fighting chance of finding a style you like

>> No.6802545

Where the FuCk is chianti on that list?

but you are a pleb

>> No.6802550

because wine folly is trolltastic garbage guaranteed replies

>> No.6802553
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1. Chianti Classico Reserva
2. See above
3. Very dry red wine, pair with filet mignon for best results

>> No.6802554
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>filet mignon under any circumstances whatsoever
you're either a turbo pleb or you're trolling poorly

>> No.6802560

I usually buy the wine depending on what I am eating.

For a steak, I usually go with a shiraz.
With my fish, I fancy a pinot grigio.
For dessert, there is only mead.

>> No.6802573

Mmmmmm love my wines that smell like tar.

>> No.6802579

With hard liquor it's easy to drink enough that you wake up still drunk thus no headache. With wine not so. Or it could be the tanans.

>> No.6802584

What's wrong with filet mignon? I'm convinced that the only reason the other steak cuts exist at all is that poorfags used to be forced to eat the stuff and must have convinced themselves that a marbled steak was desirable. 0 fat maximum tenderness, what else do you need?

>> No.6802922

1. Coppola Reserve
2. Chardonnay
3. Fruity taste, taste majorly of apples. Best pairing is oven-roasted turkey. Beautiful wine to drink on thanksgiving.

>> No.6802930
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>spending hundreds of dollars on wine when Central Valley foothills wineries are cheaper and just as good
>mfw your bank account

>> No.6802955


>> No.6802970

I'm Califag.
Fuck. Napa.
Go to Mendo or [F]Lake for wine. They need the tourism, and aren't full of tightass hipsters.

>> No.6802983

Also, wine is 10x better than Napa. They have the same volcanic soil and mild weather as Napa, plus they have to grow good grapes to compete.

>> No.6802992

Is there much of a taste/smell difference between Cabernet Sauvignon and the rest of the red wines in that picture? Which is generally considered the best?

>> No.6803065

The difference is huge and no one who is familiar with the varieties would mix them up, assuming the wines are typical. There is no best varietal despite what you may read on /ck/. If there is a consensus best varietal, no one would grow anything else.

>> No.6803131

Does Mead count as wine or beer? Would really like to know since I always find it near the wine section in every faggoty alaskan liquor store. Celestial Meads is all i get to choose from.

>> No.6803154

You suffer the tongue of a mentally challenged sow. Napa is world renowned. It bests some of France's competition grade reds. You are an amateur.

>> No.6803275

Usually I drink wine to get drunk, so I buy cheap.

When I want a good wine I'll spring for a Banfi. I love the Rosa Regal, but it's pretty pricy.

>> No.6803299

What do you drink to get drunk?

>> No.6803306

>implying modern French wine is any good.
Go buy yourself a clue.

>> No.6803314

Whoh, confessing your amateur level equalism.

>> No.6803317

You'll never know I'm afraid....

>> No.6803367
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>1: what brand

>> No.6803902

1. Whatever red wine is on offer for £4.99
2. Red
3. Horrid taste but gets me drunk I pair it with coca cola which I swig after chugging a large glass

>> No.6803944


>knowing this little about wine

3. ok you're right on this one

1. Chinon red
2. Cab franc
3. Salmon, rich cheeses, spicy pasta

>> No.6803966

why are the insecure and clueless wine noobs even chiming in with the shit posting?

>> No.6803981

Greentext it

>> No.6804135
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this eurosnob has never seen bottle shock

rent it and learn why america is always #1 at everything

>> No.6804282

I've tried cheap shitty wine from Kroger, mid-range wine, and expensive wine at my rich friend's holiday parties. I have never been able to develop a taste for it, it all just tastes like sour, bitter shit to me. Not even a hint of sweetness and the sour and bitterness drowns out any flavor. I can down whiskey and brandy, I love rum and absinthe and cider, but in five years and dozens of bottles I've never met a wine I liked. Have I just had really bad luck? Is there a brand I should try out?

>> No.6804334
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> I have never been able to develop a taste for it, it all just tastes like sour, bitter shit to me. Not even a hint of sweetness and the sour and bitterness drowns out any flavor.

Without knowing exactly what you're drinking, we can only guess. What you're eating also has a great deal of influence on how the wine ends up tasting.

But it sounds like you're drinking a lot of dry tannic reds, cabs or malbecs or something along those lines. Possibly, opened before their prime, especially if you have rich clueless friends.

I would try a good quality sweet German wine, old school rieslings are a great value because plebs think sweet means cheap and right now, and bone dry riesling is all the rage. Big names like Prum (there are several and they're all good), or Donhoff shouldn't be too hard to find even if you live in bumfuck nowhere.

Read up on the sugar levels; they can seem a little confusing but it's not really so bad:


Even a Kabinett from a traditional producer will taste somewhat sweet, compared to what I'm guessing you've tasted. Spatlese and Autlese are (normally) sweeter still. If in doubt, ask someone at the store.

From anywhere good, these won't be available at cheap Kroger-tier prices but in the $20-50 range. No worse than a good bottle of rum.

