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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, golden-corral-office.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6790793 No.6790793 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things flyovers love

>> No.6790804

shitposting on /ck/

>> No.6790817

Holy shit.
I went into a golden corral in the midwest once.
Worst experience of my life.
>Fatties clamoring all over the fried food
>Fat kids running and screaming, throwing food from the dessert area
>Sticking their hands in the chocolate fountain

Thank god they didn't like the salad bar, (other than the mayo/meat "salad" abominations)

I've never seen anything like it before.
I'll never visit flyover land again.

>> No.6790856

Holy shit, I had the same thing happen at an Old Country Buffet in southern California.

>> No.6790905

There are no Old Country Buffets in Southern California.

Nice try though, flyover boy.

>> No.6790908

>Being so new you don't realize he's referencing the Golden Corral text document we've all read.

>> No.6790911

Dead Californians.

>> No.6790916


>> No.6790917

Wasted opportunity.

>> No.6790944
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>> No.6790982

Flyovers chug Coke and Mountain Dew Code Red by the liter. They don't drink water like normal people.

>> No.6791076

Fucking their cousins.

>> No.6791085

Dipping mayonnaise in Fried Chicken

>> No.6791093

>Fucking their cousins.
Flyover here....whats the problem with thsi

>> No.6791302

You answered your own question.

>> No.6791308

There are golden corrals in the midwest? I've only ever seen them in texas

>> No.6791320
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>work with a guy from flyover state
>talking about gardening and fruits/veggies from different stations
>"anon, you went to culinary school. what do you do with avocados other than dip them in mayonnaise?"
>think he's making a joke, turn to look at him
>he's dead serious, a look of curiosity on his face

>> No.6791322

90% of texas is flyover

>> No.6791324

It was in austin

>> No.6791336
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Flyover's obsession with mayonnaise is utterly disgusting. God just thinking of some fat hick from Nebraska smothering some steak or salad with it makes me want to puke.

>> No.6791341

You'd hate europe and japan

>> No.6791344

>Flyover's obsession with mayonnaise is utterly disgusting.

I shit you not, I've seen this done 100's of times:

Flyover State Grilled Cheese Recipe:
2 slices of white bread
1 Jar Mayo
3-5 Slices of Kraft American "Cheese Product"
1 Bottle of Ketchup
1 Stick Butter

Pour mayo into mixing bowl and coat bread with mayo on both sides
Put cheese between what used to be bread
Pan fry until pretty much black on each side in butter
Dip in ketchup while eating

>> No.6791354


>> No.6791360

jesus, i dont understand it. in small amounts it can be useful but they just slather it on for no god damn reason

i don't mind japanese mayo as much since it has a sweet note to it, its more sauce like and less... blob of fat

>> No.6791366
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>i don't mind japanese mayo


>> No.6791368

>grilled cheese
>Pour mayo into mixing bowl and coat bread with mayo on both sides

mother of fucking good

>> No.6791377
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guilty as charged but theres a definitive difference between japanese mayo and best foods, and that has nothing to do with my anime preferences

>> No.6791385

>calling someone a weeb because they like a condiment
We're all weebs here on our missing Indonesian airplane forum

>> No.6791441

Yes. They're everywhere.
The one I went to was in Ohio.

>> No.6791445


I live in Indiana and I'm amazed how people around here have absolutely no sense of what good food is. People around here love golden corral and olive garden... It's always packed... and I'm sure people here would love this recipe, i couldn't even finish reading it because it sounds so disgusting

I guess thats why our city has one of the highest suicide and obesity rates in the country

I can't wait to move to florida

>> No.6791449

>I can't wait to move to florida

>> No.6791453

>We're all weebs
nah i fucking hate japland

>> No.6791456

>I live in Indiana
>I can't wait to move to florida

kek. Got some bad news for ya anon

>> No.6791462

Well, you're a weeb if you're here.

>> No.6791473


>paying for culinary school

Your two peas in a pod

>> No.6791484

>Not going all out and spelling it too or to

>> No.6791500

>hes wrong again

>> No.6791502
File: 132 KB, 800x501, 800px-AlmaWI_HistoricBusinessDistrict.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>knowing everybody in town by name
>marrying your high-school sweetheart and growing old together
>trusting your neighbors to watch the kids if something ever comes up
>the sound of critters scurrying about in the woods on a summer night
>leaving the doors unlocked
>being on a first-name basis with the sheriff
>christmas carolers
>paying a little extra to keep the local hardware store in business
>distant train horns in the middle of the night

>> No.6791513

Whom are you quoting?
Anyway, you're a weeb. Deal with it.

>> No.6791514

Only niggers and jews don't like flyover states.

>> No.6791517

There's a few in Utah and Missouri as well as Illinois I believe.

>> No.6791518

Well it is mostly Californians and NY fags batching about flyovers

>> No.6791519

You forgot,
>Fucking your cousin
>Being a hypocrite on welfare

>> No.6791521

Spot the jew yorker

>> No.6791526

Spot the cousin fucker.

>> No.6791532

kek sounds banal and trite even in its most ideal version.
in reality:
>everyone obese
>everyone ignorant, anyone with any talent gets out at the quickest opportunity
>a handful are "wealthy" , rest are poor
>only stores are walmart, dollar store, and fastfood
>people just stay in their houses watching satellite tv and drinking themselves to death on cheap beer

literally sinkholes of humanity

>> No.6791534

>Fucking your cousin
Well, I don't know anything about that, but I sure wouldn't use such crass language on a public forum. Perhaps I was just raised differently.

>Being a hypocrite on welfare
Nothing wrong with giving folks a helping hand.

Hard to keep much of a belly when you're working outside all day.

>> No.6791537
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Stay the fuck away then these are all mines

>> No.6791540

Can't help but notice how abrasive and crass you city folks are. If that's the trade-off for living somewhere deemed "exciting", I'll stick with my trite banalities.

>> No.6791543

>but I sure wouldn't use such crass language on a public forum. Perhaps I was just raised differently.
Look at this faggot.

>Being a hypocrite on welfare
Key word is hypocrite. Racist whites on welfare calling blacks on welfare "a bunch of free loading niggers."

And collecting carts in a wal-mart parking lot doesn't count as working outside all day.

>> No.6791548

dude that post was so obviously tongue in cheek. how do you fall for this dreck?

>> No.6791549

I hope blacks move into your town.
Let's see how holy you are then.

>> No.6791552

No risk here. Blacks don't like the cold

>> No.6791554

You haven't spent any time in the country have you?

>> No.6791557

realistic version
> lots of guns
> know everybody in town
> strict christian morals
> boring
>little diversity in food,clothing, or any retail items
> terrible weather
> miles between your town and next civilization
>devoid of culture
> high point of year is state fair
>everyone is fat
> brain drain . everyone with talent goes to the coast
>drugs issues

>> No.6791563

If that were true, New York and Detroit would be white. They're coming, and I know it's a big fear of yours. It's why you collect so many guns.

>> No.6791565

>Look at this ------.
Someone ought to give you a crash course in manners.

>Racist whites on welfare calling blacks on welfare "a bunch of free loading -------."
I don't know what you mean, but I don't care what color somebody is. We all need help sometimes.

>And collecting carts in a wal-mart parking lot doesn't count as working outside all day.
Never set foot in the Wal Mart. Sure, it costs a little more, but I consider it paying for the experience.

Got a few black families here. Never gave it much thought.

Is this what you see on the TV?
I don't watch it much anymore. Not when I can go out for a walk.

>> No.6791566

I imagine some of them don't like being obese, they just don't know how to change. They love that other shit though.

>> No.6791569

More like
>four wheeling
City life
>bar hop
>go clubbing

>> No.6791571
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>Hard to keep much of a belly when you're working outside all day.

do most midwesters work outside all day?

>> No.6791575

Jesus christ.
You think city people only bar hop?
You fuckers probably spend more time in bars than the coasts combined.

>> No.6791577

>Detroit and NY
Thanks for the laugh

>> No.6791579

Hello Canada. This doesn't concern you.

>> No.6791580

I cut and hauled wood for 35 years.

>> No.6791582

If Detroit isn't cold, then explain this.


>> No.6791584

No one cares tbh

>> No.6791588

Should we Holocaust all flyovers?

>> No.6791589

Maybe it's another big city thing, but out here in the "flyover" country or whatever you folks call it, we generally answer questions when we're asked.

