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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6745084 No.6745084 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a secret to awesome crunchy af roast potatoes, /ck/? How do you make them? I've got a bag of spuds.

>> No.6745087

i call an order in at a restaurant, usually

>> No.6745089

Lots of fat and constant turning

>> No.6745093

I mean how do you yourself make them, I know I can google a how to easily.

>> No.6745095

Use lard instead of oil

>> No.6745096

par-boil them then finish them in the oven with a hearty dose of goose fat brushed over them.

>> No.6745097

>Lots of fat
this, use a little more than you think. and it helps if they're dried before cooking.

>> No.6745102

All I've got is a bag of spuds and a big tub of olive oil, I can go shopping though.

>> No.6745103

In my opinion I'd say the goose fat is what makes it. The crispiness on the outside and the soft fluffy insides is far too good.

>> No.6745106


This, or duck fat. It's a whole other level than just butter/lard.

>> No.6745109

OP here, I found this. This guy is fucking hilarious.


>> No.6745115

pour as much garlic and rosemary as you can stand on them honestly

>> No.6745117

Soak in salt water overnight
Boil them and cut
Throw them in an ultrasonic cleaner
Remove and let them air dry
Fry or grille in oven

>> No.6745129


Roasted potatoes are probably the easiest thing to make.

Just cube them up, pour on some oil, season with s&p, add whatever other spices you want/have and toss.

Spread it out on a sheet tray and bake it. Half way through toss it around and rotate the pan...

>> No.6745136

>no temperatures, no times

>> No.6745145

i'm kitchen jealous. I would do miracles in there

>> No.6745147


350 is standard for pretty much everything that isn't baking.

Time depends on the ingredients. When it looks like the top is getting nice and cooked, toss it around and check it 15 minutes later...

>> No.6745151

Yeah, but he wants crunchy roasted potatoes

>> No.6745187

Preheat oven to 425 degrees put roasting pan in to preheat.

Potatos shaped how you want, i do halves because i enjoy them like that.

Wipe dirt with a brush under running water cut in half cover with water 2 inches above potatos 2 tbps vinegar 2 tbps salt goes in cover put on high boil for 24 minutes.

Mince garlic and other aromatics melt butter cover potatos in garlic and butter salt and pepper here i add paprika and cayenne for color and spice.

Roast skin side up for 25 minutes enjoy your potatos nice and crispy all around fluffly interior.

>> No.6745193
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OP here, I''m just following >>6745109

>> No.6745210


>> No.6745218

Boil them until tender or soak them in water for a few days in the fridge.

Pat dry with a paper towel and fry them spuds.

>> No.6745220

Par boil your spuds
Drain and toss about to get them fluffy and leave to dry for a while, add flour and toss around

Roasting pan with loads of hot oil, garlic and rosemary

Cook at 190 for 40-50 mins and turn once or twice

>> No.6745240

post moar pics

>> No.6745242

just found my new fav youtuber

>> No.6745243

I was heating up the oil in the oven on a sheet dish and it started popping loudly which kind of scared me, it's my housemates oven. Did I fuck up /ck/?

>> No.6745247

Cut them into wedges, salt and possibly other spices, a fair amount of oil and make sure they are properly coated.

Put in the oven at 225C, maybe a little higher, for 40 minutes or until they look good.

>> No.6745249

Lower heat

>> No.6745255
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I'm gonna show YOU how to make my easy, CHEESY baked potatooooes


>> No.6745261

Do you all peel them?

>> No.6745262


>> No.6745281
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This is how they looked before flipping them, they're nice and brown on the underside.

>> No.6745285

Boil them then bake them. Also too much salt.

>> No.6745300

yeah, but you aint gonna like it. a big "chuck: roast, brown the meat and tatyers. liquid fat... She told me, but once a month, if lucky. mostly 2xyear. even chicken, aint been too long ago, you only ate that sunday and Im the worse. I'd be dead if i had to rely on just meat. mosstly grains (what do VEGAN zobies eat"? graINS11. iTS not that tough. People make it to be so hard, and I respect that. sobeit just an older guy,worrkk never mind Il shut up Moswtly Christian and someJewish and you asked, Islam. and not an afterthought thanks lord. amehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NVAbZlHKtIcn

>> No.6745303

the rambling man doesn't use capitals.

>> No.6745304


Be somebody's nan.

>> No.6745305

Use beef dripping
Use the right variety of potato
The best that has worked for me is maris piper
Boil your potatoes until they looked overcooked, then drain and give the colander a shake, then put into a tray with hot beef dripping in a preheated oven on maximum temperature and bake until they turn golden,

>> No.6745315
File: 495 KB, 2048x1152, 20150804_175255[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, pulled them out of the oven and they're still coated with oil. What do?

