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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6736685 No.6736685 [Reply] [Original]

I was eating at the mall food area and suddenly a black woman sat down right next to me. She then undress and start breast feeding her kid.
Plenty of people saw what was happening but nobody call the cops and no security guards were around.

Should we have more strict rules for people who are in proximity to restaurants?

>> No.6736691

Yes. Bring back segregation for starters.

>> No.6736692

no outside food or drink

>> No.6736699

Definitely. I get that it's natural and whatever, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't cover up. They make cape things for that.

>> No.6736736

>Doesn't like to see boobs

>> No.6736745

because listening to that giant sucking sound while eating your fine meal makes it more delicious?

>> No.6736747

so she bring her own food? thats forbidden ...

>> No.6736770

That and leaking, chewed-up nipples aren't exactly attractive.

>> No.6736803
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>mall area
>fine food
>expecting fine anything

>> No.6736807

Was she hot OP?

>> No.6736819

pick zero

>> No.6736830

That whole "normalize breast feeding" thing is fucking stupid. We might as well make outdoor toilets and normalize shitting.

>> No.6736836

This person is comparing breastfeeding to pooping. Giving your baby essential nutrients and feeding it is absolutely the same as spraying bacteria out of your asshole. 12/10 argument you should run for president

>> No.6736842

He should be Trump's partner

>> No.6736850

>but nobody call the cops

cry me a river. Who does it hurt?

>> No.6736858

ITT: butthurt cunts with entitlement complexes

>> No.6736865

I wonder how all those pro-breastfeeding-in-public people would react if a fat hairy man would walk around topless in a restaurant.

>> No.6736872

They'd be offended because they're fucking hypocrites.

>> No.6736875

they'd probably defend it as long as you told them that it was natural

b4b taking a shit on the floor in my nearest restaurant, if you disagree with me you're a misogynist who shops at hot topic

>> No.6736880

You're right. Breast feeding and shirtless fat man are the same thing

>> No.6736886

>I wonder how all those pro-breastfeeding-in-public people would react if a fat hairy man would walk around topless in a restaurant.
Because that's what all breastfeeding women do, right?

>> No.6736888

>I'm a special snowflake
Never try to argue logic with a woman, bros.

>> No.6736902

Breastfeeding totally triggers me. Stop the lactiarchy's oppression.

>> No.6736925

You mean they don't already?

>> No.6736928

what about people who burp loudly? or fart? or have bo?
should they be fined?

>> No.6736953

Pooping is natural but gross.
Breastfeeding is natural but gross.
Both should be hidden from the public eye.

>> No.6736976

You know what else is gross? A baby that died from malnutrition.

>> No.6736980

>Men like tits
>Women like babies

I don't see the problem with mashing the two together in public.

>> No.6736986

>You know what else is gross? A baby that died from malnutrition.

yeah but you can throw it away so you don't have to look at it while eating.

do you watch porn while eating?

>> No.6736995

Only said by you. Babies are terrible creatures and should be eradicated.

>> No.6737002


>> No.6737010
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I love watching women breastfeed, gives me them good caveman feels and public nudity to boot.

Most broads won't even give the poor kid a tit anymore, thanks to people trying to turn it into a political issue.

Do you guys all get mad when you see underwear hanging out of girls' pants too? How about if they show too much leg?

>> No.6737023

Nobody is really strictly against nursing in public, but most people think discretion is polite because any kind of nudity is offensive to some. Most likely this wasn't a case of lax policy, but a lack of policy which left you and others uncomfortable and confused about how to deal with it. I do think restaurants and public gathering spaces should have policies about it, but I'm too lazy to write my ideas right now. I think the best thing an individual can do to deal with this situation is to politely leave the area of the person who is being rude or embarrassing you.

>> No.6737027

Black people shouldn't be allowed in malls. You know its true, they rarely spend any money and just make normal people feel uncomfortable with their 2chainz and lil wayne

>> No.6737051

Ebin thread OP +1

>> No.6737077

>it's rude to look at a woman breastfeeding because she has a kid and probably boyfriend/husband
>they are usually ugly anyway
>their tits are even ugly
Why can't they do it somewhere else, like in the bathroom? Is that too much to fucking ask? You walked into the restaurant you lazy bitch.

>> No.6737091

Bathrooms are dirty

>> No.6737105

fuck that shit. who on earth wanna see a niggers tits?

>> No.6737118

so is your disgusting baby

>> No.6737125

>Bathrooms are dirty
so are snot covered babies with dirty diapapers

>> No.6737128

And your baby who shits and pukes without discretion isn't dirty.

Why the fuck do parents think everybody revolves around their kids

>> No.6737140

Whoops quoted the wrong guy. Still

>> No.6737154


Don't get what the fact that she's black has anything to do with the story.
HOWEVER, I'm with you on that, I don't want to see somebody breastfeeding in public.
What was even worse, I was at a restaurant and a woman with a baby cart stopped, took the baby out, put it on a bench right next to tables of the restaurant and changed its fucking diapers. Either go somewhere where people aren't eating/no people are around or ask the restaurant staff if you might go to their bathroom to change your baby's diapers.

