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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 290 KB, 951x1035, waste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6755801 No.6755801 [Reply] [Original]

It's unfair they charge you by the item's weight when you buy vegetables. Broccolis always have this thick stem on them in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to cut it off and throw it away when I get home. But unless you just buy the frozen florets separate you have no choice, they rope you into paying extra for this garbage part of the vegetable.

>> No.6755805


Also any time you buy seafood by weight. Most of the weight is shell.

>> No.6755806

Take a knife and discreetly cut it off before you bag it

>> No.6755810

I think I used to cut up the stem and eat it too.

>> No.6755811

>not eating the stem
It tastes good

The shell is factored into the price.

>> No.6755815

this >>6755806
or make an healthy soup out of the stems

>> No.6755818

There are people don't eat the stem?

>> No.6755820

why don't you eat the stem?

>> No.6755821

The stem is essentianly kohlrabi, tasty. Chicken wings are a scam. You order ten and they bring you five cut in half.

>> No.6755822

Most of the grocery stores around me sell broccoli crowns, sans stem. Of course, they discreetly mark up the price a few cents to make up for it.

>> No.6755825

Eat it you retard.

Peel it, cut it up and cook it with the rest of the broccoli.

Or just buy broccoli crowns.

>> No.6755830

Most places I frequent treat broccoli the same they do cauliflower or lettuce, i.e. they charge by the head. not by weight.
But if it is a problem, why not just snap off or cut the stem off before checkout?

>> No.6755842

It's too hard to peel and once I cut off the rind there's barely anything left. It's not worth the effort so it's easier to just cook the florets.

I shouldn't have to (and can't) carry around a chef's knife just to go grocery shopping. Some little boyscout pocket knife isn't going to quickly cut through that before you get spotted.

>> No.6755868

You can totally bring a small knife to the store, you're just too much of a pussy to do it.

>> No.6755869

>It's too hard to peel
cooking and life are effort you picky whiny autist

>> No.6755879

>chef's knife
Wtf do you think you're gonna set it on the counter and cut it food-prep style?
>Some little boyscout pocket knife isn't going to quickly cut through that before you get spotted
Get an actual pocket knife and stop being such a pussy, what are they gonna do anyway, say " you break it you bought it!"

>> No.6755883


>not also cooking the stalk or using it in stock

>> No.6755888

>not going to the self checkout so you can hold the sold-by-weight products off the scale so as to cut the price in half

you guys have no ambition

>> No.6755889

worked in produce for a few years, people would do this regularly and freak out when they saw me watching. just gave the thumbs up and went about my business. you're literally a vagina for not doing this and complaining about it to 4chan instead.

>> No.6755891

the stem is my favorite part. just peel, chop and you have something tasty

>> No.6755896

The stem is the only part of broccoli that tastes good to me.
Your loss if you're not eating it.

>> No.6755898

0/10 fuck off

Florets are sold by weight, whole broc by units

You are gay

>> No.6755899

i love broccoli stems, i peel the outer layer on the thick main stem because it's too fibrous, then slice it and turn it into pickles

>> No.6755900


I regularly skirt on my produce purchases. ALWAYS use self checkout and always ring up expensive things (shallots, endive, organic veggies, etc.) as bananas and cheap bulk shit. I also rip managers special stickers off chicken and slap them onto similarly weighted steaks. It's a fun and easy way to get expensive meals for a fraction of the real value.

>> No.6755907

You know you can get prosecuted for that right? It's technically stealing. I don't know where you shop, but at my store they have people hovering around the self-checks to help people and watch for cons.

>> No.6755912
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>> No.6755916

the people at walmart aren't paid enough to give literally one shit

>> No.6755935

You obviously never met loss prevention.

>> No.6755940
File: 983 KB, 285x285, surprised.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

peel it?

Ive been placing it sliced thin in water to just barely cover them and then broccoli florets on top then cover to steam for years and i cant say the texture has ever bothered me.

>> No.6755948

How would someone know when I'm typing in the code for a shitty yellow onion and I have a bag full of shallots then I place the weighed bag into another bag that isn't see-through? How would I ever get caught doing that?

Even if I did get caught I would just feign ignorance.

>> No.6755950

Whatever floats your boat man. I've always found the peel on the stalk to be too thick and fibrous so I peel it off.

>> No.6755951

maybe it's just different in Florida

>> No.6755954

perhaps its the super hot boiling that softens it? i dunno, but its tasty with some adobo seasoning and butter.

>> No.6755956

Never thought about broccoli in a stock. I just use the classical ingredients, fowl carcass or beef shin/veal knuckles, mirpox, and a bouquet garni. What do you use when you use broccoli in a stock?

>> No.6755974

I don't like paying for it when I'm not planning on using it for a dish but I can always use it for something else.

But seriously, it's too hard to peeler? Do you not own a peeler or anything other than a butter knife? It takes 10 seconds to peel.

>> No.6755976 [DELETED] 
File: 92 KB, 887x591, cauliflower-YUK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cauliflower, 'nuff said.

>> No.6755978 [DELETED] 

fuck off Dutch faggit!

>> No.6755980


You can literally gnaw at it

>> No.6755982

>why am i paying for this part

To make soup, inbred.

>> No.6755985

They can see what you are buying by code with a picture and compare it to what is being weighed.

>> No.6755995

I save all my vegetable and meat scraps and throw them into the freezer until i have enough of whatever to make a decent amount of stock.

the flavor of the stock changes based on whatever i've been eating.

>> No.6755997 [DELETED] 

That's why a smear of oil on the lens helps.

>> No.6756001

Yeah, that makes sense. I actually made a vegetable stock using the cooking water from making two pounds of two different beans. I then used that stock as the sauce in a beef stew. I was just curious what you would personally make with a broccoli stock? Sorry for my shit English

>> No.6756004

You're complaining about the price of fresh broccoli.

