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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 187 KB, 1600x1200, Mac n Cheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6780793 No.6780793 [Reply] [Original]

What food(s) do you hate that seemingly everyone else loves?

>> No.6780819
File: 111 KB, 400x400, avocado-heart-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so awful.

>> No.6780826

I don't think I've had raw avocado before, but I had guacamole and it was just ok, it didn't really taste like anything.

>> No.6780845

Raw tomatoes. Like slices of raw tomato with pepper and or salt. It's disgusting. Tomatoes are a fine ingredient for many things, but those cold raw aborted fetus slices don't belong on any table anywhere.

>> No.6780855

I like olive oil but I can't just eat olives. I don't mind them on pizza if they're chopped into really tiny pieces, but I can't eat a single olive. I gag every time.

>> No.6780857

Funny thing is I just can't eat raw regular black or green olives unless their masked by salad and dressing or a pizza, but I love eating those Greek kalamata olives.

>> No.6780858
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Tom Yum Soup. Everyone raved about it in Thailand, but I did not enjoy it at all. Really weird tasting. Like concentrated cilantro/lemongrass, ultra tangy.

>> No.6780862
File: 98 KB, 599x397, ONE-PAN-COCONUT-SHRIMP-NOODLES-from-Rachel-Schultz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These overrated pieces of shit

I love the smell of frying them with the shell on, other than that they arent that great at all

>> No.6780864

Are kalamata olives any better? I've never tried one for obvious reasons

>> No.6780865

Put more salt on them then

>> No.6780872


What the flying fuck, it smells like shit, dry as fuck, needs to be taking small bones out of it when eating (can kill you if you miss one), can kill you if it is slightly out of date.
This shit is not food, fuck you.

>> No.6780874

You can never salt away the dead baby texture.

>> No.6780875

I'm not sure, they definitely have a stronger flavor and they're a bitter salty olive. I think (depends on how you buy them though, some may be saltier than others based on brine). I think they're better because I like them and they have a stronger flavor. No idea about which are better for cooking, that depends on the dish of course.

>> No.6780879

kek. Yeah a friend of mine hates them because of texture. I'm fine with them, but maybe I just enjoy eating dead babies.

>> No.6780880

I can't stand raw tomatoes. Not even on sandwiches or burgers.

>> No.6780886


Always too salty or way too much cilantro.

>> No.6780893

Hi mom

>> No.6780901

What are you doing here? You're supposed to be doing our school work.

>> No.6780902

*dry heaves*

>> No.6780908

Broccoli with cheese. I'll never understand why people think this combination is delicious.

>> No.6780909

Just end yourself already, flyover boy

>> No.6780917

I can understand the Broccoli and Mushrooms... b-but the eggs? ;_;

keep your shit meme out of my thread

>> No.6780932

Flyover babby detected

>> No.6780938

Is flyover supposed to mean I don't like food? This is literally the worst meme ever, I'd rather look through a /b/ thread of rare pepes

>> No.6780939

Where are you from?

>> No.6780942

No. If you dislike olives you'd HATE HATE HATE Kalamata. Just try smelling them.

>> No.6780949

"Flyover" refers to the part of the US over flown by commercial airliners full of skinny-pants and big black glasses wearing yucciefags from NYC and LA, who invented it to conceal their latent homosexuality. And also their latent fears and residual insecurities and resentments that without flyover they would be starving to death inside of nine days.

>> No.6780950
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I never liked cake (except cornmeal cake)

>> No.6780951

Agreed. And I don't like guac ugh

>> No.6780955

Flyover fatty, pls.
Your envy is gross.

>> No.6780958

I find their good just.. Dry. I don't like it

>> No.6780964

Yeah I'm not from a flyover place I'm super close to a place with lots of good restaurants but I'm confused about why I was called a flyover, nevermind.

>> No.6780966

>Yeah I'm not from a flyover place
Yes you are.

>> No.6780974

See? this is a perfect example of projected insecurity. This guy is four bridges, two tunnels, and eight days away from starving to death. And he came here to post this. Think about what that means for the psyches of people who use this term, >>6780938 anon.

>> No.6780977

Fuck off nigger I'm from Boston, sorry that it's not as big as new york

>> No.6780980

I live on a farm.

>> No.6780983
File: 222 KB, 960x720, MuhFlyover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot your avatar. Here you go.

>> No.6780984

You would have said that already if it were true.
Too embarrassed to say where you're really from?

>> No.6780999

Why would I have said it already? You're obviously not going to think I'm telling the truth unless I say I live in the middle of bumfuck alabama

>> No.6781007

>I don't like eggs
>I don't like cake
>I don't like ice-cream
>I don't like vagina

You guys are awful.

>> No.6781038

Didn't mean to quote.

>> No.6781048

i fucking hate hot dogs

>> No.6781050

I hate water.

>> No.6781055

>it smells like shit
Then your fish is always rotten.

