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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 670 KB, 1600x900, shackbrowseUpload_h54mvzzneq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6783882 No.6783882 [Reply] [Original]

Breakfast at Sesame Burger of Charleston! Celebrating my wife's 26th birthday.

>> No.6784087

have fun

>> No.6784095

are you both big or just her

>> No.6784096

Get her a gym membership

>> No.6784099

theres a fly on your burger

>> No.6784105

Jiggle jiggle jiggle

>> No.6784107

no need to be a dick to the women. She knows what she looks like, I'm sure is self-conscious about it, but nobody ever lost weight (or quit drinking, or whatever) because other people told them to. If and only if she decides to lose weight she will. It really isn't your place to say anything about it.

>> No.6784108


Nice upper arm ham hock effect.

>> No.6784110


>> No.6784111

26? she looks 40 or more, seriously,
take care your wife dude, or you want her to die soon because of her weight?

>> No.6784116

Can I get 15 half eaten cheeseburgers to go, yknowmsayin?

>> No.6784122

I'd imagine you're just as heavy as she is.. both of you should really think about changing your lifestyle, eat healthier, and be more physically active or very serious health problems are in your future.

But if you wanna eat yourselves to death, who am I to judge.

>> No.6784124

actually naw,
making fun of people encourages them to change. If you shame them, they change because the pressure is to conform to society where as if you guilt them, they feel themselves as being inherently wrong.

Shame them Anons

>> No.6784126
File: 590 KB, 595x605, UD9EOxR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frig off, JAMIE

>> No.6784130

Looks like she's celebrating her 26th burger of the day

>> No.6784135

This is bullshit, and you only spout it so that you can feel better about the fact that you act like a disgusting piece of shit.

>> No.6784140

>fat wife
>letting bugs land on your food
>eating sliders

This is the official worst thread of the day.

>> No.6784146

Are none of you aware of Project Harpoon?

>> No.6784147


Mirin those gainz. What's her routine?

>> No.6784148

Fatty detected

>> No.6784149

Bro, her arm legit looks like a doner meat slab on a spit before it is cut

>> No.6784154

>dating a land whale

>> No.6784155

no not fat, quite active and in shape (although I was a bit fat in high school and first year of college--but that was like 12 years ago now). Just a somewhat decent person.

>> No.6784161

The dude put a ring on that sausage

>> No.6784165

How did it fit tho

>> No.6784171

It was probably an onion ring.

>> No.6784176

They just used some of the butter that they were inhaling at the time

>> No.6784180
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>> No.6784184

Is that your wife?

>> No.6784185
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>> No.6784198

What was that? Couldn't hear it over the sound of your wife's rolls rubbing together.

>> No.6784203

Happy birthday to her but this is not love breh. A good bday present for fat people would be a day of productivity via walk in the park, light meals, and encouraging each other to make better diet and exercise decisions, and gym membership for 2.

>> No.6784204



>> No.6784213
File: 348 KB, 732x415, 1436207016495.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw OP's fat wife will never take a steaming load onto my chest

>> No.6784220

Am I crazy in thinking that this board used to be much nicer/have a much more pleasant community? There is way more racist bullshit etc than there used to be. Now it's like /b/ or /pol/ but with more food pics

>> No.6784223

you should have posted this on tumblr or imgur. I mean, what did you expect from 4chan.

>> No.6784226



you gigantic faggot

>> No.6784228

I'm not the person who posted the picture. This isn't my wife.

>> No.6784234

its a bait thread, everyone who replied nonironic is clueless and youre literally suffering from second grade cluelessness

>> No.6784236

I fucking guarantee I've been here off and on far longer than you. And I can't stand reddit. I don't understand how wanting to have conversations that don't revolve around bitching about niggers or fatties is something you have a problem with.

>> No.6784239

People will only make fun of what you allow them to
If you post food that would by itself be ridiculed by a cooking board and also put your overweight wife unnecessarily in the image then people will latch onto that as well

>> No.6784241
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>> No.6784243

I get that. But the shitposting on this board used to be a bit different, and I was on here the other day on just a normal non trolling thread and half the post were talking about niggers etc. like wtf, this shouldn't be pol or stormfront or

>> No.6784263

the fuck is a stone?
FUcking bongs

>> No.6784267

14 lbs

Kind of a nifty history to it

>> No.6784269

But what if
You really hurt OP's feelings?

>> No.6784283

dank memes cant melt real feelings

>> No.6784291 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up redditor, I'll call the landwhale whatever I fucking want to. Get raped bitch nigger

>> No.6784337

>There is way more racist bullshit etc than there used to be.
>on 4chan

>> No.6784357

The culture on each board used to be way different. /ck/ wasn't like /b/ wasn't like /pol/ etc. Didn't see that kind of bullshit here so much. Now it is more unavoidable and not really worth it to go to any of the boards.

>> No.6784361


>> No.6784660

So she finished fries and hamburger before you even touched your food?

