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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 90 KB, 668x502, rabbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6752799 No.6752799 [Reply] [Original]

I just got a rabbit from the farmers' market
How do you like to cook rabbit?

I was just going to simply roast mine with some steamed veg.

>> No.6752800

Treat it like chicken and fry that bitch up.

>> No.6752804

What kind of faggot eats steamed vegetables?

>> No.6752806

You sure that rabbit's dead anon?

>> No.6752808

ewwww it's full of blood!

>> No.6752809

Obviously people who spite rabbits that eat raw vegetables.

>> No.6752810

stew it in a pie!!. it can be tough sometimes though!

>> No.6752816

this, panfry (no fucking breading though)

Yeah weird huh? What are yours usually filled with?

>> No.6752829

I find your criticism constructive.

>> No.6752855

Just plain steamed? People of northern European background.

>> No.6752858 [DELETED] 

>le epic white people food meme
Fuck off niggerspic

>> No.6752865

Cut up, dusted with tenderiser powder because I'm a cheating sumbitch, sautéed a bit*, then stewed in mushroom gravy until soft.

Served with bread dumplings, sautéed or roasted green veg, preferably a leafy one, and carrot/parsnip/potato mash whipped with bacon grease.

> rabbit is fucking delicious cooked in lamb's or mutton tallow

>> No.6752870

It's amusing how white Americans are so out of touch with their ancestral cultures that they manage to get buttblasted when someone makes an uncontroversial, factual, non-normative remark about some food.

Or maybe it's because the Asians took all the slots at the good schools, and they feel they need to blame blacks and hispanics, in this case. Not that this one would have had a chance even without the Asians.

>> No.6752876

I'm from northern Europe you fucking mong

>> No.6752877

>implying not white
Entirely likely that I'm whiter than you.
Still, I don't know any other cultures that habitually eat steamed veg besides northern Europeans and the cultures of their descendant nations (US, Canada, Australia, NZ, SA etc).

>> No.6752892

>what are different types of asian cuisines

>> No.6752895
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Oh, herro Mongorians!

>> No.6752897

>here, let me conveniently ignore the word "habitually"

>> No.6752900

I like mine braised in wine, then finished with cream and served with some potato and onion fritters.

>> No.6752974
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I cooked one once. I used a white wine sauce to pair with it's cooking. I was pleased with the taste, but the price I paid for it, probably only once unless I go hunting. I do have a $250 pellet gun that has a very good velocity for hunting. Pic related.

>> No.6753000

oh sweet a gore thread
should i start dumping?

>> No.6753094


milk soak first they some thyme and rosemary and fry that bitch up


rabbit stew is like eating Baby Jesus' day old throwup, it's amazing

>> No.6753133
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Never bought rabbit, but ate it for the first time early spring. (shot one with ar pistol while target shooting in the back yard, going back to gut it he got cornered enough for us to bring out the 10/22 and blow the back of its head out, and after i butchered the first two and was washing/processing my friend shot another in the backyard with a .22 M16A1-eque-15)

Cut off the feet n' head. Gutted (saved heart and liver, cooked that up later with pasta and butter). Then I went through the long process of deboning everything. Carcass, hind legs, and forelegs.

Made a delicious stock out of that with onion skins, carrot peels/tops, and celery tops.

Fried up the meat in bacon fat, fried up onions/celery/peppers in butter while scraping the fond, then threw in the diced meat, broth, potatoes, and carrots until it was a delicious stew going for cajun flavors with lots of garlic, paprika, and peppers.

God damn, it was so good that when my brother was throwing up after drinking hard on a Friday night, he said it was the first time that his puke made him want to eat more of the dish he just ate.

>> No.6753223

Does the saying go "owners look like their pets" or "pets look like their owners"? Either one applies here.

>> No.6753230

There's only one way to eat a brace of coneys

>> No.6753243
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>skinning/butchering on a wood food prep surface

What the fuck do you think you are doing anon?

>> No.6753262

I would return it. It looks partially inside-out.