>> No.6791590

His graph answered the question, retard.

>> No.6791596

Name calling, crass language, needless aggression. Is the big city life really worth it? Forgive me, but none of you seem really happy.

>> No.6791597


>> No.6791598


I live in the city and that's pretty much all I do. What else is there???

>> No.6791607

What city?

>> No.6791609

I don't even understand your slang anymore.

>> No.6791614

Fuck you.

>> No.6791619

Another testament to the wonders of life in the big city.

>> No.6791621

I don't live in a big city.
I live on a farm in NJ.
Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6791623


>> No.6791626


none of your business mate

im full tin foil hat

>> No.6791630

Wouldn't trade it for anything else, especially not after seeing the alternative in this thread.

>> No.6791631

NJ isn't flyover.

>> No.6791635


that was the sound of a plane flying over your head

because you're flyover

you live in flyover country

planes literally fly over and don't land jesus fucking christ

>> No.6791642

Yup. Remember watching them with my Granddad when the first jets were rolling out.
707, I think they were?

>> No.6791646

When he was raping you?

>> No.6791647

kek, no you don't

>> No.6791653
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The great seal of wiscompton

>> No.6791655

What the fuck is a flyover? A Midwesterner?

>> No.6791662

Vividly. The smell of the woods, the slight breeze.
Never saw one go that fast before.
I do miss the old turboprops sometimes.
The steam engines were just a bit before my time, but I reckon the feeling is similar.

>> No.6791663

Anywhere nothing important happens AND anywhere a republican politician spends money on brainwashing ads.

>> No.6791667

You're my new favorite character. You should start posting with a trip so I can keep track of you.

>> No.6791736

>...and drinking themselves to death on cheap beer

You say this like it's a bad thing. Also implying you city faggots don't drink yourself to death spending every penny you have trying to get laid and eating shit food that cost 400 dollars because it has fake truffle oil in it

>> No.6791756

Just because you can spend 400 dollars on a fancy dinner doesn't mean you have to. But it's nice to have the option.

>> No.6791786

No wonder it smells like farts

>> No.6791787

No, just avoid at all cost.

>> No.6791788

He said "most" dummy. No wonder you spent most of your life doing manual labor.

>> No.6791799

one of the best things I ever eaten was fried liver on toast and salad covered (almost fucking drowning) in mayo and ketchup.

>> No.6791809

ITT: hicks try to defend their shitty food and way of life.

> live in coastal Southern CA
> everyone in neighborhood is nice and chill
> awesome Mexican food and sushi
> most restaurants serve sane portions
> restaurants offer both comfort food and healthy, delicious meals

Glad I was born and had the good sense to stay in paradise.

>> No.6791821

>Just because you can spend 400 dollars on a fancy dinner doesn't mean you have to. But it's nice to have the option.

You fucking city faggots are a joke. All it takes to make something cost 400 dollars a plate is to order waffle house, but shitty garnish around it, dim the lights and talk like a cunt

>> No.6791822


yes never move the outside world is scary and dangerous plus you might learn something and that's the work of the devil

>> No.6791832

You're replying to one of your kind, retard

>> No.6791833

>sensible portions
Flyovers think three dozen boneless "wings" is sensible

>> No.6791859

I swear Golden Corral is the new tipping thread

>> No.6791938

why does everyone hate California?
doesnt seem worse than any other state

>> No.6791955

It's an easy target because it has basically a little of everything
>rich people
>poor people
>highly educated people
>really stupid people
>gridlock cager wastelands
>effete europhile bicycle and train utopias
>military industrial complex
>batshit crazy rural gun nuts
>horrible gun and gang violence
>poorly written gun control laws written by people who have never handled a gun

>> No.6791967
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It's a coddled nanny state inhabited by people who are arrogant and self centered, but score the lower than every state, save Louisiana and Mississippi, when it comes to IQ.

>> No.6791983

Are you really using IQ tests to justify anything?

>> No.6792046

Not a fan of smelling their dairy air?

>> No.6792060
File: 50 KB, 785x514, Human_Development_Index_by_State.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792072

notice how the IQ raises when you get to places that have the least brown people

>> No.6792079

The least people*

>> No.6792090
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>> No.6792093
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Money spent on education, what the fuck are you doing with that high tax rate?

>> No.6792097
File: 28 KB, 385x530, Best Worst States for Business.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And why California is soon to be swept into the dustbin of irrelevancy.

>> No.6792123
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>go to bf's family reunion in the heart of Flyoverland
>They've rented out this big knights of Columbus hall for a potluck
>Nothing but meat, meat smothered in cheese, bread, bread smothered in cheese, and deep fried snacks
>Only "salads" to be found are those horrible supermarket deli salads consisting of meat mashed up in mayonnaise
>A few vegetable trays are present, but nobody has touched them save for the carrots and ranch dressing which is nearly decimated

How do these walking cholesterol sacks continue to subsist?

>> No.6792129

I pray for the day California becomes Arizona Bay

>> No.6792174

coastie jew detected

>> No.6792194

>have beef that California and New York fawn over in my home state
>pay massive premiums from a steak
>call Seattle, the gateway to the Yukon, flyover

Seattle actually has better cheese than LA or NY. Beef? Try Montana you asshats.

Your entire food stock is from other places. Importation that is at the discretion of others. You pay a huge premium to get it and it's still sub-par.

I feel you flew over places like ours you wouldn't come here just for a fresh taste.

>> No.6792199



Suffice to say, you are insufferable twats and are supported by a federal government that cleans up your garbage and keeps your water flowing.

>> No.6792201

Yeah I travel outside the state, bozo. Due to the high cost of living I also make plenty of money to live like a king when I go elsewhere.

>> No.6792218

You've never had fun until you've fucked your wife and her cousin on a hog hunting trip in eastern Kentucky.

>> No.6792270


>> No.6792291
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>> No.6792307

>actually serves a large quantity of vegetables, salad, and decent cooked food
Fuck that man! Let's go to Hardees/Carls Jr and eat six foot long bacon hot dog thickburgers with mozzerella sticks and a large Coke!

>> No.6792340

You're slipping California.

>> No.6792367

We have a couple of them down here in Florida.

>> No.6792372


>> No.6792373

>Not knowing what 'per capita' means

>> No.6792396 [DELETED] 
File: 174 KB, 1152x752, women-at-paddy-field-alappuzha-india+1152_13026102198-tpfil02aw-5235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically hate fucking niggers, kikes, faggots, shitskined abdullahs, liberals, women, and FUCKING NORMIES



>> No.6792459

>muh damage control

>> No.6792470

Not sure what you mean. He put out a list of the most business friendly states. Even so, those states are poorer than California which ranked last.

>> No.6792561

we had one in Iowa for a bit but nobody ever went cause that shit is disgusting.

it's gone now.

>> No.6792594

Fucking buffets in general are shit. Their target audience is niggers and white trash, which are pretty much the same thing.

Shitty food produced in large amounts and left out on the counter for a long time, picked over by poor hams. I'll pass.

>> No.6792631

There are three, one in Davenport, one in Council Bluffs, one in Cedar Rapids.

There used to be one in my hometown, but it closed down.

>> No.6792758

Last month I went to a buffet at a casino in NY, thinking how bad could it be, but god damn it was shitty. Fucking $24 a person too. What was I thinking?

>> No.6792788


Try this post again in english this time?

Regardless, everyone knows that all the food is farmed / raised in shitty flyover states.

Why should I give a shit about beef that only sat in a fridge for 1 day rather than 3?

Good thing that I can live near the ocean, all major historical landmarks, and many major population centers yet still eat food shipped out of your state.

>> No.6792790

You weren't obviously

>> No.6792794

Chain restaurants in general. They seem to believe if it grew into a chain that it must be good, lul.

>> No.6792803

I had two free tickets to a buffet like that.
It was so expensive though, it weeded out all the fatties and blacks.

Pretty nice.

>> No.6792804


>> No.6792814

Jesus fucking christ

>> No.6792829

Son, someone hath lied to you.

>> No.6792834

This. Fuck small towns.

>> No.6792877

I live in a small town in upstate New York, a good 4 hours from the city. Up here it's flyover as fuck. Small towns are pretty much the same everywhere, and they are all pretty shitty.

