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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6732361 No.6732361[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So /ck/, why aren't you vegan yet?

>> No.6732379

lurk moar

>> No.6732382

vegans are bourgeoisie fag lords

>> No.6732385


>in b4 shitstorm

What are your favorite recipes and how do you meet your macros.

I went veg for a long time and followed the Hare Krishna cookbook
>SPOILER: fucking amazing
but they use tons of butter and milk

>> No.6732387

I will never be vegan, but thanks for asking.

>> No.6732408

Because you'd have to drag my cheese from my cold, dead hands

>> No.6732411

I don't really make anything too exciting. I love a good fruit smoothie, some beans with rice, and some orange tofu.
As far as macro nutrients go I eat a high carb, low fat diet. I do a lot of cardio so that works best for me.

>> No.6732422

oh you will....
Yeah cheese is the hardest thing to give up, but I don' give a shit about cheese anymore.

>> No.6732461

Because a lot of the most commonly available vegetables and my stomach don't get along, stuff like tempeh and tofu tast nasty, and salads + a few fruits get old AF after a while.

>> No.6732478

I feel you. I'm not a big veggie guy, I've become more accustomed, but I prefer other things over veggies. Tempeh and tofu are not necessary for the diet. If you're getting fresh mangoes, bananas, and blueberries, you should never get bored. there is a shit ton of fruit out there, just gotta poke around.

>> No.6732485

Brains aren't vegan!

Silly vegan...

>> No.6732489
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>I don' give a shit about cheese anymore

>> No.6732517

Yeah, I missed the "t". Cheese is pretty overrated and not very healthy for you.

>> No.6732536
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>cheese is pretty overrated

>> No.6732544
File: 150 KB, 600x400, 5.27morningstarproducts.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love meat but my gf introduced me to veggie burgs and other veggie foods and they are delicious, a less guilty, and just a different type of food.

>> No.6732549

>less guilty
Just cut off your balls already

>> No.6732557

I would definitely be vegan if it were as easy and convenient as not.

>> No.6732565

>Frozen veggie burgers.

The Blackhawks/Bruins/Other NHL teams are gonna be angry when they find out that you're depleting their puck supply.

Handmade ones taste objectively better.

>> No.6732676

Because I love food., so I eat p;ant based meals most of the time, just not all of it.

Same way a Deadhead might like GD music most of the time, but not listen to it exclusively.

>> No.6732830

Because I really really really really like meat.

Animal suffering is the top tier flavor agent. If chicken cried I'd drink their tears too.

>> No.6732899

In what other ways do you live a sustainable vegan lifestyle?

>> No.6732933

>Food isn't really supposed to taste

That's something a vegan once said on this very board. And that's why I'm not vegan.


>> No.6733374

What do you think of the fully raw diet ?

>> No.6733457

I personally don't do it. I've tried it and I was full of energy, but I can't do it for too long. Cooked vegan diets are just easier.

>> No.6733461

I just eat my fruits, veggies, legumes, and whole grains. I do a fair bit of exercise. I'd say it's pretty easy. You just have to eat all your calories and take a b12 pill or drink b12 fortified plant milk.

>> No.6733464

Because cow's milk and goat cheese are yummy.
I'm a vegetarian but mostly because it helps me a little with my genetic disease that raises my testosterone.

>> No.6733471

Aren't these bad for you? By what they're made out of, I mean. Other than obviously vegetables but also other junk they put in.
I remember someone said that they effect you when you get older but I dunno if that's true or never asked how that could be possible.

>> No.6733614

Morningstar is fucking terrible, boca are even worse. Original gardenburgers are the only decent frozen veggie patties that you can find anywhere.

>> No.6733617


>> No.6733622

Because no one has presented me with a compelling argument as to why I should stop.

>Meat tastes good
>Don't give a fuck about animals suffering
>Don't give a fuck about the environment

>> No.6734147


No - I meant are all of your clothes/shows free of animal byproducts (wool, leather, etc.)? Do you have anything in your home that's an animal byproduct or have a product from a company that tests on animals?

>> No.6734180

I gots to have my meat i went 4 days with out it it was horrible.

>> No.6734196

Because there is no reason to give up something I don't believe to be unhealthy or morally wrong. I still eat vegetarian food because I enjoy it. I eat small amounts of meat and dairy. There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.6734244

I like meat.