This is why you're overweight.

>> No.6756009

>Take a knife and discreetly cut it off before you bag it

How much money would you actually save by doing this?

>> No.6756011

I work at a Walmart. One of our loss prevention guys dresses up like he's homeless and wanders the store. You'd be surprised the amount of shit he catches. He even goes up by self checkout.

>> No.6756016

>Even if I did get caught I would just feign ignorance.

>> No.6756035


it pairs really well with fenugreek and bay leaves in stock. I use it to cook rice or simmer beans or vegetables, deglaze pans or in a soup as the base of the broth.

>> No.6756038

U can eat everything idiot.

>> No.6756041

Indeed taste pretty good

>> No.6756063

Sounds great! Thanks, anon

>> No.6756083 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is that I'd like give that faggot a second look and report his ass. I'm no white knighter but I'm not a thief either and if some scum bag is stealing shit in front of me fuck yah I'll report the fucking cunt.

>> No.6756096

>peeling it
Why? You don't even need to.

>> No.6756114

what the fuck?

The stalk is the best part. When you make broccoli puree, you're not even supposed to use the florets.

The only possible reason I can imagine for why someone wouldn't like it is because they're throwing it in with the rest in chunks too large to cook properly in the same amount of time.

>> No.6756148

Where I work we sell them by the bunch not the weight. We have the crowns which is just the top part and then we have the whole broccoli.

>> No.6756150

>white knighting a corporation owned by the wealthiest family in the world

Is this the cuck's final form?

>> No.6756151


my local farm market will try to fine you for fucking with the food before you buy it.

>> No.6756175
File: 108 KB, 1280x842, 1434058302029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people actually try to discretely cut the stems off broccoli to save 1/2lb when broccoli only costs $1.50/lb

I wonder if people ever stop and ask themselves if it's worth it.

>> No.6756176

As long as the stem isn't super fibery, it's tasty. Frozen chopped up broccoli is tasty even if it's 60% stem.

>> No.6756186

We watch what you scan, and even if we can't see the items you're pressing on the screen we know what you're total should roughly come to. If a guy has 4 full bags of seafood, baby fomula and a bunch of cherries and his total comes to $30.00, chances are it's security time.

Also in Australia our registers also have a function where if you select bananas too many times the register locks down and lights up.

>> No.6756190

Grate the stem and you can make slaw out of it.

I don't like the fibrous end of asparagus stalks, though, and have not figured out a way to use them.

>> No.6756195 [DELETED] 

Welcome to the 1960's in the USA, are you Aussies just getting around to being able to use bar codes?

>> No.6756210

That's like complaining about having to buy oranges with the peal still on, or stone fruit that isn't stoned, except that broccoli stalks are completely edible, nutritious, and delicious.

>> No.6756216

>fine you


What law are you breaking? Call the police, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.6756230

>not just buying frozen broccoli florets

>> No.6756247

>country founded by criminals for criminals

>> No.6756255


>> No.6756272

Yea, go ahead and call someone a thief because you don't think their total looks right. Massive lawsuit and your job won't be worth a hot rat turd.

>> No.6756275
File: 191 KB, 1024x1024, crap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6756375

I just realized that in a real broccoli, there wouldn't be such a stem that large relative to the crown.

It's obviously an individual smaller broccoli cut from the crown of a large one in the op image. And op is complaining about the small stem of a small broccoli.

Op is trolling, everyone. Go home.

>> No.6756399

He used and spelled it correctly you drooling idiot

>> No.6756405

I like your resourcefulness

>> No.6756418

sure thing! happy to help.

>> No.6756460 [DELETED] 

smh tbh fam implying he doesn't have to pretend implying he is really ignorant smh fam never said he used the word incorrectly tbh

>> No.6756470

My one only has a security guard in the evening that I've seen and he's always sitting doing on the courtesy seat looking bored as fuck on his phone. There is always a staff member keeping an eye out as well though. The guard is just there in case some bogan wants to start something over saving fiddy cents on some greens.

>> No.6756478


I work in canada and we have the best asperagus in the world, and when I blanch 10 pounds of asperagus for a few days of service I literally drink the ice water because it tastes so good.

So it is actually tasty. Now the fact that theyre charging 6 whole dollars for 2-3 pieces of asperagus raw in water, thats just fucked.

>> No.6756547

just get kohlrabi mang

>> No.6756550

Broccoli stems are pretty good though. You have to steam them longer than the florets, but when you get them tender they're awesome

>> No.6756587

I'm pretty sure any store these days will let you walk out with merchandise as long as it's under X amount of dollars. The companies are too afraid of liability and lawsuits if the thief gets injured and decides to sue. You're still boned if the police come, but you shouldn't be taking that long to pocket some broccoli anyway.

>> No.6756649

i like the fiberousness(fiberosity?) of the stalk. this thread is the first i heard of peeling the stalk. throwing away yes. chopping up and eating yes. peeling? its a brave new world

>> No.6756659

you have obviously never attempted to ring up an entire load of groceries as iceberg lettuce. it takes some time before security becomes suspicious

>> No.6756661

they're not afraid of the thief getting injured,
they're afraid of their employees getting injured because they are liable for providing a safe work environment

>> No.6756666

Um. You can eat that part. It's made of the same stuff. You don't even have to shave off the outside. It's fine once it's cooked.

Are you also one of those people who remove the stumps from mushrooms? You can eat those, too.

You want a real scam? Try bitter melon. Those things are filled with useless foam and seeds which weigh at least as much as the edible portion. You end up with just a thin membrane once you've discarded the unusable stuff.

>> No.6756670

I must fain inform you it is a faggy word that nobody should use when the common parlance is just as serviceable.