>> No.6784677

i was thinking the same thing

>> No.6784687

>at least 3 burgers apiece
>for breakfast

>> No.6784702
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>> No.6784721
File: 88 KB, 200x196, 1412826018131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you think you are

>> No.6784722

i lol'd

>> No.6784726

Take out a life insurance policy
Play the waiting game

>> No.6784739

This board has always been that way. /ck/ has made me laugh more than any other with it's banter.

>> No.6784746

this is 4chan. never post a picture of a woman you care about on 4chan, man :(

>> No.6784747


/r/fatpeoplehate got nuked due to SJWs

they had to go somewhere.

>> No.6784761

Get the fuck out

>> No.6784774

Your wife is practicing an act of cannibalism.

>> No.6784785


where you belong

>> No.6784908

OP, I think a whale ate your wife.

>> No.6784923

Damn. I knew you were gonna call his wife fat. White people are ruthless.

>> No.6784931

This, I've been here since 2008, not much has changed.

>> No.6784933

There's one on the paper too. I swear to god I never will understand why people choose to eat outdoors with all the vermin. What is the advantage?
>it's a nice day
So go for a walk in the park after you're done.

>> No.6784938

you didn't answer the question

>> No.6784941

what question didn't I answer?

>> No.6784951

Oh, you are mistaken. I am not the guy who posted the picture, just someone who thought the responses were obnoxious. I don't think he's in this thread.

>> No.6784955

yeah fam if we were black we woulda been askin to tap dat ass nomsayin

>> No.6784958

4chan is pretty obnoxious as a whole

>> No.6784967

Yeah, but this board used to be less obnoxious. I think most people who were here must of gotten sick of general chan culture, and too many people have been attracted because of pol and b. I've been here on and off since 2005 (4chan, not ck) but sometimes take like a year off at a time. Anyway I think all of 4chan is just too fucked to bother with anymore...but for some reason im here.

>> No.6784969
File: 346 KB, 1332x1000, Eat at Ronnie's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Were you not here for this glorious thread?

Sounds like you just can't handle the bantz.

>> No.6784970


>> No.6784979 [DELETED] 

hmm? i've been here on and off since moot added it. Yeah, i'm not embarrassed about not liking to hang out on a board where people bitch about sjw's and niggers and call each other cucks. I used to think there was enough decent shit to make it worth it, and i don't like reddit or tumblr or whatever...but maybe it's just not worth it

>> No.6784994

cant handle the bants faggot?

>> No.6785014
File: 56 KB, 373x457, 1379913401571.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be nice to m'lady

*unsheathes katana*

>> No.6785021

damn I didn't know they served krill burgers

>> No.6785027

Sesame's fucking rules.

>> No.6785266


>> No.6785268

enjoy her now, 'cause she won't live past 30 with those health habits.

>> No.6785272

>26th birthday

don't you mean her 26th burger.

>> No.6785277
File: 531 KB, 1750x2100, Train_wreck_at_Montparnasse_1895.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see thumbnail
>this thread will go well for OP

>pic related

>> No.6785354

Burgers there are good Charleston bros, but the daily special salads and sandwiches (whatever they happen to get in fresh) are the best.

>> No.6785377

Exactly my thoughts when I saw the OP image.
Why do people come here and expect people to be nice? Go to fucking reddit if that's what you're looking for.

>> No.6785395

Man, what is with this fucked up attitude? People are dicks at reddit as well, for one. And this used to be a nicer board--yeah, 4chan has always had /b/, and for the last few years has had /pol/, but they used to be the asshole of the site. Other boards...people were more civil. How about you just not be a dick on a board about food and cooking? Is that so difficult?

>> No.6785397
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>> No.6785405
File: 58 KB, 411x510, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not being a dick about food and cooking. i'm wondering if the guy taking the photo has low self esteem and settled for a big girl or if he's big too and is staying in his league

>> No.6785411

You're on 4chan bro. Not trying to be a dick but that's just how it's always been.
Sure /ck/ and the "blue" boards have been somewhat more civilized because we don't go around spouting "nigger" every chance we get like an edgelord but people are still going to be dicks.

>> No.6785415

Man, I've been here since 2005. I know what this place is, and I was here when this board was created. It hasn't always been this shitty. Or maybe I just got too old for it...but I really think it has changed.

>> No.6785420

anon she is obese. i want her fat ugly ass to lose weight so she won't die. how is wanting her to live being a dick?

>> No.6785430

Come on man, at least own up to being a dick. Sure she is obese, but you don't know her, don't care about her, her weight isn't any of your business. and your making fun of her on some message board won't ever help her--even if she see's it. Why can't you just own up to being an asshole instead of pretending that you're virtuous in some way?

>> No.6785451

i want her to live a long and happy life but she won't do that with all the fat she has to carry around. I'm trying to motivate her. she is repulsive. she looks like shit. she's gonna die soon. but all of that can change if she takes responsibility for herself and looses weight.