>> No.6737224

I'm not saying they shouldn't breastfeed, I'm saying they should cover it up.

>> No.6737228

> I was at a restaurant and a woman with a baby cart stopped, took the baby out, put it on a bench right next to tables of the restaurant and changed its fucking diapers
That's disgusting, but that has NOTHING to do with breastfeeding in public.

>> No.6737234


Well it has something to do with somebody having no regards whatsoever to their surroundings because their baby made some noise or whatever, leading them to do something absolutely inappropriate.
I thought the story was in the same vain of OP's

>> No.6737264

>Well it has something to do with somebody having no regards whatsoever to their surroundings
And? That still has NOTHING to do with breastfeeding in public.

Get it together anon

>> No.6737266
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I'm fine with seeing breastfeeding in public, but I think private businesses should have the balls to set some limits where food is served.
Flop out your sweaty tits and change your kid at the park or on the beach all you want, but just not beside me in a restaurant when i'm fucking eating.

>> No.6737269

It's called class.
You don't seem to have it.

>> No.6737277


Ok, I'm sorry

>> No.6737279

It has to do with retarded mothers with no regards to their surroundings thinking it's okay for them to do whatever they want in public, even if it's annoying or disgusting to the people around them because muh children.

>> No.6737328

Not really. Most people have the consideration for others to expose one breast at a time and semi cover with a small towel or baby blanket. On the other hand, if the person completely strips off the top and the kid is like 3 years old, yeah, I have a problem. But I just ignore them. Either an angry femenazi looking for confrontation or getto/cracker trash attention whore seeking attention.Why give either an audience.

>> No.6737345

>And your baby who shits and pukes without discretion isn't dirty.
Because it does. You might not like kids but the world absolutely revolves around them, this is our most basic instinct, even stronger than sex. I don't think people should have too many kids, nor do I think giving birth is a miracle or something. But once you've brought a child into the world everything should revolve around it. And other members of society should make special exceptions for it inversely proportional to it's age.

>> No.6737357

the boobs are fine, blacks in the food court though.....

>> No.6737534

>an essential part of raising a child should be hidden from the public eye
12 year old detected, grow the fuck up.

>> No.6737553

I'm not a child so I don't really care if someone breastfeeds in public.

>> No.6737563

It's so fucking hot, though.

>> No.6737576
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Note the inconsistency of Liberal "Logic"
Before a mother gives birth, it's okay to murder an innocent child. But after, we're expected to put up with mothers flashing their breasts like whores, and baby's making disgusting noises. Suddenly the child is important to them!?
This, my friends, is a cancer, and it needs to end.

>> No.6737582

>going to the mall
>not shopping on amazon or other online retailer
>paying fucking retail

moron idiot piece of shit fucking hate people like you

>> No.6737585


>> No.6737596
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>> No.6737685
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Breast feeding is like farting, it's natural and everyone does it but you should still excuse yourself to do so, you wouldn't put up with that shit if a dude sat down next to you and let one rip or a girl sat down and blew smoke in your face

>My face when you never see a pretty women breastfeed brazenly because they get attention and only fat single mothers with black babies do it

>> No.6737701

I fart in public all the time. Fuck everyone

>> No.6737718

Let me try and make it clear: if you want women to cover themselves when breast feeding, try eating a meal for 10 minutes under a blanket in fucking July sometime.

Stop fucking staring, shut the fuck up, and eat your shit in silence. No one loves you.

>> No.6737725

>excusing yourself to go fart

are you the biggest vagina ever to post on 4chan

>> No.6737762

That's no 12 year old, that's a tumblrina

>> No.6737891

This and this.

Better question for this thread: what's worse- a crying baby in a restaurant or a mom popping a tit in its mouth to shut it up?

>> No.6738062

pepe posters are the true cancer.

>> No.6738065


God, yes. I miss the old times.

>> No.6738068

>fucking fucking fuck shit
stop that

>> No.6738078

> if you want women to cover themselves when breast feeding, try eating a meal for 10 minutes under a blanket in fucking July sometime.

What is that even supposed to mean. It's about not taking your tits out in public and having a baby latch onto them (the latter part is the most important one).

>> No.6738084

>boobs are scary :(

>> No.6738087


Boobs are great. What's not so great is seeing some woman in public with her boobs out and a baby attached to them.

>> No.6738093

Do you cry when you see a hawk eat a squirrel in public?

>> No.6738098


I very rarely cry because I'm a dude but it really wouldn't make me happy if I saw that, no.
>"It's natural so it's totally cool!"
Just fuck off, there are so many natural things that are fucked up beyond believe.