>> No.6745319


Lick it off, duh.

>> No.6745322

You could use a paper towel on both sides to soak up the oil. That's what people in my family did with tempura.

>> No.6745323

What the fuck is a spud?

>> No.6745326

It's a poe tae toe. Boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.

Ever heard of a spud gun?

>> No.6745329

No, never heard of potatoes being called that.
It's so weird sounding, like calling a carrot a trisp or a cauliflower a plark.

>> No.6745345

After you parboiled them dry them, this is the most important part, i cant stress it enough.
Put the tray with the oil/fat in the oven for 5 minutes so its nice and hot before you put the potatoes on it

>> No.6745348

Are you aware there exists countries beyond your own?

>> No.6745351

> hilarious
The state of your opinions m8. What an insufferable cunt

>> No.6745352

>heating olive oil to 200°
they don't even look good

>> No.6745353

I love you. Never stop being and doing you anon. That refrence made my night.

>> No.6745407


fucking hell, australia

>> No.6745654


yeah, drying them well are important. When I make breakfast potatoes I wash the potatoes, dry them, then cut them, then wrap the pieces in paper towel to soak up the starchy inside liquid off.

>> No.6745684

what temp did you use?
they look like they need to be hotter
did you actually use olive oil?

>> No.6745692


This will result in the shittiest roasted potatoes ever. Don't do this. The outside will be chewy and tough.

>> No.6745694

I dont love you
Never reply to me again you cringeworthy chortling cunt

>> No.6745708
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-07-04 16.37.51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The key to crispiness is to par boil the potatoes, drain the water, then shake them around in the pot to rough up the outsides like pic related.

>> No.6745714
File: 2.12 MB, 3264x2448, 2014-07-04 17.59.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can use oil or lard depending on your preference or whatever you have on hand. Salt.

They will come out like pic related. Crispy as all get out, with a creamy inside

>> No.6746207

Why do people peel potatoes? The skin doesn't taste bad, doesn't affect cooking, and it has most of the fiber. So just why?

>> No.6746224

most of the time i don't peel (for mash or roasting or just boiling)
i think that a peeled roast potato is only very slightly better, so i wouldn't do it unless i was feeling fancy

>> No.6746238

This this this this

everyone else in this thread is a retard

no offense

>> No.6746348

that doesn't work with waxy potatoes, they just fall apart without getting the rough edges

>> No.6746354

use a fork to score them.

>> No.6746365

Pesticides are mostly on the skin

>> No.6746368

overn not hot enough

>> No.6746371

you can also toss in a small amount of flour to coat everything, it will help form a crispy exterior

>> No.6746372


Potatoes grow underground bro. they don't dig 'em up, spray them, and re-bury them. The pesticides get on the leaves of the plant, which are above ground and which you do not eat.

>> No.6746383

They do pump the soil full of nasties.

>> No.6746385

nobody ever has goose fat. youre a retard. amusing though.

>> No.6746388

you can buy it in a jar at the supermarket you dumb cunt

>> No.6746394

Boil em mash em stick em in a stew

Captcha: noodles or pasta
Apparently calamari is pasta

>> No.6746396


Actually, they don't. Pesticides don't work in the soil, they work when sprayed on whatever plant or bug you want to kill. They go though a lot of effort to keep the pesticide off the the soil because that's simply wasteful (read: waste of money).

Sure, some pesticide gets on the soil. Where it's absorbed by the plant's roots and gets everywhere in the plant. Including inside the skin.

I'm curious why you don't admit you simply have a mental hangup on eating the icky skin and keep trying to justify it by discussing things that you clearly don't understand.

>> No.6746403

not that faget but i have literally never seen a jar of ANY sort of fat just sold at a grocery store. course i'm in commiefornia but still, where are you from where they sell fat by the jar??

>> No.6746406

Is this some sort of therapy for culinary lunatics?

>> No.6746408

in bongland I can buy goosefat from any supermarket in a big jar

>> No.6746409


You can't buy olive oil in California? You know that vegetable oils are all fats, right? Canola Oil? Fat. Corn oil? Fat.

If you mean animal fats, surely they have lard in cali, right? that's a pretty common staple in the baking isle.

duck fat should be easily found as confit, especially with the number of places like whole foods, etc, that you have in cali.

>> No.6746418

>in bongland
rip you
>vegetable oils are all fats
i did not know that thanks for the cool piece of info. i'll have to check in the baking isle of my whole foods maybe i've just been blind af. if they don't have 'confit' do you think just whatever animal fat they have could work to make tasty potatoes? i'd like to improve past >>6745129 this nigga with my potato skills so thanks for the advice.

>> No.6746428

>inb4 fancy hipster market
no, its at the shitty gristedes

>> No.6746440

>do you think just whatever animal fat they have could work to make tasty potatoes?