>> No.6781083

Agreed OP

Also embarrassing how some >nice restaurants try to church up Mac n cheese like it's some kind of gourmet dish or something

>> No.6781094

>smells like shit
it's rotten.
>dry as fuck
you overcooked it.
>taking small bones out of it when eating
you remove the bones before you cook it.
>can kill you
srsly are you stupid

>> No.6781106
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>still hating food

>> No.6781148

probably using rare examples like some poisonous puffer fish or if they have too much lead in their systems, not sure though.

>> No.6781156


Can't stand them... in martinis, in pizza, sandwiches, wraps, dipping sauxes, whatever. They're awful, and my family loves them. Sometimes my dad will just eat olives for snacks, and they serve a big bowl of olives at games.

>> No.6781165

Same, though mostly because of frosting. It's just like a sugar paste that coats your mouth and ruins any actual flavor the cake might have.

I prefer a fruit pie, tart or flan for a birthday party.

>> No.6781170

Have you tried different types of frosting? If you try more creme based ones it will definitely take away most of that sugar taste - I know what you mean, many cake frostings just taste like pure sugar and it's disgusting.

>> No.6781179

Yeah, it's probably the worst cased meat you can get.

I love sausage and bratwurst but hotdogs taste like crappy bologna. The only reason I think people eat them is because they smother them in condiments to cover up the flavor and the bun helps hide the rubbery texture

>> No.6781183

They are pretty shit but there are different types of hotdogs, some of which don't have as much a rubbery texture and are closer to real sausages.

>> No.6781184

So far the only tolerable "frosting" I like is whipped cream on angel food cake.

>> No.6781188

Bacon. Not even related to recent memery. Never have liked it, never will. Oddly enough I love turkey bacon.

>> No.6781189

Then just get a sausage. Theres no such thing as a good hot dog

>> No.6781191


>> No.6781193

I have had a bison hotdog before and that was pretty awesome but normal dogs taste so processed.

>> No.6781202

Bacon is great by itself, imo it's only bad when people put it on everything.

It's extremely smoky and salty and overpowers everything else you pair it with. Also all bacon tastes the same, not that it's a bad taste but I have never had bacon be radically different between brands and smoking. The flavor gets old fast.

>> No.6781204
File: 33 KB, 313x313, 1435001232662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread made me mad as fuck. I'm going to take my leave of /ck/ now before my autism explodes and I have an aneurysm.

>> No.6781206

>getting mad on the internet

>> No.6781208
File: 939 KB, 1642x1169, yogurt_berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yogurt, I hate the taste, the texture, and the way it leeches water out of it. It doesn't matter how much fruit or granola is in it, it still feels disgusting when it eat it.

>> No.6781213


Don't even like it plain, man. It's the grease that kills it for me; generally don't like greasy things. I might have french fries once or twice a year, don't eat chicken skin (especially fried), and so on.

I guess that's really a good thing.

>> No.6781243

I'm sorry my beautiful thread scared you away from /cock/

>> No.6781247
File: 33 KB, 1350x1350, IMG_20150118_184449.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

macaroni and cheese
also meat loaf

geno smith had it coming

>> No.6781283
File: 86 KB, 580x754, tumblr_mp8os1UDIS1stxqq3o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really. positive you wanna know? White meat chicken or turkey. Unless in a sandwich. with mayo, lettuce and lots of black pepper, or in chicken and dumplings,(my brother in law is the master of chicken and dumplings) part of a chicken pie. (Grandma used to say you could gauge the economy,a family, or a congregation by how much chicken is in a chicken pie, tread softly).. People are proud, even when they seem to have nothing, like me. A simple baked chicken, like an egg, is one of the toughest things to make. any race or age. Simplest things are ALWAYS the toughest. Not a fan of "tendies" or nugets, but if I admitted I like them on a burger bun with hot sauce and blu, um blue cheese? Instant death. If you like them, have at it. Any thing you must cover or dip in "sauce" is pretty bland. Same could be said for chateu briand, fillet, lobster, or greens. Sorry, I just prefer thighs and legs. Eat what you will. You are going to anyways. Thanks CK. caps on porpse. um porposie, um thanks.

>> No.6781292

What type of fucking savage communist doesn't like Mac n Cheese?

Also, Mayo, shit is repulsive

>> No.6781300

OP here, it was a severe childhood accident. I'll recount you the tail of horror:
I was 5 or so and really sick, and my Mom made this really good mac n cheese that I had eaten and liked before, and so I ate some but since I was sick, I vomited, and I got classically conditioned to being disgusted by mac n cheese. It took years for me to even want to try it again, and even when I tried some, it was just ehh. Maybe I just haven't had really good mac n cheese, but whenever I have some, which is rare, it just tastes like nothing much at all.

>> No.6781306

I kinda had a similar situation with scrambled eggs, but I eventually got over it

>> No.6781362
File: 30 KB, 450x450, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit tastes like fucking ass. Strangely enough I can eat canned corned beef hash but for some reason corned beef by itself is vile.

Also green peppers. It doesn't taste that bad but the texture sets me off every time.

It's disgusting if you mix in a shitload of cheese, but it tastes great if you put a little bit of parmesan as a topping when baking it.

