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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6767584 No.6767584 [Reply] [Original]

Gentlemen, how do we save vodka?

Why doesn't /ck/ talk about vodka much?

Favorite brand? Mine's Titos.

Favorite drink? Mine's a moscow mule.

>> No.6767589
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Are you livin like Tito?

>> No.6767642
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I am still exploring the vodka thang.
Working my way from the cheapest to the most expensive.
One could ask, why the fuck not just go for the good shit?
Is your brain potato from all the vodskis? Perhaps.
It stands to good reason that deminishing returns applies here.
How much does the composition and process of distillation and filtering change for more expensive vodka?
My reasoning is that it's a neutral spirit with basic ingridents; most vodka drinkers in the native vodka belt do not drink expensive or exotic vodka.
So i just stick to whats popular in the vodka belt.


>> No.6767655

The only vodka that tastes nice is the expensive ones that are smooth and do not taste of vodka

>> No.6767667

Well you know what they say, good Vodka shouldn't taste like anything.

But seriously, get Tito's or Russian Standard. They're not too expensive and pretty decent.

>> No.6767670


>Russian Standard
not OP but..
I did not take to Russian Standard, found it to pretty average.

>> No.6767675

It's fairly average. But cheap if you're looking to save price.

Tito's though; I can drink a cup of that like water because it's so damn good.

>> No.6767676
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Tito's shill please go

>> No.6767678

>moscow mule
nigga is you me?

I usually drink cheap rye whiskey with water because I'm an alcohol destroying his family. But Tito's is my favorite vodka and moscow mule is definitely the best drink

>> No.6767681
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>> No.6767689


You're FUCKED in the head. FUCKED

I'd shill for Tito's for free. It's really that good. Get yourself a bottle. Drink it. Come back and tell me how it is. If you don't like it I'll suck your cock.

>> No.6767693
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I was just drinking Tito's last night. However, I drink it begrudgingly, after their aggressive and annoying marketing on Ron and Fez/Bennington

>> No.6767729

Go to bed faggot

>> No.6767739
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I know it's you cyrus, get the fuck out of the park.
Your fucked in the head.

>> No.6767832

>good vodka shouldn't have any taste
matter of taste and application really
I want a really tasteless vodka like russian standard when making moscow mules, but I want my vodka to taste like something if I'm making vodka tonics or I feel like sipping.

>russian standard best tasteless vodka
>Putinoff best vodka with a bit of a taste
srs people if you come to/live in europe go into a lidl and get a bottle of putinoff

>> No.6767846

I get luksusowa or zubrowka. Polish vodka is best vodka

>> No.6767849


>> No.6767858

Favorite brand? New Amsterdam Peach

Favorite drink? 1oz of room temperature peach vodka in one gulp with a sip of arizona iced tea after.
After being an alcohol for so long I have a hard time taking shots without gagging. When I want to drink a pint in less than an hour this is what I drink. If I'm actually mixing cocktails then gin is far superior.

>> No.6767865

I drink gin in almost any vodka application. I do have vodka around for Blood Mary's or the odd White Russian. I keep Tito's around for guests and use a very cheap brand on par with Smirnoff for my own vodka drinks since you can't taste the liquor anyway.

>> No.6767877
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>> No.6768100

I like Volstead vodka with grapefruit soda.

>> No.6768346

Fair enough. What gin do you like?

>> No.6768494
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I like this stuff, and usually make it myself by buying plain vodka and just picking some vernal grass outdoors, sometimes drying it first, and then putting it in the vodka and let it sit for about 3 months, and maybe finish it with a drop of honey.

This autumn i'm going to try the same but adding sweet chestnut instead, or do you have another suggestion?

>> No.6768528
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The best. High quality potato vodka.

>> No.6768620
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>Not drinking Belvedere

Are you proud of your life?

>> No.6769074

If its not made from potato, its not vodka, otherwise you are actually buying grain neutral spirits, unaged brandy or moonshine

>> No.6769099
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>> No.6769109
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I made a Tito's thread once.

>> No.6769110

And it's so damn cheap.

>> No.6769113

But grain vodka existed prior to the potatoes introduction in Europe.

>> No.6769115

Hey that was my reply

>> No.6769120

I posted it on reddit.

