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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6755227 No.6755227 [Reply] [Original]

What ever happened to naming dishes after military heroes like Beef Wellington?

Why don't we have Eggs Petraeus? Chicken a la MacArthur?

>> No.6755238

Also: How do you make beef wellington without making the pastry soggy? Let the meat sit for a while?

>> No.6755242

Nobody knows where the name of that dish came from; it almost certainly has nothing to do with the Duke of Wellington (the war hero), as recipes for this dish didn't appear until nearly 100 years after his death

>> No.6755246
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You gotta get as much water out of the mushrooms as possible

>> No.6755247

The pastry always becomes soggy at the bottom because meat juices leak out. I suppose that if you cook the tenderloin sous vide first to a desired core temperature, chill it down and then heat it in the pastry you can improve on the crustiness but I've never tried.

>> No.6755250

>Chicken a la MacArthur
>"I shall return"
>recipe calls for syrup of ipecac

>Eggs Petraeus
>Lure 4 large eggs to abduction point
>Strap each egg to a board
>Cover each egg with a tea towel
>Douse with one gallon of water each
>Break each egg when they fail to confess
>Electrify eggs with car battery jumper cables
>Serve eggs on a stolen manilla folder

>> No.6755256

because bombing civilians for Israel, Saudi Arabia and various corporations is not heroic
there should be dishes named after real modern heroes though, like Snowden or Assange

>> No.6755276

>Steak Patton
>Beat a 16oz porterhouse with a riding crop
>Shoot six holes in it with an ivory-handled revolver
>Wrap it in a crisp white t shirt
>Place it on top of a tank engine
>Drive the tank 110 miles in one day
>Serve steak in a steel pot helmet

>> No.6755284


You're supposed to wrap the meat with something to act as a barrier between the juices and the pastry. In the original recipe it was a very thin crepe. Gordon Ramsay's recipe uses slices of proscuitto instead. I've tried both methods and they both work. I prefer Ramsay's because it's less work than making the crepes.

That too. You need to cook the water out of the duxelles.

>> No.6755289
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I enjoyed these

>> No.6755292

Chicken Assange:
>rape a chicken
>serve with rice

>> No.6755300

>Tilapia Montgomery
>Dawdle to grocery store
>Hesitate over fish counter
>Slow walk to the registers
>Meander home with tilapia
>Poach tilapia
>Announce that Bluefin Tuna Steaks are ready
>Serve tilapia

>> No.6755314

Steak Westmoreland
>spend $200 on a steak that should cost $22
>drop napalm on it from 3000ft
>serve with a blood orange reduction

>> No.6755321
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based blood orange balsamic reduction

>> No.6755330

You're a fucking moron, just saying.

>> No.6755341
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this is a no bully thread fucc boi

>> No.6755343
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You're doing God's work anon

>> No.6755348

Steak Anon
>cook steak to perfect medium rare
"lol looks like shit dude"
>eat tendies from popeye's instead

>> No.6755356

no one wants to think about dead white guys while they eat, unless its at a funeral party

>> No.6755441

we should start naming foods/recipes after pop culture icons

>> No.6755448

what about;

Mad Jack'd potatoes

after mad jack churchill

>> No.6755459 [DELETED] 

Those are so awesome when done right.

>> No.6755467

Gold a la Trump
>1kg bar of gold
>braise in liberal tears
>constantly yell at it that it is "fired"
>shove it down Megyn Kelly's mouth
>serve with angel hair pasta arranged as a combover

>> No.6755472
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>> No.6755478

Then why use phrases like 'fucc boi', you double nigger?

Most obscure insult ever. Bravo.

Sure is American in here. Historical ignorance, nigger gibberish and a lack of both cleverness and bite in the insults.

I salute the three of you, you're clearly doing well in high school.

>> No.6755490

>Spaghetti LeMay
>Draft a box of pasta
>Hammer it with a steak tenderizer
>Place pasta in blender
>Puree pasta for two hours
>Repeat steak hammer step
>Boil pasta
>Place under broiler
>Remove and flambe pasta
>Serve in same smoking pot as prepared

>> No.6755492 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6755495

Bong detected.