>> No.6785460


The thought of licking the greasy tears off of your sweaty jowls and pudgy cheeks has my cock so fucking hard

>> No.6785466

Alright, you and I both know this is bullshit. You couldn't care less about her, and if you did you wouldn't act like this. It's annoying to talk to someone this dishonest, so I guess I'm done.

>> No.6785469

This isn't shocking, and I'm not overweight. It's just annoying and belongs on /b/ /pol/ voat or whatever.

>> No.6785473

lying to her and being nice would only hurt her more in the long run. what it comes down to is balls. i have them attached to me in-between my legs and underway peen. you have them in your mouth.

>> No.6785478

Please leave. That initial comment could have been far, far more obnoxious. If your skin is so thin, it is in your best interest to leave.

>> No.6785551

>Sure she is obese, but you don't know her,

And do you also object to assuming that anemic bald kids in wheelchairs have cancer? Just by virtue of their appearance you can tell that an obese person is physically disgusting and lacks both self-control and self-respect - fat people can't put down the fucking fork to literally save their lives and they indirectly drag everyone else down with them by costing insurance companies so much that they raise rates for everyone.

>> No.6785557

How does one 'looses' weight?

>> No.6785569

did that lady eat your wife? RIP in peace

>> No.6785586

i'm in the same boat as you. i don't know if i got too old and mature, but i think people take trolling too far now.

i've heard grown men shouting and swearing at children over the internet. it's embarrassing.

>> No.6785615

it's really easy but you have to be on mobile.

>> No.6785617

good now fuck off.

>> No.6785621

Are you fucking retarded? I stated that she was obese. The 'you don't know her' is meant to (partly) address the absurd idea that the person I was responding to cares about this women. And this discussion of rising insurance rates is laughable. Insurance companies make tons of money, and there are plenty of ways that health care in the US (where she lives, I assume) can be changed that will help rates. You're not paying money for her to exist.

>> No.6785629


forget the petty attacks, OP.

As long as you're happy and enjoying each other company. The ones that feel the need to make petty attacks, are jerking off at home posting frog pictures with the caption tfw no gf.

>> No.6785632

i don't need to know someone to care about them. google lilbbasedgod you faggot.

>> No.6785638

The woman aside, those are some tasty looking burgers mate.

>> No.6785641

also maybe

>> No.6785644

But you don't care about her, except as a potential object of scorn and ridicule. Pretending otherwise is ridiculous, and I don't know if you act this way just to be a troll or because you don't want to admit to yourself that you are a pathetic and cruel person.

>> No.6785676

We can't care for her more than she cares for herself, anon. Those burgers can't hug her back.
Clearly you aren't pleasing her because she is trying to drown her hollowness in mayo and heavy cream.

>> No.6785703

I'm not her husband. I don't know her. I didn't post this. And yes, you don't care. Thats fine. It's just the disingenuous posturing that you make fun of her because you care that really bothers me.

>> No.6785709
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She's a big girl

>> No.6785725

her heart is

>> No.6785726

You're kinda allowed to white knight your wife, anon.

>> No.6785736

Are you one of those people who naively thinks all food he's served is basically sterile when it hits his plate? That sure as fuck wasn't the first fly that bun had seen I'll tell ya that.

>> No.6785737 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 606x519, a white knight appears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

White knight for landwhales that already belong to other losers elsewhere, cuck.

>> No.6785739
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you're supposed to say "for you"

>> No.6785762

What do you think about gamergate?

>> No.6785774

just admit defeat and skulk back to curl up in the warm safety your wife's folds. Your only response thus far has been
>thass meen
yep. Ok.

To answer directly, t was/is a non factor in my life and I give no fucks.

>> No.6785780

You know, almost no exchanges between people have winners and losers. My response was that's mean and why be an asshole because that's my whole point. It isn't exactly rocket science, just don't be an asshole when there is no need.

>> No.6785792
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>> No.6785808

I just bought Cholula hot sauce the other day for the first time OP.
It used to be hard to find in Australia. I smother that shit on everything.

>> No.6785813

Saying that, "Slider" burgers are relatively new here too.

>> No.6785829

You have to be on a mobile to spell 'loses' now?

>> No.6785854
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Tell your wife to eat some mooooooo-re grass instead of her ground up brethren

>> No.6786318

No one laughed at your post

>> No.6786330

/ck/ is mostly populated by legbeards

>> No.6786339

> whiteknighting this hard
You know she's married to OP, right

>> No.6786341

Women who don't shave??

>> No.6786507

This. First time I got here I was actually surprised how brutal the bantz here are. It's funny cause /co/ makes their /ck/ OC as an animu wife figure.

>> No.6786511

Anon, I first posted in 4chan around 2006. Everyone called James from Pokemon gay and a faggot, and I was so confused. 4chan has always been rude and will continue to be ruder.

