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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6777473 No.6777473 [Reply] [Original]


reminder to tip your waitress /ck/

she SEES you.

>> No.6777483
File: 148 KB, 1000x750, 1430946766994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she wants to get fucked in place of a free breakfast.
any girl whos willing to pay for prostitutes is my kind of girl.

>> No.6777494

LOL, fucking fire department? I thought she was talking about an infantryman. Guess what danger infantrymen run toward? ALL OF IT.

>> No.6777497
File: 64 KB, 711x960, 654654656365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guess what danger infantrymen run toward
washing rocks doesnt count

>> No.6777498


>Not knowing most firefighters are high school diploma dipshits

>> No.6777507

They need the elevated position in society since it's a shit job with poor pay and we decided it's easier to pay the in compliments than in money.

>> No.6777511

Did you actually get a date with her?

>> No.6777517

I actually always thought they were paid really well, but realized that I just happen to live in a city that pays firefighters the highest in the country.

Out here (Oakland), a lot of the veteran firefighters can make up to six figures, but the average is around $80k.

>> No.6777520

Wow, Liz has a serious fireman fetish.

>> No.6777521

I'd tip her alright, if you know what I mean. (The head of my penis would enter one of her 4 primary orifices, engaging us in sexual intercourse)

>> No.6777527

uh, 4?

>> No.6777529

>4 primary orifices

>> No.6777531

He's one of them piss fetishists and likes to put in in the urethra

>> No.6777535


>> No.6777538

In the missionary position

>> No.6777540
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>> No.6777541

no, he's a virgin and doesn't understand that the female body only has 3 holes to smash, sadly not more.

>> No.6777546

They still perform a pretty dangerous and vital role in out society, and given the shit pay, shit working conditions and general 'shit' job. I think they of anyone deserve to get a little respect, since it's typically done selflessly.

>> No.6777549

Yeah that sounds more plausible

>> No.6777550


belly button?

>> No.6777552

Any private job that has you risk your life will pay you six figures minimum. Look at what the laborers, even unskilled, made during the alaska pipeline construction.

>> No.6777554

65k/year on average in canada, not to mention these guys do fuck all all day. a few i know sell drugs on the side and clear 100k. for guys who might work one night a month(of actual work) thats not too bad.

>> No.6777572

What about 100% of everything else, you non-combat arms, rear echelon mother fucker?

>> No.6777578

And 75% of that goes to housing. When it all works out, they are on par with back water, small town Mississippi.

This is what is called, "Cost of living."

>> No.6777609

>100% of everything else
confirmed for never deployed

>> No.6777793


I'm black. I'm expected not to tip, so fuck it, I don't tip.

>> No.6777819

you makin it harder for all of us, brother.

>> No.6777821

Fire man

>> No.6777861

To this day I don't understand that comic.

>> No.6777867
File: 13 KB, 266x220, 1414591608679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If a girl was fat enough would the belly button work as another hole?

I thought he meant those holes gauges make in ears and stuff

>> No.6777868

One time a girl tried to pay me to suck my dick. I took the money just to see if she was serious and let her pull my pants down. Then I pulled them back up and gave her the money back, I was only playing. Fucking slut cried and left.

>> No.6777919

I believe I've seen a porn clip of that exact thing.
A morbidly obese woman being fucked in the belly button.

>> No.6777930

>protect lives on domestic soil
>risk their lives in the process
It's literally the same thing you conceited faggot. You sound like the type of insecure beta that joined the military for the self esteem.

>> No.6777934
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>Paid to get your dick sucked
>Turned it down

Did she have no lips or something?
You need to elaborate

>> No.6777936

Guess how I know you've never been deployed

>> No.6778016

She wants the D bad. Must be ovulating.

>> No.6778028

>tfw no gf

>> No.6778038

no bruh, the only danger infantrymen run towards is danger to our precious precious oil supplies

>> No.6778049


Don't forget the poppy fields

>> No.6778052

>fire fighter saving lifes
>infatryman taking lifes
>fire fighters risking own life to save people in need
infatryman risking own life to kill people in need


>> No.6778057

this triggers the babykiller

>> No.6778063

Edginess aside, I think it's pretty stupid when people pretend that soldiers have a monopoly on bravery, like, holy fuq guys, you aren't the only people in the world who take risks. Even worse is people in the military who try and monopolize courage when they were in a non-combat position.

>> No.6778068

b b but I clerked under fire
ok it wasn't live fire but still that shit was loud and made it difficult to concentrate on my filing

>> No.6778126

You can tit fuck her. You're cleary the virgin

>> No.6778154

I'm confused. Did she write the note and then take a picture of it? Or did she give it to a female firefighter? Do those even exist?

>> No.6778167

Female fire fighters exist, though it's rarer because one of the requirements is essentially being able to lift another person

I'm assuming the firefighter took a picture of it, and added a pic of the waitress

>> No.6778171

She see you if you're some firefighting chad

>> No.6779345

If this bitch has enough money to pay for her customers' food and waste time drawing on notes with long ass letters, practically begging for some D, then she obviously doesn't need a tip because she's not working very hard and has more disposable income than I do.

This is why I cook more these days and when I do eat out and tip, it's only for exemplary service and not just for doing their job.

>> No.6779396

The day I call a fireman a hero is the day I call a couch potato an athlete.

>> No.6779474

American culture tbh, elevates servicemen from positions of respect to absolute hero-worship

>> No.6779550

The vast majority of people in the military are people that are fucking dumb as rocks that either didn't finish high school or barely got through it.