Sure. Bacon drippings, duck/goose fat, and tallow (beef fat) are all top-tier for roasted potatoes. Any fat will work but those are the really flavorful ones.

Also keep in mind that you can simply save some fat the next time you cook a roast (or whatever). A very standard "sunday meal" would be to cook a roast of some kind then use the fat drippings from the roast to cook your potatoes (and/or other veg).

>> No.6746456

>cool piece of info

You're a complete fucking retard if you didn't know that

>> No.6746459

chill nigga

>> No.6746472

It could be worse I suppose, I could live in commiefornia.

>> No.6746477

He's a retard from Cali, what did you expect?

>> No.6746480

The amusing thing here is that people have been roasting potatoes in goose/duck fat for longer than white people have ruled murica.

>> No.6746509

Peel and cut floury potatoes to an approximately uniform size. Place in cold salted water - the sodium substitute salts like lo salt are even better for this because potassium ions are marginally more effective. Bring to a rolling boil, then switch off the heat. Allow to sit for 2-5 minutes, time depends on potato chunk size, bigger needs longer. Drain, then allow to air in the colander for 5 minutes. Discard any remaining fluid from the saucepan and return potatoes. Add any herbs or spices now, I like rosemary and garlic salt. Put on a lid, hold the lid down, and shake your spuds. The amount of shaking is a bit of trial and error. Too much gives mash, too little is pointless.
Drop fluffed potatoes into hot oil in a roasting pan. I like goose fat or beef dripping, but there are good vegan alternatives if needed. Thoroughly baste the potatoes and bake until crispy, basting every 20 minutes or so.

>> No.6746527

Tried this but between parboiling and baking in the oven it took forever, almost 1 hour and 45 minutes. For fucking potatoes. Is this normal or am I just retarded?

>> No.6746531

That depends on what you consider "rule". Unless
Aboriginal americans did it.

>> No.6746536

If you cant broast some potatos, then please kill yourself

>> No.6746542


It sounds like your oven was not set very high.

I parboil first then it takes between 30 and 45 min in the oven depending on the size of the potatoes and the oven temp.

>> No.6746545

>depending on the size of the potatoes
I think this was it because I only cut them into 1/8ths. Probably should've cut them even smaller.
I had the oven at 400 F (204 C for you europoors) so I think it was hot enough.

>> No.6746547


I assume he meant when white people actually started to run the place, instead of the spaniards

>> No.6746549

My grandfather makes some god-tier potatoes. I guess I should really find out exactly how he does them before he buys it, but he does pressure cook them and then sticks them in the toaster oven. He makes these things a least once a week, it's the taste of my childhood.

>> No.6746551


I get the 30 to 45 min figure with potatoes cut in quarters (if they're large) or half if they're smaller. Ideally I'd set the oven at 450 F.

If you cut them into 8ths they should cook much much faster.
Clearly I can't identify the exact issue as you didn't explain much and I know nothing about your oven, but:

-it's entirely possible that your oven knob setting has little to do with the actual temp inside. check it with an oven-safe thermometer.
-did you happen to put the potatoes in an unusually deep pan?
-did you open the door to check every 5 minutes?

>> No.6746565

>check it with an oven-safe thermometer.
I'll try this out next time.

>did you happen to put the potatoes in an unusually deep pan?
The only pan I had was 3 in/8 cm deep, not sure if it's considered unusually deep.

-did you open the door to check every 5 minutes?
Nah, more like 10. That might have had something to do with it though, should probably keep the fucking thing shut.

>> No.6746573

>The only pan I had was 3 in/8 cm deep, not sure if it's considered unusually deep.

that could be part of the problem. You want the pan to be shallow and the potatoes to be fairly spread out. If they are crammed together and/or in a deep container it will take longer to cook because the moisture can't escape as easily and the sides of the pan block some of the radiant heat of the oven.

>> No.6746577


Well the Peruvians have been farming potatoes for like eight thousand years and have like a million potato recipes, so they have to have one that involves roasting them with animal fat. Probably guinea pig fat or something weird like that though.

>> No.6746579

>par boil till soft around edges
>drain potatoes
>add 1 tablespoon of semolina flour
>shake in pot till edges are rough
>pre heated baking tray with hot oil
>toss in oil
>roast till crispy

>> No.6746585

Thanks dude, that makes sense. I gotta go out and buy a new pan then.

>> No.6747089

That's a lot of broscience, bro.


1) According to the USDA’s Pesticide Data Program, 35 different pesticides have been found on conventional potatoes.

And out of these 35:

– 6 are known or probably carcinogens

– 12 are suspected hormone disruptors

– 7 are neurotoxins

– 6 are developmental or reproductive toxins

The chemical that is found on 76% of all conventional potatoes is chlorpropham, an herbicide that is used to stop the growth of weeds and to inhibit potato sprouting.