>Fat fucking people everywhere
>Welfare recipients abound and are constantly being arrested for welfare fraud
>Drugs everywhere, namely heroin, meth and other various opioids and pills
>People are judgmental and cliquey as fuck, yet they also have an unwarranted arrogance, despite most of them never doing shit of merit in their lives
>So many people are ignorant and willfully so. Talking to them for 5 minutes it becomes apparent that they don't have the slightest clue how the world works, yet they think they do.
>They think they have everything all figured out that it's all black and white with no grey area and they just love to burp their pisswater opinions loudly
>The food is shit and people don't even realize it. It's a lot of meat and potatoes, bland, flavorless bullshit yet the people rave up and down about how good it is. They will buy shoe leather greymeat steaks from Wal-Mart and rave about how good they are
>Especially diners. The people love diners. Bland, mediocre meatloaf and mashed potatoes and the people just love it. Shitty diners will be packed out the door on Friday and Saturday nights serving this bland, mediocre gruel
>People are hateful as fuck. It doesn't always show, but you get talking to people at a bar after a few drinks, they will tell you exactly how they feel. It's usually "fuck anyone who isn't an ignorant pisswater nobody like me".
>Everybody parrots each other with the same worn out saying and talking points. You'll hear "Get ur dun!" "You can't fix stupid!" "Karma's a bitch!" and all variety of others several times a day if your in public


>> No.6792913

>Everybody's drunk. The town officials, the cops, the judges, the every day folks. I'd dare say at least half of the vehicles on the road at any given time here have driver's that are at least buzzed, if not wrecked. These drunks like to sit around the bars and talk down about all the "druggies" in town and how they have never had an addiction
>There is never shit to do. You have one choice for entertainment here and that is the bar. There are about 7 bars in this town and they are all the same. All have jukeboxes blasting out the same pisswater radio country music and the same drunks and blue collar assholes burping their complaints all night. Some night life, right?
>Trailer parks every where. Need I say more?
>Despite being a small town there is absolutely zero sense of community. Every one is out for themselves and will not hesitate to let you know it. Neighbors regularly refuse to help each other and you're much more likely to be told "Sucks to be you" than to be offered a helping hand
>The police, judges and court system as a whole are corrupt as fuck. Just a few years ago the entire sheriff's dept. was under FBI investigation for massive corruption. Several Police and probation officers here have multiple DUIs on their records. A village judge was just recently convicted of felony counts of insurance fraud and theft.
>Everyone is angry, but I'm sure you guessed that by now. Except most don't really know why they're angry. They are just angry at everyone and everything.
>Massive pickup trucks and "roll coal" everywhere
>Intelligence, intellect or even slight deviation from the pisswater norm is immediately met with aggression. You stand out even slightly, you get labeled "faggot" "hippy" "commie" "liberal" any any other assortment of misguided insults.
>Everyone up-talks the south, how much better it is than the north, how they want to move there, etc., etc, many of them have never been down south and have no plans to go there


>> No.6792927

>Rebel flags everywhere, despite being located well into the north
>People develop this extremely obnoxious faux-southern accent that sounds like nails on a chalkboard. All despite never having been to the south at all, despite for any amount of time
>Wal-Mart is pretty much the new downtown. Everyone shops there for everything. And at night if you listen to the police scanner you hear about fights, shoplifters, bad checks, loitering in the parking lot, drug sales in the parking lot. It has become the new seedy nightlife that downtowns used to hold

All in all, it is a very depressing place to be. Very void of any art, learning or actual culture of any kind.It is very much a wasteland and the people show it. And this is coming from a 35 year old who has lived her for the past 10 years. I've lived in various cities as well and let me tell you, this is by far the worst I've ever seen.

>> No.6792951

What are you still doing there then? Genuinely curious.
>tfw Scandinavian yes.png

>> No.6792954

I've experienced more aggression in small towns than I ever did in the city.

>> No.6792980

And thus you prove your ignorance beyond the shadow of a doubt. Do you really believe that's all there is to delicious, quality food? Just shitty Waffle-House ingredients with bells and whistled added? Stay moron.

>> No.6792989

True sign of a flyover hick moron: believing educated makes one "arrogant and self-centered.

>> No.6792994
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>> No.6793002

stupidos feel threatened by people smarter than them :^) (they should :^))

>> No.6793003


Anyone who thinks this is an insult to Wisconsin is a fool.

>> No.6793008

Where in NY?

>> No.6793020

On probation for the next 3 years because I stood up to a drunk child molesting cop and he very literally made up charges about me on the spot (DUI). As soon as I'm off, I'm gone.

>> No.6793077

I live in Florida and other than SoFla, Gainesville and St Pete its only a small step up from flyover land. I'm planning my escape day by day

>> No.6793085

There are 5 in CA you fucking retard.

Trying using google before you make a fool of yourself.

>> No.6793087

>trying to defend being an idiot

>> No.6793091
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>believing educated makes one "arrogant and self-centered.

Learn english, bitch.

>> No.6793094

you must have deserved it
my experience has been the exact opposite around the US

>> No.6793106

>never been to the midwest
Yup, and the coasts are nothing but faggots, feminists, people driven out of the midwest, and degenerates of every flavour. It's like they stuck all the smegma of the nation on the edges as a buffer zone in case of war, that way all the useless people die first.

>> No.6793108

Ugh, no. Just because your individual experience was sunshine and buttercups doesn't mean shit. Try saying hello to someone and being called a yankee faggot with gas accent and that the KKK were going to come after me because apparently that was the local gang in town. All because I wasn't a local. Cuck.

>> No.6793113

Spoken like a true sister-raping hick who has never left his shithole of a town

>Implying being driven out of the midwest is some kind of a punishment.

>> No.6793115


Nice try, shitskin.

>> No.6793117
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>full of shit
Why are you so desperate? You do this shit far too often for it to be just for giggles. You really should seek some sort of council, trying to make yourself feel better usually works better when you don't secretly hate yourself.
>its the flyovers fault my life is shit

>> No.6793124

Actual, bum-fuck Alabama Southerner here. Jesus Christ, what is wrong with you people?

>> No.6793126

Its just one incredibly insecure child. Don't take it seriously, he does this almost daily.

>> No.6793130

back to your al/ck/ thread gramps

>> No.6793131

The fuck? Are you autistic? This is a legitimate experience that happened to me. Just because these types of people are your family memebers and don't do this to you does not mean it doesn't happen. Put the autism on a dull simmer.

>> No.6793133

I gathered as much when I read his later post about he was falsely accused for standing up to a corrupt cop.

>> No.6793134

some kids all butthurt about life but doesn't know how to express himself properly

i really don't get how you americans can tolerate the coastal regions, its like you have two australias.

>> No.6793139

I think it's a corporate image that has been very heavily marketed to this demographic of people, and they've bought the whole thing.

>> No.6793142
File: 20 KB, 833x551, 1368985061114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not going to be able to convince me
I am much, much smarter than you. Just keep whining about nothing, it's not like people actually give a shit about your little rants.

>> No.6793144

This is the first time I've come to this board in months you fucking silly bitch. Are you telling me you know more about the 10 years I've lived in this town than I do? Kill yourself.

>> No.6793149

Oh, you don't think that can happen, huh? Shit is corrupt as fuck in the real world. This cop is a convicted sex offender yet still works as a cop. Yes, this shit happens. Leave mammy's basement now and the.

>> No.6793150

I always figured it had to do with Hollywood's geographic location. Its easy to get good PR when the guys with the cameras and film studios are in your state. Funny thing is, I live in a small town in the midwest, and no one is actually from here. We have quite a few Californian and New York refugees who came here to get away from all that shit on the coasts.

>> No.6793157

If you're not American, shut the fuck up. You literally don't know shit about what we're talking about.

>> No.6793159

If he were really a convicted sex offender you could have him thrown off the force with a single phone call to the state.

The area I live in right now is rapidly gentrifying, most new people are East Coasters.

>> No.6793162

You're smarter than me, huh? Please tell me more about how you're job at the local factory in Jerkwater midwestern nowhere has made you so fucking smart? You're a flyover faggot and literally no one is jealous of you.

>> No.6793163
File: 123 KB, 880x912, 6a00d8341cad8253ef015437a5a38b970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6793164

Just look at how he's freaking out and spastically samefagging without regard for how he will be perceived. We are actually witnessing autism in action. I know people toss that word around a lot, but just look at his posts. You can spot them quite easily. He has no idea how to interact with people, he's so emotionally wrecked and socially downcast he has to find someone he thinks in his defective mind to be lower then him and attack them anonymously just to feel like he has some sort of control over his circumstances.
He will ultimately be shot down, but it won't stop him from doing it all over again as soon as he wakes up tomorrow. He is truly autistic, which is why he will never stop. He is literally incapable of behaving like a normal person. He can't even perceive that he is abnormal.