>> No.6756677

quads of truth

>> No.6756679

Mushroom stalks are nasty. Those are the parts people touch with their dirty hands when they pick through them at the store.

>> No.6756690

I can totally fuck up a broccoli with my old, rusty Opinel.

>> No.6756701

The foam shit is good as long as it's still green. If you're talking about the actual white foam shit, then yeah that's shit

Also, bitter melon is fucking cheap

>> No.6757007

just snap the good parts off at the store and leave the stalk there

>> No.6757016

i rummage through the whole pile of mushrooms touching whatever part i don't give a fuck

>> No.6757017

They're not the most expensive vegetable around, but most vegetables are either the same price or cheaper. Where do you live, India?

>> No.6757027

Me too. Works well thrown in ramen noodle soups, too.

>> No.6757039

Sounds tasty. I'll try that.

>> No.6757052

....you could've saved it...

Not the point. Pretending to be dumb isn't going to keep you from being arrested. A cop isn't going to give a shit, and if you have to save money by stealing produce, it's unlikely you're gonna have money for anything outside of a public defender, not to mention you won't be able to shop there because you'll be trespassing.

>> No.6757099


i think hes implying that an ignoramus cant feign ignorance

>> No.6757106
File: 6 KB, 164x251, lindsey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have never seen broccoli sold by the pound. So what's your beef?

Is you crazy?

>> No.6757111

as many have already said, most US grocery stores sell broccoli in four forms, in bunches of two/three as a unit price, crowns only at a weight price that is about 30% above the unit price, frozen whole broccoli, and frozen florets only.

protip: peel the skin off the stem with a vegatable peeler, then slice it into 1/4" rounds, cook in steamer for 1-2 minutes, then add the crowns in to cook for another 3-4 minutes. You will realize you've been doing it wrong for many years.

>> No.6757134

You don't eat it?

>> No.6757206

"Oh, these aren't onions? Sorry, my girlfriend gave me the shopping list and I'm just trying to get everything for this recipe she wants to make. Shallot? What's that? A kind of onion?"

>> No.6757211

>Pretending to be dumb isn't going to keep you from being arrested.

We're talking about typing in the yellow onion code when you've got shallots. First of all, the teenager working the fleet of self checkout machines isn't going to know the different. Second, you just say "Oh, I thought that's what this was." Then say, "Oh I need onions not--what are these? Shallots?"

>> No.6757251


yeah it's just a bunch of signs. never seen them do anything.

>> No.6757288

If you didn't have to pay for the stem they'd just up the price on the rest of the Broccoli.

>> No.6757320
File: 922 KB, 1689x1870, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This motherfucker right here, everything is a B1G1 free

>> No.6757343

One of our supermarkets used to have a hacksaw at the broccoli and you'd just cut it off

no idea if its still done

>> No.6757352
File: 106 KB, 403x298, eggsautism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's unfair they charge you by the item's weight when you buy eggs. Eggs always have this white or brown shells on them in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to break them open and throw the shells away when I get home. But unless you just buy the frozen egg-beaters separate you have no choice, they rope you into paying extra for this garbage part of the eggs.

This is now an autism thread.

>> No.6757361
File: 490 KB, 848x647, s_848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brown eggs
More like Paris Hilton eggs! You should see those yuppie jerks at the grocery store standing in line ostentatiously to buy their fancy brown eggs. Like regular white eggs aren't good enough. I shouldn't be ashamed of my race! Faggot christopher street eggs from san francisco! It's a war on white eggs! Brought to you by Sheikh Caliph Bin Hussein Obongo and his illuminati friends! H1B!

>> No.6757384
File: 35 KB, 450x338, Popcorn-Kernels-Pouring-Container-440899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfair they charge you by the item's weight when you buy pop corn. Pop corn always have this moisture in each kernel in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to heat the pop corn in hot oil and watch the moisture go up into the stratosphere when I get home. But unless you just buy the already popped pop corn separate you have no choice, they rope you into paying extra for this moisture part of the kernal.

>> No.6757387

I'm all alone. I actually prefer brocc with stems and it's seldom sold that way in my area. It's always 99¢/lb crowns, which is cheap, sure, but seeing as I actually prefer the stems, it doesn't do much for me.
Stem broccoli, however, is usually sold three heads for $1 or sometimes as cheap as 69¢, so I luck out that I prefer the stems.
They're like much, much cheaper kohlrabi.

>I just realized that in a real broccoli, there wouldn't be such a stem that large relative to the crown.
>It's obviously an individual smaller broccoli cut from the crown of a large one in the op image.
Not quite.
Each plant has a single stem with a single cluster of several branches at the very top. The crown is that collection of branches ergo each plant has only a single crown.

The stem from the bottom of the crown down about 15cm/5in is all that's generally sold in USican supermarkets, if it's sold at all. Any further down and it's too woody to consume. That section above the woody part, though, is tender and tasty.

Also, the stem has a bunch of kale/collard-like leaves growing all around it that make for some good eating IF you can ever find them sold in the US. You can see in the supermarket where the leaves have been ripped off, likely to be used as green manure.
However, we eat them in my country. They're my most favouritest favourite part of broccoli but seems Americans don't like leaves much or something since I've not once ever seen them sold that way here.

Where I'm from, the whole plant is sold (less roots): leaves, woody stem and all. We take the leaves off and wash them to stir-fry with garlic and chilies.
The woody part of the stem is snapped from the tender part the same way you would with asparagus then cut the crown off.
The woody part is used to flavour stock while the tender gets shredded and used in something similar to coleslaw. The crowns are broken up into florets and eaten with noodles.

>> No.6757392

A Muslim, a Kenyan and a communist all walk into a bar.
"What'll it be, Mr. President?"

>> No.6757395

>I'm all alone. I actually prefer brocc with stems
all alone in being too retarded to read the thread?