>> No.6786515

>people who act like they care about someone because they make fun of them for being fat
>you're just another person causing problems on top of the food companies selling "healthy diet" foods that have no nutrition or flavor and individuals promoting extreme diet and exercise routines
>you're just as bad as the fat acceptance crowd

>> No.6786525
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Here's a good recipe from /ck/:

1. Put my shit in a pot
2. stir it over medium heat
3. consume it
4. leave, and never return

>> No.6786526

3 sliders and fries. no wonder she look like 40 years old. why dont stop destroying your self? i dont get it

>> No.6786537


he's got the right idea. blue boards did use to be slightly more civil than the nsfw ones. however, there's pretty much no way in hell that op's post wasn't bait for exactly this kind of reaction. a more quality thread would have avoided the obvious joke about the woman's weight and instead insulted the disgusting, greasy food that they are chowing down on. we are /ck/, after all.

>> No.6786540


I think it's a refreshing break from bigmac and tacobell threads.

/ck/'s problem is that recipe threads can't be around for long, so useful information is very temporary, and the very nature of so many types of food and diets reduce the board to 95% advertisement and "your taste sucks" threads. Still, OP's pic with a burger-chomper and a couple flies hanging around is funny in it's own right.

>> No.6786542

I kind of agree. But yeah, with a post and pic like that in 4chan, it's kind of expected to have this reaction, even from before, so I'm not sure why some anons here are surprised.

>> No.6786543

/new/ was created with good intentions. /new/ was nuked with even better intentions. /new/ was then resurrected and brought back as /pol/ to function as a containment board. instead, it ended up spreading across all boards and becoming one of the more mainstream boards of the site as a whole. even the more obscure sfw boards get more traffic now, and as a result, have adopted the aggressive Fuck You And Die attitude that permeates /b/, /pol/, /r9k/, etc. and just in general, posting a picture of any woman on 4chan is and has always been a bad idea.

>> No.6786546

>recipe threads
you're part of the problem

>> No.6786547

the anon is probably a woman. /ck/ has a higher concentration of female posters than the rest of 4chan, with the exception of /cgl/ and, inexplicably, /x/.

>> No.6786550


hey why don't you start up another Joey thread, faggot

>> No.6786551

What do you suggest a board dedicated to cooking talk about, then?

>> No.6786553

Take your sensitivity training bullshit elsewhere.

>> No.6786560
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>I'm not overweight

Not compared to some sea mammals, no

>> No.6786563

All of this. Ugh.

>> No.6786565

Here's something for you to contemplate
Do all things food revolve around recipes?
How about techniques?
Perhaps some discussion of ingredients and how best to make use of them in general?
Or maybe there could be some discussion of the intricacies of various cuisines and cultures therein.
There's a distinct possibility that cooking theory might have some relevance as well.
All in all, the focus on
>gib me recipe
is fucking stupid and you're pieces of shit for not being able to see that and pushing for the board to turn into yet another of the 1000000 recipe sites that have the format for doing it

>> No.6786568

Women can't into internets
Le epin sexism maymay :^)

>> No.6786573


excellent ideas!

Try starting a new thread with them in mind: I believe in you!

>> No.6786576

So women are actually funny after all?

>> No.6786615

have a cup of tea, eat a cookie, calm down m8.

>> No.6786669

Looks like she's also celebrating her 260th pound.

>> No.6786731

Should have gone to tattooed moose, faggot.
Atleast there you could have gotten drunk enough to fuck that manatee you're eating with.

>> No.6786753
File: 36 KB, 500x322, Sad001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never lick her hairy armpits and sniff her sweaty asshole while she eats those burgers
Feels bad

>> No.6786760


this is you

>> No.6786761

>le xDD

fuck off, memelord

>> No.6786768

That's just depressing

>> No.6786802

>instead, it ended up spreading across all boards and becoming one of the more mainstream boards of the site as a whole
That happened at the nuking, not after /pol/ was formed - people who came here primarily for /new/ moved to boards like /k/ and /int/ and people who browsed /pol/ incidentally just started bringing up /pol/ topics in their normal discussions because they had nowhere else to have them outside of /b/ - and /b/ hasn't been able to have a semi-serious discussion since about 2006.

That aside, since the very beginning 4chan has always had a racist streak a mile wide and a population of nazis to boot just by virtue of internet culture at the time being utterly dominated by young white men who perceived the internet as being outside of political correctness and acted accordingly - for many it was the only public forum they had to air their politically inconvenient thoughts without becoming pariahs, even then. /pol/, both here and especially on [redacted]chan, is the natural progression of that phenomenon as society in general and the internet in particular becomes ever more hypersensitive and progressive; Newton seems to apply here, for every action there is an equal and opposite REaction (a charming pun when you consider the political implications) and most of that has been centered around *chans because they're the last bastions of anything resembling absolute free speech on the internet. On what other ostensibly open public and anonymous forum could you sing the praises of Nazi Germany, bash progressives and complain about minorities without being immediately censored? Even Reddit, which was FOUNDED to enable free speech on the internet, has banned most of its most "offensive" content.

Most people on the internet now simply do not have the perspective to appreciate the immensity of the changes over the last two decades or so in the internet and the cultures that there reside, and those with the perspective shouldn't be surprised.

