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File: 66 KB, 500x350, chicago.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6791362 No.6791362 [Reply] [Original]

Does the Midwest have better pizza than the Northeast?

>> No.6791390

Fuck no

>> No.6791394


I don't know, sweetbuns. How do you define "better"?

>> No.6791396

As someone who lives in Chicago and has to see first hand the disgusting casseroles the fat asses in this city call pizza, the answer is no.

>> No.6791397


I think the crux of the question is whether you're a fucking snob, or just a regular person with an objective palate.

>> No.6791403

I like both. Sue me.

>> No.6791411


>> No.6791412

god, i miss chicago—i would destroy that, given the chance.

>> No.6791413
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>> No.6791425

>implying pic related is pizza

>> No.6791429

i loved a girl who used to make trailerpark pizzas as a child
>cold tortilla, ketchup, craft single

I recall upsetting her one day and she just wrapped a bunch of spanish rice i had cooked into a cold tortilla and crammed it in her face. it was very emotional

>> No.6791432

you could have really brought that trailer park trash theme to life with a little effort. the ketchup and kraft singles pizza thing was a good start.

>> No.6791433

That's not pizza.

>> No.6791435
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>> No.6791474
File: 87 KB, 1280x960, pizzapro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Chicago... pizza? Ha! You poor, poor misguided children... That... atrocity is not, nor will it ever be, considered a pizza. Perhaps you would have better luck if you referred to it as a... LASAGNA SOUP *waits for vociferous laughter and applause to die down* But I digress... This slop (and let us be clear, this is, indisputably nothing more than flyover gruel) The cities of New York, Los Angles, islands of culture in these otherwise vapid, uncultivated United States... They have made outstanding contributions to the art of pizza-making. Sure, it may never quite compete with authentic pizza Italiano (I would like to take this moment, just to clarify to our European, particularly Italian friends, that I am in no way attempting to compare American pizza with vastly superior Italian pizza. There is no doubt that, while we may produce something edible, we are light-years behind mother Europa, not only in matters of pizza making, but in other areas such as income inequality, social justice and access to healthcare) but its innovative, creative and exciting. The city of Chicago, however... Forgive me, but this is a deeply emotional subject for me... I will just say, try as I might, I don't think I can, nor will I ever truly forgive you for the disgrace you've brought to pizza... A pox upon the "Windy City", its pathetic so-called culinary tradition, and the people living within.

>> No.6791495

Oh boy someone's angry enough to break out the strawman

>> No.6791511

Nice try, flyover fucko. I'm a registered foodie since 2006, and I've had over a dozen blogs dedicated solely to finding the best pizza in the United States.

>> No.6791536

>NJ is flyover

>> No.6791550

>thinking it isnt
I fly over that shithole every time I am on my way to Europe.

>> No.6791568

>Los Angles
>Good Pizza
They are not even know for it. Just face it, Chicago makes a delicious pizza, no need to get angry and paste a pasta.

>> No.6791595

Where are you from?

Anyway, NJ isn't flyover because it has beaches.

>> No.6791602

>Chicago makes a delicious pizza,
Chicago makes pizza?

>> No.6791620


>> No.6791625

tl;dr tbqh

>> No.6791627

the only time it's acceptable to be in new jersey is when you're 6000 feet above it

>> No.6791632

-_- If you really do not like the deep dish pizza, they also make a popular thin crust. They have a wide variety of styles enough to fill your contrarian tummy.

>> No.6791634

You don't need to read it, m8. You live it.

>> No.6791637

Live what?

>> No.6791644

The post.

>> No.6791649

I didn't read it.

>> No.6791818 [DELETED] 

New Yorker here, fuck no.

>> No.6791847

You are looking in the wrong continent m8

>> No.6791855

Yeah, but not that' Chicago casserole bullshit.

Although I wish I could get some NY style thin in this region.

>> No.6791856

You can make it m8.

>> No.6792479

Why are people on here so fucking stupid that they are incapable of liking a food prepared more than 1 way?