>> No.6757401
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>> No.6757402

I only found two other posters who said they preferred it. The rest seem to just tolerate it.

Also, your mother's a whore.

>> No.6757409

Tomatoes on the vine.
They're more expensive than 'normal' tomatoes and you pay for the vine.
No difference between tomatoes with and without vine.

>> No.6757513

I have NEVER seen a store sell just the crowns. I think that's a myth, at least as far as Safeway is concerned.

>> No.6757543

I am going to continue to break the stems off in the store and ngaf

>> No.6757552

Is this a joke?

>> No.6757558


Where I live it's sold in 500g packets, including the stem.
But OP could just go ahead and buy frozen broccoli if he doesn't like the stem. Frozen broccoli is fantastic

>> No.6757560

>tfw the closest safeway is a kajillion miles away
Man, I wish stem-on broccoli were more common in my area. Looks like I'd have to live in Flyoverland to be able to find it with regularity. Even Asian grocers only carry crowns around here.

Occasionally, I can find it with stems, but that's very, very rare. Maybe two-to-three times in a year. And I buy it every time I do.

I use the florets to make broccoli rice-and-cheese and the stems as a soup veg. I eat a lot of soup. I'm eating soup right now (chicken stew with bread dumplings, potato, parsnip and carrot).

>> No.6757584

Around here, brocc with stems, when I find them, are sold two-or-three stalks for a 69¢-99¢ and are not sold by weight, each stalk with its crown weighing about a pound itself.

Crowns are 99¢-$1.99/lb.

Frozen florets are the same price as fresh crowns.

Packaged/bagged fresh florets are $5.99-$6.99 for 3lbs.

>> No.6757804

The real joke is that Whole foods apologized for this because it was supposed to be asparagus infused water, not water with asparagus in it.
They apologized for putting too much asparagus in it.

>> No.6758368


Are there places with Safeway where Target doesn't exist, because I just saw a bag of Archer Farm (or whatever their store brand is called) broccoli crowns earlier today, and that's not even mentioning frozen.

>> No.6758383

>Broccolis always have this thick stem on them in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to cut it off and throw it away
that part tastes just the same as the rest of the broccoli.
chop it and steam it and it's just as crunchy/tender as the rest too.

>> No.6758395
File: 16 KB, 490x572, 1438963334296.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who /hatesbroccoli/ here?

>> No.6758412

Who /notafuckingchild/ here?

>> No.6758431

I always ring everything up as bananas lol

>> No.6758432
File: 40 KB, 500x500, People+laugh+at+this++_2a6e188589a804aa57aff03d3db969a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure as fuck isn't you edge lord

>> No.6758434

Nothing wrong with hating broccoli. It really doesn't taste very good and requires doctoring.

>> No.6758437
File: 14 KB, 341x192, meme food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's unfair they charge you by the item's weight when you buy tendies. Tendies always have this thick battering on them in the store, and I end up having to pay for that even though it is no longer necessary and I just have to cut it off and throw it away when I get home. But unless you just buy the frozen tendies separate you have no choice, they rope you into paying extra for this garbage part of the tendies.

>> No.6758475

I think it's even simpler than that. Employees aren't paid enough to go chasing some suspected thief out of the store, especially when we're talking about a few dollars of produce. When I worked retail, I didn't bother chasing anyone. Not worth the risk. If it's a big enough deal, I'd call the police.

>> No.6758494

>Also in Australia our registers also have a function where if you select bananas too many times the register locks down and lights up.

...what if they actually have a shitload of bananas

>> No.6758502

For children.

>> No.6758698

wtf is a tendie?

>> No.6758741

/r9k/ meme

>> No.6758773

Are you sure?
A guy made a thread here once asking what to get at some Canadian fast food place, and he ended up getting a meal that used the name "tendies" and it came with a slice of pizza I think? Anyway, saw a lot of use of tendies only after that post. Had never seen it mentioned on here before that.

>> No.6758784

That's cool but I'm sure they look through your groceries after or no?

>> No.6758795

>he thinks service workers are dumb
They probably know and don't care that you're hurting the store. I've worked in stores and I knew when people did shit like this. So did my assistant manager but he'd chase them out of the store.I never took it that far. It's better to not make a sale than it is to just let products go for free.

Also, I'd know from looking at the food and then looking thru a Plu book to find its proper code. We'd do this because assholes would try to switch stickers on produce.

>> No.6758796

Broccoli is delicious you mong
Now, if you'd said brussels sprouts I would understand.

>> No.6758837

I always find broccoli sold by each.

Also, shop at farmers markets. Grocery stores sell bad produce to the masses because it looks nice, it ships well, and it takes longer to go bad. It doesn't take into account flavor, or texture.

>> No.6758839

It's Whole Foods. The whole store is a joke.

>> No.6758853

At the local fred meyer, the 'organic' broccoli has the thick ass stems, while the non organic doesn't. Fucking jews.

>> No.6758862

i literally just bought broc stem and all sold by the pound about fifteen minutes ago.

>> No.6758892

>throw it away
This is a pointless waste of food. If you don't like it, make it taste better.

>> No.6758994

it's a container cost

>> No.6760378

I'd like to think the local Walmarts do the same here, but I've worked for them so I fucking doubt it... we just have a bunch of homeless getting out of the elements.

>> No.6760405

My nearest WF is directly across the street from a conventional grocery store. The people who shop at WF are far more attractive than the ones across the street. They're also better educated and earn more money. However! They're paradoxically far, far less intelligent.

It's like... outside of their specific area of expertise and training, they know and understand absolutely nothing and talking to any of them about anything other than what they do for a living is just begging to hear some really dumb fucking stuff.

I mean like "Kid's Say the Darnedest Things" levels of humorously stupid and/or misinformed shit.