>> No.6755497
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>Chicken European
>Whine until Americans cook it for you
>Claim victory over chicken

>> No.6755501

you should have worked in the firebombing of Germany dude

>> No.6755514 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6755516

Wrong. I'm from Shitpostria.

C'mon man. America was vital to winning the war in the Pacific and the shattering of 'Festung Europa', but belittling the sacrifices of the British Commonwealth and the abilities of its staff is ungallant.

>> No.6755519
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>> No.6755525
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>expecting pleasantries on a mongolian basket weaving forum
Eat my memes bro

>> No.6755531 [DELETED] 

We had to do it, it would have compromised codes and you know it. It was a fucking war that we didn't start and needed to end.

>> No.6755536
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>> No.6755537

What happened to it? Causes strife. So nobody sane does it any longer.

>> No.6755541
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Congress Tart

>> No.6755543

>Implying nationalism is dead
They still serve freedom fries at Congress dude

>> No.6755550

>Tea Pilkington
>two pieces of white bread, toasted
>lightly buttered
>served with tea as weak as Lipton's brew and juice squeezed from his head like a fucking orange

>> No.6755552

>eggs Benedict

>> No.6755553 [DELETED] 

hahaha that's just mean

>> No.6755558
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Potatoes Obama

>> No.6755566

French Toast
>whisk eggs together with cinnamon, sugar, vanilla, and milk
>dip slices brioche
>sear on medium
>wrap in white cloth
>attach to pole
>wave whenever threatened

>> No.6755571
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>> No.6755575

GOAT pastry right here, especially the strawberry one

>> No.6755576 [DELETED] 

I think because it's too soon and they were on the battlefield so really weren't thinking of special meals for themselves. It's a lot different not than it was a thousand years ago.

This should be about Norman Schwarzkopf and his favorite food.



A lot of it has to do with niggers and political types, renaming things for them to make niggers "feel" good.

>> No.6755579

I could go for an Arnold Palmer right about now

An Eggs Benedict too

>> No.6755598 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 640x480, obama-excuses-49f84820-1c63-434b-b89c-7f067605082d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obama's favorite meal is eating crow while making excuses for islamics. That'll be clinton's too if that cunt gets elected.

>> No.6755602


>> No.6755604

32nd Infantry Division Stew

Mix weak bladders, lily livers, yellow spines and big mouths together in Northern Australia.

Allow to marinate until boasting becomes unbearable.

Send in to Buna-Gona to relieve a weak Australian reserve unit that's been fighting nonstop for nine months.

Upon taking one or two casualties, refuse to fight any longer.

Require under-supplied, under-strength, battle fatigued Australian reservists to come in and fight for you.

Cover up well with plenty of ignorance and leave to be quietly ignored for sixty years.

>> No.6755627

>implying Aussies give a fuck about the opinions of Indian call centre workers
>implying that Indians aren't queueing by the tens of thousands to get into Australia
>implying that bathing in, drinking from, shitting in and disposing of the dead in your main water supply makes you morally superior
>definitely flat-out saying you're a mongoloid for respecting the opinions of cow-worshipping street shitters

>> No.6755670

>obama is so square even his plates are

>> No.6755676


>> No.6755689
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>> No.6755699

>Meat bread
What the actual fuck America?

>> No.6755703
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it is from france you nonce

>> No.6755709

Ikr what the hell

>> No.6755713


Or a more succinct version

>place pasta on counter
>set your house on fire
>cook until fine ash is achieved

>> No.6755772


Eggs Patraeus

>place desired number of eggs in neighbors yard
>bombard with flaming white phosphorus
>leave wreckage for someone else to deal with

>> No.6755791

Justin Timber-cake

>> No.6755799

Mariah Sherry

>> No.6755979

Tina Whey
Jon Stew
Sushi Sioux
Kat Dumplings
Ellen Sage
Yolandi Vichyssoise

>> No.6756021

Because we don't need military jingoism in our food during peacetime. I'm not a hippy, fuck the military type of guy. I know what a huge service they do for private citizens and how important the military has been in anyone having any rights. But really, during peacetime war is the last thing I want to think about. Oncologists do a very big service to our population too but I'd rather not be reminded of cancer while eating dinner.

