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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6732231 No.6732231 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6732239


>> No.6732249

>tfw no bento

>> No.6732252

What's with the moon runes?

>> No.6732262

weeaboo thread
just hide the thread if youre not interested

its what all of us post-pubescent people do
though, if you're still physically or mentally juvenile you can get on google translator and speak moon runes back to them.

>> No.6732301
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>> No.6732317
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>weeaboo having delusions of persecution

>> No.6732325

you misunderstand, i am australian and very anti-jap.
sorry if i was unclear

>> No.6732333

We know who you are, angry aussie self-hating weeb shitposter. You've been doing this for years. moot was right you people are the worst.

>> No.6732339

Nigga this ain't 2chan get off.

>> No.6732346
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>being anti-Japanese
>any year

>> No.6732363
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>> No.6732372

>doing this for years
havent been here that long

most of the world hates japan
they are the amerika of asia, except they dont have the influence or importance

>> No.6732380
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He is japanese fucking lawyer

>> No.6732383
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>most of the world hates japan

Except not at all

>> No.6732388
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I am japanese king Hasegawa
Fucking nigger and white pig

>> No.6732389

no, not all, i'm sure the japs love themselves and there are sporadic people across the world who like japanese exports. i liken it to modern communists and neo-nazis. some people just want to be unique and edgy.

>> No.6732391

Oh shit are we getting raided by 2chan or is this stupid?

>> No.6732406

イ '、
/ ハ ',
i ハ ノ | i、 | 俺は嫌な思いしてないから
| リ从-ノ ノリノノ-)リ、 l それにお前らが嫌な思いをしようが
| リ ‐=・-; -・=‐ Y l 俺の知った事ではないわ
.i从 | ` ̄,:  ̄´ |从! だって全員どうでもいい人間だし
i リ,i ゚人,,__,,人:. | リ} 大袈裟に言おうがお前らが死んでもなんとも思わん
ハ: i. , __ij..__ 、: 'iノ´ それはリアルでの繋がりがないから
彡、 `Ⅶエlフ'´ /ミ つまりお前らに対しての情などない
彡イ\ ` ̄´ / ト ミ
_/ ∧ > ―< ∧ \
─ ' ¨: : : : | \ / |: : : \

>> No.6732420

the 'food pics from japan' guy started an american hate thread on 2ch and is directing them to /ck/ claiming we are racist.

>> No.6732432


>> No.6732437
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>tfw no Reservoir Dogs lunch meal served in the cafeteria

>> No.6732448

일본 죽음이네요!!

>> No.6732455
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>> No.6732456

fucking korean

>> No.6732460


>> No.6732470
File: 42 KB, 430x290, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking japanese

>> No.6732477

Dude, Aussies practically live next to Japan, if you guys didn't like each other you'd go to war. obvious b8

>> No.6732483
File: 856 KB, 620x400, Unagi-State_of_Mind-601821.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin' chinks!

>> No.6732488

>at least he's not a jap

the japs already invaded
all over the place getting in the way, trying to drink our beer but ditching it after two sips, then they wander around absolutely hammered after two sips taking pictures and posing all over the place. even the guys do those faggy anime poses.

>> No.6732492

>still better than japanese

>> No.6732503

That japs certainly wanted to take over Australia during WW II but they were stopped cold by the allied forces, Anzacs were a part of that. If you think that those jap fucks didn't have their sights on Austrailia and New Zealand then you're a fucking moron that doesn't understand what that imperial bunch of jap fuckers were on about.

>> No.6732510
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>> No.6732546

BS, Australia wasn't even in WW2.
It was the US saving Britain and the French from the Nazis, and us nuking the fuck out of Japan.
Enjoying your freedom? Thank America for it.

>> No.6732555

Russia didn't do shit either, they just drew aggro while the US got in position to deliver the kill shot.

We took Berlin on our own, any other claims are communist and homosex.

>> No.6732577
File: 549 KB, 1440x960, fuck yeah murrica.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6732589

Literally everyone hates australia.

You are a prison colony with nothing but poisonous animals and censorship laws.

>> No.6732965


>> No.6732974
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karasawa bug

>> No.6732982
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>> No.6733008


>> No.6733025

Don't forget the stupid fake carbon credit shit guilt tax to send money to niggers.

They jumped right in on that one.

>> No.6733563


>> No.6733576

>not being anti-Japanese

>> No.6733576,1 [INTERNAL] 

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