>> No.6792762


Haha, you give them too much credit.

>> No.6792792

Op pic isn't pizza.

>> No.6792818

noun: pizza; plural noun: pizzas
a dish of Italian origin consisting of a flat, round base of dough baked with a topping of tomato sauce and cheese, typically with added meat or vegetables.

>> No.6792865

that aint flat.

>> No.6792870

You don't "live" in Chicago, you've may have moved there or you're shitposting. Deep dish is something people in Chicago eat when their out of town friends come to visit. It's not like a casserole, it's not like lasagna, it's a pizza pie and tastes great. Everyone I know has their favorite pizza place, and none of them are ordering deep dish. Stop shitposting.

Deep dish is amazing/awesome, but not Chicago's main pie. I like it better than NY pizza, but I only eat it a few times a year.

>> No.6792882

So, NY pizza is not flat, are you saying it isn't pizza? I assure you it is.

>> No.6793000

Midwest? Not really
Chicago area? Yes

If I had to take pizza from any random place in Chicago vs. any random pizza place in NYC I'd bet on Chicago.

Your average Chicago thin crust is better than your average NYC slice.

>> No.6793089

As an Angelino, I'd like to make clear that the invention of 2 kikes known as "California Pizza Kitchen" is widely ridiculed even within Los Angeles.

California is not a pizza state, and I'd like to disown their abortive attempt to categorize "shit on a pizza round" as "californian". In the major cities you can get a reasonable simulacrum of pizza of every major style, but CA is not a pizza state.

>> No.6793105

wasn't their main contribution putting chicken on pizza?
I mean it can work, but is that really worthy of a whole chain of restaurants?

>> No.6793148 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 499x742, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The Carolinas
>Not flyover

Beaches don't mean shit, flyover boy.

>> No.6793155


Forgot >Texas btw

Texas is also flyover

>> No.6793271

calling a soup pizza


>> No.6793316

Chicago is a major city. You can find any kind of pizza you want.

>> No.6793326

You obviously don't know what flyover means.

>> No.6793365

>pizza pie

is this an america thing?

>> No.6793428

>wasn't their main contribution putting chicken on pizza?
>I mean it can work, but is that really worthy of a whole chain of restaurants?
I think their contribution was the idea of coming up with nontraditional toppings that people liked. Chicken was the most popular innovation, and was heavily featured, but they made all sorts of weird pizzas. It would not be worthy of a chain of restaurants today, but in '85, when pizzerias stuck primarily to traditional toppings, it made sense, and worked for a while. The problem is that as the idea spread, any pizzeria could add creative nontraditional toppings, so they had massive competition both from established megachains and regular mom and pops. Today every third rate pizza joint offers the kinds of offbeat pizza that nobody was doing when CPK started. Domino's current lineup includes "Cali Chicken Bacon Ranch" pizza, a BBQ chicken pizza, Philly cheese steak pizza, bacon cheeseburger pizza, etc.

>> No.6793435

I remember that Jon Stewart rant, although I don't think to transcribed it correctly

>> No.6793436

what is this? never saw something like this before... eurofag btw

>> No.6793444


Literally everything east of the Hudson and west of the Sierra Nevadas. Those sad, backwards places real Americans only see from the window of a plane traveling to a real state.

>inb4 muh texmex
>inb4 muh Whataburger
>inb4 muh publix

>> No.6793485

>Literally everything east of the Hudson and west of the Sierra Nevadas.


>> No.6793505

deepdish piza

>> No.6793507

Yes. Also has better Chili.

>> No.6793511

Usually when I like something nobody else does, I figure I have weird taste and shouldn't suggest things of that kind to friends. But for some reason when people say they don't like thin-crust pineapple/ham/jalapeno pizza, it just makes me feel like a successful mutation who needs to spread his superior genes across the world for the betterment of mankind. I feel like people who can't enjoy spicy/sweet/savory thin crust pizza are just subhumans or somehow outdated.

I don't know the context of this post but as someone from Oklahoma, I'm offended you've forgotten about our barbecue and chili, or maybe you just made the mistake of trying Texas chili.

