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File: 860 KB, 1800x1179, Empty-supermarket-aisle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6739747 No.6739747 [Reply] [Original]

anyone love doing this? I could spend hours and hours in a big supermarket, doesn't have to buy anything, just slowly wandering with a cart.

>> No.6739748

Your life seems as empty as that aisle.

>> No.6739749
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No but my Mom and Grandma do.

>> No.6739750

When I was at superstore this morning (I live in a very religious small town so I shop at 9am on sundays) there was an old asian man wandering around. He didn't buy anything, just looked at stuff, then left, hands behind his back the whole time.

Was kind of melancholy.

>> No.6739752

He probably lost his family in an internment camp during WWII, like Mr. Miyagi.

>> No.6739753

I do too anon
I have a series of shopping centers and malls near me. But I wish I had a huge and varied store to while away the days in

>> No.6739760

I worked in a superstore as a stocker and there was a Asian guy just like this. Every morning he would just walk around looking at stuff.

>> No.6739762

I would have to be looking at stuff but yeah, absolutely. I do fear that this is a product of my life being empty, as the anon above said.

>> No.6739766
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OP here and Im an 25 yo asian. what the fuck is this in our blood?? all these years I thought I was attracted to a big, quiet environment with shit tons of products..

>> No.6739770

It's probably a product of your anti-fun culture.

>> No.6739794

What's the point of doing that?

To kill the time? I'd get bored.

>> No.6739798

Shit, I'm also Asian and I spend quite a long time in supermarkets just looking around.

>> No.6739802

there is no point, i just feel comfy to wander in a big clean quiet supermarket, not shady one. I used to live in MN and they have 24/7 supermarket, if i'm bored at midnight I would drive up to one and walk around with my headphone, try out some new product if found any interesting.

>> No.6739804
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The best food aisle is the Foreign imports section.

>> No.6739808

I do this sometimes, too. I like to go when it's mostly empty. Sometimes I'm only there for one or two things. I hate grocery shopping when the stores are crowded.

>> No.6739812

SuperMarket not so much. The music gets on my nerves.

Farmers market definitely. Just walking around looking at all the produce, listening to the people, talking to the sales folks.

>> No.6739814

You've internalized American consumerism without internalizing the American tendency to overspend on things you don't actually need

>> No.6739815

I used to - then I worked in a grocery store for seven years (meat/seafood counter) and now when I go in a grocery store I shop by numbers (price:weight:composition) unless I'm checking out a new place and looking at things I haven't ever bought before

>> No.6739820

>I shop by numbers (price:weight:composition)

I dont understand

>> No.6739823

Hmm, guess I'll never understand this. Must be an Asian thing.

>> No.6739826

Some stores have price/100g or whatever on the price card.

>> No.6739833


>> No.6739837

Meaning I don't wander around and consider things, I go to the store and shop like a computer - yes I still evaluate quality, freshness, and condition too (ie: smelling/feeling fruit for ripeness), but ultimately it's just an analytical process, I don't go to the store to 'experience shopping,' it's not fun or interesting unless I'm visiting a completely new place.

>> No.6739882

I usually do it at Walmart. I just wander around to use the WiFi because its faster than mine. I'll dl a whole season of some anime while pushing a cart with nothing but hummus and wheat bread

>> No.6739892

with your laptop?

>> No.6739920

I like people watching. To be specific, I like to creep on women. Sometimes I follow them back to their house, check their mailbox to find out their name, and search for their social media accounts. Then I dump all their images into a folder and masturbate to them. Sometimes I park outside their house and masturbate to the pictures there.

>> No.6739923

Kill yourself weirdo

>> No.6739929

>physically weak and sickly Grandma
>hard for her to get around and do shit
>refuses to make a list and send me to store
>walks around grocery for hours
I feel bad I don't want to accompany her, but I can't piss away 6 hours slowly walking behind her and putting something into her cart every 45 minutes.

>> No.6739940

I like doing that too sometimes, not so much for the sake of wandering around but it's a good way to find things that I didn't know existed. Kind of like exploring around in asian stores.

>> No.6739962

I started having anxiety attacks in the grocery store in my late 20's. Here is a partial list of shoppers who go into mega marts who are inconsiderate as fuck and triggering, clogging up the isles and making the place way busier than it needs to be:

People like you who slowly wander around for no reason other than you're too cheap to find a real way to entertain yourself.