>> No.6793165


That seems to come from this guy. I don't know where he got the numbers from.

>> No.6793167

Literally everything you just wrote is my worst nightmare. fuck you.

>> No.6793171

No, you can't. It's not as easy as the movies and Law and Order shows portray it to be. Small towns are all about connections. The guy was actually fired before but the police union forced them to rehire him. These types of cases happen every day unfortunately.

>> No.6793174


You've got an awful lofty attitude for someone who ironically doesn't even know what decimated means

>> No.6793178

>single minded ideals
>zero tolerance for diversity
>nothing to do except piss other people off or use drugs
>no privacy

>> No.6793180

Why are you even engaging him like he's an actual person? Don't validate him by acknowledging he exists. Its like when kids act out for attention, giving them the attention they want just encourages them to act out more. He needs to find a healthy way to handle his emotional issues and you're really not helping him.
Just look at these:

This is clearly a disturbed child, who probably needs better parental guidance.

>> No.6793181

>Shilling this hard against one poster.

I'm not him but why do you care so much and are so offended by his posts? What is your vested interest?

>> No.6793184

Finding the love of your life, being able to trust and rely on your neighbors, and a friendly relationship with local law enforcement is your nightmare?

So what do you think, "child molesting cop" is actually the 20 year old guy who dated the chick he had a crush on senior year of high school or is actually a security guard who told some teen girls they were being too loud?

>> No.6793186

Dude, shut the fuck up. I have not been to this board in fucking MONTHS. And believe me, I have interacted just fine with people in the cities. I just don't fit in in small towns. If anything, it's these redneck yokels who are autistic. Being educated and having differing opinions with the local yokels of a particular demographic is not autism.

>> No.6793190

I don't want help him, I want him to have a screaming shit fit at a Sonic over some tater tots. I'm talking full on trying to fistfight a car then getting run over shit fit.

>> No.6793191

I feel like david attenborough watching a wild animal lashing out in a panic.
>oh, see here as the buttravaged coastie brandishes his cum-stained fangs at all the other wild life
>the young coastie is trying to project strength to the pack in order to gain social standing
>the elders of the pack ignore his pathetic display and tend to the female pack members sexually while casually kicking shit at the young coastie
>the twice ass-plowed coastie growls even louder trying to impress the elder pack members with his vigor
>the elders once again disregard his pathetic pleas

>> No.6793194

not that guy, but for some people small towns are a nightmare to live in
you seem to enjoy it, good for you
some people really hate it

why keep bumping a shitty thread that just wants to ridicule people?

>> No.6793199

Forcible rape on his own daughters, 8 and 11 years old. Did 2 years in prison for it and his union got him rehired when he got out.

>> No.6793201
File: 54 KB, 405x500, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Ranch dressing
>Grocery store sushi bathed in soy sauce
>Literally anything deep fried
>Chain restaurants
>Lofthouse frosting blobs
>Awful imitations of "ethnic" foods made by white Americans using Applebee's tier ingredients purchased at Walmart
>Morbid obesity
>Voting against their own interests in every national election out of fear, prejudice, and religious beliefs

>> No.6793202

What else am I going to do at 1:30 in morning?

But I completely understand, the insular nature can breed a lot of negative behaviors. Really though, it's something you'll find in apartment buildings or dorms.

>> No.6793203
File: 1.35 MB, 1465x1950, Sir-david-Attenborough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I dunno, I feel like I'm observing a subject, learning more about a different facet of humanity. I guess I'm just people watching and noting on behavioral quirks.

>> No.6793208
File: 11 KB, 211x246, VvJkrWe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So because some dude hates the town he lives in, he is automatically some autistic sperglord? When did this happen?

>> No.6793210

Post the sex offender database link.

>> No.6793214

Well, personally, It's late, I'm drunk, and this is occupying time until my lady comes home. I've lived in both large cities and small towns, I was born and raised in a city of ~8mil, but now live in a town with under 70,000. I prefer this town much more. I have my own front and backyards, I got a nice house for cheap, and I even have a detached garage with a 16ft fishing boat. I wouldn't have been able to afford any of this if I stayed in the city. I really don't miss the noise, or the crowding, or the newest trendy restaurants. Plus I like my neighbors here, good people.

>> No.6793216

>read the thread
No, because he acts like an autistic sperglord is why he's an autistic sperglord. Anyone who isn't an autistic sperglord understands this as a simple fact.

>> No.6793224
File: 36 KB, 550x350, michael_moore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh look its Michael Moore

>> No.6793226


Try living in a town of 5,000, which is what I was talking about. A real small town. You're a nobody loser faggot who hasn't done shit in life so he's content to fade away as a nobody in his shitty dumpster of a town. Not everyone likes small town life. OK, so you're a faggot loser and your wife cheats behind your back. Good for you, you fit in in Cuckold nowhere. Not everyone can say the same. Faggot.

>> No.6793229

most of the worst webms ive seen were from anti-social chinese people

Not trying to say all chinese are bad, just that such tightly packed humanity will lead to problems.

>> No.6793233

Actually, your kind of acting more like a sperglord. I grew up in a small town and I really didn't like it. Does that make me autistic? Just because someone doesn't fit into the small town package=autism. You are acting like the arrogant small town sheltered people I grew up around, though.

>> No.6793234

you know, he's going to see this and get really pissed off that you have a house and a boat and will think of some reason to talk shit.
dont give him a reason, stop letting him know his life is inferior.

>> No.6793235

Jesus christ THIS.

>> No.6793237

City life
>bar hop
>go clubbing
>enjoy visiting a wide variety of stores and restaurants in walking distance
>enjoy films, concerts, museum exhibits etc.
>still go out to the sticks to do your dumb once-a-year vacation hobbies

>> No.6793238

China has a bunch of factors working against it, like how there is no liability protection for people. All those videos where you see Chinese people just ignoring something bad happening is because they can be sued, possibly criminally charged, if they intervene.

>> No.6793239

plus additional samefaggings

I'm losing interest now that he's become predictable....

>> No.6793242
File: 526 KB, 420x315, lionel-richie-eating-popcorn-gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fanny flustered coasties mad the 'flyovers' live happier lives than they do
we're gonna need some popcorn with all the salt in this thread

>> No.6793243

Right, because no one owns houses in the city...Oh wait

>Implying everyone wants to get wrapped up in a mortgage for a shitty house that is really owned by the bank. Some prefer to rent.

>> No.6793245

Whereas here in the US people are all up in each others business 24/7. Not all people, but enough of them.

Yeah we must have hit a nerve.

>> No.6793250

>>Implying everyone wants to get wrapped up in a mortgage for a shitty house that is really owned by the bank. Some prefer to rent.

This is what children from poor families believe.

Check out the fucking gold right below your post, he's fucking bleeding out. Its like he doesn't even care anymore he's just gonna share all his dirty laundry with us.
I can't believe this little bitch keeps making these threads when they all end the same.

>> No.6793251

Cityfag here. You do not live a happier life than me. That is literally impossible. There is more here to do to keep me happy.

>> No.6793253

>lionel richie

All these threads end like this

>> No.6793257 [DELETED] 

lol what? OK you are confirmed for autism. The apartment I rent is better than your entire shitty house, friendo. And if utilities break, my landlord handles it. Enjoy your filthy split ranch cuck house that the bank will reposes the second you miss a payment.

>> No.6793258

>I can smell the desperation in your post

Just who are your trying to convince anon? It sounds more like you are a social reject who was outed in your small town because you're a fucking freak, and then you moved to the coast to blend in with the crowds and hope no one notices how much of a freak you are. How is this our problem? Just stop making people hate you everywhere you go. Stop playing the victim, stop trying to delude yourself.

>> No.6793260

Why is everyone so salty in this thread?

>> No.6793262

>implying I don't own it outright
>implying that I can't do my own repairs or afford to have a service do them for me
I don't know where you live, but mortgages here are really rare. People here just buy it, then own it. No need to fuck around with a bank and worry about payments.
You just keep saying things that make you sound poor as shit. Try harder, loser.

