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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6738351 No.6738351 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: foods that used to be good but were ruined by their fanbase

>> No.6738353
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Found a picture of you OP

>> No.6738357

>letting a fan base ruin your opinion of a food
Who the fuck cares, you hipster fuck? Hurr durr I can only enjoy things that other people don't like

>> No.6738361

bacon was only popular because it stopped pork from spoiling, people didn't start making it because it tasted good

>> No.6738362
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You know its true

>> No.6738365

a lot of people enjoy food too OP so maybe you should stop eating

>> No.6738368

I only like bacon by itself or on the side. With anything else and it sucks. Bacon bits are a different story though.

>> No.6738394 [DELETED] 
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>snacking on bacon bits

>> No.6738399
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I too enjoy the fine food of gentlemen and scholars; bacon.

>> No.6738404
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he's right though, bacon is tasty but it's memed to the point that it's embarassing.

>> No.6738405
File: 100 KB, 420x226, large_Screen-Shot-2012-03-11-at-2.11.56-PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sushi was never good to begin with.

it's the original meme food.

>> No.6738430

What are you talking about OP? Bacon still tastes gr8 to me despite the fact people unironically put them now in food and things they're not supposed to be in.

Embarrassing to eat it?

>> No.6738440

Literally any food from a street cart/food truck. They were usually decent, cheapish meals you could grab quickly, but hipsters made them into a shitty trend in an effort to seem cultured. Now every faggot with a beard wants to start up an "omg super cool food truck xD"

>> No.6738448


>posting a picture with a meme-name

You are part of the Epic Meal Time fanbase.

>> No.6738453

Bacon is always good, no matter how gay reddit is.

>> No.6738673
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>My taste in food is affected by the opinion of others

>> No.6738706

>foods that used to be good but were ruined by their fanbase
This very concept makes you a hipster. If you see food int the context of fashion guess what you are?

>> No.6738716

Is Bacon supposed to taste smokey
The Bacon I buy tastes nice but not smokey like it does at Burger King

>> No.6738719

you sound like an angry restaurant owner who is losing money. food trucks don't bother me at all, the competition to shitty fast foods isn't a problem at all imo

>> No.6738722

Hey Borneo. Big fan

>> No.6739638

For You

>> No.6739768

I only ever knew it as a meme food, but one day I gave it a try. It's actually pretty good, but overly expensive.

>> No.6739772

I love bacon, and I legitimately think that it's all that it's cracked up to be. Am I a cancer on food culture?

>> No.6739777

You can't like the taste of a food anymore because someone else likes it?

Sounds like you have problems running deeper than just disliking something

>> No.6739778

This, a thousand times. Sushi is so bland. It's crazy that people are willing to eat fatty fish like salmon and mackerel uncooked.

>> No.6739801

How can something as basal as bacon be ruined for you?

>> No.6739813

>or on the side
>with anything else it sucks
I don't get it, doesn't "on the side" mean "with something"?

>> No.6740763

>Sushi is so bland
It's crazy that some people have abused their sense of taste so much that they can't taste anything less than soda and "flavor-blasted", sodium rich junk food.

>> No.6740913

>can't enjoy something because it's popular
I mean, as long as you don't bacon everything, why should you care?

>> No.6740917

it's good rice, I like seaweed, and tuna used for sushi is great

>> No.6740927

except their emphasis is still on decent, cheapish meals
they just gained popularity through things like social media and somewhat famous people visiting them
but this is coming from an LA fag, idk where you're at

>> No.6741015

>but were ruined by their fanbase
No. We're not talking about fucking pop culture. This is sustenance.

The fact that shitty people say dumb things about bacon doesn't change what bacon is, or is useful for.

Eat a bag of dicks. Or is that too much of a meme for you to eat now? Because I know how much you love dicks.

>> No.6741050

Bacon can't be a meme food. Just stop. Avacado is meme food. Siracha is meme food. They're things that people didn't eat regularly but suddenly became incredibly popular. Bacon has always been amazing, obnoxious fanbase or not.

>> No.6741080

Did you know the seaweed used for sushi is a red alga and is not closely related to other seaweeds such as kelp.

>> No.6741480

turkey bacon is better and is palatable soggy or crispy

>> No.6741486

bacon has been memeing it up for literal years. pizza looks like it just might edge it out tho

>> No.6741514

I think anon means he can eat it separated from other foods but not incorporated. So he could have breakfast of eggs and bacon because the bacon is separate, but not on a burger because it's all one thing

>> No.6741591

interesting, that's a classic autistic eating habit

>> No.6741745
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>> No.6741775
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Yu know back in ma day ne-ga-row pussay like yu no cum around heir, dey a keep dey rittle hippsta buillshiet in little puuunkass neeibohoods. Den da rittle faggot rike yu cum arong and ruin ck

>mucha disahouna tu your famiry

>> No.6741780

Sriracha. Ramen.

>> No.6742309

Nice meme friend.

>> No.6743535

I never thought it was bad, but it never was particularly good either. I mean, it's rice and fish. People basically eat it because the way it is rolled up is so cool and ethnic.

>> No.6743557

This place becomes more like /v/ every time I visit.

>> No.6743579

Nah, we'll actually admit when something is good.

>> No.6743580

wow good one m8 +1 :o

>> No.6743691

I thought the sole "bacon is a meme" thing was finally dead. Bacon has a key ingredient in world cuisine for, idk, like forever. It's like saying "rice is a meme" or "wheat is for plebs"

you fucks are so retarded

terrible trigger discipline, nice coat, beard looks like a botched abortion

sushi is awesome

that old nip is creepy as shit. he enjoys massaging the octopus way too much.

this, BUT

avocado and sriracha have also been popular for ages