>> No.6760415

At Jewels, we're forbidden from apprehending any thieves unless you're certified. You either have to tell someone higher up or use discreet scare tactics on people you think may shop lift

>> No.6760422

I usually just eat the whole thing, not a part goes to waste.

>> No.6760457

A friend of mine has worked for Acme, what Jewel is called in this area, since she was 16. At 31, that's fifteen years now.
Anyway, she once told me that in order to prevent theft, whenever people in the camera room notice something shady, they announce on the speaker "code somethingorother in aisle whateveritis; can an associate please see to a code somethingorother in aisle whateveritis, please." No one ever goes, but just hearing something like that usually makes the would-be thief stop in his-or-her tracks.
If they start bolting, then security actually has a reason to stop them, so it works on two levels.

>> No.6760531

Examples please...

>> No.6760664

>The people who shop at WF are far more attractive than the ones across the street.

I've noticed this too. Still not worth going there though, their shit's outrageously priced. I have no idea why people buy from there, even if they do have the money. Paying an extra 1-2 dollars for the same thing you could get at Safeway is idiotic. Over the long term that adds up to thousands.

>> No.6760699

I'll give you a few now, but let me get back to you later on some other, more startlingly stupid things a friend has documented. He owns a fruit stand nearer my house but opened a second location a few months ago closer to the WF in question and has taken to writing down all the particularly dumb things they say and ask.
The ones I'm posting are more hypocritical than stupid, but it gets some of the point across.

The ones I've heard specifically:
"But coconut water really is good for you. It's identical to human blood and has all the same stuff necessary to keep you alive. It's got electrolytes! You can even use it for blood transfusions!"
>I wish I was kidding, but I didn't notice even a hint of sarcasm or irony in the statement... I wondered at the time if the guy had seen Idiocracy, but I somehow doubt it.

"Yeah, I don't shop there. Corporate supermarkets are just ruining mom-and-pop shops."
>said while inside WF
"Is this vegan?"
>said while wearing a t-shirt with a clothes hanger design on it and the slogan "my body, my choice" to a girl offering samples divine-brand chocolates
"Are the cherries vegan?"
"You'd like it. Everyone there is a real individual."
>what is that even supposed to mean?
"You're mom's black? I always thought you were raised by white people!"
>said disbelievingly by a white girl to my nigress ex who comes from a college-educated black family

I'm trying really, really hard to remember some of the more stupid things I've heard said at WF, but I'm drawing a blank for some reason. I'll keep you posted when I get some more examples from my friend with the fruit stand.

>note: i'm not some jealous poorfag. i earn the same income as the WF shoppers, but i refuse to shop there most specifically because i'm a cheap curmudgeon who gets easily annoyed overhearing dumb things, which is why I can't remember some of the more outrageous things i've heard, as i've specifically gone out of my way to wipe it from memory

>> No.6760702

> I have no idea why people buy from there,
Because sometimes it's more convenient than going out of the way to the indie hipster butcher, assuming I'm willing to slightly lower my standards
> the same thing you could get at Safeway
They don't have my favorite kind of yogurt at safeway, the meat isn't properly labeled per farm it came from other than mass branded CAFO stuff like "harris ranch" which is more like a carnist apocalypse if you've ever seen the "ranch" in real life, and tl;dr if you just want to buy oatmeal and granulated sugar then yeah it doesn't matter, but for animal products especially, the selection is better than safeway which is why it costs "more" (although "more" is a misnomer considering you can't get some of those products at safeway)

>> No.6760742

I agree on some of your points.
>i posted >>6760699 and >>6760405

The meat is of better quality, yes, but not worth the pricetag.
There's somewhere along the line where the quality-for-price reaches a point of diminishing returns and prices higher than that point will mean little, if any at all, discernible difference to most consumers, like paying $10/lb for 9.5/10, $15/lb for 9.6/10 and $32/lb for 9.7/10 when 9/10 can cost as little as $7/lb. Yes, you will notice a difference between the 9/10 and 9.5/10, but you'd have to try really, really hard to notice one between the 9.5/10 and the 9.7/10. Is it really worth a markup of 220% to go from 9.5 to 9.7?
I wouldn't say so. If you disagree, by all means, buy the more expensive one and enjoy it. Money well-spent, since it's not my money.

>> No.6760755

>you're mom's black?
>your mom's black?

>> No.6760765

I guess it depends on the WF but the one I go to has a 50 foot long meat section where the cheap shit, roughly comparable to safeway is on the left, and the above average (I hesitate to call it "good") shit is on the right.

I'd say it's like going from a 5/10 to a 7/10, not a 9.5/10 to a 9.7/10

The better grocery store I go to is probably an 8/10 at the worst, and the hipster butcher is a 9/10

Considering that a meal at home made with 9/10 meat is roughly as expensive as a restaurant meal made with 5/10 meat, I don't really have a problem with this, especially considering how much meat I eat, which is not much. I just don't like putting that garbage in my body, call me an orthorexic or a PETA extremist if you like. I just think cheap meat is nasty.

>> No.6760766

dude, recipe?

>> No.6760828

For which, the rice or the chicken stew?

>> No.6760834

Wow, anon, you're an asshole.

>> No.6761201

>It's too hard to peel

er, no. it peels as easy as any veggie and you can then slice it. the flavor is as good or better than the floretes you retard

>> No.6761981

take the tough ends of asparagus and soak them in water for a couple days. Remove stem ends and enjoy asparagus water. This shit sells for like $6 a 16oz bottle, so it must be good!

>> No.6762134

ugh why can't people understand how to utilize all the parts of food?


>> No.6762151

The stem is the best part

>> No.6762521

The stem is my favorite part.

I fucking hate the tops.

>> No.6762542

So long as you cut the really woody bottom inch off then broccoli stem is perfectly edible when cooked

>> No.6762641

How so? I've been to stop and shop but i don't get what you're saying

>> No.6762683

>making a stalk stock

>> No.6762730

You use the stem in stock. I swear /ck/ is full of idiots that don't know how to cook.