>> No.6781462

Milk and Cotton candy
Never understood the appeal of eating pure sugar.
Also peanut butter until I became pregnant. Used to smell and taste like dirt

>> No.6781473

Pork. I can only enjoy it if it's bombarded with seasoning or sauce (e.g. BBQ pulled pork). The flavor of the meat on its own doesn't appeal to me.

>Also green peppers.
Tons of people hate green peppers

>> No.6781505

Ketchup, mayo, ranch, lobster/shrimp, deviled eggs, raw onion, turkey

>> No.6781607

Avacado alone is not that great. Even fresh ones. But put some salt or soy sauce and it tastes great.

>> No.6781631

I hate the fact that people eat so much fatty food. It's killing them. So many fat people around nowadays. I don't starve myself. I eat a lot of food. I never feel hungry, Yet I am thin, because I don't eat fat!.

>> No.6781845

Hey buddy, fuck you.

>> No.6781852

Fat doesn't make you fat.

>> No.6781855

Go back to reddit you idiot.

>> No.6781860


I hate cheese, avocados and yogurt too.

>> No.6781952

All forms of cheese? Is it texture or taste or both?

>> No.6781959

But anon that's the best part

>> No.6781962


What's up Guy Fieri?

>> No.6781963
File: 78 KB, 437x313, clam chowder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6781965

used to hate all tomatoes, full stop. for me, it was about finding the right ones

>> No.6781968

I want Guy Fieri to take Donald Trump to Flavortown, and fuck his tight juicy moneyhole

>> No.6781969

Have you had them fresh? Tomatoes that come ripe and fresh from a garden are out of this world. Tomatoes from the grocery store are abominations in comparison.

>> No.6781974

Pregnancy makes women eat some crazy shit

>> No.6781976


>> No.6781987


>> No.6781997

I fucking hate mushrooms so much. They taste like dirt and have the texture of an earlobe.

>> No.6781999


>> No.6782019

heavenly trips confirms Trump took the triple dipple D

>> No.6782022

green beans

>> No.6782105

Same I hate greenbeans

>> No.6782109


>> No.6782209


>> No.6782228


>> No.6782237

back to /b/

>> No.6782246

People have emotions man. Can't change that.

>> No.6782250

things i despise
sausage(every once in awhile dont mind the breakfast sausage patties you put in biscuits,or the little cocktail sausages)
beans of pretty much any sort,especially black eyed peas and baked beans,both of which people are obsessed with in the south,so i was forced to eat them a lot as a kid(i like green beans,black beans and garbonzo beans though)
and any meat with bones in it,especially fried chicken

>> No.6782253


>> No.6782263

There are different kinds, I dunno what type this is buy it's a big tomato that is kind of hard to the touch isn't soft like other ones and it slices great, I've made sandwiches with a thick slice of that tomato and some djon honey mustard and it was fantastic.

>> No.6782265


>> No.6782351

I hate when people put potatoes in any kind of chowder or soup. It's basically flavor-less starch floating around where it doesn't need to be.

>> No.6782353
File: 79 KB, 640x480, yuk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw food

>> No.6782360

It's obviously bait, but I'll bite anyway.

That's a perfectly cooked steak. You only need to sear it to taste. The bloodier the better because the fat isn't rendered away and the meat is tender.

>> No.6782361

Haha yeah actually I think the weirdest thing I craved is Maple Syrup other than that I havent eaten any weird combinations. I had a really good sense of smell before pregnancy now I'm like a blood hound. Food has to smell good in order for me to eat it. Oh but pregnancy has made me hate fried chicken. Morning sickness and fried chicken are not your friends

>> No.6782368

> Milk
> Ketchup
> Olives
> Bologna

>> No.6782414
File: 103 KB, 800x800, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baked beans, fuckin thick overly sweet shit.

>> No.6782419
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>all that blood
ffs fire was invented for a reason

>> No.6782435
File: 55 KB, 460x287, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This isn't food. This is shoes. Leather shoes.

>> No.6782443

sushi rolls
the favorite food of pretentious Americans from coast to coast

>> No.6782445

>baked beans, fuckin thick overly sweet shit.
Bush's baked beans are diabetes in a can.
Try Heinz Vegetarian beans, which are less sweet.
Or Heinz Beans from the UK, which have little sugar.

>> No.6782448

Soda or any carbonated drink
Fettuccine Alfredo

>> No.6782453

Hate: Sugar
I hate it.
Any form.

>> No.6782455

>Be American
>Hate salt, mayonnaise, and ranch dressing

Help me.

>> No.6782459

>actually believing that's blood

>> No.6782469

I'll look out for them, thanks for the suggestion. I can't stand all of this brown sugar / sugar in general with beans, but if it's light I can handle it.

>> No.6782483

Cilantro. I can taste it just fine, I just don't like it.

>> No.6782485

shit taste.