>> No.6769124

I'm famous

>> No.6769130

Negative sir, was shine or grain neutral kiddo

>> No.6769132

Not really. They downvoted it.

>> No.6769134
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Tito's is where it's at my friend.

>> No.6769137

They still saw it :^)

>> No.6769138

Russian vodka is trash, russians dont even like it

>> No.6769147

But is being seen by a bunch of degenerate radio show listeners, most of whom are alcoholics and/or drug addicts, really being seen at all?

>> No.6769159

>anything but svedka

>> No.6769167


>> No.6769227
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THIS. Also, my vodka of choice, b/c I secretly have a deathwish.

>> No.6769448

Vodka exists to make White Russians. Drinking it straight is NO FLAVOR.

>> No.6769497

There's definitely flavor. I don't mind it over ice really. Some of them can be pretty refreshing and tasty

>> No.6769569

Dublin donkey beats a Moscow mule any day. Neither got anything on a Baja burro though.

>> No.6769640


how to make a white russian:

grey goose
milk or cream

50% vodka, 25% of each of the other stuff.

Stir dont shake unless you're james bond or gay.

>> No.6769726

>grey goose
It's Russian standard with a 10$ up charge

>> No.6769903

cheap costco $15 1.5l for bloody marys

>> No.6770035

I take cheap vodka and put it in Jaritos because you cant taste it at all and girls fucking love it. Plus I can get like 20 bottles of Jaritos and enough vodka to mix for under $20.

>> No.6770051

how cheap the vodka?

They have smirnoff at my local store for like 10 buckaroos, and an even cheaper brand for 6 dollars. 750ML, wonder if worth?

>> No.6770066

If you can get a 5th of anything for 10 dollars I'd say buy it.

I'd literally kill for those prices.

>> No.6770069

nice. cum to southern cali, no one here drinks vodka except dude enthusiasts

>> No.6770234
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muh nigga

>> No.6770236


The only proper Stoli. Drank cold in a tall shot glass.

>> No.6770244
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>Grey Goose
>Are you a nigger, faggot, or just that uninformed?
>Shit taste confirmed

>> No.6770293

the latter-est

>> No.6770444

>all these Moscow Mule drinkers
Best Ginger Beer? My vote goes to Fever Tree. Shit is expensive but so good.

>> No.6770463

learn to spell

>> No.6770604

I usually have Tanqueray and Hendricks on hand. I used to have handles of Gordon's around all the time last summer because I drank so many G&Ts and it's cheap and taysty when mixed. This summer I've been more into rum shrubs and beer, so just the Tanqueray and Hendricks around. I love Tanqueray Rangpur when I can find it.

>> No.6770740

Finlandia Finnish standard is my favourite vodka. As for my favourite vodka related drink it's definetley Vodka and cola

>> No.6770772

i dont know what hick SoCal town you live in but in my area of SoCal every man woman and child aged 14-25 will mix vodka with anything, hell most of my friends and myself included will drink it straight. Also shout out to OP and others for knowing about Titos, it's one of the better vodkas ive had for the price and is usually my go-to

>> No.6770777

>for knowing about titos
I can see which end of that age range you're on. Do you and your friends like to get fucked up on melatonin while you drink your surreptitiously smuggled bottle of titos your cousin's older brother bought for you?

>> No.6770786
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>> No.6770792


If you like titos try and meet up with marcus, he's the north american rep, 6'3 and 300+ pounds, cool guy.

>> No.6770808
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>Correcting a single grammatical error
>On an okinawan shadow puppet communications page

>> No.6770825

>spelling is for fedora
It wasn't a typo or a casual error, he actually spelled it "deminish"

Who does this except escaped slaves who Harriet Tubgirl taught to write in the underground railroad

>> No.6770837 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6770846

I'm not even the guy who said learn to spell
You're disgusting

>> No.6770850
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>> No.6770855

any aussies know what the best bottom shelf vodka is? I can get stoli for pretty cheap which I like but of those bargain basement ones at dan's are there any that aren't arse?

>> No.6770864



>> No.6770952

>$20 for a bottle of wine, these people are stupid
>$20 vodka, get on my level


>> No.6770965

you need to be at least 18 to be on 4chan, you know that right?
>drinking it has no flavor
depends, have you tried some german vodka?

>> No.6771585

Who /Smirnoff/ here?