>> No.6763993

cut the stem off, cut it in half lengthwise, salt the flat side, eat it.
it's a tasty snack

>> No.6764014

have you never been here before?

>> No.6764028

I don't buy watermelon very often but I've thought several times about cuting off all of just the red stuff and putting it in a plastic bag instead. When you buy watermelon it feels like you pay for something you can only eat half of you know.

>> No.6764034


You know the rind is edible, right? Pickle it! It's delicious.

>> No.6764049

I live in upstate NY and broccoli crowns (fresh) are sold by the pound. They're about $3/lb. I just buy frozen since they cost half that.

>> No.6764050

The stupid cashiers can't even ring up onions correctly. I bring them yellow onions and they ring them up as a different kind every time, usually giving me a discount, just because they don't know what the hell they're doing.

>> No.6764055

I've never seen one sold by weight.

>> No.6764072
File: 434 KB, 1024x785, ឆាសាច់ជ្រូកនឹងជ្រក់សំបកឪឡឹក.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does English have a separate word for soured foods that aren't pickled or are they all just "pickles?"
I speak English pretty damned well, I'd say, but I can't figure out if there is another word for things like sauerkraut/kimchi and salted turnip/radish and stuff.
I ask, because I make watermelon rinds both as pickles and as salted food.
Pic related: pork with salted watermelon rind.

>> No.6764076


>> No.6764080


Yeah, Watermelons are sold per piece, not per pound.

>> No.6764094

I meant a noun, but thanks all the same.

Like "onion pickles" and "dill pickles." Is there a noun for fermented foods? I wanted to say something like "watermelon rind preserves" but in English, that word is used exclusively for jam-like foods. "Watermelon rind fermenteds" doesn't sound right. And 'fermenteds' gets all those little red squiggles under it indicating a misspelling.

>> No.6764109

not where i live thank you very much

>> No.6764111

There isn't one. It's either named for the process (pickled/salted/cured/smoked) or it's just called by its foreign name like sauerkraut/kimchi. You're going to have to go with the adjective form if you don't have a noun for it, so fermented watermelon rinds will have to do.

>> No.6764157

Thought not.
Well, thanks all the same.

>> No.6764228

It's just another word for tender only sounds a bit more childish. /r9k/ made a meme out of it.

>> No.6764252

thing is, people pay for the ability to use the stem. it's like buying something with bones and complaining that you get them- some people will utilize them to make stock or etc, not just throw them away. it's only garbage to you because you're too lazy to use it

that being said, you can totally find bags of precut broccoli florets off of the stem to buy. or you can grow some balls.

>> No.6764259

>usually giving me a discount

maybe they're being nice to your salty ass

>> No.6764508


adding to the list butchers that price liver and offal on the basis that they loose sales of prime cuts if they make other cuts too cheap

pre-seasoned meat, which usually has flour or starch added

smallgoods sold in supermarkets that use plastic tubs, but don't deduct the weight of the tub
it isn't much, but since all meat has to be weighed this way to avoid contamination of the scales it's hard to justify why they don't do it

>> No.6764518

They do deduct the weight of the tub.

All digital scales have a "tare" function. You put something on the scale, say a small plastic tub, and the scale detects 28g. So you hit tare.

What does this do?

It zeros out the tub so that 28g on the display goes back to 0g. Then you fill the tub and the only thing weighed is the item added.

And now you know.

>> No.6764519

Peel the stem, shred, and enjoy some broccoli slaw. It's wasteful of YOU not to use a perfectly good part of the vegetable.

>> No.6764535

I know how a tare function works anon, they just tare it without the tub on the scales
yes I know that is not how it should be done, but I have seen this with my own eyes

>> No.6764550

and you should burn the pumpkin stems for fuel instead of wasting them as well I suppose

anon isn't saying that the stem is useless, he's saying it's not used the same way as the crown and you shouldn't have to pay for both if you're only using one

>> No.6764583

Then he should just buy the fucking crowns. Any decent store carries both, the whole broccoli and just the crowns.
>implying I don't use my pumpkin stems

>> No.6764595

>any decent store has both
many don't, which is why they are a rip off

>> No.6764628

What? If you see them load the scale, you can see, also, the customer-side digital display and, therefore, see if they tare or not then raise an objection when they fail to.
Even shitty delicatessens in my area tare for the paper they lay on top of the scale.
Next, how can they tare without the tub if, according to you in >>6764508 they have to weigh it
>this way to avoid contamination of the scales
IE, there has to be /something/ there, right?

I've seen butchers put those little foam trays on the scale, tare, load the meat on, print out the sticker, wrap up the tray, heat-seal it shut and, finally, put the sticker on it. Or butcher's parchment. Or clingfilm. Basically, they always put /something/ on the scale before printing the sticker.
Are you saying that the something they put on the scale isn't the thing they pack the meat into? If so, that doesn't make sense, either, because then the tub isn't getting weighed, anyway. If that's the case, you might be getting charged for the 10g of clingfilm or paper they put the meat on before wrapping it up or tubbing it for you, but not for the tub.

>> No.6764633


Doesn't pretty much every store have frozen broccoli? Those are only flowers. And frozen vegetables are a gift from the gods

>> No.6764660

Depends on your perspective. I speak Deutschbag natively, for example.


It also depends on which veg you're freezing. I can't fucking stand frozen leaf vegetables in most applications. Once frozen, they're good only for soup.
I've never used frozen broccoli, though.

>> No.6764667

Same thing with mushrooms. For fuck's sake there's 2 basic kind, white and crimini. Unless you're buying those exotic asian ones, but they look totally different.