>> No.6782500

Based rambling guy

>> No.6782501
File: 124 KB, 640x480, 1394894574782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raw onions
>corn syrup
>yellow mustard
>non-oyster shellfish

>> No.6782502

Parsley. It has a weird chemical taste like soap. I just can't stand it.
Conversely, I like cilantro and don't think it tastes like soap.

>> No.6782504

>people who just throw random herbs in their shit because they feel obligated

>> No.6782507


and they have no idea how anything goes together so everything they make just tastes like rotten ass or a clove cigarette.

>> No.6782510

go back to the 1980's with you shit diet advice, you may be thin, but you probably look like shit

also linguini sucks

>> No.6782535

That mac n cheese looks delicious. How the hell could you hate authentic mac n cheese?

>> No.6782545

Not OP, but the shitty mac n cheese they gave us in school cafeterias scarred me for life. Now whenever I taste mac n cheese, I want to throw up no matter how authentic it is.

>> No.6782552

>school cafeterias
this is your standard mark for food? good luck with that

and go back to school already you leech faggot fuckity fuck. yeah!

>> No.6782555

I don't hate them but one popular food that I dislike is doughnuts. They offer nothing nutritionally, they never fill me up, they're generally too sweet, and almost every doughnut I've eaten since middle school has left me feeling disappointed.

The only exception to this is fresh, warm, plain fry cakes, and they have to be plain or they risk being too sweet.

>> No.6782558

I actually pretty much only like crullers because the other donuts taste too plain.

>> No.6782616

Anything where you're intended to eat large amounts of separated fat or skin. Tastes alright, but the texture makes me gag.

Blue to rare steak. Fuck you, if your steak doesn't taste good at a healthy medium, it's a shitty steak. Just grind it up and make burgers with it instead. It's not the rawness, I like carpaccio, but I have never seen the appeal of these slabs of soggy meat. Give me a decent cut the size of my palm, properly cooked, and let me enjoy its actual taste instead of this amerifat HOW MUCH COW'S ASS CAN I FIT ON MY PLACE bullshit.

Preserved meats. We don't live in an era that necessitates this any more. Bacon smells wonderful and tastes average at best. Fuck bacon.

American cheese, gouda, swiss, anything hard and rubbery that barely has a taste. Fuck you. Crumbly aged hard cheese or no hard cheese.

Chocolate desserts. I don't know why, I like chocolate, but chocolate mousse and shit like that, even if it's made with real chocolate, tastes like dirt to me.

Fuck gnocchi. Fuck mushrooms and their gross rubbery texture too.

>> No.6782642

my mom's homemade mac n cheese sucks. she makes it with campbells condensed soup and mushrooms for some reason and doesn't caramelize the onions throws in. the veggies she throws in are crunchy when the cheesy noodly casserole is done and the cheese is disastrously uncheesy somehow. it tastes like fat and nothing else.

>> No.6782649

i'll back that up.

>> No.6782655
File: 27 KB, 443x332, OzN8KLLyuRmZBZCChUR9yg_6zDiCfr5Cz-TrVX9XTVOoAwafV0xCrTkkrPbkp4jQeYgieOr4NmbcKkSWvv9TVxdC=w443-h332-nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chocolate. Milk, dark; chocolate desserts.or drinks. Chocolate/ coco flavour in any form makes me gag.
I'm actually not fussy otherwise and eat most foods & love vegetables.

>> No.6782659

Your mom has literally turned an angry "go fuck yourself" into a meal.

I'd like the recipe.

>> No.6782666

she makes it for xmas and we all sit around with grins on our faces afraid of the woman.
she looks like cathy bates in Misery. that thousand yard stare and all.

>> No.6782770

Hey man, you have obviously only ever had american bacon. While I prefer the bacon in Australia over the American stuff, I can not eat it by itself, it has to be in or with something and at the least, with eggs, but the American stuff, ye I agree definitely something to have on its own.

>> No.6782777

Curry. I will only eat SOME chicken and fish curries. The rest? Disgust me.

>> No.6782782

I don't hate shrimp, but I agree that they're overrated. They cost more than beef or pork but do not taste as good.

>> No.6782786

More common than you think, a bunch of kids from my high school hated chocolate

>> No.6782830

be careful with all that edge

>> No.6782833
File: 88 KB, 800x531, svensk-pølseret.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6782837

Celery stalks and arugula/rocket.

It seems to be everywhere nowadays ant it's foul, not just on it's own but put in in a dish and the entire thing is ruined.

>> No.6782863

Black walnuts. They taste like home depot.

>> No.6783116

canned sardines are so damn pungent

>> No.6783481

I love canned sardines

>> No.6783490

Seconded, hate that shit

>> No.6783491
File: 64 KB, 250x250, Nutella.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stand this stuff. I don't understand how people can go on and on about it being a gift from god to man.

>> No.6783502

Heinz Beans from the UK aren't sweet like American beans are. I remember when I first tried American-style baked beans thinking I was going to be eating delicious tomato sauce based Heinz and ate something that tasted like some beans fell into a pot of boiling molasses.

>> No.6783536

Yeah, Anon. It does taste like shit!