>> No.6738101

>Do you guys all get mad when you see underwear hanging out of girls' pants too? How about if they show too much leg?

This. Why would you be so upset about a tit?

>> No.6738104

What a man you are. You don't cry and are scared of boobs

>> No.6738109

>I was eating at the mall food area

>> No.6738110

>scared of boobs

What even makes you say that? Nowhere, ever, was that anywhere implied in any post in this entire thread. Ever. Totally. 100%. I mean, seriously. Good Lord.

>> No.6738119

>getting this defensive
You're scared of boobs man. It's okay, there's nothing wrong with it. 16 is a confusing age

>> No.6738124


>getting this offensive

Can't we just hold each other?

>> No.6738125
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to lighten this up a bit, guy in the pic has some serious hank hill butt disease.

>> No.6738126

Only if you play with my boobs.

>> No.6738129


Shouldn't be a problem. Are they very hairy?

>> No.6738139

My nipples are.

>> No.6738146


That's okay

>> No.6738150

My thoughts exactly.

>> No.6738178


Fuck off retard, that is some /pol/tier strawman.

I don't think moms feel comfortable at all breastfeeding in public but they'd rather take the shame than let their baby starve. Babies need to eat every 2-3 hours does this mean a mother should become a hikikomori for a whole year just because you can't handle a fucking nipple? What kind of freudian trauma made your nigger self into a pussy that can't handle a baby sucking on a tit?

Nigger just look away, besides you're in a fucking mall you poor fucking fuck which kind of inbred retard complains about LE PPL in a fucking food court where you eat as fast as you can and just leave, if you don't want to see niggers or mothers or whatever the fuck bothers you then go to a proper restaurant, eat fugu, and fucking die.

>> No.6738184


>feeding another human being
>nudity for the sake of it

totally the same thing breh

>> No.6738189


Virgins get triggered by any kind of nudity, they tend to relate everything to sex and that makes them realize that they're not getting any.

t.virgin pro

>> No.6738195

I'm not sure why it needs to be normalized. It was very normal to do in public prior to the 50s.

>> No.6738197


*tips fedora*

>> No.6738198

They should pay a corporation for formula and feed their shitspawn from a top quality EPA free designer bottle like civilized human beings. Breastfeeding is both disgusting and primitive.

>> No.6738202


epic, simply epic

>> No.6738235
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How can someone's ass be so large and small at the same time?

>> No.6738248

I don't eat at places that don't have a dress code.

>> No.6738253


You do know that "No shoes no service" is a dresscode, right?

>> No.6738254

Haha fair point

>> No.6738414

was that ur personal observation from the 50s, or convenient feminist truthiness u read on tumbleit?

>> No.6738424


Many things were normal in the 50s that you'd look down upon nowadays.

>> No.6738840

Just FYI, you SHOULD cover your baby in July because the sun isn't good for it. Besides sun, covering helps calm the baby and give it a relaxing place to eat. You should feed in calm quiet places for the bonding experience too.

I guess you were too busy being a tumblrina to know what's actually good for baby.

>> No.6738845

You can pump breast milk.

>> No.6738853

>sun isn't good for it
You sound like a doctor. By which I mean you are spreading mainstream disinformation.

>> No.6738878

>that's a tumblrina
Tumblr, the evil pinko SJW bogeyperson wouldn't be in favour of breastfeeding in public?

>> No.6738879

>fat guys walking around shirtless to prove some shitty /pol/-tier "point" is the same as someone feeding a child.
Yes, when feeding your child in a mall, you should wrap it fully in a blanket to protect it from the indoor sun. Excellent point, doctor.

>> No.6739134

>suddenly a black woman

Next time take photos. You can sell them to National Geographic, maybe make enough to buy food with.

This. Fucking niggers always flouting store policies and stealing from the honest merchant.

>> No.6739136

>We might as well make outdoor toilets and normalize shitting.

Just like India.

>> No.6739242

I used to be a waiter at a diner, one day I got a party of 10ish women, around half were prego, it was a baby shower party or some dumb woman shit. So I give my stupid fake little act and while I'm talking I notice that one of these nasty giant ready-to-pop fatties had these has like giant nipples poking through her shirt, like catches my eye but I'm trying to look away, then I notice wet spots, like she is leaking through her shirt. Fucking gross but ok. Take drink orders and go get drinks. After dropping them off and giving their giant fat asses time to decide I walk back to the table to take food orders.

This nasty fat lady waits till I look at her and just takes her big saggy tit out and starts to breastfeed, like mad a point to do it very flamboyantly in front of me and the rest of the restaurant. I literally lost my shit and just walked off mid order, told my boss I can't do it give the table to someone else even though I really liked parties. Like half the restaraunt was glaring in disgust.

Women that do this in public are nasty attention whores with no respect for other people that don't want to see their floppy mommy tits, shit is gross.

I know I was a shitty waiter so save it just telling my story. I have a real job that doesn't involve food or fat women now.