>> No.6793544

>putting the sauce on top of the cheese.

for what purpose?

>> No.6793554

it's not a pizza, call it pie, cake, watever, not pizza

>> No.6793562

It is pizza, though. Are you autistic?

>> No.6793567

no i just know how a pizza looks like. Clearly you don't.

>> No.6793594

I understand the other ones, but not florida.

Isn't florida fly-TO?

>> No.6793624

The people who memepost about flyovers actually like in semi-major cities somewhere in the midwest, and want to divert attention away from the fact that flyover historically has meant the landlocked states by attempting to lump anywhere that isn't NY or LA into it as well.

>If we're all flyovers, being a flyover won't be so bad.

>> No.6793629

Truly a horrible existence.

>> No.6793635

jesus you're still on about this?
pathetic and desperate in the extreme

>> No.6794622

wtf am i looking at thats not a pizza

>> No.6794637

>Beaches don't mean shit,
Yes they do.

>> No.6794651
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>> No.6794661
File: 20 KB, 460x276, 345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do people on the coasts get so fucking sensitive and defensive about their states?
Are they really THAT fucking insecure about thier high cost of living and overcrowded surroundings?

Its like they go out of thier way in every thread to shitpost about how awful 'flyoverland' must be just to validate themselves.
Trust me, guys. No one seriously wants to live in Commiefornia or Jew York.
Your states are called 'tourist traps' for a reason.

>> No.6794667
File: 3.12 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah, it's awful.

>> No.6794678

>I think the crux of the question is whether you're a fucking snob, or just a regular person with an objective palate.
Rephrased: whether you're discerning or just want to eat the garbage chain restaurants shovel out.

>> No.6794680

I'd almost want to go swimming in that, if I didn't know the bottom was covered in broken glass, rusty cans, old matress springs and other shit waiting to fuck up your feet.

>> No.6794716
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R8 my dinner

>> No.6794723

>Sour grapes
Your envy is gross

>> No.6794728

Yeah, hicks dump all their trash in the river. That's why controlled parks are better.

>> No.6794761

That's a spring fed river with a gravel bottom. Where you live it maybe the case that streams have litter and other nasty shit, but on this stretch the river is pristine. A good bit downstream where the city folks come to "toob" there is a lot more litter.

>> No.6794797
File: 1.33 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6794807

I live in Ohio and all I can say about the pizza here is One man's garbage is another man's treasure.

>> No.6794811

>tomato soup served in a bread bowl

>> No.6794824

Better? Not really.

Worse? FUCK NO.

Been all over the northeast and still the best pizzas I've ever had were in Midwestern cities. Few places in New York aren't far behind though.

>> No.6795003

Is this in FL? What spring?

it's beautiful

>> No.6795050

Texas hill country.

>> No.6795283

More betterness, less badness.

>> No.6795347

I can steal someone else's material too!

>"ain't it weird being Latino?" -Carlos Mencia

>> No.6795353

Ok, so leaving chains aside, how could you objectively say one part of the country is b etter at combining tomato sauce, cheese, dough, and meats?

Pizza is so simple it can't be a geographic phenomenon; anyone with 2 cooking skills to rub together could make a decent pie.

>> No.6795395

>someone else's material
Who has ever called it that? Honestly asking.

>> No.6795471
File: 109 KB, 686x458, detroit-style-pizza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you like square pizza? We have square pizza.

>> No.6795499

"detroit style pizza"

detroit has no style except maybe dead black people laying on the sidewalk after being mugged for their air jordans

>> No.6795510
File: 72 KB, 700x522, bocce-pizza2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you live halfway between Chicago and New York, and your pizza is halfway between them

>> No.6795740

haha hilarious! Haven't heard that before! We have great food, especially our pizza, eat shit

>> No.6795831

I grew up in Chicago, had deepdish, and all the NY people think that's all we eat. Nope. I ate thin crust more than deep dish. Our thin crust AND deep dish is better than that New York shit.