>> No.6772405
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This fuckin' guy right here gets it.

>> No.6772425
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Not sure of it's availability but those of you living in Texas should try Cinco vodka from San Antonio, I dare say it has the edge over Tito's.

>> No.6772431


Of all the plastic bottles of vodka, taaka is the absolute worst

>> No.6772468

I like vodka.. or used to. Was on a two month bender until i started to have blood in my piss. Yay sobriety.

>> No.6772477

look at your post number. just look at it.

>> No.6772538

Fever tree is good ginger beer.

Ginger beer is also dead-easy to brew at home. The end result also has a much more powerful ginger flavor than anything else I've ever had.

My go to vodka drink is usually a bloody mary.

>> No.6773585

lets be honest here, Vodka is for 13 year old girls and russians

>> No.6773589

>13 year old girls and russians

That's quite a big difference

>> No.6773705

Vodka fucking sucks.

>> No.6773747
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>13 year old russian girls(not actually 13)

>> No.6773758

How do Russians actually drink their vodka? I get conflicting information. Shot glasses seem American to me. Leaving it in the freezer until viscous seems like a new phenomenon. I've seen black and white movies in which Russian ambassadors pour it from a bottle chilled in ice.

Anybody on /ck/ actually know how to achieve the authentic straight vodka experience?

>> No.6773763


lol I used to drink vodka every day and tito's is overpriced garbage. it's worse than new amsterdam, which is like half the price.

keep thinking higher price = better taste, you dumb niggers. one day you'll learn and stop throwing away your money for a "neat" bottle

>> No.6773787

native here, not much of a vodka drinker myself,
the the general drinking custom requires 2-3 guys
pouring vodka into 100gr. glasses, biting after each intake with pickles, or some other snacks if they dont have any

>> No.6773797

btw over half of russian populatiojn doesnt give a fuck about the quality of vodka, so the majority drinks bootlegged mess, some even drink diluted break fluid or cologe - anything thats cheap and contains alcohol

>> No.6773801

>tito's is overpriced garbage. it's worse than new amsterdam, which is like half the price.
You're either outright lying or have 0 taste. As in you can't taste at all. Maybe from drinking so much or smoking or something. But I'm a bit jealous. I'd love to only drink garbage and not want to kill myself but I can't because my mouth works properly.

>> No.6773820


clearly I offended you. stay mad kiddo. vodka is almost always the same and your garbage mouth isn't shit lol

>> No.6773821

-Freeze the vodka
-Pour a shot into a small glass or shot glass
-Down it
-Rinse and repeat
-Kick back and enjoy

Some chill their glasses to and slightly warm the glass and cup it to warm it ever so slightly, but I find that a room temperature glass works just fine

They eat stuff like pickles, light potato dishes, salty foods, and breads

Like any alcohol it's nice to take a nice smell and try to not the subtle aromas of the grain, the little residual sweetness from the alcohol, and possibly any other added flavorings (actual stuff in premium ones, not artificial shit like in Smirnoff)

It really is a pleasant subtle drink, really goes down like water if you get a good one, should have a creamier, thicker mouthfeel too

Medicinal burning vodkas are shit tier

>> No.6773825

>vodka is almost always the same

Just like how all beer is corny dirty pisswater? All curry is just spicy shit?

You're really missing out

>> No.6773826

>Freeze the vodka
>-Pour a shot

>> No.6773829

Again, if you really think that that's amazing. You must save a lot of money on liquor and food too.

>> No.6773840


most of it, yeah.


bagel bites are my favorite

>> No.6773841

Not literally freeze it, but put it in the freezer

>> No.6773842
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>most of it, yeah

No good boy points for you

>> No.6773848

Stop doing that.

>> No.6773853

Putting vodka in the freezer? That's what you're supposed to do.

>> No.6773861


>> No.6773862

Who told you that? Tell me why you do that.

>> No.6773863

>how do we save vodka?
Make it all into gin.

>> No.6773868

That's literally how you're supposed to chill it, by putting it in the freezer.