>> No.6786815

Real people with friends, in the pre-internet era and today, could always express non-PC opinions in the right circumstances. If I'm drunk and among friends and I say I think ebonics is stupid or asian women can't drive, it's fine.

What's happening is that there are a lot of NEETs who use the internet as a substitute for social contact, who don't have any friends that they can talk freely with. So they do the equivalent of standing up on a crowded bus and shrieking NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER and then when the public reacts, it's "censorship by fascist Social Justice Warriors"

No it's not, you dumb fucks. Get some friends, then you won't have to get so butthurt when the internet rejects your inane drunk ramblings.

>> No.6786821

eat fat and get fat... it's simple. I eat a lot but I don't eat fat. So I stay thin.

>> No.6786827

as someone who's eaten ketogenic for 2 years eating roughly 50% of my calories from fat, you're wrong
it's about fat + carbohydrates that fucks you over, eat one or the other in extreme moderation and you're fine

>> No.6786832

i am so sorry, OP...

>> No.6786841

Have some self respect dude.

>> No.6786847

Happy Birthday to your wifyfu!

>> No.6786879

Chaleston can be pricey but really nice. say happy birthday to your wife. shecranb soup hope you have a nice time. like new orleans. if you got time,drivee up highyway one to wilminton nc. seven bridges road. Be safe and happy.

>> No.6786898

>4chan used to be so nice!!!
>why are we being so meaaaaan

Spot the newfag

>> No.6786907

Right this is/ck/ not /b/ or /pol/ or some shit where I'd make a joke. This is a food related board. Fat people eat food

>> No.6786971
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>> No.6787061

Too much if you ask me.

>> No.6787077
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See OP if only you has cropped your picture like this you would've avoided this shitfest.
It's your own goddamn fault so fucking deal with the consequences.

>> No.6787160
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>> No.6787162

>nobody ever lost weight (or quit drinking, or whatever) because other people told them to

Are you fucking retarded? Shame is the number one reason people change anything about themselves, otherwise we'd all be 500lb lardass heroin addicts.

>> No.6787165


>> No.6787177
File: 136 KB, 700x674, slavtronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry guys I know I'm a day late. But English is not my first language I am still learning it, so bear with me.

But what does making fun of OP's fatty wife have to do with racism? Am I missing something here? Is this some sort of reference I don't understand?

>> No.6787182

and look him strrrraight innn theeee eyyyyyeeeeee

>> No.6787187
File: 1.98 MB, 294x224, 1391160409505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking made a thread about this a while back.

Eating outside sucks, and it drives me nuts when I go out with the family and all the old people want to eat outside.

>wind cools food
>noisy traffic going by
>people eyeballing you and your food
>sun in your eye
>sun making you too hot, everyone maneuvering for a place under the umbrella for shade
>can't flag down wait staff as easily
>its noisy

Fuck eating outside, seriously.

>> No.6787200

No, see >>6786568

>> No.6787316

Nothing, making fun of fat people falls under thet etc. I just mentioned racism because I've seen a lot more of it here lately, and it is indicative of the culture of the board changing and becoming shittier.

>> No.6787324

I'm not a 500 lb heroin addict because I like to be physically active, able to move, able to have sex able to do work I care about etc. Shame has nothing to do with it. I imagine shame prevents lots of people from losing weight--they are afraid to be in public, to go to the gym, to swim and show their bodies off etc. And they have reason to feel this way--look at how people here talk about fat people.

>> No.6787371

>thinking people wouldn't point out those sausage fingers

>> No.6787408

he married an ambulocetus, do you think he has any left?

>> No.6787493

You're new here, plain and simple. Don't try to deny it.

>> No.6787523

man those hamburgers look like shit. do all americans hamburgers look like this?

>> No.6787527

If you had been here for a long time you would know that I am right about how /ck/ and other non containment boards have changed

>> No.6787552

>casually use the word nigger or make fun of fatties
>hugbox patrol tells you to go back to /pol/
Nah, you go back to redditumblr.

>> No.6787603

shes got a giant jew nose...

i assume shes a feminist?

if she cuts her hair short and dyes it to match her armpit hair, you need to cut your losses and RUN!

>> No.6787612

>go back to redditumblr

Aren't you embarrassed to say shit like this? There is no better way to reveal how pathetic and lonely you are.

>> No.6787637

>how pathetic and lonely you are.
Nothing more shameful than personal attacks

>> No.6787645
File: 69 KB, 701x555, 1412139357340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you both are pathetic.

See those caps? that adds authority to my post. You have now been authoritatively posted against.

>> No.6788593

who is this semen demon?

>> No.6788597


>> No.6788600

>semen demon
>weenie genie
>pecker wrecker
>boner owner
>cum chum
>dick lick
>jizz wizard
>erector detector
>phallus chalice

Got any more?

