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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6736864 No.6736864 [Reply] [Original]

food advice for poorfag wanting to eat something other than sandwiches and fast food?

>> No.6736869
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Teach yourself to cook

>> No.6736874

Have you considered cooking?
I heard it's tasty and cost effective

>> No.6736876

when i say fast food, i mean dollar menu

>> No.6736879

Fuck cooking. Dine and dash is where it's at.

>> No.6736905

Too bad it would cost more than that to cook all of that food. Just because you're using a tiny amount does not mean you've spent less.
Fucking retarded americunts.

>> No.6736908

What the hell are those prices based on? What kind of store sells you 1 cents worth of tempeh?

>> No.6736910

i can cook in the sense of i can follow instructions

>> No.6736912

Taking the total cost of groceries and figuring out how much the micro portion cost.

>> No.6736914
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no one fucking tips 10 for a pizza
if you do, you're the kind of person I see as a saint

>> No.6736916

become a mod and eat hotpockets

>> No.6736920

That's like a nibble of a piece of tempeh.

>> No.6736926

I usually tip $9, but I basically live at the top of Mt Ventoux and the delivery guy rides a bike.

I should probably stop now that they have those e-bikes, goddamm cheaters.

>> No.6736933

One of my deliveries was having their driveway black topped so I parked in a plant nursery that was by their house and ran up a giant hill only to get no tip.

Thanks fag boy. Enjoy your pizza cold next time.

>> No.6736934

I tip based on how the person acts. I'f i Hand then a $20 to pay for a $13 delivery, and they pause to see if im going to tell them to keep the change, I give them the change, and keep the bills. If they're pulling out the money pouch before I hand them money, I'll let them have more.

>> No.6736939

Pretty much.

>> No.6736944
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>playing mind games with your servants over their livelihood

Did you pull ants apart as a child? You ever get an erection from the sounds of pain?

>> No.6736952

They picked a job that they knew was going to be shit, it's not my job to make their jobs any less shit. If they don't like their job, they can find another. I clean toilets and floors for a living, and im perfectly fine with it, all they have to do is delivery food to people before it gets cold. If anyone should be getting tips, its the people that clean up everyone elses messes.

>> No.6736954

Oh, I see it's poor vs. poor anger. Always the strongest anti-tippers are the people working shit jobs.
>im perfectly fine with it
To be honest you don't sound fine with it. I certainly wouldn't want to do that. I don't even like it when other people clean my toilet. It's a job fit for robots.

>> No.6736957

>people actually believe this
>people think other people work for as low as $2 an hour by choice

>> No.6736964

You know why I clean toilets? Because I make $11/hr doing it at a directv call center. It's simple, easy work for good pay.

Anyone that works for tips is required to have their employer meet minimum wage if they dont make enough from tips, if they dont like it they can leave, no ones holding a gun to their head saying "Deliver this food or you die".

>> No.6736970
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You know delivery wasn't my first choice and I'd love to be making anything above minimum wage right now.
If I were living alone I wouldn't be able to pay all my bills.

>> No.6736977

Don't take this in the wrong way, but I make $100k sitting in a Herman Miller chair clicking on a mouse and typing and talking on the phone a bit. It's also simple, easy work but for better pay.

Sometimes I'm at the office late and the cleaning people come through and I guess I could threaten them and say if they don't bark like a dog, I'll complain to my boss and get them fired. But I don't, because I'm not fucked in the head.

Do you see what I'm getting at? It's not ok to take pleasure in tormenting someone over their source of income, whether you like your job or not.

>> No.6736979

you act like you can just get another job

it can take about 3 months to go from one minimum wage job to another slightly above minimum wage job

>> No.6737003

>It's not okay
Who decided that? They do easy work for shit pay and then get mad when they get paid less than they want, because they grew up being called a special snowflake that only deserves the best. I have a friend, he delivers food for two places, he lives with his grandma since she can't live on her own, and he doesn't bitch about tips ever. I went drinking with him and his coworkers, and they all bitched about not getting $5 tips, and when they asked him about tips, you know what he said? "Tips aren't a huge deal, theyre just a bonus, theyre nothing to live on."

If some acne ridden punk delivers my food and I hand him a $20 and he putzs around with idle chit chat to delay giving me change, you can bet your ass i'm going to give him next to nothing.

>you act like you can just get another job
Because I can.

>it can take about 3 months to go from one minimum wage job to another slightly above minimum wage job
Maybe if're picky about work. I've done a little bit of everything. I've installed HVAC, done electrical, installed spinkler systems, fixed cars, cleaned toilets, washed dishes, cooked food, worked as a cashier, stocked shelves, and worked on assembly lines. If you really wanted to find another job, you could, but you dont, because you want the most money possible for the least amount of work, because youre afraid of work. Maybe it applies to you, maybe it doesnt, but the fact is most people that claim they cant find work are just making excuses because they dont want to do something like trucking or cleaning toilets, they just want to bitch and moan.

>> No.6737014

and where exactly do you expect people to learn how to do all of that for free?

>> No.6737018


>> No.6737024

>he putzs around with idle chit chat to delay giving me change
I probably give tips of some sort about 400 times a year and I've never seen anyone behave this way about tipping except hotel porters, and it's never chain hotels or modern boutique hotels, but those old ass hotels that have been around for like 150 years. It's obnoxious and unprofessional, but the old school hotel bars make up for that kind of shit. Hotel bars that look like The Shining are the best thing about travel.

Anyway you're making 11 bucks an hour and you're ordering $13 delivery meals? You're living way beyond your means, change your behavior instead of making other poor people subsidize your irresponsible spending habits.

>> No.6737025

Is that where you learned it? Does that even pay for the time you're doing it?

>> No.6737030

How do you do an apprenticeship if you work full time?

>> No.6737035

What, you think I order out all the time? I order out when im too lazy to cook or had a rough day, which averages out to once every few weeks.

Of course, if you go to an employer and actually want to work you'd get hired. If I didn't keep getting electrocuted I would've been a master-level electrician last year.

By making time for it.

>> No.6737037

>I give other poor people a rough day when I've had a rough day

Classy way to stick it to the man!

>> No.6737078

Same, basic advice that's always given in these threads:

shop sales and manager's specials, [if you live in the US,] use coupons, buy in bulk when possible, learn to freeze, stock up on shelf-stable pantry staples whenever they're at their cheapest and buy more foods that are as minimally processed as possible.

Before someone jumps on that last point: processed foods are always more expensive than the ingredients used to make them. Always. Otherwise, how would the manufacturer earn any money?

>> No.6737133
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This is what im eating

cook one package of taco flavored 7 minute rice as instructed

brown 1lb of beef

add in small can of diced tomatoes when 3/4 of the way done

drain beef

add to rice and mix

top with sour cream and cheese if you have it

total cost $5.30

enough to feed one person for two days or two people for a day

>> No.6737142

>If I didn't keep getting electrocuted I would've been a master-level electrician last year.
you are a shit electrician by your own admition

>> No.6737150


mix them together and make little balls. costs $5.

>> No.6737158

> find an animal
> put it on fire
> eat

>> No.6737164

learn to cook you lazy ass faggot
you can literally make fully nutrient meals for 5$ a day if you cook