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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6778804 No.6778804 [Reply] [Original]

>Sometimes snapchat out food I'm making because whatever you're not the boss of me, /ck/. I can do what I want.
>Making rabbit yesterday
>Snapchat it out
>Wake up to multiple texts from people saying I'm gross.
>These people aren't vegetarians
>Tell them it's a traditional English dish that my (deceased) grandparents used to make and I wouldn't go around saying curries or fish heads with soy sauce or monkey brains or whatever is their cultural dish is gross.
What's up with this mentality? I can get the specism around dogs and cats and most carnivores being off limits, but why are cute animals that have historically and contemporary been bred and hunted for meat seen as icky? Likewise, though I didn't hunt the animal - why is hunting for meat seen as cruel but farming for meat, a practice inarguably more unethical, seen as right?

>> No.6778811

You have oversensitive friends. What's your snapchat? I wanna see rabbit being made.

>> No.6778812

Is that the thing that the kids are using to sext each other? I had to read your post twice to figure out what the fuck you were talking about.

Anyway it sounds like live in some kind of food desert, I've never heard anyone react this way about eating rabbit. Sage for stupid people thread.

>> No.6778842

>eating cute things

there's your problem. or, their problem, really.

>> No.6778857

People are irrational and fuck you for doing something they don't live

>> No.6778863
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>there are people who think cows aren't cute

>> No.6778874


People see rabbits as pets.


>> No.6778877


>there are faggots that still frog post

>> No.6778880

You know what's up with it. People compartmentalize animals into food versus friends and are too dumb to not take that dichotomy for granted as objective.

>> No.6778883
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>> No.6778886
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>> No.6778888


> snapchat food

literally lonely and insecure

>> No.6778928

cows are hella cute. Not even young cows. Like ancient old cows who are too old for milk.
Calves are adorable too.

>> No.6778939

A couple problems I can already see:
1. You feel the need to get validation of your cooking through Snapchat so you're probably a mentally weak child.
2. You haven't included a picture of what you made. It could have looked "gross."
3. Were the only people who criticized you Asian, or were you triggered by non-whites, /pol/ack?
4. You're grandmother being dead doesn't make her cooking good.

>> No.6778954

God DAMN those cows we're adorable

>> No.6778959


them's some happy cows

>> No.6778963

>but why are cute animals

There, stop. You figured it out.

>> No.6778977

>reacting favorably to cows not acting like depressed, lethargic meat monsters standing in a pool of their own urine/vomit/feces, with cannulae and antibiotic feeding tubes in a dark pen smaller than their actual bodies
>people actually being nice to animals
Fuck off Ingrid Newkirk, for every animal you don't eat I'll eat three

>> No.6778982

>assuming I don't eat meat because I think cows are cute.
are you not able to eat things you think are cute? I can't eat things I think are repulsive, so they better be cute.

>> No.6778987


>> No.6778992

What point are you trying to make here?

>> No.6779154

>pretending not to know what snapchat is
Yeah people send their dicks n tits n shit but it's also good for food and whatever else you absolutely need to show other people

>> No.6779159

Nah this is /b/ material, I thought reddit was for over sensitive pussies? Or is it because blog post?

>> No.6779167

This anon gets it

>> No.6779169

I don't really understand the hate reddit gets here on the chan. It's pretty much the same website with the same content but name fags rome free on reddit and you can upvote comments that you like.

>> No.6779173

The main subs are pretty cancerous, I used to like them but then I grew to hate them a ton because it was the same shit over again, and the upvotes just pissed me off. But there are many niche or at least non-default subs that are great. In terms of quality, AskHistorians is probably one of the highest quality subs there

>> No.6779760

Anonymity is what makes 4chan, 4chan you dumbass underage redditor

>> No.6779901

There is a huge disconnect between modern society & where their food comes from.
In short:most people are squeamish Pussies that think burgers, steak, bacon & chicken nuggets fall from the sky.

>> No.6779914

Can people see who voted on comments?

>> No.6779926

Because comments that go against the mass get downvoted into oblivion and never get read. It's a big circlejerk hugbox of bad opinions on stupid shit with lame memes mixed in because it's an extremely popular website so more "normies" visit than here, and you're probably aware that the average person is, well, average.

>> No.6779931

Sure they're cute but they're also fucking disgusting and smell god awful.
They're also dumb as hell which makes them intolerable to be around.