>> No.6788611

>dairy fairy
>lymph nymph
>fluid druid
>nectar spectre
>shag hag
>sap trap
>seed steed
>seminal sentinel
>smegma enigma
>scrotum sorceress
>glans gladiator
>orifice officer
>wiener witch
>sperm summoner
>salami tsunami

>> No.6788643

>sperm worm

>> No.6789946

You can't marry a cow OP, it's unethical. Cows can't even sign the fucking marriage papers. They have hooves.

>> No.6790018

Spotted the butthurt fat nigger.

>> No.6790023

They can't even say, "I do."

It's all, "Ahhh mooooo!"

>> No.6790218

As long as their paying I've learned to say live and let die. I don't like eating outside either but for different reasons. Mostly because of weirdos in NYC and cars and trucks going by. Fuck it I don't like eating at any NYC restaurants anymore which is why I've learned to cook. The last thing that I want to deal with after a day at work are pretentious NYC assholes, I suspect the LA ones are worse.

>> No.6790226

>wanting to marry >no hooves

>> No.6790229

hahaha hoof girl

>> No.6790230

Here it comes

Tell us about how eating with other people is for idiots and standing in line at the grocery store is for cool hipsters

>> No.6790240

I never wrote that, you did. Don't put words in my mouth. I just wrote that after a day at work, I'd rather not deal with a bunch of yapping bitches on their cellphones or yapping about useless shit that I don't care about. I get enough of that at work, but then I'm getting paid for that.

I'm certainly not beyond calling in a pickup order from a restrautant and if I've got a GF then I deal with it but like to find quiet places for us.

Perphaps you've never worked before and just want some peace and quiet?

>> No.6790249

Sure buddy. I don't think grocery store lines are a conspiracy to make the papparrazzi take photos of me, so that means I've never worked before. That must be it :^)

>> No.6790261

Cuz yer so famous!

Are you Richard Gere and do you have an affinity for gerbils?

>> No.6790264
File: 153 KB, 450x610, richard_gere_gerbil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6790271

Maybe go to a restaurant in a different part of town?

>> No.6790820


>> No.6790825

>celebrating obesity

This is wrong.

>> No.6790828

Your wife is fat and disgusting.
Are you fat too?
Why do Americans gorge on shit food at restaurants like this when they weigh 300 pounds and have a BMI of 56?

>> No.6790838 [DELETED] 

What's worse is that this stupid nigger posts his obese hambeast wife without any shame whatsoever thinking he'll get positive responses only.

>> No.6790846

This. This isn't anybody's fucking personal blog. It's not a politically correct place either.
What a dumbass OP is for coming here and posting his hambeast of a wife inhaling a pile of burgers. The words "go back to tumblr" have never been more appropriate.

>> No.6790848

OP's wife here. You can make fun of my weight all you want, but everyone knows yall are nothing but a bunch of stick boys and aint a REAL MAN who can handle this.

>> No.6790851

Mother of god, 3 full sized burgers per person. Fucking christ.

>> No.6790855

Even if I got desperate enough to date a girl like this I wouldn't post about it on facebook (where peple would at least ignore me or be fake nice), let alone 4chan

>> No.6790860

keto is not healthy. I have tons of energy, am in good health, and get plenty of nutrients. Staying away from fat is easy.

>> No.6790862


Lmao what the fuck do you mean date, my nigga? I wouldn't even touch her with a stick. And that dude LITERALLY married her. Not only did he get married, but he got married to a disgusting fat piece of shit.

>> No.6790863

This tbh

Those burgers are like half the size of a huge burger but you're eating 3 of them so it's like you're eating one and a half huge burgers.

>> No.6790865

Mirin arms. What's her curling 1rm?

>> No.6790866

>And that dude LITERALLY married her.
idk why but this made me keke

i know why, probably because i'm drunk

>> No.6790868

Can anyone roughly estimate how many calories that is with the fries? I don't think that would be a normal person's bulk for the day.

>> No.6790870

Bro, not only did he marry her, but he also posted her image on the internet for lots of people to shit talk her and laugh at her.

He married a woman he hates.

>> No.6790871

americans should not be eating any extra fat. Most people eat 3 meals a day plus snacks. We are over-nourished. Fat has no place in the diet! There's enough fat in low fat foods.

>> No.6790878


Each of those burgers look like they had a 5oz ground beef before cooking so that is roughly 1400 calories from meat alone, then lets say 200 calories per bun brings us up to 2000 calories.

Add 150 calories per burger because you know there is mayo and cheese and we are up to 2450 calories. 350 calories for fries and 200 calories for saod brings us up to...

3000 calories....jesus christ Amerifats

>> No.6790879

Americans need to learn the different types of fat and which and how much are good/safe for them.

>fat has no place in the diet

Retard talk right here.

>> No.6790882

They're just bulking bro

>> No.6790883

Add a protein shake and a small bowl of oats with fruit and my bulk is complete.

>> No.6790886

Some of you people are so cruel and disrespectful, you don't even know this guy and his wife and you're all making these superficial judgments.

Please post pictures of yourself up when ridiculing others so we can all see what beauty queens you guys are.

>> No.6790892

>why aren't all of you dumb enough to post a picture that can be ripped apart on here? :(
Fuck off faggot. She's fat.

