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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 153 KB, 600x900, Beef-Stew-Recipe-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6762596 No.6762596 [Reply] [Original]

Fall is coming up. What are your favorite fall fishes to make?

>> No.6762602

Stuff with nutmeg.

Squash baked with brown sugar, butter and nutmeg in it.

>> No.6762603

beef bourgegnoing (im american cant spell my own language)

>> No.6762639

Beef bourguinon
braised short ribs
baked macaroni (somtimes with cheese sauce, sometimes with a tomato-beef sauce)
Rotisseried chicken and turkey
layered vegetable bake
pumpkin casserole
sweet potato pasta bake
The heavier types of Indian curries
tonkotsu ramen
home cured bacon
braised and deep fried pork belly
grilled whole salmon and trout
salmon with achiote sauce
Linguine with sardine sauce

>> No.6762644
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Fruit loop based desserts. When they are in season I just go nuts with them.

>> No.6762651

You may need to go to rehab.

>> No.6762655

squash soup, and goose.

>> No.6762673

Speaking of which, what is the single most defining spice in beef stew? Red wine? Garlic?

>> No.6762675


>> No.6762684
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Pumpkin pie is my shit

>> No.6762689

>live in socal
>fall doesn't come until January


>> No.6763063

Anything with pumpkin.

>> No.6763065

Pumpkin pie.

>> No.6764467

>favorite fall fishes

>> No.6764481

It was obvious from the OP pic that fishes was a typo for dishes. You know. Because F and D are right next to each other on most keyboard layouts.
So go F yourself, you D.

>> No.6764526


>> No.6764545

Damn, I need to get to making more summer shit before it ends!

I need to buy some eggplants and tomatoes or something.

>> No.6764866

>implying seasons effect dishes
What kind of autism is this?

>> No.6764874
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>mfw it's almost time for pumpkin spiced lattes from Starbucks

>> No.6764895


It certainly affects one's enjoyment of them: A rich stew isn't exactly pleasant in the hot summer but would be fantastic on a cold day.

>> No.6764901

>A rich stew isn't exactly pleasant in the hot summer
this is the gayest thing ever posted on 4chan

>> No.6764963

Or go D yourself, you F?

>> No.6764973

How disconnected from reality do you have to be to not know the seasonality of ingredients and cuisine. It's not fully your fault since you've grown up with the supermarket feeding you the same processed shit all year round but in places with an actual food culture seasons dictate what you eat.

I bet you believe food=fuel and soylent is the future.

>> No.6764978

Maybe you just live in a poor country where you can't get anything year round

>> No.6764988

Gamier meat:

Deer, Duck, Rabbit, Turkey. I like rabbit stew and duck w/ lemons especially.

Also can't wait for it to get cold enough for mulled wine/hot cider

>> No.6764993

I didn't say anything about seasonality. I just don't think a stew or a bowl of chili or something is bad just because it's hot outside.

>> No.6764999


Sure, if you live in a rich country you can get any food you want year-round. But why would you want to? Out of season ingredients are a lot more costly and of worse quality than in season. Sure, I could drive down to the local supermarket and buy a tomato in January. But why would I want to do that? January tomatoes are shit.

>> No.6765003

>roast chicken w/ root vegetables
>hot cider
>pumpkin pie
>go outside for more cider and a cigar
>survey my domain

I fucking love fall.

>> No.6765041

Maybe where you're from. Tomatoes in the dead of winter from the right store is very tasty.

>> No.6765051

I live in the US which might be a poor country but you get whatever you want at any time. But out of season veggies are expensive and flavorless. Thing is most people just have potatoes, broccoli and frozen peas in the name of vegetables and have no idea what good in-season produce tastes like.

It makes a difference of course. There are warming foods and refreshing foods. It's why no one has fresh lemonade in the winter. It's why soups and sandwiches are so popular in Portland. Or why fondue is popular in the winter.

>> No.6765054

>out of season tomatoes taste good

Have you ever had a tomato right off the vine at the end of summer?

>> No.6765065

>It makes a difference of course. There are warming foods and refreshing foods. It's why no one has fresh lemonade in the winter. It's why soups and sandwiches are so popular in Portland. Or why fondue is popular in the winter.
I live in a tropical zone and there are basically no seasons unless we get a cold front. I envy people that get seasons. I've made beef bourguignon, tomato soup and lemonade in the last 2 weeks. It's summer at all times.

>> No.6765080

Well yeah, the mother's side of the family live in a tropical area as well and eat the same food all year round. But living in a temperate zone means you look forward to some foods that you can't enjoy as much during the extremes of climates. Also there's the point about seasonality of local fresh produce.