>> No.6764673


I'm also German. I feel like there are loads of us on /ck/

Anyways, yes, frozen leaf vegetables (spinach and such) are just horrible. They just turn into mush when you defrost them. Same with mushrooms, they're soaked full with water.
But carrots, peas, beans, cauliflower, broccoli and so on are just perfect. It's all pre-cut, it's so convenient, it's HELLA cheap and it doesn't go bad all the while they still have similar nutritional values to fresh vegetables and a good taste

>> No.6764680

I think there is a misunderstanding of some sort here

how they should do it
>put the tub on the scales
>add the meat
they now have the weight of the meat

how they do it
>tare with empty scales
>add the meat
then they get the meat+cost of the tub

>> No.6764681

Broccoli soup fucking plebs
it's the soup of the gods

>> No.6764689

Wtf where do you live

>> No.6764692

I speak German, Anon, but I'm not German. Plenty of other countries speak German, you know.

Anyway, the only frozen veg I buy are peas, corn, baby onions and broad beans.

I've purchased others in the past but am always disappointed. I do, however, like frozen fruits because they're great for porridge and for making ice cream and sorbet.

I freeze lots of veg on my own, too. I've never frozen broccoli or corn because they both seem to last forever and I've never bought any other fresh beans besides broad beans. I like my beans dry.

>> No.6764716

>complaining about receiving a discount on your vidalias
>not recognizing a cashier is being nice to you for being a regular customer

You should be a cunt about this irl. See how the cashier's attitude changes and they start weighing your vegetables with the scan gun resting on the scale.

>> No.6764727

Okay. Well, if you see them do it, why don't you say anything? You wouldn't be spaghetti-ing everywhere because you're in the right to speak up about it.
Those tubs weigh 30-50g on average. That's a third to a half of 1hg! Things are sold by the hg in my country and I'll be damned if I go round the shops to buy 200g mince but get charged for 250g. I'd fuckin' say something.

I make broccoli chowder.
I chop some onion and cube up some potato and broccoli stems.
Then I purée some milk and water with broccoli florets until smooth.
I melt some butter, add the onion, add some flour then veg stock cube.
I pour the milk/broccoli mixture into the pan and break up the roux then add the potato and brocc stem.
Once tender, it's done. Pretty delicious, IMO.

Is it cheating to use stock cubes?

>> No.6764754


Right, misread it as "I'm a Deutschbag". Anyways, when I buy broccoli fresh it goes bad pretty quickly and I don't use all of it at once so one half of it usually goes bad. That's why I prefer frozen broccoli or Kaisergemüse. Doesn't go bad, can be easily portioned, it's cheap and doesn't require any prep work.

>> No.6764755

Why do they make meat so much easier to buy than vegetables? Conspiracy

>> No.6764774


What are you talking about?

>> No.6764797

>never frozen broccoli or corn
>broccoli or carrots

I've never bought any bags of mixed vegetables, ever, but if you like it, keep buying it.

>> No.6764823

i don't get the one about the clothes hanger shirt. besides the poor taste, what more there is to it?

>> No.6764849

You gotta pick up the fruits and vegetables and put them in the bags they provide you. Takes ten seconds.
>too much work

>> No.6764883
File: 309 KB, 500x265, overreaction gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wondered at the time if the guy had seen Idiocracy, but I somehow doubt it.
I am currently working in retail, so I get to do a lot of people watching. It's startling how close some people are to the characters in Idiocracy. It is kind of depressing.

>> No.6764944

She's vegan or, in other words
>Annie malls iz pee pull two!!!
and therefore doesn't want to eat anything that could cause harm to poor, defenseless chickens. However, she's perfectly okay with killing poor, defenseless would-be humans.

I didn't get around to calling that friend for stories of stupidity, by the way. I'll ask him ASAP for some. He really hates the people that shop at his other store, but he the profit margins are insane, even with the much, much higher cost of business there, and that's all that matters.

I fear for our future.

>> No.6765018

>implying the vast majority of the human population haven't been fucking idiots for the last 30,000 years

You just get to hear about it more now because everyone can bitch about it online.

>> No.6765074
File: 247 KB, 760x572, 1438916144728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make a soup out of it you tard

>> No.6765120
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>> No.6765145

Stock is love. Stock is life.

Charred bones from grilling? Stock.

Bits of vegetables you'd just throw away? Like the stems of brocolli, unusable bits of onion, celery, and carrot? Stock.

Ham bone with meat on it? Stock.

Chicken scraps you'd just throw away while you were cleaning and preparing some thighs and chicken breasts? Stock. Left-over Chicken carcass from Costco? Better believe that's fucking stock.

Make the stock, let it cool, put it into a container, and then either freeze it or use it. Fantastic.

>> No.6765228

And then what are you supposed to do with the stock?

>> No.6765573

You don't eat the stalk? I eat the stalk.

>> No.6765585
File: 1.96 MB, 350x329, 1435841538956.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy frozen broccoli
>it's mostly stems

>> No.6765591

...i don't know if i missed something but i'm pretty sure this is an old copypasta. i'm fucking amazed that no one seems to have pointed this out (sorry if i missed you)

>> No.6765592


>> No.6765609

Oh, hi! Haven't seen you in a while Everything-Is-Copypasta Guy! How's the no wife and the no kids? And how's no work? Still doing nothing for a living? That's good.
Well, when you go upstairs for dinner, tell your mum I was asking for her!


>> No.6765611

Cut it into thin strips about the thickness of noodles and then fry them with some olive oil and carrots under low heat. Put in some fresh rosemary, onions, peppers, half a teaspoon of soy sauce, and you've got yourself a meal. Shit cleans up really easily too, there's nothing to get stuck to the pan unless you're a fucking retard and somehow burn it.