>> No.6783807

yeah fuck nutella

>> No.6783812


>> No.6783813

it's delicious!!!

>> No.6783818

i can't even. The texture. its so damn soft!

>> No.6783855

pepperoni pizza. I love pepperoni and pizza, just not both together, it tastes and smells like sweaty socks rolled in grease and Oxo cubes

>> No.6783862

I agree. Cured sausages release all of that delicious fat when cooked, turning the dish greasy and unpalatable. There's already plenty of grease from the cheese(because fuck off if you're not using full fat cheese), so precooked and drained fresh sausage will always be superior to pepperoni on a pizza.

>> No.6784047

Mountain dew
Peanuts/peanut butter
Sweet spreads (nutella, jelly etc)
Raw onion/tomato

>> No.6784053

this guy knows whats up!

>> No.6784064

oreos and twinkies are a god sent delicious thing!! dont hate on them!
and no im not fat either.

>> No.6784181

These and mushrooms. I really cant think of any other fruits or vegetables I dislike. But these three are absolute deal breakers if they get anywhere near my salad, pizza, or sandwich.

>> No.6784333

And that's what makes them so dank

>> No.6784349

Trips confirm.

>> No.6786133


>> No.6786545

look like lentils

>> No.6786556

beans. with the exception of maybe black beans, i don't understand the appeal at all, especially pinto or refried beans. they're already disgusting, flavorless, and mushy, why do you want to ruin them even more?

>> No.6786566

Pretty much any and all nuts, but only by themselves. I can eat them if they're mixed into other things and I like peanut butter, but I just can't stand nuts alone for some reason.

>> No.6786578

I love beans, but they bloat me like crazy and trigger my acid reflux like no other. It's horrible.

>> No.6786583

soak em first

>> No.6786589

Anything my fiance cooks. She says "Southern style" stay the hell away. She takes canned bushs beans and adds grape jelly and brown sugar. Oh healthy chicken you say? She makes more of her "BBQ" sauce by mixing grape jelly, ketchup and brown sugar and coca cola together. No thank you. Green beans? I love green beans..wait why do they taste like ice cream?! OH I ADDED A CUP OF SUGAR AND A PIECE OF BACON TO THEM. AREN'T THEY GOOD!? No. No. Not at all. Everything she cooks is coated in sugar and horrible stuff. For grilled cheese for the kids or for patty melts, she coats the bread in a thick layer of dukes mayo and fries it up. It will make two whole paper towels translucent when you set it onto them. Her family says all her food is amazing, though. Don't even get me started on the Easter coca cola salt block ham.

>> No.6786596

So...does she have other qualities that make you like her? I hope so.

>> No.6786600

She brought a nice cast iron pan to my house that her Grandmother owned and is pretty old and in goof shape still and she's good at laundry and dishes. But seriously yeah she's good it's just her idea of food..is way off compared to mine.

>> No.6786611

good shape still*

>> No.6786617

But what if they are mixed with more nuts?

>> No.6786618

>what are omega 3s, DHA, EPA, sat. fats, cholesterol, testosterone

>> No.6786623
File: 231 KB, 885x2425, 1436804618239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my god my sides
>Easter block salt ham top Keck/10

>> No.6786625

> Easter coca cola salt block ham.
Please tell us more

>> No.6786635

First you buy the crappiest hams left over at the discount store. 2 of them weigh in around 5 pounds total and no bone in there any where. Then you make random cuts all over and take a handful of salt and spread it in the cuts and all over the outside. Then add a liter of coca cola over it to spread the salt all over and "add sweetness to offset the saltiness" and in their minds it is like lightly salted caramel. Bake until it's near black in the oven and smoking. Take it out and cut it with the most dull knife you have and serve it with a smile and make sure you stare at the outsider the entire time to see if they enjoy it.

>> No.6786651

I am from Eastern Ky and I have seen people that cook like this. Sugar on canned veggies, grape jelly/ketchup in chili and BBQ, mayo to toast sandwich bread on a skillet. Also, most people here use an entire cup of mayonnaise in their corn bread.

>> No.6786670

I don't understand the grape jelly thing and the super crazy love of mayo beyond belief like it is the single greatest food ever to be designed. Never had the mayo in the corn bread but would be willing to try that because it may go okay with the corn meal, who knows.

>> No.6786688


>> No.6786691

As far as I can tell the grape jelly just sweetens shit, you don't get a strong grape taste unless they fuck up. However I don't really care so super sweet shit so I don't do it. When my grandmaw makes green beans, for example, she puts a pinch of sugar, a pinch is salt and a pinch of pepper to season. Sometimes she will cook them down with a piece of ham but not bacon because it's an overpowering flavor. There must be some sort of connection dealing with sweet meat dinners because when my family makes ham is it always has a very sweet outer layer.

The mayo in the cornbread reminds me of pizza hut pan pizza. Sort of fried, fluffy and dense.

>> No.6786700

>Sort of fried, fluffy and dense.
I may try it just to see.