>> No.6765085
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marjoram works wonders with beef

>> No.6765087

>Fall is coming up.


>> No.6765103

> Frenchfag detected trying to put the USA in a bad light.

>> No.6765428

Damn, I can't wait.

Although I think we need more summer love. Where are the sangria threads? Why no veggie salad threads? Does /ck/ hate summer?

>> No.6765435

I'm from Florida but I moved north and I'm really enjoying seasons.

>> No.6765440

He's probably Quebecois.

>> No.6765466

Roasted squash
Mashed Sqash (acorn or butternut)
Apple anything
Roast potatoes with olive oil and rosemary
Pureed carrot/sweetpotato soup
Chinese Beef Stew

>> No.6765489


neither red wine or garlic are spices. where i'm from there are basically no spices in a beef stew though there might be pepper and nutmeg in the dumplings. as far as herbs go, rosemary is almost ubiquitous.

>> No.6765550

God damn that looks so good.
I'm wanting to do a new Lamb stew and make it minty-sweet. What hidden gems should go into it.

>> No.6765562

I fucking love root vegetable soups. Pureed, chunky and creamy, or brothy. My favorite is butternut squash and apple pureed soup. I usually shred some chicken with a bit of cumin and powdered coriander seed, and top the soup with it, drizzle with some yogurt and add cilantro.

>> No.6765731

i also do same, except I add curry powder. Delicious

>> No.6766072

When autumn comes, I start using the oven more so most of these dishes are baked.

>the obvious things

pumpkin pie
roasted turkey
sweet potato casserole
cranberry sauce
apple pie
barbecued corn
apple cider

>the not obvious things

roasted vegetables (potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, celery, parsnips, sunchoke, celeriac, parsley root, cippoline onions, garlic cloves, olive oil, salt, black pepper, rosemary, and dill)

roasted spaghetti squash with parmesan
roasted butternut and acorn squash with cinnamon
any kind of fresh bread
pretty much any roasted meat
funnel cake

Seasons effect fresh produce in grocery stores and gardens.
Normal people that aren't NEETs actually buy or grow fresh produce, therefore effecting what they cook.

>> No.6766087

._. do you make baked funnel cake

>> No.6766099


>> No.6766101

not baked, fried

forgot to mention

>> No.6766104

wat really... is it good?

>> No.6766113
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calm down there, eager mcbeaver

>> No.6766123

even though it's simple, It is a fall classic for me:
peanuts and candy corn.

>> No.6766168

>Fall is coming up.

Hahahahaha, what is this faggot talking about, summer just started, why, it's only.......


>> No.6766201

Summer is the worst season for food. Cold dishes suck and no one wants to hang out in a kitchen with a stove or oven going.
Fall is probably the best followed by winter. Nothing more comfy than dishing yourself some hot chili that's been slow cooking all day. Drip in some of your preferred hot sauce, bundle up in your favorite seat and read a book while the wind is howling and it's snowing outside. If you like white noise, turn on a radio with the volume low on a station that gives weather reports.

>> No.6766220

Summer has fantastic fresh produce. All that summer squash and fresh fruit.

>> No.6766227

read a book?

>> No.6766260

summer = garden tomatoes

>> No.6766278

This. Also I work in a restaurant that serves basically nothing but hot, savory dishes. Business is slow and the kitchen is hot and sweaty. I can't wait for Fall so that it can start cooling down.

>> No.6766282

I think the problem is that nobody thinks/cares about vegetables. And after the 4th of July everyone has grilling out of the system.

>> No.6766729

Yeah pretty much this. I wouldn't mind one more cookout this year right as the temperature starts going down before switching into fall mode.

>> No.6766745

>103° today
>heat Inext of 118°

Lord please I can't wait until December for fall this year please make it come sooner.

>> No.6766750

have you tried moving out of the desert?

>> No.6766759

I've been to the desert. It would be a welcome relief from this swamp.

>> No.6766760

So move.

>> No.6766764

> Le moving is a simple and easy solution meme xDDD
Jesus Christ.

>> No.6766768

Nah, cause snow is even more bullshit.

>> No.6766769

If you're not a poorfag or NEET, what's the issue? Live simply for a few months while you save up money, start looking for new jobs in the place you want to move to, and move once you've got a job secured, or you have enough money to support yourself for a little while as you look for one. If you're too poor and in debt to save money, or you're a NEET loser faggot, just kill yourself.

>> No.6766771

You're aware there are places that don't really get snow, but also aren't unbearably hot, right?