>> No.6793269

Because one coastie fag has been making these shit threads and has been shit posting pretty much everywhere for a long time. The salt you are tasting is from the tears he constantly sheds while trying to pretend he loves his life.

>> No.6793272

I'm not trying to convince anyone. I have a better life than you. Period. I get to actually HAVE a life in the city. Enjoy your crippling obesity, cheating wife, everyone always being in your business and mayonnaise.

>Implying being "outed because your a fucking freak" in a shithole small town is a bad thing.

You flyover rednecks think anyone who is not a fuck up loser just like you is a "freak". Enjoy your shithole life.

>> No.6793273

I am unsure exactly who this refers to, east coasters? west coasters? gulf coasters?

>> No.6793274

>stupidest post on 4chan
i think you just come from a family of trailer trash or something because no one around here has to worry about that.

>> No.6793280

lol every body is such a success...On 4 chun.

>> No.6793287

Why are you trying to prove so desperately that you love your life? You seem like your trying to compensate.

>> No.6793288
File: 120 KB, 600x487, 1395400550372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh damn
>this freak is MAD

Yeah, you really sound happy with your life anon.

> I have a better life than you. Period.

C'mon, guy. Even you have to see how sad this looks from the outside. Reeks of desperation.

>> No.6793289


Everyone who is landlocked by corn, I'm guessing.

>> No.6793294
File: 128 KB, 160x128, 1395248449142.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>holy shit look at him sperg out

full autism mode right here

>> No.6793295


Why would Michael Moore say that about himself?

>> No.6793299

In >>6793273 I am actually just asking. I don't know what we're arguing about and would rather not read 200 posts.

>> No.6793300 [DELETED] 

lol, I'm OK with that. Because you are a pisswater flyover nobody and your opinion is worth it's weight in mayonnaise and light beer.

>Stay mad flyovercuck

>> No.6793304

So much samefaggotry

>> No.6793306

East and West coast.
The southern coast is just the south. its all lumped together.

one really butthurt anon one told use that the coasts were the best places to live and everything else was flyover, hence "coasties" and "flyovers".

>> No.6793308

>one really butthurt anon one told use that the coasts were the best places to live and everything else was flyover, hence "coasties" and "flyovers".
Ah I see. I've lived in several states. Out of them I would say Washington was the most pleasant to live in, Nebraska second.

>> No.6793311
File: 261 KB, 552x414, 1438874258692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefags the entire thread
>calls out me for samefagging, but only links to one of my posts

8/10, I'm actually laughing at you.
I really want to stay up all night and watch you unravel online.

>> No.6793312
File: 47 KB, 720x439, 1418186902166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about small towners is that they don't know how ignorant they are or what they missing, because they have never left their little town.

>> No.6793313

I've lived in CA, MI, IA, MN, MA and spent a lot of time in OR. I think I like MN the best. OR is a close second though.

>> No.6793317

I've lived in a town of 536 people for two years once. I've also lived in Seattle, and a fair few in between. Seattle was the most pleasant to live in by far. I simply like people and people being around, and noise. I live in a good part of town so the noise I got wasn't shootings, it was the sound of people living.

>> No.6793319

>ad hominem
Dude, seriously. Have you even been to college? They blatantly tell you that this style of argument is for children.

>I am arguing with a child
I should have known this...

Oh well, please continue sharing your tremendous asspain with us.

>> No.6793320

>all of those states that are good for business have no income tax or a very low flat rate
>all the bottom states have high income tax or in some case have a state AND city tax like new york

why is bribing multi-millionaires and billion dollar corporations to live in your shithole something to be proud of?


got us there ,cletus! now go and clean mr millionaire's factory while you earn a couple bucks above minimum wage.

>> No.6793321

What's hilarious is that you think I'm "unraveling". I'm sitting in my high-rise apartment (which is bigger than your entire shitty house), sipping cognac and laughter my ass off at your ignorant shithole town attitude. I have about 50 bars, 60-70 restuarants, 8 museums, 25 coffee houses and 15 specialty grocery stores, all within walking distance. You have wal-mart and the VFW. You literally have nothing for me to be jealous of.

>> No.6793322

>low end factory jobs here pay $16/hr starting

>> No.6793323



>Never travel more than 250 miles from home
>Think of Florida as an exotic vacation spot
>Don't even own a passport because why would you ever need it?
>Insist that your backwater, inbred, uneducated, small town life is great because you unironically believe that it is

>> No.6793324

Dude no one cares. You're the only one getting butt-blasted about him hating his town.

>> No.6793325

M8, you're on 4chan at 3am. I'm sorry, but I have a really hard time believing you're in any way successful.

>> No.6793327
File: 18 KB, 625x549, 1438730559536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so much desperation
>let me talk like im cool because i cant let them know im upset

Just a bit more anon, just keep unraveling. Go ahead and tell me more about shit that I don't care about nor even believe exists.

>> No.6793328

>just let me samefag some more
Not just me mocking you coastie, at least one other american and a brit/aussie from what I can tell.

>> No.6793330

It's quarter after midnight here. And if you are on 4 chun at 3 am, how the fuck are you successful?

>> No.6793332

im here too, just havent posted in a little bit. just watching that coastal anon freak out while listening to music. pretty enjoyable evening really.

>> No.6793337

Bro, you say "coastie" like it's a bad thing. The coasts are where all the life and culture are. The midwest is a fucking wasteland.

>> No.6793338
File: 57 KB, 100x164, 1280114505360.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even 1am in his locale
Its past 2am here, I guess once again we are ahead of you in something.

You see what I did there? chronological burn, motherfucker.

>> No.6793340
File: 36 KB, 500x500, cumbra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize this entire topic is literally 2 fags samefagging each other

>> No.6793341

>The midwest is a fucking wasteland.
>over 80% of all produce grown in the US is grown in the midwest

Topkek anon, I like laughing at people who say retarded things.

>> No.6793345


Friendly reminder that "business friendly" is code for "slave state."

>I work 60 hour weeks earning barely above minimum wage and come home in pain from head to toe every night, but that's ok, if I just work hard and play by the rules I might be a real millionaire one day like that mr. Trump on the TV!

>> No.6793346

Did you just imply your fuckhole garbage dumpster of a town is ahead of any city on ANYTHING???

>> No.6793347

at least 3, im not the only one. i've havent even directly addressed the eternally butthurt coastie in a while, just watching him play the fool for our amusement.

>> No.6793349

Can you chill with produce and go to an art museum or coffee house with it? You're right, I like laughing at retards, and I'm fucking lmao at you right now.

>> No.6793351
File: 50 KB, 657x408, Iamawesomecomparedtothesefags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>direct hit
>maximum damage

>> No.6793352


It might be fertile enough to act as a giant farm for real states, but culturally and intellectually it is a genuine wasteland.

>> No.6793353


>> No.6793354

>so desperate and insecure

>> No.6793356

Samefag strikes again

>> No.6793358

I'm not overly successful, I live a modest lifestyle. The point still stands, you're on 4chan at midnight. I still don't believe you.

>> No.6793359

>intellectually it is a genuine wasteland.
>noticeably higher test scores across the board

Yup, sure thing, anon.

>> No.6793360


>> No.6793366

>So desperattttttteee
How the fuck is that desperate? I live in an area with cultural and real shit to do. You go jerk off in cornfields? Who is desperate flyover boy?

>> No.6793367

>samefags entire thread
>trying to throw off others by calling every other poster a samefag

Stop calling everyone a samefag, anon. It's obvious and pathetic.
Why don't you just go back to name calling? You really seemed to enjoy that part, or maybe try and convince us you're happy again.

>> No.6793369

>You go jerk off in cornfields? Who is desperate flyover boy?

just look at his desperation. so desperate he flips my own comment on me rather than think for himself.

>> No.6793370

You're on 4 chan at the same time. The difference is I live in an actual city ou live in shithole nowhere

>Check and mate

>> No.6793371

like i keep saying, he is fucking desperate.

>check and mate
holyfucking desperate
youre like that retarded kid who flips over the chess board and claims he won

>> No.6793372

Show proof. Because that is a bold-faced lie, plain and simple.

>> No.6793373

Man, I live in a city too, that's not the point here. The point is you acting like an asshat. Hell, in all likelihood I live in a bigger city than you, if that's how we're measuring.

>> No.6793374

Point still stands.

