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File: 122 KB, 634x763, gordo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6759164 No.6759164 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck did a Brit, of all things, become a symbol of quality?

As Gordo would say, "Bloody 'ell."

>> No.6759166

I thought he was Scottish.

>> No.6759172

>Gordon James Ramsay, OBE (born 8 November 1966) is a Scottish born British chef and restaurateur.

>> No.6759173

I know what you mean. Usually the English only produce horrible shit, like mushy peas and the United States of America.

>> No.6759175

I give the the people that left Britain a pass since they were so ashamed to live there.

>> No.6759177

England has very few good national dishes. However, they do have a good restaurant culture that they got together after years of taking notes from French restaurant culture.

>> No.6759184

Why is he so sharpei-like in appearance?

>> No.6759185

>le WW2 meme

>> No.6759938


Age, stress, booze, and cigarettes.

>> No.6759946

he learned in France for a few years

>> No.6759958


Scottish people are british.


Mushy peas are good, the only people who hate them are picky eater manchildren who can't handle the texture.


>after years of taking notes from French restaurant culture.

Considering there is a tunnel that connects both our countries, I don't see how that can be shamed at all.

>> No.6759968

Britain has dozens of fantastic national dishes, I bet wales alone has more than most countires

>> No.6759979

> dozens
Bong here
Please name them

>> No.6759981

He is a symbol of angriness

>> No.6760011


>> No.6760026

>Self hating Bong

I bet you vote UKIP, too.

>> No.6760031

>Labour voter detected

Fuck off back to muslimland

>> No.6760032
File: 988 KB, 750x3464, michelin-star-restaurants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le funny "ewww british food" thread
>look mom i posted it again!

>> No.6760036

You do, don't you? You read the Daily Mail or the Mirror, you believe everything in it and think Britain is the worst country in the world full of feral roaming muslim teenagers, high on drink on drugs, just ready to steal everything you own (even that Durabrand 42" television you got from Tesco, the bastards!)

Then you go vote UKIP because they're the only ones who can restore order to this terrible country you live in oh God it's so terrible WHY ARE THE BRITISH SUCH TERRIBLE PEOPLE OH GOD I HATE MYSELF SO MUCH!

Self hatred is a terrible thing.

>> No.6760037

Is there a chart like this for the US?

>> No.6760071
File: 55 KB, 815x603, 1328832866026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, i'm sure Le Manoir aux Quat'Saisons and Paris House are the perfect example of British cuisine.

>> No.6760074

>He reads the guardian and thinks the BBC is unbiased

There's a reason most parties have taken policies from UKIP

Stop drinking white lightning and get a job you filthy dole scum.

>> No.6760078

>How the fuck did a Brit, of all things, become a symbol of quality?
post colonialism. its why they teach shakespeare in school and why lemmings actually regard him as the greatest writer ever even though they never read any of his shit for pleasure.

fuck the british.

>> No.6760079

we have lots of national dishes, it's just lots of it isnt really suitable for classy restaurants or either they or their names have been generisised.

also, rationing during ww2 caused significant damage to the British food industry

>> No.6760084

we don't think he's the greatestwritereveromg!1! like everyone else act like we do, it's just that he invented coming up on half of our fucking language

>> No.6760123

>He reads the guardian

Nope. Don't read any newspapers.

>thinks the BBC is unbiased

Nope. No media outlet is unbiased. The trick is to recognise the bias and adjust for it.

>There's a reason most parties have taken policies from UKIP

Yes, blind panic to appease the self-loathing masses like you.

>> No.6760125

>I can't find two non-British restaurants in the entire list! Haha! Your argument is invalid!

You argue with women on Tumblr, don't you?

>> No.6760127

I just picked two of the more glaringly obvious examples. If you were hoping i'd go through the list and exhaustively name every french restaurant there then you're overestimating how many fucks i give about your shitty infograph, but i'm sure you're more than capable of finding them on your own.

>> No.6760130

>lemmings actually regard him as the greatest writer ever

To be fair, his only competitor in the English language is Milton. He's at least the second greatest author in the entirety of the English language.