Families who bring 5 kids, the grandparents, and a friend because apparently this is an acceptable thing to do.

People who are indecisive and spend 20 minutes at a time blocking and staring at the canned peas trying to figure out which brand will save them 3 cents an oz. For christ's sake learn to do rough approximations.

People who fill up multiple carts with food and leave them sitting unattended while they fetch things.

People who use the self-checkout but then buy things like beer and lots of bulk items/loose produce. Nigger, it defeats the purpose of using the self checkout if you have to wait for checker to come card you or figure out how to ring up your meme hipster vegetables.

Yes, I'm mad.

>> No.6739967

Ya I do this all the time. People give me looks, and all my frozen food defrosts by the end of it, but it's worth it. I find so many interesting things.

>> No.6739969

Maybe he was pest control, catching flies out of midair with his chopchicks and stuff like that.

>> No.6739975

>Families who bring 5 kids, the grandparents, and a friend because apparently this is an acceptable thing to do.

I'm an American, and I'm wondering if this is common in other parts of the world. Do parents take their children everywhere?

Our culture is so privileged. You can just do whatever the fuck you want, the other person be damned.

>> No.6739990

calm down america, i only wander when its not crowded

>> No.6740006

Are you sure they aren't autism attacks?

>> No.6740018

Good god, I just realized how much energy must be wasted on doorless refrigerated shelves.

>> No.6740024
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Well meme'd, friend. Excellent post 10/10.

>> No.6740026

why would it possibly be strange to bring your kids to the store?

>> No.6740052
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I do this too. it's such a comfy feel.

>> No.6740079

Uh people take their kids with them to the grocery store all the time in America.

It's usually when they're middle school aged and up they stop going.

>> No.6740105

With supermarkets I find the environment kind oppressive - bad lighting, tons of crappy food I'd never buy, fat/old/ugly people, then you have to line up to pay - I try to get in and out as quickly as possible.

BUT when I'm in a large market made up of stalls where each vendor is a small business selling all kinds of different stuff, and the person manning each stall has at least a small level of passion for what they're selling I could wander around for hours.

>> No.6740117

My market also has a summer area that sells patio equipment.

Sit down on a lawn chair, take out 3ds, play in the cool airconditioned store.

Das it main

>> No.6740118

Do people not do this outside america? Seems like a pretty normal thing to do

>> No.6740131


>> No.6740147

You must be a real blast at parties.

>> No.6740149

http://youtu.be/Y1M-nvK61gM Awesome vid

>> No.6740184

The Clash - Lost In The Supermarket

>> No.6740185

How about groups of fucking millennials who block the aisles spending 5 minutes taking pictures of every fucking thing they're going to buy, having a text conversation with some other dumb ass who didn't just go to the store with them because they can't guy a can of peas without everyone they know agreeing upon it.

>> No.6740190

>groups of fucking millennials who block the aisles spending 5 minutes taking pictures of every fucking thing they're going to buy
lol, when has this ever happened?

>> No.6740192

Blame also goes to some of the stores for having narrow shit aisles.

>> No.6740194

Millenials dont grocery shop, they either overpay for grocery delivery or get their mommy to do it for them and make them to-go plates.

>> No.6740199

I go grocery shopping.

>> No.6740201

>Millenials dont grocery shop,
The ones I know drop so much money on organic and "natural" products that they end up eating beans and rice much of the time.

>> No.6740212

It's their money to spend. I try to not spend money needlessly and always go into a supermarket with a list, but a few times a year it's to look around. Not only to find new things but to keep myself apprised of price changes.

>> No.6740275

isn't pretty much everyone on 4chana millennial?

I grocery shop, I don't know anyone who has their groceries delivered, though it sounds kind of cool

>> No.6740284

I was born in 1975, but it seems like there's a lot of complaining on 4chan about "millennials" and "baby boomers" on the part of people who think it makes them sound smart.

>> No.6740291

I also like to wander around grocery stores. Going down aisles I know do not contain items I will buy. Shopping is fun. Lots of visual stimuli. It's typically a quiet enough place to think about shit you're going through in life.

I don't stick around too long though. If I stay longer than 45 minutes I begin to feel awkward.