>> No.6793378
File: 131 KB, 640x410, Average_SAT_Score_by_state_640_px.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6793380

>Acting like an asshat

It's fucking 4 chun, what did you expect?

>> No.6793382

You're terrible at it though. Your lies are explicit. Your trolling abilities are garbage.

>> No.6793383

>Pic has no verifiable sources

You're right anon HAHAHAHAAH

>> No.6793385

What fucking lies? Everything I've said is truth. Check that autism.

>> No.6793386

I think you got lost anon, I'm from city of over 8mil.
Try harder.

>point still stands
You'd have to actually make a point first, retard. You just keep arguing ad hominem because you aren't educated enough to actually validate your statements with facts.

>> No.6793387

>no source
>thinks SATs are an indication of intelligence
let me guess, you think IQ also accurately measures intelligence? H4H4H4

>> No.6793389

Holy fuck so many butthurt flyovers in this thread. Have any of you ever even left your town? There is a whole world out there for you to see.

>> No.6793390

Holy fuck, you don't even know why your arguing do you? My point is that city life is vastly superior to boring small town redneck life. Stay buttmad autist.

>> No.6793391

I don't believe you're supposed "highrise apartment sipping cognac" story, that's the bold lie. However, that isn't the point. Even if it was true you need to be more subtle with your trolling.

As well if it is true give us a timestamp. That'll show how much better you are than us. Lets see that view.

>> No.6793392
File: 376 KB, 1600x1237, 2009_SAT_Scores.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, is this how little bitches act when they get served? Yes, it is.

>> No.6793393
File: 64 KB, 805x511, SAT.ACT-test-takers-map.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All those dark flyover states are states that favor the ACT, not the SAT. Far fewer people there take it, and those who do are probably genius overachievers applying to every school ever.

States where the SAT is almost compulsory will of course have lower average scores, because everyone is taking it.

Also your picture as no source and is full of shit.

>> No.6793395


>SAT scores are an accurate way to measure intelligence

tip top kek lad

>> No.6793396

There are legitimately 2 highly autistic children in this thread arguing with each other.

>> No.6793398

No, its really not. You just keep trying to convince people your personal preference is how everyone should feel. You have no concept of logic and have been acting like a moron for hours now, you really need to take a good look at yourself because you are genuinely pathetic and you make all city dwellers look like social outcasts and angsty children.

>> No.6793399

>the more people take part in something, the more the average drops

No shit?

>> No.6793401

Man, what are we even arguing about any more?

Both big cities and small towns have their advantages. Declaring one is better in every way is silly. This is coming from someone who has lived in both. Some people like the quite life small towns offer, others like the hustle and bustle of the big city. It's true large cities offer more choice of establishments to patron, no one denies this, but that isn't the end all of what you want out of a community. Cost of living & safety are generally better in small communities. It's a give and take, both have their goods and bads.

>> No.6793403

lol I don't have to prove shit to you. I give not a single fuck if you don't believe me. I'm sorry you are buttflustered that the tallest building in your town is 3 stories.

>> No.6793405


>so butthurt he's refusing to acknowledge infographs from the dept of edu but then uses one himself


>> No.6793411

You want to know the best part? We're both from California. Not even joking, I've been playing devil's advocate for my own fun for hours now.

>> No.6793412

You seem to ignore the fact I already said I live in a large city too, and probably a larger one than yours if that's how we're doing our dick measuring. However, the fact you feel the need to sit in a single thread for hours doesn't lend credence to your supposed success.

>> No.6793417
File: 131 KB, 1513x983, IQ-map-by-state-147846885422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look how all the below average IQs are on the coasts or Appalachian territory, literally the home of the rednecks, but not actually part of the midwest.

>> No.6793418

Did you even read the picture you posted? Obviously the more people taking a test the lower the average will be, that's how averages work. Are you retarded? Do they teach you basic mathematics in flyover states?
Also, do you honestly believe SATs are indicative of intelligence? Lord help the flyovers.

>> No.6793419

Never once did I say my personal preference is how anyone should feel. Never. Only that it is my experience. Being a "social outcast" is a small town is literally NOT a bad thing. There are so many more demographics and scenes to fit into in the city. It's great that you're a big fish in a pond of light beer, but outside of your shitty little town your a loser and a nobody.

>> No.6793420

Isn't this thread just one guy yelling "desperate" for 200 posts?

>> No.6793421

>backpedal faster, boy!

>> No.6793424

>no refutation
>i know, better shitpost!
I'm not even the guy you were arguing with, it was my first post in the thread actually. You really are mentally deficient.

>> No.6793425

>was a loser
>decided to find a bigger crowd so he could hide in it

this is why we call you pathetic
>my superior coastal city
>you flyovers have nothing
>blah blah blah bitch bitch bitch

You're just mad that you were an outcast, and none of your claims have any validity. You just pretend they do and get all huffy when someone doesn't agree. Take your fucked up personal issues elsewhere.

>> No.6793427
File: 37 KB, 250x250, 1397960436174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Shills shilling shills as they shill.

>> No.6793430
File: 19 KB, 295x240, sat_geography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Its like you're not even following the thread, or are intentionally ignoring shit you dont like.

>> No.6793431

What you fail to realize is that I was not the loser, the small town dickheads were. It was a town of (almost) entirely losers. Naturally when you are a winner you are going to leave the town of losers in the dust and go to the city to find more winners like yourself.

>> No.6793440
File: 1.10 MB, 320x240, k7aqx2I.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone where I lived hated me
>it wasn't me, it was them
>I'll go where I can find people who will tolerate me
>obviously there weren't enough before
I'll be honest man, you sound extremely sad. I mean in a depressing sort of way. How many close friends do you have, do you need a friend? Everyone needs a friend, and you don't have to run to the big city to try and find it. Come on, just try and be a little kinder.

>> No.6793443

I met a girl from Alma WI the other day...she wasn't fat...actually was pretty fucking hot.

>> No.6793447

>delusions of grandeur
I don't think I can even continue with you anon, you are obviously delusional. I'm not trying to hurt you with this, seriously, I'm not, but you need to take a stem back and think about this.
>everyone thinks im a loser
>now imma run away and live somewhere where people wont notice im a loser

You have honestly become delusional as a self-defense mechanism. I've actually seen this before in one of my friends who had a rough childhood. He started playing the victim and never stopped, he constantly blamed everyone else for shit and found idiotic reasons to think himself better than others. Its not healthy anon. My "friend" is currently an alcoholic who works fast food, has no gf, and no social life except for a few NEETs who are just as bad as him. If you want to change your life, you need to change yourself.

>> No.6793448

how the fuck did a thread with a picture of GC as the OP make it this far without the legendary golden_corral.txt being posted?


>> No.6793453
File: 426 KB, 1936x1296, 1437202466551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most autistic thing I've ever read outside an actual cringe thread.

Did I wander into a cringe thread?
Someone post some fucking food.

>> No.6793468


that's not autistic; it's the only way for people who honestly are meant for more than backwoods do-nothing lives in flyover country to stay sane and focused

I went to college in NYC with a girl named Taylor who was unbelievably smart, but was from a super rural part of kansas and was literally the only person from her entire graduating high school class to go to college, much less college out-of-state. I got really drunk with her and a few other people one night and she confessed that she hated every single person she had ever met up until college life because they all didn't want to do fuckall with their lives, and some of them had even criticized her for thinking she was some sort of bigshot for wanting to go to school in the city and asking her why she didn't just want to stay in kansas like everyone else.

so yeah, I can understand that for someone who doesn't actually know what life is like in rural flyover country, that sounds autistic and cringeworthy. but it's not without basis, if nothing else. you have no reason to believe any of what I just said but I just wanted to share

>> No.6793488

>flyover here
I grew up in Iowa. My town had less than 500 people in it. Our ONLY FUCKING LANDMARK was a phone booth that was literally the only thing on our "main" street. I never had anything like what you just mentioned happen to me, nor have I ever even heard of such in my entire 20ish years living there. I now live in Seattle, and honestly I miss Iowa quite often. Don't get me wrong, having places to go is nice in a big city, but its the same travel time to have fun as it was in Iowa. Here I have to drive through a fuckton of traffic to get to a site I want to be, and it can take up to an hour easily. In Iowa to go somewhere to have fun I'd have to drive to the state capital, which was also about an hour drive. There were clubs in Iowa, and bars, and nice places to eat, but I honestly felt safer in Iowa. I've never been accosted by groups of black youths in Iowa, nor have I ever been mugged. People in Iowa were much nicer too, you could actually talk to people without them freaking out. I said "excuse me" to a young lady the other day while trying to pass her on the sidewalk and she turned to me and told me to "watch where you're going, jackass I'm on the phone". I was a good 2 feet from her, I just said excuse me so she wouldn't be started when I walked passed her. This kind of uncalled for anger is common in big cities I've noticed. People just become meaner. I have no plans on moving back to Iowa, ever. But I wouldn't ever say the midwest is worse than the west coast. Its just different. Your experience may have differed, and thats cool, but just keep in mind that well all see things through the kaleidoscope of our own perception. Don't let your personal bias lead you to be hateful towards an entire region, that is full of a great many decent people, along with a good amount of assholes to keep things interesting.