Hating Shakespeare because R&J or Othello or Macbeth was assigned reading in school is just a meme.

>> No.6760136

and Chaucer

>> No.6760142

>This much denial

UKIP voters are the exact opposite of self loathing, we have pride and are sad to see what morons like you have done to this country. It's clear you are the result of Labour's 'education'

>> No.6760145

Go back into your hole David!

>> No.6760383

>implying Hamlet and Macbeth's death scene weren't the shit

I bear a charmed life that must not yield to one of woman born

>> No.6760392

Britain was too busy inventing everything in the world that was useful (including USA) , and whilst the Brits were dealing with the industrial revolution, Italy, Spain, France etc were inventing 300 types of Olive Oil or fucking sauces.

>> No.6760408

Also, the Brits were far too busy fighting Nazi's (alone) to be bothered about how to cook a fucking soufflé

>> No.6760469

He's not a vegan.

Eating flesh slowly transforms you into a carnivorous animal. His biology just chose a particularly shitty form of dog.

>> No.6760496
File: 17 KB, 294x294, 1353623937819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scottish people are british.

>> No.6760593

I never implied that, I love Shakespeare, especially Hamlet and Macbeth.

I was implying that there are a large number of people who dislike Shakespeare only because they were forced to read him in school.

Yee boi

>> No.6760600
File: 40 KB, 460x360, oh-god-my-sides.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6760615

Are you trolling?

>> No.6760620

The best part of British culture are the French parts.

>> No.6760634

I hated Shakespeare because I was forced to read Romeo and Juliet and the whole time I kept thinking, "Hey, didn't these two turds met for less than a week?"

>> No.6760641

Are you stupid?

>> No.6760668

>Considering there is a tunnel that connects both our countries, I don't see how that can be shamed at all.

Did you think I was implying there was something to be ashamed of? Emulating French restaurant culture was a good thing.

>> No.6760673


Dozens of variations of beans on toast, fried fish and fried potatoes, and combinations of entrees that don't actually have any flavor interactions right?

>> No.6760691

> Implying that a good restaurant scene changes a country's abysmal lack of good national dishes
> Implying that a person's day-to-day diet has anything to do with the quality of food at Michelin star restaurants

>> No.6760704


So that whole tasting menu a the Fat Duck. Has anyone tried that one?

Because on one hand it seems kind of pretentious, but on the other hand it seems quite an expirience. The price isn't all that steep either.

Are there any other costs involved and how long is the reservation time?

>> No.6760720

>flavor interactions
I love when pretentious Americans do this.

>> No.6760792

He can hold SIX playing cards in place with his forehead wrinkles.

>> No.6760800

This fucking britbong is too fucking retarded to understand that when you chew things their flavors mix in your mouth. Do you swallow your food whole or something? Unsurprising, considering what a fucking shit show your national cuisine is.

>> No.6760874

>no michelin star restauraunts in Northern Ireland
well fuck me and my home country

>> No.6760893

Sometimes the Michelin inspectors stop going to areas where the chefs don't give a fuck about Michelin stars. They stopped coming to greater Los Angeles for that very reason, even though LA County has some great upscale restaurants.

>> No.6760897

Fucking throwers.

>> No.6760937
File: 31 KB, 236x531, Made in Britain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6760973


i went to the fat duck back when it had a la carte as well and someone at my table vetoed the tasting menu but we still got like 8 courses i think.

i wouldn't call it pretentious. pretentious would be trying to impress people or project authority by saying you eat there. the actual experience is just a lot of fun.

reservations are generally a couple of months in advance and they go quick. obviously wine/drinks are a potentially significant additional cost.

they've moved to melbourne recently but will be reopening in bray later this year.

>> No.6761198

It's funny when Americans attempt to disparage British culture, as if they even know the meaning of the word. When a French or Italian makes fun of us, I can sort of see where they're coming from - but an American? Ha.

>> No.6761728

>Diabetic detected