>> No.6756033

Calm down m8. No ones saying Indians are morally superior. Like the card said, just stating facts.

>> No.6756037

>eating Beef Memengton

>> No.6756049

There's a garlic pap smear on a bagel joke in here somewhere.

>> No.6756106 [DELETED] 
File: 116 KB, 646x431, General_Tso's_Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you people have missed General Tso's chicken?

You dumbass fucks!

>> No.6756115 [DELETED] 

Shut up asshole the fact is that if you were capured by daeish and put into a steel cage with flammibles all around you, you'd be crying like the little bitch that you are.

>> No.6756122 [DELETED] 

I like your style.

>> No.6756127 [DELETED] 
File: 27 KB, 335x350, waaaambulance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whaaaa, you aussies were he only ones to go through WW II. Let me call you a whaaambluance...

>> No.6756128 [DELETED] 

But you do otherwise you wouldn't keep letting them into your nation.

>> No.6756130

I always thought the 'general' referred to the fact that it's the same dish no matter where you get it

>> No.6756145

Penne Grant

No sauce, just drown the pasta with vodka

>> No.6756172 [DELETED] 
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How about the Colonel, even if it's just honorary?

>> No.6756235
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obama is fucking white

>> No.6756268
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>Omelette du Napoleon

>> No.6756299 [DELETED] 

fuck that, obama is fuckin' pig that got a nobel peace prize for being a pig and doing nothing. That's almost an insult to pigs.

>> No.6756320

>he thinks calling someone white is a compliment

>> No.6756331
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>> No.6756333

There are no heroes left in man.

>> No.6756353
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that hero

>> No.6756479 [DELETED] 

It's certainly better than being called a nigger.

>> No.6756502

>implying these terrorist groups are not supported by the US/Israel/Saudi Arabia
keep being a statist cuck though, maybe someday the benevolent "heroes" in government will defeat the terrorists they armed and give you your freedom back

>> No.6756598

I actually saw a documentary on the origins of General Tso's Chicken the other day. Interesting stuff.

>> No.6756622

That looks really good, is it that hard to make? I would probably use a Ramsay recipe; I've made his salmon en croute before; that was only difficult because I had never filleted a salmon before, it was messy o.O; end product was pretty tasty tho.

>> No.6757214 [DELETED] 

Shut up and go back to listening to alex jones with his lizard people. If you really believe the bullshit that your spouting then buy some mugs and t-shirts too then go get some therapy.

>> No.6757217 [DELETED] 

Links? I'd like to see that too.

>> No.6757235

"Veal Marengo" named after a the Battle of Marengo...

>> No.6757267

>Beef American
>Order something from an Italian restaurant
>Serve and claim you cooked it yourself

>> No.6757280
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>> No.6757301
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>No, you.

>> No.6757319

>serve with angel hair pasta arranged as a combover


>> No.6757606

Here's the website, which even gives you a recipe for General Tso's chicken.

>> No.6757702


>> No.6757719

>drown potatoes in whiskey
>insult party guests
>drain potatoes
>throw out potatoes
>serve with cigar

>> No.6757730

i doubt if thats any good.

>> No.6758387

>Chilli Stalin
>Plant glorious revolutionary chilis
>Raise glorious common-cooperative beef cattle
>Import capitalist pig dog tomatoes
>relabel as glorious Red Patriotic Fatherland Cross tomatoes
>Harvest chilis
>Why are some of these chilis not saluting properly
>Why are some chilis not of proper color
>Begin chili purge
>disappear disloyal chilis
>have assassinated traitor chilis
>Place suspicious chilis in icebox for ten years
>Issue public decree honoring beef cattle for sacrifice to Fatherland
>Make beef cattle national hero
>Purchase beef cattle luxury apartment with secret three-day lease
>Through glorious soiree of Roman levels of inducement for beef cattle
>Slaughter glorious beef cattle while passed out on Stoli Black Label
>Massacre pig dog tomatoes
>Season with blood sweat and tears of traitorous peasants
>Serve in a faggy glass tumbler with a tarnished silver handle

>> No.6758752

>he hasn't eaten gaddafi gammon before

>> No.6758983

>hitler bratwurst
>turn on the gas