>> No.6753266

rabbits are too cute to eat stop it guys. :(

>> No.6753271

Humans truly are the most evil creatures in this world. Imagine a bunch of niggers coming into your house and "blowing the back the head" of your children for a one time meal.... And you cant do nothing, coz its legal, you just stand there and wait for your turn....
I can't wait for humans to go extinct. What a joyful day will that be...

>> No.6753277

Well, you won't be around, so that's definitely a positive aspect.

>> No.6753283
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>> No.6753366


We have wild rabbits running around our neighborhood. Should, let us say... one met with a sudden end, is it safe to eat? What should I do to avoid parasites (I remember reading about them before).

>> No.6753367

Cook it to hell.

Boiling is better because rabbit is tough.

>> No.6753369

butchering a rabbit was memorable the first time. the back legs were a surprise.

>> No.6753371


Shut up faggot.

Who gives a fuck if its cute?

>> No.6753377
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Start by suck-starting a shotgun faggot.

>> No.6753387
File: 65 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it. My neighbors around the block have these pesky rabbits that dig holes and chew up their wires and shit. Once they cause to much trouble an exterminator comes and fucks their shit up. They take about two years to repopulate. Needless to say, they're doomed.

All I want to do is shoot them with my high-velocity air gun and make hassenpfeffer out of them. The problem is that the rabbits right across the street from a high school, and police patrol the streets around it a lot, even in the dead of night. I would defo get caught firing my air rifle in that corner of that street. Even if my house is only a block away, there'd be a 50/50 chance someone would call the cops and if anyone saw my rushing back to my house I'd get in trouble.
I want to hunt those rabbits so fucking bad that my dick hurts. If I want to cook rabbit I have to go to a Mexican store where they charge like $15 per rabbit when I could just shoot one for free because I don't want the cops called on me.

>> No.6753392

stew with beer and onions, butter and make a roux up

>> No.6753432


>> No.6753444

Tell me more about snares and how I could logistically use one with out my neighbors, the cops, or students at the school stopping me?

>> No.6753460

Lapin à la moutarde

- Brush rabbit with dijon mustard
- Sear rabbit in a pan with some oil, shallots and carrot, thyme, bay leaf and some sugar
- Remove rabbit and deglaze with dry white
- let the wine reduce and add the rabbit and cover the pan for 30 mins
- eat with a side of mash potato + green beans

>> No.6753469

its pretty obvious, but this is 4chan
have you asked your neighbours?

>> No.6753477

No. I hardly talk to them and I think I'd come off as weird as shit if my first interaction with them in years is asking if I can kill the rabbits that wander around their front yard.

>> No.6753483 [DELETED] 

Cook it up with some garlic and onion and enjoy with a nice Rijoa. Simple, enjoy that wabbit. Maybe with some carrots and celery.

>> No.6753605 [DELETED] 

That's your problem faggit. I don't care about your logistics. I suspect that nobody else does either, stop being a whiney little bitch and deal with your own problems for a change.

>> No.6753609

fucking ask them then you autist

>> No.6753624

I dislike wild rabbit. I really love wild game, but damn. Rabbit is just terrible

>> No.6753629 [DELETED] 

That's why garlic, onion, carrot, and some stock comes in handy. Wabbit is good!

>> No.6753630 [DELETED] 

... celery too

>> No.6753642

I cooked some for my friend that shot it. His dad gave us a family recipe to panfry it, it wasn't overseasoned enough to change the rabbit and I made a gravy out of the drippings. Been so long ago I can't recall why I disliked the taste but oh well

>> No.6754395

That seems like the most humane way to do it and then he ate it. Are you seriously retarded?

>> No.6754500

What butchers have done for centuries?

>> No.6754519

Do it in the cold months if in the north (the first hard frost generally kills off the weaklings) otherwise you have to check carefully for worms and disease. Use an air rifle to be quiet, but make sure you're accurate and also run up to cut the head off with a knife.

>> No.6754555

God damn that's a nice pelt, I feel like making a blanket for myself right now.

>> No.6754560
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Someone's gonna be eating Hare Pie tonight!

