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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 6 KB, 222x227, garnish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6743301 No.6743301 [Reply] [Original]

Why do people think garnish makes them a good cook? Food is for eating and the purpose of garnish seems to be so faggots can instagram their mac and cheese bullshit food and feel good about themselves.

Tl;dr: why do people think appearance is so important with food? Is putting a tasteless leaf on your food worth anything? Opinions.

>> No.6743317

People eat with their eyes first. Slop on a plate might have been good in the old days when everybody was starving, but now we're civilized.

>> No.6743358

never said anything about slop, but a meal that youd eat these days is perfectly fine without throwing greenery on top of it

>> No.6743364
File: 95 KB, 960x1280, tots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Garnish makes everything look fancy.

>> No.6743367

>Why do people think garnish makes them a good cook?
literally no one thinks that

>> No.6743379

Look at this bullshit, thats a fucking slice of cheese, YOURE USING SLICED CHEESE AND YOU NEED TO MAKE IT PRETTY?

Buy some actual cheese, not plastic squares and see if you need to make it green

>> No.6743388

i know countless shit cooks who believe theyre the shit because they can stick a leaf on top of anything they make, of course if anybody ate the shit theyd realise instantly how awful the food it. But of course they dont, because the guy who makes it doenst eat it, and the people who see it get a perfectly angled shot with a filter and that all important garnish

>> No.6743391
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x1080, 1435111635041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>'why do fucking stupid fags like to make their food more aesthetically pleasing hahahaha what losers.

>> No.6743419

People have completely lost the purpose of food, its not an art project its sustenance. Sure, if you can make it taste great youre doing well, but this aesthetic focused attitude has gone too far

>> No.6743427

enjoy your soylent.

>> No.6743432

Presentation has been prized for a long time

Tell me how this is going "too far" and I'll tell you why that's bullshit

>> No.6743445

Any self respecting cook tastes everything they make and I mean EVERYTHING. every step of the dish, every raw ingredient, every cooked ingredient & even the finished product

>> No.6743449

The point being im not talking about self respecting cooks

>> No.6743528

Garnish doesn't make you a good cook, but putting care into aesthetics is a sign that you're a good cook and that you take pride in your work. Food does have visual elements to it so putting care into plating and garnish makes sense. I spend about 10% of the time working on the plating and the remaining 90% on prep and cooking, this seems reasonable to me since the experience of eating is probably 90% gustatory and 10% visual.

>> No.6743539

You stupid fuck you only garnish food when you're presenting it. You don't plate and garnish food that you're just eating for sustenance. Unless you're fucking autistic you should be able to understand why a person would aesthetically plate and garnish a dish they were serving to guests and not do the same for their morning bagel.

>> No.6743554

I be you also think people should drink nothing but water and not do anything besides sit on the floor and do nothing, you retarded shit

>> No.6743559



>> No.6743566
File: 52 KB, 384x476, 1371673101046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it implies the food is fresh, garnishes are usually plant based items.
its like a woman wearing a dress with flowers on it, it implies shes not a wilted daisy with a dried up vagina.

also used for contrasting colors if youre into the "artistic" aspect of food presentation.

plating is pretty lame for the most part, some people take it a bit too far imo, like any art in existence, but its worth something thats for sure.

>> No.6745363

so if you go to a restaurant and a chunk of the steak your paying 20$ for is missing thats ok with you?

>> No.6745369


home cooks or retards who work at chili's and think they can cook I'm assuming?

>> No.6745374

>go to Mexico
>Oh boy, I get to try REAL mexican food for once!
>go to shitty taco stand for the full experience
>meat looks so good, slow cooked and wonderful
>splash of some herby green sauce
>"please give to me now"
>suddenly guy reaches into a bin and pulls out a handful of onions and dumps them on
>then pulls out a handful of cilantro and dumps that on too

Fucking ruined Mexican food for me. Seriously.

>> No.6745445
File: 40 KB, 703x527, crab-fried-rice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to Thailand in May, every meal I ate (even breakfast) came with this shitty garnishing; two jagged cucumber slices and a tomato slice

>> No.6745659

I'm hoping this is bait but I'll bite anyways. That isn't garnish it is ingredients in the meal, it is how the meal is suppose to taste, you can ask them to leave it off. If you do not like onion or cilantro I look down on you for not liking things that I really like. You are not a person that deserves respect imo.

>> No.6745751

Corriander is god tier garnish

>> No.6745923

You dipshit
Tasting is not the same as making a meal for yourself out of the dish
Steak isn't a great example
Risotto, you taste a small spoonful
Pasta, you try 1 noodle to make sure it's fully cooked
Sauces, soups, a piece of a casserole, etc...
Use your head dummy

>> No.6746747

"Garnish" is just a way to add what is often the garbage part of food to a dish and double the price.
Its only a scam if u care.

>> No.6746894

>not eating the cucumber to cleanse your palate

>> No.6746899

>around 4 years old
>at a restaurant with my parents
>my plate arrives, see something green on it
>decide to eat the green thing
>"no anon, that's a garnish. you don't eat it."