>> No.6735201
File: 162 KB, 1024x768, FinishedCornedBeef1copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They aren't healthy, that's for sure. That's a trap too many vegfags fall into. Probably barely healthier than a burger of a similar size.

I've been a vegetarian for 3 years now and found it remarkably easy. Probably helps that I love tofu and raw vegetables. But one thing I truly miss is some corned beef hash.

Is there a good way I could make a vegetarian version of it?

>> No.6735281

Why is vegetarianism/veganism hated so much? Even so more than vegetarians/vegans themselves.

>> No.6735451

Yes. People fear change, and the veg community has grown a fair amount in the past five years.

>> No.6735453

Yeah they aren't good for you, they aren't even vegan.

>> No.6735458

I try not too. I avoid animal clothing, I still wear and use animal stuff from before I went vegan. It's very hard to be 100% vegan. Trying your best is good enough for me.

>> No.6736334

Because most people's introduction to it is having some pretentious yuppie shove it in their faces.

>> No.6736651

I was vegan for a year and lost 50lbs, but got depressed due to some personal stuff and turned back into a vegetarian for almost a year now. I've already gained 20lbs back. How can I get back into the swing of things? Are there vegan support forums? I'm on tumblr, but honestly the vegan community there scares me a bit.

>> No.6736700

because im not a teenage girl living off daddys money

>> No.6737036


I already am. Feels good having clean arteries, never getting sick and having tons of energy from all the fruit and veggies.

>> No.6737049

Because my ancient ancestors didn't develop massive brain power from the caloric benefit of meat consumption, so I could revert back to a leaf-munching mongoloid.

>> No.6737096

This is the dumbest argument ever. Humans are omnivores, and agriculture was developed not only for livestock.

As omnivores, abstaining from meat is probably not the best idea, but at least in America, we need to eat less meat.

You're not a tough guy because you eat >le bacon. You literally did nothing but throw a card at the register. If anything, the vegans do more work to get their food.

>> No.6737108

> but at least in America, we need to eat less meat.

Fuck off vegan, animals die when you harvest the vegetables. Let that sink in to your vitamin-deprived brain for a minute, kid.

>> No.6737113

Because I'm not a pussy faggot. Man evolved to eat meat, bitch.

>> No.6737117

>Thinking that comment was 100% "le serious business"

>> No.6737123

>got called out
>omg I look like a huge faggot
>joke's on you I was just trolling!

>> No.6737139
File: 44 KB, 499x499, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's been a lot of vegan threads recently hasn't there, anon?

>> No.6737145

>actually caring this much

This is the high point of your day, isn't it?

>> No.6737153

There have always been a lot of vegan threads, it's the easiest way for angsty teenagers to unite against a common target. Everything else inevitably devolves into region vs region or income bracket vs income bracket or race vs race. All 17 year olds, regardless of color, creed, or whether they're from Australia or not, can agree that vegans are shoving they're lifestyle down they're throat's and Something Must Be Done®

>> No.6737162

No, the high point of my day will probably either be overhead press this afternoon (I'm really enjoying those now), possibly drinks at a bar this evening that I haven't been to yet, or maybe jacking off to porn this evening.

Although I'm about to have some fresh local blueberries, if they're as good as they smell that could be where my Saturday peaks.

But right now we are engaged in an epic online war between civilization and veganism, so which side are you on anon? This is truly the moral issue of our times.

>> No.6737167

shut up redditor.

>> No.6737171

Lol, thanks for the laughs you pretentious cunt. Don't leave Cheeto stains on your dick.

>> No.6737173

Stop oppressing me! It's my constitutional right to have free speech.

>> No.6737177

same for me you tosser :^)

>> No.6737182
File: 87 KB, 720x278, 2010-03-05-601chopsticks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

:) good one!

BUT! I use chopsticks... I learned it from this comic lmao...

>> No.6737189

le epic!!1 XD

>> No.6737205

>A man on the subway clutches his chest and falls over, seemingly having a heart attack
>His distressed wife calls out, "Is anyone here a doctor?!"
>A man rushes to his feet, with an aura of confidence about his
>His mouth opens, and in a squeaky high pitched effeminate voice he says "I'm a vegan"

>> No.6737206
File: 82 KB, 676x584, xkcd-388-fuck-grapefruit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to save it if u want! Here's another funny one :)

>> No.6737208

Because I have a properly balanced diet

>> No.6737225

wow tha wast pretty funny you could probably get a netflix special or an entire sitcom on NBC.