>> No.6754590
File: 55 KB, 500x375, 1406912460079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That whole analogy in general

I'm surprised you aren't banned for being underage

>> No.6754600

rosemary thyme garlic butter salt and lime juice. deglaze roasting pan with lime juice or grape juice.

>> No.6754641

The UK doesn't count. Especially with food.

>> No.6754652

Just get a humane trap that latches closed. Then take them to your garage and cut their heads off. If anyone asks, say you're going to release them.

>> No.6754653

I had to sing that song in elementary school chorus as well.

>> No.6754663

>Northern Europe

>> No.6754763
File: 77 KB, 800x539, northern-europe-map.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6754770

UK isn't part of Europe. Europe is a seperate land mass.
>No UK subject would describe themselves as European apart from a few SJW, lefty types

>> No.6754774

The alcohol fetal syndrome is strong in this one

>> No.6754779 [DELETED] 

ITT Britcucks forget we own them.
No matter how far you run, you're still one of us.

>> No.6754782

>being this buttblasted

>> No.6754785

Who's we ?
>roll on 2016 referendum :^)

>> No.6754794

>uk isn't part of Europe
>except we're in the continent of Europe
>and in the European union
>and are ethnically European
UK resident btw ;)

>> No.6754797

How are all those niggers treating you ?

>> No.6754799

We being the rest of the EU, France in particular.
October 14th 1066 best day of my life.

>> No.6754801

They will be dealt with in due time. We still need the cheap labor.

>> No.6754821
File: 174 KB, 620x387, Arthur_Wellesley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>21 October 1805
>21 June 1813
>18 June 1815
>08 July 1815
>17 June 1940

>> No.6754865

3 Napoleonic war battles where Napoleon was far outnumbered, and which were fought mostly by Germans, Trafalgar, which wasn't nearly as bad as Carthagena de Indias, and the fall of France, which was a French and British failure.

Still doesn't change the fact that your entire legal system, half of your language and your entire military nomenclature is French.

>> No.6754866
File: 194 KB, 800x600, 800px-Baby_rabbit[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone eat or kill something so adorable?

I'm not saying anything negative about anyone's choice to eat it, just to be clear. It's just that when I see a bunny, I first think "Oh wow that's cute", and want to pet it or something. Just some clarification on how hunters' or cooks' minds work when they see a rabbit.

I can't eat one personally. I mean it might taste good if served to me, but I'd probably feel bad while doing it, unlike beef or pork or chicken. which is pretty biased of me, and that's kinda weird.

>> No.6754875

There's a guy on this very board who wants to eat his pet rabbit when it dies.

>> No.6754896

I used to think the same about squirrels until they started vandalising my bird house.
Now I instinctively look for my .22 every time I see one of the little fuckers.

>> No.6754904

>entire military nomenclature
Not quite true, some is but not all by a long shot.

>> No.6754905

I think they're cute too. But they're also delicious. Just because they're cute doesn't mean they can't end up on the dinner plate.

>> No.6754923

Guy who "blew out the back of" a rabbit's head here. Yeah they're cute, I even had one as a pet. Deer are cute too, but they're all walking meals and target practice. And that being said they breed like, you know, rabbits so who cares if you pop a few?

Still don't particularly like skinning and gutting it, though. Everything after it is dressed is just fun in the kitchen.

>> No.6754984

Pretty much all ranks and a smattering of of other terms.

>> No.6755379
File: 40 KB, 332x396, 1437847776457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>UK isn't part of Europe.

>> No.6755757

Save some to make rillettes. I have no idea how, but that shit's good.

>> No.6755887

Enjoy your tuluremia.

>> No.6755911

first catch your hare

>> No.6756196


I'm sorry, didn't quite catch that, I'll just be over here as part of my brigade in a battalion, doing manuvers on parade until we retire to behind that barbette battery in the fort to enfilade standing on the banquette while the enemy advances and retreats until we attempt an ambuscade and chase them out of their entrenchment in the cunette so they fall down the escarpment into the lower embrasure

>French, motherfucker, do you historically speak it

>> No.6757263

And asian people

>> No.6757270
File: 2.18 MB, 3264x1836, KIMG0146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget to tan those skins. Probably sell them for ten bucks and buy another pair. Pic related...a pair of skins I tanned.