>> No.6793527

>>zero tolerance for diversity

>> No.6793529

what the fuck idaho

>> No.6793543
File: 68 KB, 884x800, downs-syndrome-giving-thumbs-up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's where Americas potatoes come from

>> No.6793563
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>Joey threads are bad
>These are fine

>> No.6793631

Oh God damn that looks good yo.

>> No.6793636

This . Wanting a better life in an area with more people and more opportunity, naturally would come off as cringy and autistic to a flyover nobody from pisswater nowhere.

>> No.6793642

>I had a great experience in my little podunk town so everyone else must have too

>> No.6793645

Oh grow up, we know you're still samefagging this thread into the dirt. You didn't even read the post did you? The part about different experiences and perception? No, of course not. You were raped repeatedly in this thread and as someone from one of the below average IQ states you just have act like a cunt and keep on beating a dead horse.

>true face of autism, fresh from the coast.

>> No.6793650

wtf do you have against "the coast"? holy fuck calm down, it's not as bad as you seem to believe. And I'm not samefagging anything, I just got here.

>> No.6793654

wtf do you have against "the coast"? holy fuck calm down, it's not as bad as you seem to believe. And I'm not samefagging anything, I just got here.

>> No.6793656

Read the post you replied to, I live in Seattle.
Don't even pretend you just got here faggot, you claim that every fucking time you do this. Grow up and pull your head out of your ass.

>> No.6793657

Well, you come here and act like a complete as without actually knowing what you're talking about, just like all the other people here who use the term "flyover".

>all the other people
>its really just you

>> No.6793662
File: 65 KB, 520x490, 1318938924316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets rekt
>comes back hours later once everyone else is gone just so he can keep samefagging in support of his own posts

>> No.6793663

Yet you use the words "fresh from the coast". Hypocrisy much? My opinions are formed on real life experiences. I have lived in small towns in the midwest and I have lived in larger cities. My opinion is that the cities are vastly superior. You can't stand that that is my opinion, but there it is. Your butt frustration is nigh palpable.

>> No.6793665

That's not me.

>> No.6793672

Holy fuck this thread is still going? Enough you two.

>> No.6793674
File: 15 KB, 340x325, 1439484189378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I lived in Sacramento for 8 years, your opinion is invalid in every possible way. I, like many others, moved inland to get away from people like you who flock to the coasts so they can feel validated in their choice of city rather than personal accomplishments.
>my opinions are formed on real life experiences
>I have lived in small towns in the midwest
>I have lived in larger cities
>my opinion is that cities aren't superior, its a matter of preference
>my opinion is that people who brag about their city have nothing else worth bragging about

Like I said, your opinions are invalid and you entered this thread like a total cunt, hence the immediate hostility. Don't start nothin, won't be nothin. BITCH.

>> No.6793677

the butthurt coastal faggot will never stop

just watch as he continues to argue a bullshit point with no supporting evidence because he's empty inside and this is all he has

>> No.6793680

Not the same guy, but you're in the wrong on this one, asshole.

This was a misinformed and just downright rude post. You didn't even read what I had actually written, but started spouting off like you know jack about shit when really all you have is shit.

>> No.6793684
File: 29 KB, 736x736, 1265459698779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck he's still samefagging about the coast

>> No.6793685

>But...but...My opinions

I'd rather at least have my city to brag about than absolutely NOTHING at all, which is what flyover nobodies in small towns have.

>> No.6793686 [DELETED] 

>No supporting evidence

Your fucking AUTISTIC. I told you, I have life experience of living in cities and small towns. I have the evidence you fucking cowshit pisswater cuckold fuckiup NOBODY

>> No.6793690

>Not the same guy
>Not the same guy
>Not the same guy

There is literally 2 people samefaggy this whole thread to shit, STOP SAMEFAGGING

>> No.6793691

Fucking samefag all around

>> No.6793692

>oh look this faggot is back and is still ranting like a buttraped child

you've been doing this for 5 hours anon....

>> No.6793694
File: 11 KB, 445x431, 1393538949569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>samefags for 5 hours straight
>lists every post that isn't his and claims its the real samefag

>> No.6793696

>but im not the same guy, I'm the guy in Seattle.

>> No.6793699

Jesus calm the fuck down, didn't you get this shit out of your system earlier?

He did this yesterday too.

>> No.6793701

It doesn't matter if you live in the coast or even in the same city, this guy is just plain retarded. I'm also from Cali and I pretended to be a midwesterner for a couple of hours trolling this faggot just because I think he's a cunt.

>> No.6793704

>dubs don't lie

>> No.6793705

Your mother sucks big elephant dicks

>> No.6793707

WTF even happened in this thread jesus christ

>> No.6793708

I actually left CA because too many people like him keep flocking here. The dregs of the midwest head to the coasts thinking that if they can't be worthwhile they can at least bury themselves in a city with a reputation they can hide behind. Too many phony people with no personal value trying to find their place in the world. People who already know what they want from life move to the midwest, buy a house, and live in peace and comfort. Plus there's no pollution and very little crime. I don't even lock my doors here.

the same mentally disturbed guy whose been trolling /ck/ for a while.
He's actually a junkie and works fast food, he admitted it once but thinks we don't remember.
We do.

>> No.6793709

I wonder if he's the weeaboo faggot that keeps posting those jap food threads. Mods should permaban him.

>> No.6793716

What you just described was nearly everyone is most small towns. Nobodies content with being nobodies. And what exactly do they do to afford that house? There are no jobs in the midwest.

>Not locking your doors

Why? That's just asking to be burglarized. And it's just stupid. Even if it's unlike to happen, why not take the 2 seconds and lock your doors? Better than the slime, but possible chance of some crazy methhead entering at

>But that won't happen!

But it could.

>> No.6793719

>Buy a house

Your loss for getting wrapped in a mortgage for property is the asshole of nowhere haha

>> No.6793720

>Knowing what they want out of life

Uh...You go to the city to get that. You don't rot away in some cesspool of a small town where all you will find is unemployment.

>> No.6793722
File: 245 KB, 1087x764, Unemployment-by state.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobodies being nobodies
Moving to a city doesn't make you somebody anon, you're just a nobody surrounded by more nobodies.
>no jobs in the midwest
Not true at all.

It could happen, but I live in the country with a lot of land around me. I'm really not worried about it. If it happens, well I'm glad I live in state where I can carry a gun.

Yeah no. Owned outright. Most people here don't rent, or make payments months for a mortgage. Property here is cheap enough you can just buy it. This is something young people on the coasts just don't understand about the midwest. You can buy an acre of land here for around $1000. You can get a nice house built for around $100,000. Its actually really nice, I have my own front and back yard. Never could have afforded that in CA.

Stop samefagging.

>> No.6793724


>> No.6793725

Ugh, it increase job prospects and culture and night life, which was my original point all those posts ago. You may be able to afford a house and property, but then what? Sit a puddle of your own light beer piss at the local bar. That's it. There is no culture, no arts, no striving to be something BETTER. You are contend wallowing away in blue collar redneck hellscape.

>> No.6793728

So are you saying you're a "somebody". Right, that's why you post on 4chan. Anon, you're just deluding yourself. You were nobody in the midwest, and you are still nobody. Just now you are in a city full of nobodies tightly packed together, and you all took the effort to move to the coast to be somebody so staying a nobody is out of the question. But how do you become somebody simply by moving? You don't you stay the same person, you just tell yourself that because you are now surrounded by stimuli you have meaning. When really you're just so distracted that you can no longer even engage in a little healthy introspection. You have became another faceless piece of meat, but at least you can tell yourself that you escaped and are now somewhere better, which supposedly makes you someone better, and thats something isn't it?

