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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6764554 No.6764554 [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you had a nice juicy corn dog?

>> No.6764567
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fuck you and your high class batter dogs, get on my level.

>> No.6764568

2005. I was in the 7th grade and on my way to my friend's house we saw that AM/PM was selling two corndogs for $1.19. What a deal right? I bought some and had diarrhea for the rest of the day. Never again.

>> No.6764575


>> No.6764585

i only eat all beef franks
i never saw an all beef corn dog

>> No.6764597

Why not make your own? I prefer hebrew national hot dogs. Jews aside, they make amazing hot dogs. And corn bread batter is easy to make.

>> No.6764602

why don't you make some for me, sidney shekelstein?

>> No.6764604

Sure, where you at? Unless you put ketchup on them, if so this conversation is over.

>> No.6764612

ketchup is gay
mustard is good
is there a special sauce designed specifically for corn dogs though?
seems like there should be

>> No.6764616

At Free Press

>> No.6764627

>is there a special sauce designed specifically for corn dogs though?
Yes. It's called mustard.

>> No.6764634



that's a funny way of saying ketchup are you azn?

>> No.6764638

Corn dogs aren't a thing in the Vaterland.

I miss them.

>At least I have currywurst

>> No.6764647

Sort of? About ten minutes or so, I ate a hot dog on a corn tortilla because I like corn tortillas and I like hot dogs. I also added some Aldi knock-off Whataburger-style spicy ketchup because fuckyeahfakemeoutwhataburgerspicyketchup.

>> No.6764653

that sounds unbelievably terrible

>> No.6764659

Open a corn dog cart with their dank wursts, you'll make bank

>> No.6764662

Is.. is everything okay with your life, Anon?

Do you need someone to talk to? You don't have to keep living like this.

>> No.6764669

Aw. I like it, but it's okay if you don't think you would. We can still be friends. You sure do have a pretty mouth.

>> No.6764670

Thanks. I pride myself on my mouth.

>> No.6764700

Aw, thanks.
No, I'm fine. I just like corn tortillas and hot dogs. Never thought it was all that weird. I roll the hot dog up in it and cook it until the tortilla is crisp, kind of like a flauta. Sometimes, I put cheese in there, too. It's nice.

As well you should.

>> No.6764767

mm sounds like them shits they sell at quiktrip

>> No.6764786


you are a terrible human and should not attempt reproducing.

>> No.6764808

>tfw pregnant right now
Too late!

>> No.6764809

can you name your bb after me

>> No.6764819

Sure! Fuckface would be a wonderful name!

>> No.6764827


>> No.6764828



>> No.6764835


post backyard baby weight, nao

>> No.6765144

Literally never, I don't even fully understand what they are or should be, looks disgusting, no one sells them where I live, nor have I ever seen them sold in Europe at all

>> No.6765160

I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.6765188

Looks like generic "sports events and county fairs" food like hotdogs that aren't made from any actually edible meat and burgers
Simpsons is my teacher for american style cuisine

>> No.6765201

It is. I've only eaten like 5 in my life, but you should try one before you die.

>> No.6765206

Somehow I imagine that those things come one after another

>> No.6765223

It's just cornbread and a hotdog on a stick. Outside of too much sodium it's good fair food.

>> No.6765229

Cornbread isn't something I'm familiar with either
Corn is pretty much exclusive to Americans, you use corn as we use potatoes, and visa versa

>> No.6765234

It's bread made with cornmeal. You know what cornmeal is, right? It's how polenta is made.

>> No.6765243

We eat lots of potatoes too. If you can get cornmeal try making cornbread sometime. It's pretty great even if you don't want to fry it with a hotdog. Where are you from btw?

>> No.6765250

>You know what cornmeal is, right?

Outside of the Americas...no, it's actually fairly unusual.

Corn*flour* yes, but course-ground cornmeal isn't really a thing.

>> No.6765299

It's the same thing as corn flour. Just a coarser grind than you're probably used to. Polenta is popular in Italy- same thing.

>> No.6765300


>being an elitist about something that barely qualifies as a sausage

>> No.6765305

>It's the same thing as corn flour.


>Just a coarser grind than you're probably used to

Precisely. It's not the same thing. No one uses cornmeal to thicken a sauce, for example.

>> No.6765313

>cornflour is the same as cornmeal
Not outside of the US. In the rest of the world, 'cornflour' is what Americans call 'cornstarch.'

Bullfucking shit.
I can name ten countries off the top of my head with regions whose people regularly eat corn porridge/polenta/grits. Stop being wrong, Wrongy McNotcorrect.

>> No.6765317

>I can name ten countries off the top of my head with regions whose people regularly eat corn porridge/polenta/grits

Would, say, 8 of them be in North, Central or South America?

>> No.6765318

Uh yes you can. If I had nothing more suitable, I could certainly use it to thicken a sauce. Just because the grind is different doesn't mean it's a totally different food.

>> No.6765319

be nice, hes from a country that only has potatoes. he probably has polio and rickets and scurvy

>> No.6765321

Actually, I was going to name none from any of the Americas nor the Caribbean.

>> No.6765324

I don't want to eat your nasty grainy sauces.

>> No.6765326

the guy he quoted said outside of the americas

>> No.6765339
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>mfw this thread

>> No.6766056
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Ayy lmao tbh

>> No.6766094

fukken saved

>> No.6766646

Eastern Yurop

>> No.6766649

Since I moved to Denmark years ago.
Danm I miss home now ;__;

>> No.6766652

Maybe 5-6 years ago.

>> No.6766715
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Disneyland's corn dog castle

>> No.6767273

Are you that ketchup autist from the other week?

>> No.6767298

Why is that one purple?

>> No.6767345

>Take your favorite type of wurst
>Dip in cornmeal batter
>Deep fry
>Have a foodgasm because german wursts are danker than hotdogs.

>> No.6767362


problem is I always have a stop in USA when i fly to europe.
But idk why but i just cant stop from eating that plane breakfast egg-thing so i always have stomach ache when i'm in usa which prevents me from tasting this deliciousness

>> No.6767439

Are you a gril? You write like one.

>> No.6767462

see >>6764808

>> No.6767501

You know that /ck/ has one of the highest female populations of any board right? People just don't notice them because you can't tell the difference between a male taking in memespeak and a female doing the same.

>> No.6767528

I've also never had a corn dog. Can't think why they don't sell 'em here in blighty, they look like good drunk food.

>> No.6767547
File: 29 KB, 192x289, kill me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not looking very hard. Hot Dog on a Stick offers an all beef corn dog for a dollar more. Although their original is a turkey dog, which is better than the foster farms chicken corn dogs.