>> No.6804380

Call me pleb because when it comes to wine I like it sweet/fruity

>> No.6804489

The cheap Kroger shit was Yellow Tail and another brand with a Butterfly as well as a few local brands. Mid-range I don't remember the brands, I'd have to go down to the liquor shop and check again. As for the expensive, the rich friend in question is an elderly British woman who's been a wine enthusiast since her late 20s so I doubt she's clueless, she seems to really know her shit. Most of those were drunk along with holiday meals, like the usual Thanksgiving turkey and sides; a baked fish or roast beef/lamb/chicken etc for Christmas. I usually had one glass of wine to try it and then opted for ciders or something else.

>> No.6804831

Nice to see another German Riesling fan here. I wouldn't recommend JJ Prum to new drinkers though, because the young ones have far too much sulfur notes. They would need to decant it off but rarely anyone decant whites. Donnhoff is always great. Just bought a mixed case of 2012 Felsenberg GG, Brucke Spatlese, and some Trockens.

>> No.6805417

>0 fat
>no flavor because muscle doesn't get much work
>good things
Dude you're a plen

>> No.6805681

does canada even get sunlight to grow grapes?

>> No.6806569

>not getting your wine from a box
>not getting riunite

>> No.6806601

Canadian wine from Niagara, the Okanagan valley, near Pelee Island and Prince Edward Country can be world class cool climate wine but the yields are super low compared to real wine regions so you'll never see the good stuff outside of BC or Ontario. If you live in either province and you still can't appreciate it than either you have no idea how to shop for wine or you're not actually interested in wine outside of affecting being a worldly oenophile in which case enjoy I guess

>> No.6806627

>having a favourite "brand" of wine
>having a go-to wine

This is why people can't get into wine. It isn't like shopping for beer - you're going on an adventure. You're not going to get the same wine twice unless you're buying shitty wine.

>> No.6806632

inb4 some butthurt beerfag posts an angry screed, and then returns to the beer thread circle jerking about the same 10 beers

>> No.6806646

And I like beer, and some craft brews. The problem is people expect wine to be just like that when it's essentially an agricultural product, and they have no appreciation for the historical/geographical aspect of it all. It's like asking what the best brand of tomatoes are.

>> No.6808907


>mogen david
>"bling bling" blue raspberry
>literally whatever

>> No.6808958

brand: gekkeikan
type: shit tier sake
taste: similar to watered down grain alcohol
pairing: any food I want to be mildly drunk with.

>> No.6808974

Women drink beer instead - less alcohol for their petite bodies.

>> No.6808999

TBH I barely drink white wine, so I'll only mention reds below.

>If I want to get drunk
"Colonial wine" from between Paraná and Santa Catarina (somewhere in the Southern Cone). it's a cheap blend of Tannat, Merlot and CS, but it tastes quite good. More on the full-bodied side of the scale.

Also colonial wine, but from a different region (countryside/northern Paraná). Bordeaux-based. Even their "dry" wine is sweet as fuck.

Argentinian wine. Usually from Mendoza. Malbec all the way.

>> No.6809410

mah nigga,

>> No.6809556

Whatever's cheap. Usually a Franzia blush.

>> No.6809566

That is NOT zinfandel.

>> No.6809567

I'm not generally a wine person but every once in a while I unironically split a box of sauvignon blanc with a bro and vent. The drier the better.

>> No.6809650

Pierre Frick is where it's at.

>> No.6809693


Absolutely god-tier. Southeastern Yurop ij general has some great wines, and generally fairly cheap too.

Ex-Tokaji casks also make astonishing single malts. If you ever see a single malt that's been matured or finished in ex-Tokaji casks buy it.

>> No.6809704

Really distinctive and great, I find it has a balance/refreshing quality you don't see in a lot of white dessert wines (more acidity?)

>> No.6809707

goon bags and passion pop

>> No.6809878

Tenderloin should only be used for carpaccio and tartare, and even tartare is kind of questionable because anyone with taste knows sirloin is best for that
>0 fat is good
Are you a yuppie from 1987 middle america?

>> No.6809918

Well if you're like me the only wine worth buying is $3 for a fifth

>> No.6811719

I've been digging Rocco Del Macie Chianti... everything from the cheap stuff to the mid-range, because I'm too poor for expensive wine. (Answers 1 and 2)

3) They're medium to medium-dry, usually heavy on the dried/preserved fruit side of a bold flavour (craisins come to mind), and the cheaper guys have a bit of a sherry finish.

3b) It started with "Liver, with fava beans and a nice Chianti". It goes well with most meats - plays really nicely with pork, lamb, beef, and chicken if it's spicy, citrusy, or done in tomato. It does interesting things with lemon-spritzed asparagus and fiddleheads.

>> No.6811734
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I absolutely love pinot grigio, and even though I get a ton of funny looks this is hands down my favourite - it tastes so good.

>> No.6811915

My nigga

>> No.6812112

Best thing to do with Moscato besides drink it

>> No.6813212
File: 46 KB, 525x700, f20d19a6-3862-11e5-8bab-ff45783b97ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gewurztraminer and Loupiac are the shit. Could drink them with everything.

Do you even Vendange tardive btw?

>> No.6813256

No they don't

>> No.6813410

2006 called, they want their memewine back