That's not something unorthodox

At the warmest it should be cool, this isn't wine, whiskey, or ale

>> No.6773884

That's actually wrong and a trend perpetuated by college students and people who don't know much about spirits. There's almost no reason to keep any spirit in the fridge unless you're storing it for an incredibly long amount of time. Also the effect the freezer has on the spirit changes the texture of it. If you're drinking garbage it doesn't really matter but if you're trying to enjoy your spirit and you're going to be drinking it there's no reason to store it in a cupboard or cabinet. And you preserve the flavour of the spirit instead of muting it with the cold.

>> No.6773896

That's simply not true though, vodka is very regularly chilled in the freezer, and is warmed up by your hands as you drink it

You're not supposed to be drinking any vodka anywhere near room temperature, every distiller has their own recommendations but it should be chilled

Keeping it too warm is going to affect the texture and flavor far more than chilling it ever will

>> No.6773904

пфф хз y мeня в дepeвнe никтo вoдкy в хoлoдильник нe клaдeт

>> No.6773905

How warm do you think a cupboard is? And most tastings occur at around room temperature. If you're going to chill vodka (and I said chill) keep it at around 45 degrees because anything less will fuck with the texture like your typical freezer.

>> No.6773915


>45 degrees

europoor detected. vodka is best at room temperature.

>> No.6773919

A cupboard can be a variety of temperatures, moreso towards the spectrum of being warmer than cooler

>most tastings occur at around room temperature

Define "room temperature", because almost all distillers I've read don't recommend serving it room temperature which is not 50 degrees or 45 degrees

Everything I've read and heard is that you store it in the freezer and warm it by cupping the glass

Again, if it's too warm it's going to do far more damage than putting it in the freezer which is almost completely benign

>> No.6773920

"i'm a huge faggot and need to chase peach vodka while I suck cocks"

7/10 Really rough for a premium vodka.

Realistically the best bang for the buck I believe Ketel is a great choice, price point for quality is there.

If I am going to spend money I'm buying Chopin, and Chopin only.

>> No.6773921

I'm American. And I'm talking about if you have to/want to store it chilled you should keep it at that temperature. Do you think I'm talking in Celsius? That'd be incredibly hot. Can you not read either because I'm saying vodka is best stored in a cupboard and drank at room temperature.

I have enough to deal with with retards not understanding how store and drink vodka, I don't need inbreds like you not reading what I'm saying and saying I'm wrong when we're in fact agreeing with each other.

Also I think the >>6773904 is saying not to store vodka in the fridge too so the guy saying that it belongs in the freezer can get thrice fucked.

>> No.6773924

Love Tito's for the hipster cred (or whatever) but currently have Hangar One Chipotle Vodka for Bloody Mary's (Tim Ferris' recomendation in 4 Hour Chef) and Ketel One (because Dan Harmon won't stop drinking it and making me want to drink it)
Yeah I'm a shill who's easily persuaded by people on what to buy, but it's more that there's so much shit I've had and haven't had that I want someone to just pick for me to make it easier

>> No.6773931
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This isn't even that bad but the price and mediocrity will make you never want to buy flavored vodka again

>> No.6773932


wow, you're really angry. 45 degrees fahrenheit isn't room temperature, retard. not even close. thank you for proving me right and making yourself look even dumber than before.


>> No.6773933

>A cupboard can be a variety of temperatures, moreso towards the spectrum of being warmer than cooler

Where do you live? Now I'm imagining that you live somewhere very warm because if that's the case then sure, store your vodka in the fridge. Cupboards are the prototypical "cool dark place" in most places and they're perfect for storing all spirits. Then you can avoid having to cup it in your hands and can drink it neat right away and have the texture and aromas and flavor in tact. Or if you'd like it on the rocks if you want it cold but it's not as heavy on the tongue and muted from being in an ice cold freezer.

>> No.6773935

Here's what I said retardo:
>If you're going to chill vodka (and I said chill) keep it at around 45 degrees because anything less will fuck with the texture like your typical freezer.

>> No.6773936

Why are you sperging out so much? We were having a semi-decent conversation?

Keep in mind most Russians do actually drink it ice cold which is where it originally stemmed from.

There's nothing wrong with storing in the freezer and letting it warm up as you drink it

Vodka simply isn't meant to get too warm, but again that varies from person to person and distiller to distiller, it's best at chilled, and best chilled coming out of the freezer

>> No.6773938

Good vodka should not have much taste but should have a definite mouth feel. I've found good vodka is usually made with hard water. The best American vodka I've had was called Voss from Lucky Bucket in Omaha. The got some water from South Dakota that was real high in dissolved minerals and there was a noticeable difference from normal vodka. Unfortunately its been discontinued.