>> No.6740297

I don't really know the exact definition of millennial, but it seems like people use it for all different things, usually just a vague negative term for people younger than themselves

>> No.6740301

I do this but only with a hand carrying basket or nothing, I like scouting items and checking out the girls shopping. I love it when they have that 'ong why am i underdressed right now ugh he's cute' moment

>> No.6740311


yeah i love it. can do the same in ikea or costco or carpet shops

just has a really peaceful vibe i think

>> No.6740365

>tfw other people do this.
Dear God, I thought I was alone...

>> No.6740370
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>> No.6740377

>I love it when they have that 'ong why am i underdressed right now ugh he's cute' moment
Quit your god damn lying, faggot. Nobody wants you.

>> No.6740387

Desolate super markets are always comfy

>> No.6740400

>virginbetafedora-underagebannedfag detected

>> No.6740403
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>> No.6740481


My nigga

>> No.6740499

The store I work at has that middle aged Asian man, the only thing he buys is an occasional box of green tea

>> No.6740629
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>mfw i do that im 24

>> No.6740893



>> No.6740938

If it's a quiet time of day I love doing this. Early morning or late at night is the best. Especially love doing this while high.

I have done this on acid too and it's equally awesome.

>> No.6740949

I normally do the same thing every night when I get out of work (around 10 pm). It's nice because it's not too crowded at that time. I usually end up just buying beer and sushi.

>> No.6740954

No, because I fucking hate other people in a supermarket. They're retarded as fuck, and always in your way. Especially the old people. What is it about age that makes you forget how literally everything works? Fucking kill yourselves, you're destroying this country.

Also grocery store layouts make no fucking sense to me. Oh hey, now that I have my bread, let me walk all the way to the other goddamn end of the store for eggs. Then I assume the milk is by the eggs, because WHY THE FUCK WOULDN'T IT BE, but fucking NO, it's over by the meat and pickles or some shit. And they redesign every 6 months to keep my life a living hell. Also most supermarket products are marked up to insane prices. Why should I pay 10x more for rice here than at the Lebanese market across the street? And for shittier rice?

Fuck grocery stores.

>> No.6740984

I really want to know what is in that secret door.

>> No.6740991

Outlet for the vacuums and floor waxer.

>> No.6741068

The layout is intentional. Milk and bread being on opposite ends of the store, I mean. That's to make customers pass by everything and pick up items impulsively.

I work in retail. They have this "impulsive buying" thing down to a science. Planograms are designed so the items they want you to see are at eye level. It's kind of creepy, actually.

>> No.6741085

I know this. Everyone knows this. Which is why I say "fuck supermarkets." If it were unintentional then something could be done about it.

The supermarkets are telling you that, not only are you going to pay too much for your groceries, but they don't even view you as a customer. You're a mark. You're their bitch. Fuck you, bitch, shut up and take it.

I spend as little time as possible in supermarkets. I would much rather set a whole afternoon aside and plan out a trip going to ethnic and farmer's markets. Not because I'm some kind of greenie hipster, but because FUCK SUPERMARKETS.

>> No.6741090

Not at all actually, despite being a fatshit.

>> No.6741091

Yep. It's also why the children's stuff is down low. Want stuff gone? Put it on the wall in the front of the store right after you get the carts. The odd pricing (like 3/$11) is also done to curb people doing the mental calculations about pricing.

>> No.6741092

I can do this at some markets I guess
also bookstores

>> No.6741119

You said it didn't make sense so I thought I would clear it up for you.

i dunno man. It's just a consequence of capitalism. I'm not arguing with you. It sucks.

>You're a mark. You're their bitch. Fuck you, bitch, shut up and take it.
Try working for a major chain grocery store. You're a grunt and they do not care about you. They just want you to smile and keep your mouth shut. There are literally signs in the break room that tell employees not to shoplift because that is the only thing the men at the top care about.

>> No.6741127

>odd pricing (like 3/$11)
I always hated that shit. Do you think I can't do basic arithmetic? Let's see, I'm saving like $0.15 per item, but I have to buy 3? Well, what a deal! Let me shell out all this money that I didn't intend to spend in the first place.

>> No.6741133

I like looking around the drinks section at all the different beers. I do buy some, but I also enjoy just looking at all the different ones. I'm talking ales, not staring at a crate of Fosters.