>> No.6766773

French. Onion. Soup.

Holy fuck it's the first thing I'm making when the temps around here stop getting cooler during the day.

>> No.6766776

> Give up career path at the job you're currently at
> Rebuild social life from ground zero
> Dump your GF or convince you to restart her life in the fucking desert
> Adapt to a new environment and local culture with no one to acclimate or guide you

It's hard moving to an unfamiliar state alone bro.

>> No.6766781

Then stop bitching about the weather, faggot.

>> No.6766784

I'm not the anon you were telling to move, I just think that's a retarded solution. I live in glorious southern California, with perfect weather year round.

>> No.6766792

Stop= start

No idea how that happened, but I'm going to bed now.

>> No.6766797

Besides the heat, it's alright down here in sweaty South louisiana. I'm not gonna move just because it gets really hot here sometimes, that would be retarded.

>> No.6766802

How the fuck is being surrounded by retarded white trash swamp dwellers and retarded ghetto niggers "alright"?

>> No.6766825

Muh guns
Muh cheap cost of living.
Muh cajun/creole cuisine
Muh $0.0401kw/h electricity
Muh gigabit fiber
Muh 60° winters
Muh hunting and fishing
Muh drive thru alcohol
Muh $2.13/gal gas

I could go on.

>> No.6766828

I'd rather keep being wealthy around other wealthy people, rather than live cheaply among the unwashed masses.

>> No.6766833

>I'd rather play keeping up with the joneses for the sake of not looking at people who make less money than me.



>> No.6766898

Shut up nutmeg.

>> No.6767353

I REALLY hate looking at poor people, though.

>> No.6767428
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>drinking warm lattes on a chilly fall afternoon
comfiest feel alive

>> No.6767455
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Because it reminds you that you are one, and that you are a total failure?

>> No.6767472
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>Fall is coming up.
That feel.

>> No.6767491

Nope, I'm comfortably upper middle class.

>> No.6767531

Bullshit, people who are upper middle don't have enough time to fuck around online. At most you're solidly middle. Just because you own a house and a have a decent job doesn't make you upper middle.

>> No.6767538

Trust fund, mother fucker. My parents are incredibly wealthy, but I'm just upper middle class with my stipend.

>> No.6767573

Sure you are. Sure you are.

Depends entirely on a person's chosen profession and time management. For example, I earn just short of UMC income but I've got WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more time on my hands than most friends I have. I even have more time than most people in my same line of work, mostly because: I choose to work fewer hours, a luxury afforded to my profession and few others, and supplement my income with rental properties, having purchased my first when I was 21 (with my parents fronting half the money for the down-payment, tbh).

What I lack in monetary income I more than make up in free time now that I own a few properties. A friend of mine who earns nearly double what I do works 70-hour weeks or more. That's not fun.

The biggest problem is being bored during the day because all my friends are working.

>> No.6767578


Ah, so you hate people who you'd be if you weren't living on the meager money your parents gave you? People whom you will be living with in ten years once you've blown through that money?

Either way, you're still lying on the internet.

>> No.6767593

No way I can blow through the money. It's all tied up in investments.

>> No.6767603
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>> No.6767608
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>> No.6767628
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>> No.6767630
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>> No.6767632
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>> No.6767639
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>> No.6767641
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>> No.6767654
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>> No.6767664
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>> No.6767669
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>> No.6767696
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>> No.6767701
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>> No.6767721
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>> No.6767722
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>> No.6767725


>> No.6767738
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>> No.6767743
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>> No.6767745

well this was a nice thread until it complete derailed into shit posting

>> No.6767747
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>> No.6767750
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>> No.6767753
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>> No.6767763
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>> No.6767771
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>> No.6767772

tried to make a casserole last night to warm up with. added bottle red wine a steak potatoes and mushrooms. slowcookered it for like 8 hours. tasted like dog wank

>> No.6767778
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>> No.6767782


Slowcookers don't do well with wine. They don't get hot enough to effectivey cook off the alcohol.

>> No.6767784

>What are your favorite fall fishes to make?
fried walleye is the tits

>> No.6767811

Roasted turkey
Sweet potato anything
Apple-cranberry compote
Pumpkin pie

>> No.6767823

guess i should have said "seasonings". so rosemary. will remember.

heard of it, dont think i've ever seen a jar. will check out thanks!

>> No.6767826


>> No.6768182
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This looks disgusting tbh

>> No.6768192

Fucking water thief

>> No.6768195

>tfw live in Colorado
>tfw California takes our mountains' precious water

>> No.6768325
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