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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6751444 No.6751444 [Reply] [Original]

pre-oiling steak, y/n?

>> No.6751447

As opposed to post oiling steak?

You're not that bright, are you?

Just cook your steak. Fucking simple.

>> No.6751464
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Do you reckon they mean oiling before you put it in the pan instead of oiling the pan?

>> No.6751469

Yes right before cooking not hours before.

>> No.6751476

Rub oil on the steak then cook it don't oil then pan

>> No.6751522

it really doesn't matter, you can put the oil in the pan or on the steak, the steak doesn't care.

as for whether or not to oil it, if you're using a seasoned grill it's unnecessary, if you're using a seasoned well made cast iron pan it probably isn't necessary, otherwise it likely is necessary.

>> No.6751527

Grill not really, pan yes.

>> No.6751569

Oil in pan. Continuous flipping. Add butter. More flipping but a slower rate. Take temp. Let rest.

If grilling just make sure your grates are oiled.

>> No.6751578

no thanks Heston

>> No.6751598


I forgot to add:

Only use a nonstick pan

>> No.6751601

The stupidity of that comment floored me. Don't waste glorious steak on yourself. Do us all a favor and leave the cooking to people who know what the fuck they're doing. NEXT!!!!

>> No.6751928

Rub a tiny bit of oil on both sides. Super hot pan. Salt and pepper. 3 mins each side. Garlic butter. Rest. Eat.

>> No.6752024


>> No.6752043

Oil isn't used because the steak will stick, it's used to transfer heat.

>> No.6752227


I know.

>> No.6752257

Poach it in butter first. Use an immersion circulator in a small tub of butter.

>> No.6752286


listen your, steak flippity floppity faggotity methodology is flawed and your going to have a dry steak, you cockmuggle.

>> No.6752302


>is flawed


>> No.6752307

without oil it will stick though.

>> No.6752309


>> No.6752314
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more flipping leads to longer exposure to heat, drying out your steak.
>implying your steak will stick to non-shit tier pans/grills

>> No.6752319


Ok, look there is some troll faggot who put together this infographic which suggest that flipping the shit out of a steak produces a more consistent and quicker med-rare streak. What they neglect to mention is that crust development, you know...where the mother fucking flavor comes from; is severely diminished. Further, the more you handle a *name any meat* you compromise the moisture and tenderness. It's fucking ridiculous and my ass shoots flames every time some fuck brings it up.

>> No.6752372

>If there's one piece of steak-grilling advice that people seem to get more persnickety about than anything, it's that your steak should only be flipped once.

>False. This is another hang-on gleaned from steakhouses in which it's simply impractical for a cook to flip more than once given the number of steaks they have cooking on a grill at the same time. At home, you're probably only cooking a few steaks at a time, and it's ok—indeed, it's better—to flip your steaks more often.


>> No.6752379


What people seem to be missing is that the "flip multiple times" advice is geared towards a restaurant kitchen. The shorter cook time is very important there. And a professional kitchen has a much more powerful hob than a home stove making the crust development angle irrelevant.

>> No.6752383


>more flipping leads to longer exposure to heat,

hahaha what

reduce the time it spends in the pan then

that's the whole point


>What they neglect to mention is that crust development, you know...where the mother fucking flavor comes from; is severely diminished

that's the opposite of the truth.

>> No.6752388

>taking serious eats seriously

>> No.6752392


Fuck you, you insufferable cunt. A steak is not your little willy, keep your GD hands the fucking hell off of it.

>> No.6752403


anyone can find some bullshit internet garbage source to support whatever autistic rantings they feel like, grow the fuck up and stop flipping steaks like Michael J. Fox.

>> No.6752409


>grow the fuck up
>facile reference to parkinsons

u are a pot and i am not black

>> No.6752419


based cooks country dismisses the faggoty of your no name site reference.


>> No.6752426


it doesn't actually address it at all.

>> No.6752435


it clearly does by simply telling your dumb-ass to leave it the fuck alone while it's GD cooking, captain reading comprehension.

>> No.6752441


yes but it doesn't actually address the reasoning in the article at all. it makes no argument for why it has that method. to say that 'dismisses' other methods reflects a very low standard for critical thinking.

>> No.6752456


Your ability to discern when an actual expert is dropping fucking knowledge bombs all over your monkey brain is astounding. The article is written from a higher level of understanding with the implied contention that all other methods were considered yet found to be inferior to the accepted census of the culmination of all culinary input on the science of cooking steaks, faggot.

>> No.6752459


>appeal to authority

you needed to pay more attention in school.

>> No.6752473


Based cooks? Lol. No self respecting cook uses a gas grill.

Anyway, if you want a better explaination as to why the multi-flip version works well:

That's no expert. That's just old-fashioned repeititon of what they learned when they were learning to cook. Sort of like how Gordon Ramsay keeps talking about "sealing" meat--we belived that in past decades but now our understanding of the science behind it has taught us that we were wrong, and searing meat does not "seal in the juices".

Same thing here. You're stuck in an old fashioned way of thinking: "but but...that's always how I was taught to make steak". Times change. We know better now. And we have the science to back it up. There's an excellent discussion of this in Modernist Cuisine. Volume II I believe.