Not only is this chemical toxic to honey bees, but according to the Extension Toxicology Network, chronic exposure of laboratory animals to chlorpropham has caused “retarded growth, increased liver, kidney and spleen weights, congestion of the spleen, and death.”

2) As a root vegetable, potatoes absorb all of the pesticides, herbicides, and insecticides that are sprayed above the ground and then eventually make their way into the soil.

With potatoes, however, the chemical treatment is quite extensive.

During growing season – They get treated with fungicides

Before harvesting – They get sprayed with herbicides to kill off the fibrous vines

After being dug up – They get sprayed again to prevent them from sprouting

3) Quite often, the most important information about a food is what growers or “insiders” have to say about it.

Jeff Moyer, farm director at the Rodale Institute and former chair of the National Organic Standards Board, has been quoted as saying “I’ve talked with potato growers who say point-blank they would never eat the potatoes they sell. They have separate plots where they grow potatoes for themselves without all the chemicals.”

>> No.6747093

You left the skins on you lazy bastid!

>> No.6747095


>> No.6747274
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If vegetables are sprayed with most of this shit, what am I even supposed to eat? Seems like nothing is safe.

>> No.6747327


>i'd like to improve past >>6745129 this nigga with my potato skills

That was me, and that's how we prepped potatoes in the restaurant, 3 sheet trays at a time (which I forgot to mention), and then throw them in the walk-in.

We'd occasionally just throw them in the deep fryer to reheat, but usually heated up a pan of butter, tossed to coat, then threw in the oven until done.

They where crispy as fuck every time, and nice and tender on the inside.

You asked for crispy roasted potatoes, and roasting them beforehand is better than boiling them or whatever, if you're going to cook them a second time.

>> No.6747340

Organic i guess.

>> No.6747344

Oops nvm just googled it they use shit in organic too i guess u make farmer friend or grow in ur backyard and deal with maybe having bugs in it

>> No.6747380

Das it mane

>> No.6747397

>Is there a secret to awesome crunchy af roast potatoes, /ck
Just make french fries

>> No.6747451

next time dont put so much oil, i think greg failed a little. Hope you didn't have to clean all the mess the splrinkling oil did

>> No.6747599

that's....terrifying.if you don't feel like spoonfeeding i'll (probably not)look it up later, but do you have a link to that "Extension Toxicology Network" study on chlorpropham? i just want to make sure they're not feeding the rats 10% of their bodyweight a day of the stuff like i've seen them do in a few studies. assuming it's not a bullshit study god damn man, i'll have to ramp up the garden this weekend.

>> No.6747647

Are ovens for lazy people? If you want a crunchy yet soft potato boil it and let it dry as the water steams off. Then put them in a hot pan with adequate oil. Takes lesser time than an oven and you get far better moisture retention and a much crunchier outer layer. There is no reason to ever use an oven.

>> No.6747914

he said crunchy, not bottom-tier edible

>> No.6747934

>Are ovens for lazy people?
No. They're also for people who can tell the difference between roast potatoes and home fries.

>> No.6747940

Coat in olive oil before baking. Makes the tips nice and crispy.

>> No.6747941

No, pretty normal. You've normally got a joint of meat going at the same time which takes a few hours.

>> No.6748716

That shít is awesome if you have kids. But I think you had assume that you will never have, as your father told you.

>> No.6748735


At the temp you'd roast meat at, sure, it will take that long. But if the only thing in the oven is potatoes there's no reason not to crank up the heat and have them done in half that time. Especially if they're cut into small pieces.

>> No.6748744


>> No.6749020

That's why you use floury potatoes.

>> No.6749323

Goose fat , add some garlic and some parsley for da favor.

>> No.6749599

>all that effort and time

No thanks.

>> No.6749650

Is putting them in the oven really that much better? Whenever I parboil mine, I usually finish them on the grill.

If I'm not grilling, I just fry them in the skillet

>cubed red potatoes, skin on
>lots of oil
>medium-low heat
>various other spices depending on my mood
>stir/flip with a spatula occasionally

I think the medium-low heat combined with the lid helps ensure the insides cook and they still get a nice crispy brown on the outside. It only usually takes 20 minutes too. I don't feel like doing all that waiting and burning myself BS that faggy Australian guy in the YouTube video was doing. They're fucking potatoes, not coq au vin. I also think my method makes them turn out pretty good compared to his, time considering. Actually, I'd be willing to put mine up against this faggot's. Why put that much effort and time into fucking potatoes?

>> No.6751023


Seems like you have to eat it by the spoonful for it to kill you.

That's only one of the 36 things found though.