>> No.6790893

>Some of you people are so cruel and disrespectful

Where do you SJW sperglords think you are?

If you don't like "shit talking" and people being "mean" and "hurting your feeeeeelllllinnzz", then don't frequent a site known for being fully of edgy asshole trolls

>> No.6790898

>being married to a blubbernaught

literally my worst nightmare

>> No.6790904
File: 9 KB, 291x360, BBA_061_XS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Americans need to learn the different types of fat
There's a lot of money in high fat foods. Companies have spent billions to confuse the public about the true nature of fatty foods.

This is what fat looks like.

>> No.6790907

This is an anonymous board for Food and Cooking. I don't want to or need to know this lardass and his lardass wife. And I'm not posting a picture of myself because that's obviously irrelevant to the board topic.

Go back to tumblr and kill yourself.

>> No.6790909

>Companies have spent billions to confuse the public about the true nature of fatty foods.

Americans truly are retarded.

>> No.6790913

I understand this is 4chan, but you guys are really taking it too far with this one. There is no reason to be this mean or even mean at all. The mods really need to start addressing this kind of shaming behavior....

especailly here on /ck/, fat shaming shouldn't be allowed because it's a board about cooking and food so of course it's going to be fat people because its abuot good food

>> No.6790918

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.6790919

>This is what fat looks like.

Dude,that is butter and oil you fucking idiot, not fat.

Fat is non muscle tissue from animals you sperg faggot

>> No.6790920

>There is no reason to be this mean or even mean at all.

So? People are free to do what they want and have their opinions. There is no reason for some lardass to use a food and cooking board to post his blogs.

Kill yourself fatass.

>> No.6790924

>People are free to do what they want and have their opinions

You are free to have your own opinion, but opinions like being spouted here shouldn't be allowed to be voiced publicly.

>> No.6790930

>but opinions like being spouted here

What the fuck does this even mean you lardass retard? You're not the one that decides that should and shouldn't. Leave if you don't like it.

>> No.6790933

>You're not the one that decides that should and shouldn't

Exactly, which is why the mods should delete and ban people who are assholes on this board

>> No.6790941

You're not the one that decides that should and shouldn't. Leave if you don't like it.

>> No.6790947

This is why the new generations are sawft. This is why there are school shootings.

>> No.6790950

>You're not the one that decides that should and shouldn't. Leave if you don't like it.

Exactly, which is why the mods should delete and ban people who are assholes on this board

>> No.6790954

>This is why there are school shootings.

America please leave, this thread is obese enough.

>> No.6790959

>This is why the new generations are sawft. This is why there are school shootings.

There are school shootings because no one stops people from being mean and bullying and literally force these poor kids to turn to breaking and ending up shooting.

There are no safe places anymore and it's really hurting people.

>> No.6790960

No cancer, mods should delete offtopic threads like this that are against the board rules.

>> No.6790966

You wanna know how I know I'm right and know you are wrong.

You had to resort to name calling and trying to e-bully me.

I wish I was a mod so I could ban you!

>> No.6790971

Oh so you're baiting. Alright you got me. Enjoy the you's I guess.

>> No.6790974

Being shamed for being fat isn't the same thing as racism. Being fat is 100% preventable.

>> No.6790977

>Oh so you're baiting.


>> No.6790987

I feel bullied and used.

>> No.6790990

>I feel bullied and used.

See, this is why we need safe places

>> No.6790999
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>> No.6791048

Emoticons trigger me. Please be more aware of that

>> No.6791057

This is a good thread. We need OP to dump some more water (high fructose corn syrup) on the coals.

>> No.6791065
File: 76 KB, 900x601, 11141117_10207137511257752_6514027873752029674_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791067

nice trips i love this meme thanks for replying to me

>> No.6791079
File: 495 KB, 1062x1062, Look, You're Buying The Fucking Game.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791096
File: 6 KB, 259x194, xD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This entire fucking thread, jesus christ.
[spoiler] /fit/izen here

>> No.6791104

/fit/ is for fags, please go back to alpha world you normie

>> No.6791109

Should I be at all concerned about running on grass or pavement if I have I choice to do either?

I prefer pavement but I read its a stressor the body wasn't designed for. I doubt it'll make a huge difference, but I'm willing to go grass if it'll have any chance saving me unneeded stress.

>> No.6791114

>/fit/ is for fags

>alpha world

Not really. /fit/ might live and play among them but they're retarded like the rest of us on the inside.

>> No.6791118

>my wife's 26th birthday

Congrats, but she won't make it to 30.

Also, does she know you took that atrocious pic of her? Good god.

>> No.6791124
File: 792 KB, 500x281, d2a.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791125

>hey honey, why is there a picture of me on the front page of reddit?

>> No.6791131

>even a board dedicated to burgers and nuggets hates fat people
what ever happened to angie?

>> No.6791132

Fuck if I know, I despise doing cardio of any sort.
Actually, only biking for me is fine.