>> No.6779554

What people are firemen full time? My cousin does it part time and 99% of the time its just him and his buddies BBQing, playing video games, and working on their cars. Its an easy fun gig most of the time.

>> No.6779619

Confirmed for being a non American

>> No.6779622

Translation: I have no idea what I'm talking about but it's fun to see my words on the internet.

>> No.6780663

Spoken like a true retard. That anon was correct. I was in the marines and I can assure you that you have to be retarded to do it. I did 4 years and I was out. Denying that means you've never been in or your IQ us incredibly low.

>> No.6780675
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>> No.6780692

infantrymen take lives, firemen save them

>> No.6780711


>> No.6780732

Wait a second, those are Max burgers!
And the signs are definitely not in Swedish.
What sorcery is this?

>> No.6780777

Having served in the Marines for 7 years, I can confirm you are a massive faggot, firemen have it way worse, firemen have to go into burning buildings EVERY DAY whereas an infantryman would be lucky to even be deployed, let alone see combat.

>> No.6780781

>advocating spending money
shill detected

>> No.6780783

The only danger soldiers face is that of constant faggotry and failing to surpress their murderous intents.

>> No.6780789

Having been a big city cop for over 10 years, you are all pussies.

>> No.6780824

no idea, looks like a mexican burger king to me but i dont speak spanish.

>> No.6780833
File: 53 KB, 1024x576, shimoseka2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I understood that reference.

>> No.6780834

I'm a big titty cop and I've got 300 comfirned arests

>> No.6780835

You speak from experience?

>> No.6780838

Cringed hard
Only in america

>> No.6780870

>to kill people in need
Yup. You pretty much got infantry nailed down

>> No.6780876

>big city cop
>on 4chan

Do your coworkers know your browse child pornography websites?

>> No.6780883

Tips are an American thing right?

>> No.6780891


a North American thing. poutiners do it too.

>> No.6780895

You're kind if generalizing... there are tons of fireman that do the minimum and sit around and only run calls. There are some fireman who are so busy they run 30 calls a day every shift. Regardless of how busy they are... when your house is on fire and your child is trapped, they will make a push in and try to save them. All firemen will go to a fire and bravely make a push in a structure that has been Burning for god knows how long that has a roof that is LEGALLY rated to resist fire impingement for 5 FIVE minutes. They will go in your house with 0 visibility and an unknown floor plan to them and search your house at the mere chance that there is a person entrapped. And the only ones celebrated are the ones who circumstancially found a person. Circumstance does not make heroes, they're all heroes.

>> No.6780899

and an real human bean

>> No.6781778

So are we all heroes because we could, potentially save a life? Is this some kind of bullshit where all the kids on the little league team get trophies because they were good sports?

>> No.6781779


>There are some fireman who are so busy they run 30 calls a day every shift.

Are these firemen characters in a comic book?

>> No.6781783

I don't go out to eat, and I'm not about to tip my mom my precious benefits just for cooking me tater tots and frozen pizza.

>> No.6781785


>> No.6782274

How'd she know he was a firefighter?

>> No.6782667


seriously people

>> No.6782679

Yoy make a push into a house you are risking just as much as anyone else? So the only heroes are the ones who actually find someone? You still were brave enough to go risk your life and go in and do a search.

>> No.6782682


This is obviously the extreme high end of call volume but there are stations like this in all the big cities. What's with the fireman hate?

>> No.6782692

So her husband was fucking her pee hole?

>> No.6782699

they have a uniform

>> No.6782744

Look mittens a fgt wrote this

>> No.6782872


>> No.6782877

What did you say bitch!?! I'm a hero every day for going to work, paying my bills and not being on welfare. And guess what? I have a fire alarm and maintain my property and have regular maintenance done to prevent fires before they happen like some kind of future-sighted superhero. Also, I'm even more of a badass, because those fucking firemen? I pay their wages to perform their job for me in the form of my TAXES.

You want a hero? Stop looking @ firemen and cops. I contribute to society more than I take and and I don't expect thanks for it because I'm literally just doing job in the process. Like batman, I'm not the hero you want. I'm the hero you need.

I'm probably paying for this slut waitresses birth control too! fucking Obama!

>> No.6782966
File: 41 KB, 550x484, tfw no qt daschund gf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I'm a doctor but we don't have a uniform so nobody in public will ever know and I'll never get that sweet waitress lovin'.

>> No.6782976

would have done the same, probably a trap.

>> No.6782983

I love it when girls cry. A girl enjoying herself in bed is a sign I'm probably going to catch some disease. Either that or she wants to get pregnant and dig her claws into my flesh. It's a fine line between unhappy and rape, but so it is with most nice things. I don't mean to say females. Females are not nice things at all. But they can be used for sex, when the stars align, and sometimes even without regret. And that is nice, when it truly works out. But it's only happened a few times.

>> No.6783594

If it was a cop she'd probably spit his food.
You world is so fucked.

>> No.6783901

You're a bitch and don't seem to understand. A lot of firemen don't do it for the money. Most are volunteers who work full time already.

>> No.6783919


Yeah you'll have to settle for, you know...making fucking bank

>> No.6783957

Dumb fuck. I'm pretty sure she's not giving a free meal and between the lines offering herself to a volunteer fireman. Also clearly I'm not talking about volunteer firemen so shut you stupid pie-hole.

>> No.6784028


>> No.6784125

yeah but anon is probably jewish and cant stand not getting something for free.