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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6732946 No.6732946 [Reply] [Original]

I'm turning 21 in 2 weeks. I like cocktails and once I turn 21 I'm going to try to make more since I'll be able to acquire liquor easier so I want to make cocktails more.

Should I get this:


Is this a good price?

>> No.6732956
File: 19 KB, 395x405, 1277977335725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh hay im turning 21
>i need to get a cocktail set so i can alcohol because 21
>21 means alcohol
>i can now alcohol, with legally

>> No.6732960

God you're retarded.

Ok, pretend I didn't say any of the first bit and I'm just asking if it's a good set for the price.

Does that calm your autism?

>> No.6732975
File: 51 KB, 445x559, buttholio-Beavis_Butthead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he likes cock tails

>> No.6732978

why so much emphasis on you turning 21?

>> No.6732979

Idk, I'm excited so maybe that's why I mentioned it. But if it detracts from the post forget I mentioned it.

>> No.6733040

its just such an annoying trope perpetuated by the american legal drinking age. the rest of the world drinks at 16 and 18.

the cocktail set is a good deal for the price. focus more on good booze, you can get a good cocktail set after you have a house with a bar.

>> No.6733062

turning 21 in america and being able to drink legally is a trope?

>> No.6733070

am i not using the right word?
my english is rudimentary. its an idea perpetuated by a comparatively small portion of the world that appears in media worldwide.

>> No.6733071

Don't blame America in general, our states wising up after that debacle of drinking age. Now our states wont and don't have to enforce federal laws. Hence a lot of states that have legal weed, legal for the state.

Our federal government has gone way beyond what it was designed to do.

>> No.6733074

Trope's likely not the right word but I can't get what you're trying to get across from what you wrote. Hypocrasy might be better. That said we're not the rest of the world and our federal government has usurped a lot of what should be states rights and our states are too stupid and wimpy to do anything about it.

>> No.6733086

american media makes turning 21 and being able to drink seem like a big deal. to the rest of the world its not even noteworthy. most people begin drinking a little on special occasions from a young age, and are generally allowed to drink when their parents think them ready. 14-15 is very common age to begin drinking, but its rare to drink to the point of extreme drunkenness as displayed by american media.

>> No.6733091

Yea, that's a good deal. Some wasted crap in there though, let's go item by item.

Boston shaker, good.
Jigger, good.
Strainer, a waste, that's what your boston shaker is for.
6 pour spouts, seriously? Pour spouts are good when you're pouring LOTS of drinks because you're a bartender, you can replace the jigger with a mental count and still get accurate results with a little experience. In a home bar, I'm just going to laugh at you. I have one on my olive oil bottle, and that's the only one in my house.
Cheap bottle opener, just no. Use something nicer or just use a bic lighter and leverage.
Cheap corkscrew, again, just no. Get a nice looking wine key, it serves double duty as a beer opener.
Swirly spoon, now I'm really laughing at you.

So in summary, the boston shaker and jigger are good, the rest is hilarious crap.

>> No.6733097

Didn't edit my post after I wrote it. It seemed like a good deal at first, but it's actually a bad deal.

>> No.6733101

The strainer can be ok, I prefer to use them since some Boston shaker lids get stuck on

>> No.6733102

I know my parents and family had no problem giving me a bit of beer when I was about 8 yrs old after that I could have beers when I wanted. I never got into drinking though until way later. Friends and I preferred weed and we got great stuff in NYC.

>> No.6733108

It's a lot more important to know how to deal with reality and smoking a joint or drinking a beer allows people to know what's going on. Not all Americans are hypocrites. Some parents of friends in high school in NYC were straight up honest, they'd rather us do that if on their property then on some street.

>> No.6733111

Boston shakers are a particular kind of shaker that doesn't have a lid, it has two cups where one fits into the other. Precisely to defeat the problem you describe.

They're also classy as fuck.

>> No.6733115

Then good luck straining the muddled mint out of your cocktails

Strainers are useful, accept it

>> No.6733117

Your strainer is not removing any bigger chunks of mint than my boston shaker, and I look cool doing it.

Besides, mint flecks in a drink looks awesome.

>> No.6733119

... this simple shit doesn't even matter for a government security clearance. By being honest then it can't be held against you which is why it's a stupid question in the first place. Nobody gives a shit about busting you.

>> No.6733121

Now if one was a heroin addict or something, that's a way different story than getting blazed with a bong. In fact making cool bongs which these people would be impressed by.

>> No.6733125

Again the federal government has treaded into personal territory and it really has no reason to be there. If you look at their corruption fuck answering their shit questions for a clearance.