>> No.6791151
File: 71 KB, 525x350, exploreTOUT2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it too late to turn this into a Charleston food thread?

Who here /husk/?

>> No.6791155

>I'm sure is self-conscious about it, but nobody ever lost weight (or quit drinking, or whatever) because other people told them to.

hahaha. If she were self concious about it then she wouldn't be so fat and you would be eating a breakfast that was more delicious and less fatty than fucking burgers and fries int he morning.

If anything it shows she just doesn't care and not caring about your body and health just proves you are simple minded and lazy.

>> No.6791161

>post fat wife on /ck/
>300 replies

>> No.6791165

>post fat OC on /ck/
>predictable yet enjoyable thread

>> No.6791171



>> No.6791173


if that's your wife, she's a chubby girl (with a heart of gold?)

>> No.6791175

dude this isnt edgy 4chan, this is a slow hobby board, dont be a dick

>> No.6791183


Still 4chan. He's not on a normalfag site for a reason. This is edgy lite.

>> No.6791186

>Morbidly obese
Is this real life?
How did being literally being one burger from your first heart attack become 'chubby'?

>> No.6791199

>How did being literally being one burger from your first heart attack become 'chubby'?
When chubby because normal.

>> No.6791202

Heart of cheeeeeeese

>> No.6791210

>this is a slow hobby board
still on 4chan you dolt

>> No.6791231

nah nigga, Hominy Grill!!! Closed for Business is pretty good too

>> No.6791244
File: 529 KB, 600x526, 1435204249089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6791270

what do her feet smell like? can you post pics of them?

>> No.6791271

>what do her feet smell like? can you post pics of them?

Go back to /b/, please

>> No.6791280

>not liking bbws
>not liking feet

wow lad

>> No.6791310

i wish i had someone to give up with

>> No.6791348

ik... this woman gave up her freedom to be with a suggested manchild. She's the loser here

>> No.6791371

As it says on the Tabasco bottle label in the picture, she's so much more than hot.

>> No.6791414
File: 134 KB, 340x340, 729.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792341

Damn, she finished her fries and half a burger before you could finish snapping a picture and start eating.

>> No.6792455

Oh goody this thread is still alive.
Haha, fat people. Haha.

>> No.6792466


>> No.6792475

just do some physical excercises.

>> No.6792491
File: 315 KB, 645x679, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, losing weight is like almost all diet, I swear.

I fucking hate exercising and moving around, not to mention a fucked up knee. Just by eating right I've lost 20 pounds in a couple months. Stop stuffing your faces you fucking fatties!

>> No.6792497

Stop oppressing me stick man. Maybe some people don't conform to your standards of health and beauty did you think of that? Maybe I find big is beautiful. The fact that OPs woman identifies as a woman means you're being sexist as well as fat phobic, why don't you fuck outta here. Fucking men and their oppressive patriarchal discourse.

>> No.6792508

Losing weight is all diet. Losing body fat and gaining muscle is where exercise comes in.

>> No.6792516
File: 79 KB, 960x960, uh-oh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6792595

>see OP pic
>shackbrowseUpload, random pic from internet filename
>gee this looks fake, will the cu/ck/s here fall for it?
>scroll down

Some of you guys are dumb as f*ck.

>> No.6792618
File: 34 KB, 299x450, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look it's the fun police. No fun allowed guys.

>> No.6793005

>whiteknighting a married woman

you are a disgrace.

>> No.6793078

>296 replies
Not really

>> No.6793083

/ck/ overall isnt really smart.

>> No.6793283


>> No.6793480


This is true. I only make fun of fat people on anonymous imageboards though.

In all honesty, I lost a shitton of weight after I apparently gained a lot and the girl I was crushing on called me fat. I can never understand people not wanting to look their best in a world that values beauty so much. I even go for a fucking run three times a day, which I hate, just to look good.

>> No.6793509
File: 77 KB, 1092x344, FC 129 - Pull a Perfect Espresso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am going to laugh when this person isnt even related to op and he is usingthe reverse psychology for us to make fun of his lost love or something...yes....but i came for breakfast and i got fph......can we post pictures of our breakfast and insult the fatperson? ffs gents stay on topic

>> No.6793517

What do you think posting /fit/izen here would accomplish? Gain you respect? Shit man I work out too and post on /fit/ occasionally but I never understand the incentive of sprouting shit like that on other boards like I'm some cooler faggot.

Never do it again.

>> No.6793535

>making fun of people encourages them to change
Why would you ever care if someone else changes?

>> No.6793792

>Why would you ever care if someone else changes?
Because we pay taxes so that these gluttons can continue living with their diabetes long after natural selection would've killed them off.

Living is too easy

>> No.6794223

>Real people with friends, in the pre-internet era and today, could always express non-PC opinions in the right circumstances. If I'm drunk and among friends and I say I think ebonics is stupid or asian women can't drive, it's fine.

That's not at all like what I described; I'm talking about semi-serious discussion about deeply politically incorrect topics in an open forum. That's been a major no-no since the civil rights era.