>> No.6765613

>tfw thought it was a troll thread
>tfw it wasnt
I dont know which one is worse

>> No.6765631


yes yes i'm that guy. but your google search doesn't prove anything. i know i've seen this shit specifically with reference to broccoli stems before, unless i have deja vu.

>> No.6765633


also, go upstairs for dinner? what?

>> No.6765641

>all of the world's knowledge available at your fingertips
>"doesn't prove anything"

Well gee, Everything-is-Copypasta Guy, I guess we're gonna have to disagree on that point, eh?

>> No.6765649

Basically, you're a cellar-dwelling cavetroll who still lives with mum.

>> No.6765652


stop acting like that it's really irritating.

this thread has been done before. it is definitely a troll thread and i just wanted to know if anyone else had the recall, cause usually people on here are a lot more on top of that shit than i am.

>> No.6765656


who lives in the cellar and spells it 'mum'? where am i supposed to live, devon? matlock?

>> No.6765683

>gets btfo
>starts to flip tfo
Now, now, Everything-is-Copypasta Guy; that's no way to behave. We're all friends here, even if some of us are paranoid tin-foil-hatters.

>> No.6765719


i don't see it as paranoia. i think it's a pretty well-devised troll post. but i'm pretty sure it is one.

>> No.6765729

>incapable of appreciating consonance for the sake of consonance
A cellar-dweller if ever I've encountered one. What do you think of the current boom of programmes centred about your kind? I've yet to watch The Autistic Gardener, but as it's on 4OD now, I'll likely give it a go some time soon.

>> No.6765734


i wasn't talking about the use of the word 'cellar' i was talking about the idea that i'm a brit who lives in the basement at all. it's like those cunt brits who go online and talk about 'cheeto crumbs'. you're a traitor to your kind.

>> No.6765750

No one specifically called you a Brit, you know. Lots of countries say 'mum.' In fact, all the English speaking ones other than the US.

>> No.6765760


didn't know that

>> No.6765782

You mean florets

>> No.6765808

But you do put in actual noodles too right? Or at least something of substance?

>> No.6765809

I don't know how it is everywhere else, but where I live, eggs have always been cheaper than egg beaters (maybe not lately since the bird flu thing or whatever, but as recently as a year ago). I was trying a low-cholesterol diet a few years ago and trying to figure out the cheapest way to get just egg whites. Turns out buying eggs and throwing out the yolks was cheaper by the ounce than even the store-brand egg beaters.

>> No.6765839
File: 55 KB, 792x589, thumbs up dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just think cheap meat is nasty.
Agree with this so much

>> No.6768200

It would be fermented watermelon
but to most normal people here they think of fermented as a nasty word like kemchi or garbage or old and nasty (not that it's true) but alot of people don't think of it as pickled

>> No.6768338

I equate fermented to rotten. If I hear something is fermented I think it's spoiled and ruined.

>> No.6768523
File: 77 KB, 1023x650, based hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry, Hitler loves you all. :)

>> No.6771229

wageslaves are pathetic.

>> No.6771235


It doesn't matter; it's the meaning of it.

>> No.6771242

You're meant to eat that part too

>> No.6771466

So. Much. This.

>> No.6771472

OP never buy artichoks

>> No.6771478

Worked in produce department many many years.
OP just snap the fucking stem or buy crowns.
No produce employee gives a fuck what customers do really.
Shit you could ask and produce person to trim the stem down/off anything.
Customer service mother fucker.

OP You must be a real dumb ass

>> No.6771496

Huh? You can use like 90% of it can't you? Just keep chopping until the stalk becomes woody.

>> No.6771509

Well that makes you an idiot.

>> No.6771728

yeah you peel the tougher skin off to reveal the tasty, tender broccoli meat underneath.

Works best for the more fibrous pieces, obviously.

I usually slice off the thick, woody, split and dried up end of the stalk, peel the skin off of the very bottom of what remains, and leave the skin on the rest of the way up, where it's more tender.

It all gets chopped up and sautéed, or blanched, or steamed, whatever preparation I want.

>> No.6771785

i just buy shit from GFS because if it's good enough for my banquet kitchen, it's good enough for my fridge.

>> No.6771940

Isn't the steam where all the nutrients are?

>> No.6771980

Nah. The whole thing is about equal in all respects except vitamin A, which the florets has more of than the stem.
The most nutritious part, however, are the leaves, because it has the highest vitamin A content with all other vits and minerals being about equal.

All parts are equal (or a gram/milligram or two away at most and therefore about equal) in:
sodium, carbs, protein, vitamin c, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin b6, folate and pantothenic acid.

See for yourself at the following:


Be sure to set the serving size to 100g for each example to get the most accurate read-out.

>> No.6773379

>Go to local supermarket to buy groceries
>Decide to get some bananas because I fucking love bananas
>Bananas bunches are buy one get one free
>fuck yes, get six bunches of bananas. Gonna make me some banana bread 'n shit
>go to self check out with my purchase
>ring up bananas
>register shuts down because I rang up too many bananas
>loss prevention comes over to speak to me
>sees all my bananas
>am arrested for shoplifting
>never did get my bananas

>> No.6773470

Where the fuck are you shopping? Broc is different size so how would paying by the unit make any sense?

>> No.6773491


>> No.6773500

>It's might right to rob them blind, how dare they question what I'm doing!

>> No.6773540

>try to buy things
>get arrested

>> No.6773804

I only saw a guy shoplift once. It was like 1-2 days before Thanksgiving and a clearly homeless man casually walked out with arms full of food. One of the baggers hauled ass after him and brought him in by the scruff of his neck and forced him upstairs.

I felt bad for him, he just wanted some food for Thanksgiving, since you know, he'd be spending it alone under a bridge. But maybe his own plan was to get caught, so he would have some hot jail food instead.

>> No.6773832

Thinly slice it lengthwise on a mandolin and pickle the slices.