But I agree on the sweet stuff. I don't like it really at all. If I know I am eating something sweet like kettle corn or ice cream, then that is fine. I don't want to take a fork of green beans and have it sweeter than my sonic peanut butter milkshake from 3 weeks ago. Let alone meat. Headed to work now. Enjoy the day

>> No.6786705

This. I can't stand the flavor of pork, unless it's bacon or prosciutto.
Also mayo, fried eggplant and anything from animals that's not muscle meat - livers, brains, heart and other offal. Tastes weird and makes me gag.
Overly sweet or greasy desserts housewifes and older generations in my country usually make.

At least I eat all the veggies.

>> No.6786869

fuck you, I've eaten all that on one plate.

>> No.6786967

nice dubs

>> No.6787029

American food in general it's so bland

>> No.6787594

One of the few really distinct category of dishes in America is cajun/creole cuisine which is the absolute opposite of bland because it's literally based around heavy use of spices.

>> No.6787611

yes but its made by niggers

>> No.6787651
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>i hate this
>i hate that
>im allergic to this and that
>does it have gluten in it

>> No.6787658

>not taking allergies seriously

>> No.6787678


>having the digestive system of a baby

>> No.6787693
File: 29 KB, 736x736, 1265459698779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genetic inferiority
Be thankful you live in the modern era. Back in the good old days you would've been killed the moment your weakness was discovered.
Seriously, people with allergies are just plain weak.
>oh no, this simple food stuff that billions can eat without problem makes me sick! im just as good as the rest of them and am not inferior in anyway!

>> No.6787705

Not enjoyable to throw up after having a glass of milk or some icecream. Shit makes me feel terrible for 2-3 days.

>> No.6787712

>genetically inferior
I bet you're short too.

>> No.6787724
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10 year old plz go

>> No.6787731

I don't like eggs, ice cream or fish.
The most disgusting thing on the face of the earth is Dairy Queen ice-cream cake.

>> No.6787736
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>I've only eaten the shitty cod at country buffet: the post
Trout from the Rockies and smoked salmon are a gift to mankind

>> No.6787756

>digestive system
You niggers are ignorant, allergies are an immune system reaction, not digestive.

We might as well kill you too cus you're lurking on 4chan, only inferior beings do that

>> No.6787768
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You're welcome to try.

>> No.6787828

Everything quoted

>> No.6787842

>Bell Peppers

>> No.6787848

Tip top kek
You want to know how I know you can't cook?

>> No.6787849

>hotdogs taste like crappy bologna
Thats because 90% of hotdogs sold in america are literally made the exact same way as bologna and cut into links instead of slices

>> No.6787853

Mother of god, if she cooks like that; how fucking fat is she?

>> No.6787870

Alcoholic beverages

>> No.6787911

Seafood. I actually dislike it more as an adult compared to when I was a kid.

>> No.6787999

I'm not a huge fan of fish but I love shrimp and scallops. I actually think I'm allergic to lobster, because the last 2 times I had it I got really sick. There's a chance it was a fluke of course but I don't want to try a third time.

>> No.6788005

They taste good
Stop being a pussy

>> No.6788024

i dont like the smell of cooked eggs, makes me nauseous when somebodys eating eggs at the same table
omelette is fine tho

beer and dark chocolate

gooey textures like clams or slugs

>> No.6788242


>> No.6788343
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>> No.6788393

Mashed potatoes.

>> No.6788435

do it with sugar

>> No.6788446

Watermelon and bananas

>> No.6788455

>all bacon tastes the same
Have you ever cured your own bacon? Or are you just talking about the shit you get at the grocery store? You can do a lot to flavor bacon, the crap stuff all tastes the same, yeah, but t here's so much more to bacon than that.

>> No.6788460

>Hate salt
You literally need salt to survive.

>> No.6788482

>>genetic inferiority
>Be thankful you live in the modern era. Back in the good old days you would've been killed the moment your weakness was discovered.

a. Allergies are not genetic, that is why families don't share them and why it's possible to develop one later in life for non genetic reasons.

b. Very few people had allergies until the widespread treatment of roundworm which inhibits allergies to keep the immune system off it.

Either way go back to wherever you came from.

>> No.6788490
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>trying to defend his inferiority
>blaming worms for his weakness

This is where I laugh in your face.

>> No.6788491

He obviously hate the copious amounts of salt. You can hide salt well in foods if you do it right.

>> No.6788492

i heard in some hypno course that you could treat allergies with hypnosis, never bothered to ask tho

>> No.6788507

Scrambled eggs
Hot dogs
>captcha is fucking eggs

>> No.6788516

i love avocado but guacamole taste like diarrhea to me. way too mushy.

tripe tastes like ass
my hate for candy is prob psychological.

>> No.6788520

Boiled and any style of eggs where the yolk is still intact. I tried my hardest to like it growing up, but I can only eat eggs if they've been whipped into a homogenous yellow froth. Boiled egg whites are rubbery, and the dry, crumbly texture makes me gag.

I also don't understand the whole eating a raw egg thing with Japanese/weeb food. I just can't do it. You might as well coat your food in cold slime.