>> No.6733129

Yes. I absolutely want decisions made about my multi-billion dollar military to come from random asshats that hide god-knows what kinds of skeletons in their closets or come from who-knows-what-fucking-country.

Fuck security clearance.

>> No.6733131

As a matter of fact, I want nuclear launch codes. Give them NAO.

>> No.6733136

Op here.

Drinking isn't really a big deal. My mom wasn't born here and she let's me drink at home. It's just the freedom of being able to walk into a liquor store and get alcohol without any preparation or precautions or needing someone else to do it for me which is what I'm looking forward to especially now that I'm living on my own.

Sorry if this triggered you yuros.

>> No.6733143

I suspect that you've not seen the retard questions that are asked. You might might to look them up, they papers are easily available as DoD clearances for various levels. They're downright retarded. I realize that they want to establish citizenship but some the stuff is downright personal and choose to say no.

Whatever, I choose to say no for clearances. Plus clearance jobs pay shit.

>> No.6733149


>> No.6733151

>being so proud that your country allows you to poison yourself at a younger age
It's just such an annoying trope when foreigners complain about American laws that don't even affect them on an American website for Americans. You're choosing to consume American media and affiliate with Americans, so stop complaining that we do things differently than you.

>> No.6733153

I don't give a fuck how they pay, I don't want some alcoholic coke-fiend in charge of my fucking military. I want sober, intelligent, thoughtful people in charge of that shit. Is that hard to understand? This isn't Russia.

>> No.6733161

It's just a security clearance, that doesn't equate to any control over any military assets. What are you weird or something? You're making connections and assertions that simply don't exist.

Really you're weird.

>> No.6733168

Security clearances exist for people who have some influence on shit. An infantryman might be the one actually doing the killing, but he has no control so he doesn't need any clearance. He just follows orders.

It's the people that are privy to the secret shit or who have some kind of decision-making power that require security clearances.

I don't want my fucking military secrets falling into the hands of the fucking Chinese. They'll figure it all out eventually on their own, by then we'll already be onto the next thing. Unless they can steal our shit.

>> No.6733181

This is why our recent hack is such a big fucking deal. They took our process for ensuring people are trustworthy and stole all the bullshit we collect to make that determination. You have any idea how many people they can fucking blackmail now? The solution isn't doing away with security clearances, it's NOT SAVING THE FUCKING DATA.

Fuck I hate my government sometimes.

>> No.6733188

Not really, it's just access sometimes. You've really never has one presented to you. Just because one has a clearance doesn't mean one has any direct or inderect influance over anything. It just gives access to stuff that's necessary to get a job done.

It's only idiots that think that it gives some influance over things. You might want to try it yourself and get a sponsor, there's no influence. You've been listening to way too much alex jones and lizard people shit.

>> No.6733193

You do have to admit though that we don't want every bit of what we know to be known to a bunch of sand nigger fucks? And if it was, let's say that it was, I don't trust some religious freak job with a diaper on it's head to do the right thing.

>> No.6733194

Getting a job done implies influence. Just because you're not the guy that says "invade iraq now" doesn't mean you don't have some measure of influence.

I don't understand how your post contributes to what I perceive as your stance, that security clearances are bullshit.

>> No.6733197

Your hack?
That's nothing and shouldn't be considered as anything. You're a bunch of children that have never been paid so have to get your bullshit out somewhere when you really should be taking out cute chicks.

>> No.6733201

Are you this asshat from /b? Getting a job done get's influance as far as getting that job done and that's that. Are you really that stupid to think that because a person has a clearance it somehow equates to launching nukes on the islamics, well fuck all if I have that much access, first target is mecca, second is medina.

>> No.6733202

The hack that happened to the government that represents me and supposedly defends me. You know what I'm talking about right?

>> No.6733203

Be precise if you're capable since you brought it up. If you're going to bring shit up you might as well back it up. But I know that you can't since you're a cunt.

>> No.6733205

Yes, I think everybody that has any security clearance can launch nukes. You caught me. Shit.

>> No.6733207

Don't need to. Anybody that follows news knows exactly what the fuck I'm talking about. Anybody who doesn't follow news is not somebody whose opinion I care about. Sorry.

>> No.6733216

hahaha duck and cover!

>> No.6733221

Of course not, your alex jones lizard people types are never specific about anything nor can you give references for anything. I think that's fucking hilarious and makes you fuckin' pathetic.


>> No.6733228

Yup, because that follow the news always tend to believe in lizard folk. You got me, what can I say?

Does your rampant faggotry bother you or do you take pride in it?