>> No.6795838

New Yorkers aren't actually as cultured as they pretend to be. This will be a complete revelation to them, and they will accuse you of lying. Just as they aren't aware that there are different kinds of pizza than NY-style and deep dish.

>> No.6795842

I like Colorado pizza with a thick crust. Honey served tableside. Dinner and dessert in one dish.

>> No.6795848

That's Beaujeaus. It's not Colorado pizza. It's one place. Very good though.

>> No.6795887

god I want deep dish now

best fucking thing I've ever eaten

>> No.6796051
File: 883 KB, 2048x1536, imos-pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

outta my way, Chicago fucking shits

THIS is how you do pizza in the midwest

>> No.6796064

go away st louis
nobody likes your processed cheese crackers

>> No.6798089

I have lived in Chicago for 19 years now. Actually live in the city, not the fucking suburbs. Yes, I know...the only times I go is when people are in from out of town. But people here defend it, and locals really do eat that shit. I seriously don't fucking believe you with this shit. Where the fuck do you live?

>> No.6798102

>and locals really do eat that shit.
southsiders aren't real people

>> No.6798111

Fuck that bullshit. I've lived all over the city, and live in Hyde Park now. Best fucking neighborhood in Chicago.

Also, it's fat white people that eat this shit.

>> No.6798131

Hyde Park is comfy as hell. I've been here about a year now.

>> No.6798139

Even better than that bus load of children?

>> No.6798144

>I'm stupid, so everyone must be stupid too
Flyover logic

>> No.6798147

Oh, cool! Yeah it's the fucking best. what brought you to the neighborhood?

>> No.6798170

>how could you objectively say one part of the country is b etter at combining tomato sauce, cheese, dough, and meats?
It's a matter of the style popular there. Chain pizza is pretty much modeled on the style of pizza popular in the Midwest and the South, with recent appropriations from Puck's CPK nightmare. The sauce is sweet, there's too much bread, cheap low moisture mozzarella is piled on with abandon and the toppings favor greasy Hormel quality meat products.
>Pizza is so simple it can't be a geographic phenomenon
Stylistic preferences are, though. This kind of pizza is popular in the South and the Midwest because they like it there. It's not that they can't set up a wood oven, make some fresh mozzarella and simple sauce made from San Marzano tomatoes and make an excellent pizza. It's that they're too busy dunking their crusts in ranch dressing to care about that kind of pizza.

>> No.6798382


Looks a little like what my local Pizza place makes. The Pepperoni slices are bigger and the cheese is usually a little more well-done, but otherwise it's close.

>> No.6798387

>Hyde Park
an island of rich white douchebags amidst a sea of niggers

>> No.6798432

Where do you live?

>> No.6798453

Fuck off asshole. Hyde Park is one of the most ethnically and economically diverse neighborhoods in the city.

>> No.6798488

>f-f-flyover! you're just mad you're so irrlevant and don't live in my big city
>oh god no tyrone don't shoot them god no stop fucking my wife

>> No.6798922

Thats not pizza.

>> No.6798932

>ethnically and economically diverse neighborhood
That's just another way of saying it's a bunch of poor niggers and rich white college kids.

>> No.6798934

>ethnically diverse
More reason to avoid it. I lived in Chicago long enough to personally witness what "diversity" does to once nice neighborhoods.

>> No.6798937

You sound like my based English-born grandma. She may have married a Mexican-American, but she sure does hate what the niggers have done to Chicago.

>> No.6798942

>tfw never liked deep dish pizzas

they just taste and feel bad compared to a crispy thin flatbread with toppings right out of an oven

>> No.6798951

She isn't wrong. Myself, I white - flighted my ass out of there years ago and happiness abounds.

>> No.6799000


>> No.6799014

Yeah, she got out of there, too, but not before moving back once and remembering what a shithole it was.

>> No.6799044

You realize the only shifts in Chicago's otherwise VASTLY segregate neighborhoods are occurring because of white people moving west, right?

There's no black boogyman coming to invade Lincoln Park, you faggot.