Also, raw tomatoes and okra. Growing up in the south was not fun for me.

Onions that aren't at least a little bit caramelized and any fish that isn't cod, haddock, catfish or monkfish.

>> No.6788539

Prunes, Peas, frozen baby corn, dates. Other than that I Will eat anything in the world considered as food.

>> No.6788548

I eat a small uncooked can of these for lunch everyday with my sardines in Tabasco sauce.

>> No.6788556

Biologically impossible. You can change habits but not diseases or genetic traits. If you could hypnotize someone to cease an allergy then you could hypnotize someone with black hair to suddenly become naturally blonde.

>> No.6788564

>Allergies are not genetic

Translation: Everything I learned about DNA, I learned from wikipedia.

>> No.6788966

I don't hate it, but I don't see the appeal of Filet Mignon

Sure it's tender but nothing particularly notable about its flavor. Shortrib kicks its ass in both departments

>> No.6789028
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I've never liked shepherds pie, nor gravy, or chicken pot pie.

>> No.6789037

Well, in that case, you are wrong.

>> No.6789295

My Malaysian housemates make this sometimes. I think it's yummy.

>> No.6789320

cake, cupcakes, pancakes

>> No.6789327

>a. Allergies are not genetic, that is why families don't share them
Really? My cousin has all the same stupid allergies my uncle has (shrimp, pine nuts, tree nuts).

>> No.6789329

I don't hate it, but every one I've ever had never impressed me. The meat was always dry and blech.

Same thing with mac n cheese. I've never had homemade mac n cheese that wasn't dry as a fuckin bone and mostly flavorless. Admittedly, I do eat kraft mac n cheese sometimes if just have a hot dog for dinner or something.

>> No.6789330
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Bacon. It's just not that great. I'd rather a side of mushrooms with breakfast.

>> No.6789350

I agree that bacon is overrated but if you are suggesting mushrooms are a good replacement in a breakfast, you are way out of bounds, sir.

>> No.6789358

I fuckin love mushrooms mang. I think mushrooms are my favourite thing to eat, period. Raw, grilled, marinated, barbecued, made into a burger. Mushrooms and prawns are my favourite :^)

>> No.6789546
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>> No.6789622

I agree, fuck fish.

Well, for the most part anyway. I can have fish mixed with my rice or something

>> No.6789626

Yes, please leave autisimo. Nobody wants you here.

>> No.6789633

You often cook your guac?

>> No.6789640

I agree. It obviously tastes nothing like cheese and doesn't resemble home made mac n cheese at all. I still dig it sometimes though, so suck this dick.

>> No.6789643

>I also don't understand the whole eating a raw egg thing with Japanese/weeb food. I just can't do it. You might as well coat your food in cold slime.
It's disgusting and I don't understand it either. I ordered incorrectly at a sushi place once and ended up with raw quail egg. Ate it to be polite but fuck it was like cold snot mixed with rice.

>> No.6789646

>not eating cold snot and rice

lmao fucking normies dude.

>> No.6789652

Holy shit, I thought I was the only one. I fucking HATE mac and cheese. I don't get why anyone over the age of 8 could ever be excited over such a bland, basic shitty food..

>> No.6789664

I think it's fucking retarded when people put "authentic" Mac and Cheese on a pedestal. I get that it's better to use that than the powdered process cheese that comes in a blue box, but holy fucking shit, it's not like cheese is some rare gourmet ingredient that is beyond most people's culinary skill. Authentic Mac and Cheese is still a pleb food and only marginally better than the shit from a box.

>> No.6789674

I'm a different anon, but holy shit I fucking hate how when ever someone says they hate something, someone has to pipe in and say they just haven't had the "real" version of it, as if the kind of person who would cure bacon really hated bacon all along until one day they decided to home-cure a food they fucking hated, then suddenly changed their mind about it.
I get that home-cured bacon is probably better than store bought bacon, but if you fucking hate average bacon you probably wont like high-quality bacon.

>> No.6789700

If the egg is completely cold when you ate it then it was prepared incorrectly

>> No.6789701

You've obviously never had real mac and cheese if you think it in anyway compares to that blue box shit.

>> No.6789704

I have. Why would you not believe me? Do you think I live in a country where wheat and cheese can't be found? I fucking hate mac and cheese, and every time I tell someone that they give me the same stupid answer about "real" Mac and Cheese. I always let them make me their home-made mac and cheese that they're so proud of and it's always equally shit.
And no, I've never ordered Mac and Cheese from a restaurant because I'm far too old to order from the kid's menu.

>> No.6789709

even the smell of ranch dressing makes me gag, last time I tried it I puked pretty badly and I have a very strong stomach. Hate cottage cheese and most mushrooms too

>> No.6789711

honestly i used to love it....but a lot of it LOOKS better than it tastes. i have had some good ones with diff types of cheese , spinach etc that were really good but otherwise most ppls homemade mac is not worth it lol

>> No.6789714

omg i hate mushrooms, they taste like chlorine to me lol

>> No.6789716

I hate this shit too

>> No.6789726

they taste like dirt and garbage. and their texture is repulsive to me

>> No.6789786

But you didn't quote anything, you linked it.