>> No.6758041

How do I do this, anon?

(on a side note, what about rabbit's feet?)

>> No.6758051

στιφάδο, google it

>> No.6758076

They're no more intelligent or different than rats, squirrels, or other rodents.
A lot of insects are cute too but that doesn't make me see them as any more intelligent or worthy of not being killed should the need for food arise.

>> No.6758081

Who do you sell them too, and what do they/you do with the tanned skins?

>> No.6758100
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mfw petting bunny and consequently get tularemia.

>> No.6758124

See >>6752897

>> No.6758600

what's that and how get? I thought you could only get disease from eating tainted meat.

>> No.6758693

Rabbit confit nigga

>> No.6758769
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Im not sure if you are retarded or not.
You do realise food safety like sterile medical practice was non existant 100's of years ago.

Rubbing animal fur against a porous surface which is likely to stay moist after you wash it is a great way to become seriously ill.

Keep in mind that anything at a butcher is skinned and most of the organs removed before it even arrives.

Certianly there is no fur, it's been this way for 100 years now.

>> No.6758791

I didn't get vaccinated and my parents made me play in the dirt as a kid, I've never had cancer or any of this modern crap that you germophobies get.

Have fun dying of AIDS at 27, you sterile, phobic chemtrail-huffer. I bet you own teflon pans.

>> No.6758821
File: 935 KB, 500x250, well dun m8aty.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The facts aren't good enough for me
>SJPI SJFJAI fuck you guy, AIDS!


>> No.6758846

Put salt on the underside and get all the tendons and veins and fats off the inside of the skin. Using a metal flat edge, like a ruler and a firm surface start scraping the inside (and outside if you want to be rid of the fur). Avoid allowing the corners on your chosen implement from digging into the hide. After a couple hours of work you can have the skins in a state of preservation, don't forget salt. After this you can smoke them in a chimney which funnels, traditionally, cedar that has been invaded by ants and turned easily plyable and almost powdery. This wood crumbles easily in you hand and may be found in the dead stumps of a conifer forest or the like depending on where you live. Moisten the dead wood lightly to increase smoke production and burn time. As far as feet go, I've never bothered but if you put them on a keychain they're probably the most valuable bits of the hide for their superstition. To the best of my knowledge, all smoking does is change the color and give it a great smell.

Make a cod piece. Collect them and hire someone to make a jacket for a loved one.

>> No.6758856

P.S. when scraping a hide, don't get too rough for the thickness of the leather and constantly turn the hide to prevent a 'track' from forming.

>> No.6758868

Acting like a retard doesn't help your case

>> No.6758951

Just kill yourselves, you monsters, then burn in hell.

>> No.6759005

Dude...chill out. If 4chan upsets you so then it may be best to break your addiction.

>> No.6759120

Fuck off

>> No.6759205

rabit is actually hard as fuck to cook

the sections need to be treated differently, dismiss from your mind the rustic notion of roasting rabbit over an open fire or stewing it, peasants could not cook

the rear legs are best separated and pan fried because they are more tender than the rest
the rest is better slow cooked in a casserole and used as pie filling

>> No.6759227

>the most used muscle in bun-bun's body is the most tender
That's how I know you have no idea what you're talking about. Bad show, Anon. Very, very bad show.

>> No.6759512

What a huge Fucking pussy

>> No.6759706

it's just like cutting into chicken breast really. You don't tend to worry abut blood unless you live in somewhere ungodly cold like the arctic where blood freezes, where you need to butcher as soon as you can. But I suspect you don't need a surface for something like that.
Where the fuck did my captcha go.

>> No.6761490

you're a fuckin pleb
how could you use rabbit as a pie filling..
you disgusting fuck

>> No.6761517

Mr. Peter cottain tail hopping through the forest along comes a farmer and bops him on the head