>> No.6741142

"Boomers" is a specific thing that's in the name. It's people who were born in the post-war economic boom from the late 40's to the early 60's.

I've always taken "millennials" to mean people coming of age around the time of the millennium.

This is more or less in line with how advertising agencies use these designations. I'm 35 and technically a millennial, so...

>> No.6741148

I hate my local supermarket's drinks section. There used to be 2 really good beer and wine shops in the neighborhood with massive selections of rare local brews and imports. They got bought out by the major supermarket chain and sold all their stock to the supermarket. Because the supermarket didn't want to have to actually compete with anyone (because that would actually be capitalism and capitalism isn't fair to the rich and lazy). The supermarket put all that product on clearance shelving AND DIDN'T MARK THEM DOWN AT ALL. Once it all sold out they restocked none of it, and just continued offering their normal selection.

Fuck supermarkets. They're actively trying to make the world a shittier place.

>> No.6741175

>odd pricing (like 3/$11) is also done to curb people doing the mental calculations
Does this stop anyone in here? Or even dissuade them? I'd think if you're the type of person that's going to do price calculations, it's going to take more than that to stop you...

>> No.6741179

This type of thing is becoming more common due to inventory systems.

In big chains like Walmart, their entire inventory/ordering/pricing system is done by computer. The sad thing is that it does this way better (read: profitable) than a human ever could.

In smaller chains/mom and pop stores, it's starting to become a thing. If they had the same access to distributors Walmart does, most would have a computer run it all as well.

Drinks sections (at least in the US) are kind of fucked up because the stores don't actually get a ton of say about what goes on the shelves. The soft drink and beer industries get their people in there and start threatening to pull big sellers if they don't get the space they want, etc.

>> No.6741187

I think you probably misread that. The point wasn't that the grocery store changed anything. It's that they put those wine stores out of business so they wouldn't have to compete, and as a result the variety that those stores offered was lost to the community.

Budweiser didn't come in and threaten to pull its shitty beer from those stores. It was the supermarket chain muscling out the competition.

And what's worse, some of those staff members were offered, and accepted, jobs at the supermarket liquor section. And now they're miserable and they hate their lives, because as >>6741119 mentioned, these stores are also really shitty to their employees.

>> No.6741239
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mwf when the vacant craft beer spots get filled with shit like Third Shift and Landshark, beers owned by Coors and Busch.

>> No.6741254

I like to do this with Ikea sometimes.

>> No.6741268

In most parts of the western world, it's illegal to leave children under 13 unattended, hence why people take them literally everywhere.
It kinda sticks as well, so unless some family disaster happens, it usually doesn't stop until the "spends all day on the xbox" stage.

>> No.6741283
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I enjoy strolling through grocery stores when I'm bored and I find that I like a combo of people watching and admiring what humanity considers worthy of it's time and money. (After all, that is why you work at the miserable job that you hate every day, right? Money to buy stuff? So why not admire the "stuff" you work so hard to earn?)

I like to look at the pretty displays of vegetables and admire the colors of the fruit and flowers. I like to smell the warm breads and day dream about what the fluffy icing might taste like on the cakes behind the glass. I like to look at the prices of meat and wonder about the cost of feeding cows and pigs and the economical toll it takes....and then I drool over a discounted steak sale and remember that I'm just as much to blame and I'm not sorry for it.

I like to walk down toy aisles and see what kids are considering cool now and what Barbie is up to these days with her ever fickle career choices. I've noticed over time that super sugary cereals are no longer as popular as granola and other "whole grainey" choices and that the frozen section now lights up as you walk by and turn off again, saving energy, which is cool.

It's also fun to glance at other people's carts when they're not looking. You can tell a lot about a person by what they've got in their cart. I'd encourage you all to try it sometime. When you're standing in line, glance at what the people in front and behind you are buying and try to see if their health matches up to their choices. 9/10 the fatties are full of cheap boxed/frozen carb-heavy meals and the healthier looking are usually buying juice and chicken breasts.

>> No.6741284

kek I'm a department head at an extremely busy grocery store and I have never seen this. Young adults are the only demographic that aren't a complete pain in the ass to deal with. Old people, ham beasts, and large families or 'group shoppers" are the most frequent problematic customers

>> No.6741288

Fuck, I was going to post this.

>> No.6741362

funny and very informative