>> No.6789792


I dont like avocado and I am fucking allergic to it (and bananas). Guess I am not missing out.

>> No.6789796


I've had broccoli cheese soup before and it is criminally vile.

>> No.6789831

I hate that crappy casserole style of mac n' cheese. It always comes across as greasy melted cheese on top of dry pasta.

The only good way to do Mac n' Cheese is to make a cheese sauce (like a white sauce or bechamel) with good cheeses (not just cheap cheddar)

>> No.6789836

I like small amounts in some things, but they are such a pain int he ass to clean. Washing each mushroom and wiping it afterward is such a fucking chore, and even then I still taste dirt sometimes.

>> No.6789838
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fuck gravy why would anyone eat it?

>> No.6789841

There are literally hundreds of types of gravy.

>> No.6789845

Baked mac is the best mac. Don't knock it because some people don't know how to make it.

Max mix with cheese sauce then chunks of cheese folded in, put into a baking dish, dish and then topped with buttered breadcrumbs and/or shredded cheese is objectively better than just mixing the pasta with a cheese sauce and serving it as it. Its basically an incomplete dish.

>> No.6789866

Cheese sauce type is shit tier type and its always cheese sauce type when faggots say there isn't much difference between it and the blue box crap

>> No.6790087

Uh, but that's happened to me plenty of times. I used to hate a lot of veggies and fruit before I learned how to prepare them right or pick out the correct ripened state. I used to hate lots of meats before I figured out how to cook them without destroying them. What you're basically saying is 'quality of a food has no bearing on taste' and that's ludicrous.

>> No.6790099

>blah blah blah waaah waaah waaah
yup, uh huh, sure are a lot of words you just typed that i dont care about.

>> No.6790205

Nutella has just way too much goddamn sugar. Some of the knockoffs that are lower in sugar are better though.

>> No.6790210

Agreed. I have never ordered it.


>> No.6790217

I have grilled mushrooms for breakfast like 3-4 times a week. It's fantastic as a side.

>> No.6790718

literally cannot understand this. its a perfect balance of wet/dry, meat/veg/carbs, meat juices and crispy cheese with the potato.. maybe you never had a good one. hearty as fuck for the winter time

>> No.6790723


I can. A lot of people can't make gravy for shit, and if the gravy is bad so is the whole pie.

>> No.6790795
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never liked these

>> No.6790807

That's because you can't cook then. Different cuts need different prep.

>> No.6790845
File: 479 KB, 672x537, 1413399749154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cold meat

I just can't eat it.

I mean the kind you're supposed to eat at breakfast and shit, it makes me want to puke.

Then again I also can't eat raw cheese, only when used as an ingredient for a warm dish.

>> No.6790859
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>> No.6790885

This, and it's killing American sushi.

>> No.6790902

Did you only eat raw mushrooms or something?

>> No.6790910

Fuck nacho cheese doritos, everytime some of my faggot friends brings snack to a reunion there has to be at least one big bag of these, every fucking time.

>> No.6790926

People love them. I don't get it.

>> No.6790934

I hate the line "fat doesn't make you fat". I get that fat-free diets are a load of shit but fat will make you fat if you eat enough of it. By that line of reasoning I could say that sugar cube sandwiches don't make you fat.

>> No.6790939

> Soy sauce on avocado


>> No.6790942

It's just when people buy fat free shit thinking they won't get fat that's the problem. Over eating makes you fat.

>> No.6790945

There's a reason that restaurants only have Mac and Cheese on the kid's menu bubba.

>> No.6790972

>Over eating makes you fat.
True, but fats are the most calorie dense foods out there, so fatty foods are the easiest to overeat. You can consume 500 calories' worth of fried chicken without even realizing it. Not nearly as easy to do that with kale.

>> No.6790998
File: 40 KB, 480x270, take me to flavortown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

smelly cheese.

>> No.6791022

The rice is supposed to be hot while you put the egg on it. It's supposed to cook it a little because of the heat.

>> No.6791032

Usually the fattening quality of fat-dense food is compared against carb-dense food rather than leafy green vegetables though. On the flip side, a lot of people think that because bread has 1/2 the calories per gram of fat that they can go ahead and eat all they want without worrying about going overboard with calories.

>> No.6791037

It's great until stupid cunts ruin in by turning it into mush and giving it a bullshit name like "guacamole"

>> No.6791166

I pity you

>> No.6791531

Seafood. My whole family loves it too...

>> No.6792849

Seafood is breddy good though. Which seafood do you hate the most?

>> No.6793024

>I hate Puerto Rican food
>My family is Puerto Rican

>> No.6793128

vomited into the first can i opened

>> No.6793152

Village food. I don't know how else to describe it. My entire family is from a village in Turkey and the food is just bland and mushy as fuck because in the 70's there was just no availability. Boiled potatoes, no seasoning because only salt and pepper available, everything has ground meat in it. Its just terrible.