>> No.6773946

The textures and the aromas will still be intact just fine, generally speaking there is nothing wrong with keeping it in a freezer, it's not going to ruin the vodka in any way, vodkas benefit from cooler temperatures, the freezer isn't going to ruin anything

Cellar temperature is probably better than a cupboard, even then both can experience temperature fluctuations depending on how everything is set up

>> No.6773947

Good vodka should have taste, it'll be subtle though, subtle but present.

>> No.6773949

>Keep in mind most Russians do actually drink it ice cold which is where it originally stemmed from.
Poland, unless you belive Soviet propaganda.

>it's best at chilled, and best chilled coming out of the freezer
Chilling it to freezer temperatures screws with the flavour and body. How many times do I have to tell you this?

I'm telling you that you're wrong and I'm telling you why you're wrong. Listen to me and maybe you'll enjoy your vodka more.

>> No.6773952


again, you're dumb. vodka is best at room temperature. there is never a need to "chill" it unless you're a teenage girl who doesn't understand booze.

stay mad, bro. you're wrong and mad because you've been proven so.


>> No.6773955


but some people do like to chill their vodka especially for storing it for a long time.


>> No.6773969

>chillig it to freezer temperature screws with the flavor and body

How many times do I have to say it won't? It's supposed to be served cold, and you warm it up slightly as you drink it, warming it up too much will muddle with the original intended flavors in most cases. This isn't going to cause permanent damage and it will allow you to experience vodka closer to where it is usually intended

>i'm telling you that you're wrong and I'm telling you why you're wrong

And I'm telling you that you're wrong and I'm telling you why you're wrong as well.

I enjoy it perfectly fine as it warms on its own and through me cupping the glass

>> No.6773977

We're arguing about unnecessary things at this point. If you want to go through the extra step to enjoy vodka because you live in Abu dabi and don't have a cupboard that isn't 100 degrees then fine, freeze it and warm it in your hands.

Happy drinking, mate

>> No.6773984


good job buddy

next time don't argue with me, we won't be forced to have this back-and-forth


>> No.6773985

You could actually tell me why I'm wrong instead of just saying it since you're so valiantly set on saying it should be served at room temperature

Most cupboards aren't 45 degrees or anywhere near that, anywhere

I've only found things that say put vodka in the freezer and/or let it warm as you drink it

You seem to be overestimating how much the freezers actually affect vodka

>> No.6773986

Maybe next time we can do some REAL back and forth ;)

>> No.6774007

In my experience putting vodka in the freezer turns it into a viscous and almost syrup-like drink. No it doesn't freeze but it does become heavier. This is bad for actually smelling and tasting vodka, that's why I'm so against it.

I found this quote from Absolut

>We don't recommend that you drink the vodka very ice cold. The perfect serving temperature is approx 5-8 C/45 F. You can of course put the vodka in the freezer, but the colder vodka you have the more flavour & smell is lost

So take that as you'd like.

>> No.6774021

I haven't had that experience, but I suppose it varies

I do genuinely appreciate the rest of the information though, I was unable to find anything that said anything remotely close to the thing you posted,

But I will try it at warmer temperatures to begin with and see the differences, maybe you'll end up proving me wrong

>> No.6774098

Chopin rye is incredibly smooth. Seriously great stuff

>> No.6774145

Who are you, me?
I order titos when I'm out, but I drink stoly indefinitely

>> No.6775721

We don't, because vodka is terrible.
The whole point of vodka is to get shitfaced. You don't sip on it like a gentleman, you don't nose it or take note of aromas and flavors. Because there's hardly supposed to even be any.

Vodka is for removing kebab(and radiation)

>> No.6775730
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cheap vodka is the only way to go

>> No.6775982

Those are about it I reckon

>> No.6775999
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Chopin is my favorite but I usually get Monopola because money

>> No.6776004

Titos is so good. I have a bottle that has maybe 5-7shots left in it. Probably gonna use it up on this weekend.