>> No.6779932

Shouldn't you be commenting on news blogs or something? You definitely don't belong here.

>> No.6779958

>English dish
thats what would piss me off
>wunt sume meat aend tatos, love?
fuck you

>> No.6779973

hah, og god you have the mentality of a fucking 90 year old already, how fucking sad

get some friends freakshow

>> No.6779993

>implying most 4Chan memes aren't stolen from Reddit.

>> No.6780009


You know how I know you don't know what you're talking about?

>> No.6780013

I grew up in Florida and many of my friends growing up had cows, so I've been around them. I've also seen them stand out in the middle of the road while cars swerve to avoid them. They fucking stand around all day and just wait to be hungry so they can snack on grass. They will literally let a calf fall out of them and its like they didn't even know it happened. They're dead as a door nail inside anon.

Are the kind of person who thinks ants are smart too?

>> No.6780075
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>many of my friends had cows.

So you admit you don't know shit. Anyone who thinks cows are dumb hasn't spent much time around them. They are herbivores that live in a herd, their intelligence is a little different than a predator's. They have friends, can remember where their favorite grass is, and have complex social lives, and that's the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.6780097


>cow detected

how do you type on a keyboard with those hooves?

>> No.6780107

Anyone who thinks ants are dumb hasn't spent much time around them. They are herbivores that live in a herd, their intelligence is a little different than a predator's. They have friends, can remember where their favorite food is, and have complex social lives, and that's the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.6780109
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>your entire post

>> No.6780116

>ant herd

>> No.6780142
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op ill add you on snapchat im english and occasionally send food photos out too
put your trousers back on, grandad, its okay, none of the kids are going to sext you any memes

>> No.6780152

Don't you mean food dessert?

>> No.6780287

No so you can be a pussy and downvote. The upvote/downvote system seems good in a few ways but it just fails in so many other ways that I hate it.

>> No.6780297

I work in the tech industry, specifically a data management firm. There is a reason people like me are paranoid about giving up our privacy to companies like NSA-PChat

Go ahead and pretend you're a super smart futurist because you know how to press "install" followed by "allow" on the app store

>> No.6780303

It's all Obummers fault

>> No.6780307

>more implying
This goes back a long ways, when I would rave about ECHELON and PGP back before you were born, people from your parents' generation were looking at me like I was the Unabomber. Now of course it's even worse, you mention privacy and it means you're automatically a fedora neckbeard from /g/

I'm honestly burned out on the whole privacy debate, but that doesn't mean I like to give up the goods to any fly by night startup that asks for it

>> No.6780312

Yeah sorry for shitposting I know it's an important issue. I mean internally I don't think I care and am not worried about because I'm just very ignorant on the issue.

>> No.6780340

I like people like you. When I was a kid, you were the type of person I wanted to grow up to be. Then I got lazy and apathetic, so here I am.

>> No.6780390
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>> No.6780470

that's looks so fucking delicious

>> No.6780525
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I grew up eating Welsh Rarebit (at my Gran's house) so I have no problem with this.

>> No.6780537
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My girl-friend comes from a hunting family and I spent a good part of last night eating her beaver.

Didn't seem unethical to either one of us.

>> No.6780546

Post your snap chat username here faggots

>> No.6780563
File: 43 KB, 579x449, 6e77e4f23fb59f67cf5a6464b4255648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the majority of the population are ignorant hypocrites.

>> No.6780573

>capital c

>> No.6780581

>posting disgusting fat guido cunt
/b/ gone

>> No.6780583


>> No.6780605

Enjoy your eventual throat cancer.

>> No.6780621

...you first
mine is mostly gintama right now anyway, im too ill to cook this weekend

>> No.6780699


They taste so good. I think I could spend an entire night just eating my girl out.

>> No.6780706
File: 7 KB, 225x225, absolutely.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking diseased roastbeef

>> No.6780710


Well, she's clean, takes care of herself and she just tastes so good.

>> No.6781253

" snapchat out food" I hate faggots like you.

>> No.6781281

Nah reddit is a big fan of the my food shits on your food brand of carnism. Remember that this is the group that made bacon a meme.

/b/ might actually be more tolerant to vegetariansim if you spin it craftily enough.

>> No.6781572

Edgy 13 the post

>> No.6781644

Same here.

>> No.6781648

Maddox much bro?