>> No.6752483


you don't respond to an appeal to authority by dismissing the authority. just point out the fallacy and move on. it's obviously not a good argument.

>> No.6752491
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>Continuous flipping

>> No.6752510


>no name site

Guy literally was the test cook and editor at Cook's Illustrated but it's not like he's the only one to come to the conclusion of the benefits of the reverse sear. He is just the one that developed it for CI.

>> No.6752530
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/fit/ levels of misinformation

>> No.6752561

you could always just baste it but sounds like ur afraid of burning urself

>> No.6752709

thumbnail looks like red october yeezys (y)

>> No.6752734

I came here to post this

>> No.6752820


the next faggot that starts talking about how good flipping is betting have a story about what he did with some guy last night.

>> No.6752826


does you mom still cut your meat for you, I mean WTF?

>> No.6752856

This. Kenji is awesome. Does experiments. He's the new school Alton Brown. U faggots just don't know.

>> No.6752978

What can I do with the delicious bits that stay behind in the pan? make a sauce with wine?

>> No.6753009


Dude, he's like the annoying faggot that people just feel obligated to tolerate for fear of being called homophobic

>> No.6753030 [DELETED] 

I think /ck/ hates him because his name sounds like race mixing and neo-4chan (post-gamergate) is all "redpilled" and thinks it's cool to say cuck cuck cuck coalburner niggercuck.

Gamergate was like chanology 2.0, the collective IQ of this site went down like 20 points in a short span of time.

>> No.6753033


Standard pan sauce procedure is to saute some shallots in the pan, deglaze with red wine, reduce the alcohol out, add stock, reduce until desired thickness is achieved, turn off heat and swirl in a pat of butter.

>> No.6753037


srs'ly...you need to get the fuck off 4chin and go out side, it has completely skewed your perception of reality.

>> No.6753048

So why does /ck/ hate him then? The post right above mine, which I didn't even see until I posted, pretty much supports my theory. Some knee-jerk overreaction to a potential "threat" of "social justice warlords" or some shit.

Sorry if I'm misunderstanding 4chan, I'm almost middle aged and I see these 20somethings on the internet acting like they literally believe white men are a persecuted minority. So naturally I try to understand where they're coming from, but I just don't get it.

>> No.6753107


what happened in your life to make you completely withdraw from society and pursue an online based existence

>> No.6753123 [DELETED] 

Why are you afraid to answer seriously? We're all anonymous here. What's the issue with this guy? Is it all just cuck cuck cuck for you people? Or do you have a real reason?

>> No.6753134


did somebody try to touch your naughty bits?

also, stay the fuck off /pol/ they're insane.

>> No.6753137

You're still dodging the question.

>> No.6753145


ok, so I'll pretty much take that as a yes. was it a creepy uncle or a man of the cloth?

also, staying on topic I hope you didn't have to flip your steak too much.

>> No.6753152

So it's basically the usual hypersensitive anti-SJW kneejerk 4chan psychology, just as I thought.

Thanks for confirming that you're all a bunch of self-victimizing losers who assume that any non-anglo names in a position of perceived authority are there because someone was afraid of being called racist or homophobic.

>> No.6753172


bro, you're reading way too much in to a faggot on a cooking show that no one cares about and you're way off topic. Please give us your underground counter culture, imma save the world by sitting my fat ass in front of a computer typing shit on a Mexican hat dance image board...on the flipping of steaks?

>> No.6753177

I like it when someone loses an argument and the best they can do is "b-but you're off topic!"

Steak threads are always like this, maybe the reason you were having trouble answering on behalf of /ck/ was because this was your first day here?

>> No.6753179

Get a load of this fag.

For thick cuts i go
Cast iron skillett, small amount of oil or butter, high heat. Smoking hot if its butter.

Sear outsides until brown, and then throw in oven at 275- 300 for a few mins to even the cooking in the center. You wont get the rare center, and the low heat prevents excessive moisture loss.

>> No.6753194


>he doesnt clarify his butter


>> No.6753200


>/ck/ was because this was your first day here?

Nope, and if you knew better..we have a mod (mod are gods...luv U lots, plox don't b& again) with a very ichy b& finger about the global rules so If I was you I'd get to talking about mother fucking steaks.

also, real hard wood charcoal's high temp is really the only way to do great justice to a nice cut of meat.

>> No.6753467
File: 160 KB, 960x720, porterhouse0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Was /ck/ always this shit or is it just because summer and a steak thread?


I don't cook it this way anymore but I have no problem with any method that gives you decent results. Sure there are lot of myths to cooking steak but old restaurant style methods like sear + oven still work. As does sous vide, reverse sear, flipping, broiler, butter immersion etc. Some of the best steak houses use multiple methods on one cut of meat.

>> No.6753531

hi and welcome to page twenty seven of the abbreviated /ck/ sticky

steak is the new rice

>> No.6754074

I haven't gotten a ban in like six months, shitpost king. Maybe you need to stop posting about black dicks on non containment boards?