>> No.6776005
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>> No.6776011

I'm 19, a student and I don't have money for expensive vodka.
I always get the cheapest vodka I can find in the closest shop and mix it:
0,75l vodka
500g/ml cream
2 small packages of vanillin sugar
peach yogurt & sugar depending on how you want it to taste
1 to 2l of maracuja juice or peach juice
6-10cl of cognac

>> No.6776015

Just save up scraps of money and get a good brand or a mid brand (like Titos). Trust me, it's so much more worth it.

>> No.6776018

I have never even seen Titos in any kiosk here in germany.
How expensive is one bottle?
And why is it better than any of the other vodkas if I just want to get drunk quick?
I don't care about how bad cheap vodka tastes.
Getting drunk cheap > getting drunk less cheap

>> No.6776020

but I might have a good enough student job while going to university in 1 or 2 months to support expensive drinks.
I might look into it then

>> No.6776022

If you just want to get blasted quick then fuck it buy whatever you want.

But titos to me is just better. It burns less, it tastes better, and it mixes extremely well (if thats you thing). Maybe its a placebo, but I actually kind it a little hard to drink other shittier vodkas since I've begun drinking Titos.

Titos is usually like 38 for a 1.75L (or a handle, not sure how you wacky Urups do it). 22 or so for a 1L

>> No.6776072
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My favorite.

>> No.6776082

why do you even bother drinking

>> No.6776084

>22 or so for a 1L
You mean a fifth (750ml, well actually originally 757ml nut that's not important)

>> No.6776087

Thanks for saying it. I didn't want to but someone had to point out how amateurish that entire post sounded.

>> No.6776112

Vodka doesn't need to be saved since everyone fucking asks for it all the time because they don't like the intense flavor of a superior spirit.

>> No.6776121

It's ethanol derived from starch and diluted with water. There is no reason to ever go beyond midshelf; Tito's and Monopolowa are fine for mixing, shooting and infusing. It's one of the most popular spirits in the world, it doesn't need to be saved from shit.

>> No.6776130

This, also ill say that for infusing typically higher proof grain spirit helps the process go along faster.

>> No.6776156

Correct me if I'm wrong but aren't a lot of spirits cut with water to get to the desired bottle proof?

>> No.6776469

Yes, that is why you can sometimes buy "Cask Strength" and get like 140 proof whiskey

>> No.6776484

So what's that guy complaining about? Most spirits are cut and he's saying it like it's unique to vodka and that that somehow makes it a worse spirit.

>> No.6776490

Tito's or Reyka for me.
Over ice or a Moscow Mule.

>> No.6777797
File: 38 KB, 372x274, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This logic never jived with me. Like people who like fish that tastes "not too fishy." Why eat or drink something if it's not gonna taste like what it is?

>> No.6778116
File: 74 KB, 1000x1000, stock-photo-16371789-stolichnaya-vodka_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

move over, cucks.

>> No.6778170

thats what i drink when im poor or having a rough day. Otherwise id rather go with ketel and goose

ketel rocks, splash of club

>> No.6778177

L2 Drink Faggot
theres only 2 ways to drink vodka
shot warm
shot chilled

>> No.6778186

Gin is my favorite Vodka.

>> No.6778214

Seconding Stoli as my #1.

Russian Standard and Titos are nice, but Stoli is the staple.

>> No.6778226

No buddy. Put it in a glass and sip it. Don't be a "I hate drinking so I'll take shots because it's like pulling off a bandaid fast" pussy. Savour it. Taste it. Let it consume your being slowly.

>> No.6778227

Tito still handmakes his vodka where he sharted it all


>> No.6778233

Gin is gay. I always see the hipster faggots ordering Hendricks.

>> No.6778236

Bruh its not a Macallan 25. Thus, you shoot that bitch.

>> No.6778247

>muh bourbon
I like bourbon too. But all spirits can be savoured. You just need more practice.

>> No.6778258

I only savor tequila, single malts, wine, craft beer
vodka is too bland

>> No.6778263

>vodka is too bland

If you're drinking shit vodka

>> No.6778274

drink better stuff m80. Or buy new tastebuds.

>> No.6778326
File: 25 KB, 500x375, tips_laphroaig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vodka is shit because you don't sip on it like a gentleman

>> No.6778382
File: 23 KB, 500x325, 138147000932 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drink vodka and by presidential decree I am an officer AND a gentleman. Just not a very nice one. Ya fackwad.