>from a former cityfag, with love.

>> No.6793729

>Owning property in pisswater, nowhere

Yea, no.

>> No.6793736

We have art galleries believe it or not, and even an opera and numerous concert halls. Theaters, malls, clubs, bars, etc.

Read all of
We have all the same shit, its just a drive. though the drive itself will actually take you the same amount of time as it would in the city even though you are actually going further.

>oh no, not the natures! there are bugs out there!

I'd rather own a farm in the middle of nowhere than go back to living in a loft apt in the city. But thats a matter of personal preference, and only a fool would judge others based on preference.

>> No.6793737

I was able to find a better job, and a huge high-rise apartment here. And I have cultural activities and night life, which were non-existent in the small town. I interact daily with people here in a POSITIVE way. I am not ridiculed and ostracized for being educated, intellectual and wanting more out of life. I'm sorry if that upsets you, but small town people are just incredibly dull, boring, angry and hateful of anyone different.

>> No.6793739

For every museum, opera house, bar, mall, theater or club that you have, I have 20 more.

>Only a fool would judge others based on personal preference
>Proceeds to judge others on personal preference

>> No.6793744

>but small town people are just incredibly dull, boring, angry and hateful of anyone different.

Not my experience at all, but you don't care you have your head so far up your ass that you completely forgot that other people can have opinions on things.


tip your fedora harder, anon. people treated you like shit because you're full of yourself and aren't as smart as you like to pretend.

>> No.6793746

>Implying I'm judging you for your preferences
Once again, anon, pull your head out of your ass.
I invite you to show me where I did this even once.

>for everyone you have I have 20 more
Ok, cool? Is that something you actually feel inclinded to brag about? Because you are really proving my point here, bud. Not to mention your populatuon is 20 times larger, but lets not say anything else to ruin your little delusion. Life is much better for you there anon. Life is much better for me here. I guess thats why we both moved.

I also complete doubt your intelligence, and assume the reason they picked on you was because you were arrogant and thought yourself smarter than you actually were.

>> No.6793748

What don't you get? I don't give a fuck if that i your experience. That was MY experience. Just because you're a small town nobody who is happy to exist are judgmental and cliquey assholes, does not mean we all are. You are content being an uneducated, diabetic redneck. I was not. So I got my MA and am currently working on my phd. People were as a whole angry and aggressive toward me because I dressed different, talked different, asked questions, and actually understood certain intellectual issues.

>> No.6793749

>feminist spotted
Yeah no, you were the problem. Don't try and play the victim you worthless shit.

>> No.6793751

Not him, but most small town people will pick on anyone they think is different.

>> No.6793753

>but small town people are just incredibly dull, boring, angry and hateful of anyone different.

>judgmental and cliquey assholes

>uneducated, diabetic redneck.

> People were as a whole angry and aggressive toward me because I dressed different, talked different, asked questions, and actually understood certain intellectual issues.

>im a special snowflake that wasnt appreciated

You sound like those faggots that shot up columbine. I've never had any issues in my time in the midwest and I'm a homosexual with a green faux hawk. It was obviously you, not them.

>> No.6793758

I've never seen that, all the people I've met went out of their way to meet the different people and introduce themselves.
Paki family moved in, well thats a call for a block party. lets all have a big picnic and get to meet the new neighbors.

Gays moved in, oh neat, i wonder if they can help me pick out a new wallpaper?

Oh, a black family with 6 kids just moved in. I hope they like sports, our team could use some more players.

Sounds corny, but people here are kinda corny.

>> No.6793759

I wasn't saying I wasn't appreciated. But I wanted more. A more complex socio-cultural setting. Sorry that you fit in so well in the small town. That's not a good thing.

>> No.6793761

Holy shit you have a lot of issues, and yet it was entirely their fault. Makes perfect sense I guess, if you're a mentally unstable retard.

>> No.6793762

Sorry, but I have to call bullshit. That is just not reality. Life is not a fucking Disney movie.

>> No.6793764

I didn't even live in a town. I lived in the country where my nearest neighbor isn't even within sight range.

Now I live in Seattle.

>> No.6793766

I HAD issues. My life is pretty amazing now. The choice to leave the rotting little in the dust was the best choice I ever made. Try living in a decent part of a decent-sized city. You might like it. How can you know if you've never left your little town?

>> No.6793768

Funny, I have been calling bullshit on EVERYTHING YOU CLAIM, but you just tell me 'that was my experience'.

Sorry, but you're just wrong, and retarded. You gave legitimate mental issues that people picked up on, thats why no one liked you.

Its all you anon, it always was.

>> No.6793770

Well that's why faggot. You lived where no people were. Had you lived in the actual town you likely would have been murdered.

>> No.6793774

>Portland, OR
>little town

whatever fgt

>> No.6793777

I'm not him

>> No.6793781

No one cared who I am, in the best possible way. I would go to church with my family in a skirt with pink hair and heels and people didn't treat me like shit for it, the kids did, but kids will be kids. People here are very open and accepting and I honestly don't believe you story at all, its too far from what i've seen in numerous small towns.

>> No.6793785

>Legitimate mental issues

Driven people who desire more out of life often come off as "crazy" to small town nothings.

>> No.6793787

blue blue blue hang fire

>> No.6793789

>From numerous small towns in Disney movies


Sorry, friendo, but BULL FUCKING SHIT. There is no way in hell a man is going to walk into a church in the midwest dressed as a woman and not get violently assaulted.

>> No.6793790

Late-Stage, Debilitating Autism: The Thread

>> No.6793795

I havent seen any of the recent disney stuff, but disney isn't as nice as the real midwest. ive never seen a witch here, or an evil robot, or villains of any kind really. I don't care what you believe, I'm already under the impression you're full of shit and are just trolling like you have been for the last 6 hours. The midwest is nothing like you claim. I met my husband in the midwest. I came out of the closet in the midwest. Most of my friends still live in the midwest, and they are all perfectly fine with me being who i am.

>> No.6793802

>never been to the midwest
We're not the lynch mob you're envisioning, anon. I mean, really, does the shit you claim actually happen anywhere in the US? The south maybe, but I honestly can't believe any of these outrageous claims, its like some made for tv movie that gets aired on Bravo. You're just being too dramatic and exaggerating, and outright lying.

>> No.6793805

I've never seen anyone attack a person because of their sexual orientation anywhere in the US, other than Cali. The video of it gets shown on /b/ a lot, but he was out of line and spit in a guys face.

>> No.6793808

This is actually pretty common in Iowa. Gays are very open here and most people don't care, you will find the occasional asshole but they are everywhere. We actually have an Italian place in town thats owned by a gay couple, best pasta in town. Now one cares that they poke eachothers butts. People here are more worried about the weather than your sexual preference or race.

>> No.6793811

kek yeah that tranny got rekt
shouldnt have spit in tyrones face

>> No.6793812

hes gay, not black.

>> No.6793815
File: 17 KB, 499x314, 1242687344250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT one samefag takes on the midwest

>> No.6793821


I'm sorry, are you still in early 90s? Mexican and Sushi restaurants are barely more notable than a Red Lobster and Olive Garden.

If you can find the nation of origin on a map then it isn't special.

>> No.6793826

Shhhhh, you're ruining his delusion.
He doesn't like that.

>> No.6793843


>> No.6793847

*tips fedora*

>> No.6793849

Where was the tard from? I'm wanting to say California, but this thread is so convoluted I can't tell. I hope its not Cali. I don't want this tardlord living near me.

>> No.6793867
File: 61 KB, 500x375, 1412141469465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this you?<

>> No.6794225
File: 237 KB, 1109x819, map-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What year is that? Must be old as hell.

>> No.6794312
File: 448 KB, 500x280, 1326483324964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are people who live on the coasts so angry all the time?
Is it the lack of good food?
Is it the overpriced cost of living? Being surrounded by minorities all the time?

You'd think they'd be happy where they are, but it seems like every time they post they feel this pathological need to take a swipe at the heartland just to justify thier sad little lives
I don't get mad, it just makes me more sad than anything.

>> No.6794384

I think it's because they have nice beaches that are overtaken by the dregs of society because it's free. Just look at all those sourpusses in Malibu that try to block people from occupying the beach. It's constant class warfare over natural resources.

>> No.6795622

>Is it the lack of good food?

hotdish pls go