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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6731092 No.6731092 [Reply] [Original]

Today I am going to make spaghetti and sardines

>> No.6731096
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Step 1: I don't have a pot so I am cooking the noodles in a baking tray

Step 2: you don't need to much water so when it starts boiling put the noodles in

>> No.6731104



>> No.6731105

I'm on the edge of my seat OP.

>> No.6731107
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Step 3: when the noodles look fluffy put them in a noodle strainer so you can get the excess what out, make sure to use a oven mit because the pan is hot

>> No.6731113
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>> No.6731116
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Step 4: you want to cook the sardines on the stove to but to not get germs on them leave them sealed inside the can, let them cook for about 15 on high while you go take a shower or something

>> No.6731117
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Clean your fucking kitchen.

>> No.6731118

>>kitchen shrapnel intensifies

>> No.6731119

Kitchen is a little on the dirty side. But it's fine OP. Please continue.

>> No.6731122


>> No.6731123

Oh shit

>> No.6731125

Just be careful when you open those up. Okay?

>> No.6731126

Please tell me you plan to introduce some parsley, olive oil, garlic, capers and lemon juice to this.

>> No.6731129

Anon is literally taking a shower now, huh?

>> No.6731136


The fucking pot is going to go super critical.

rip in peace op.

>> No.6731138


Why do you live like this?

>> No.6731139
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Step 5: you will be able to tell when the sardines are cooked because the cans should be cracked to perfection.

>> No.6731142

Thank you based OP for making me feel a bit better about myself.

>> No.6731143


was thinking the same thing...

>> No.6731146

Alcoholism, obviously

>> No.6731152
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Step 6: put the cooked sardines in a bowl with the spaghetti and add some Olive Garden Italian dressing on it and mix it up( although any Italian dressing will do if it has garlic, lemon and parsley in it).

>> No.6731154


I've been drunk more than half of my life and bud light would be a terrible drink if you're an alcoholic, i'd have to drink a crate till i got knocked out drunk. I drink all the time but when i'm not i at least clean my shit up.

>> No.6731156
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Step 6: enjoy and thank you :)

>> No.6731157

Buy a gun, an hero.

>> No.6731162

This guy is right. Alcoholics don't drink fucking bud light. Kitchen ain't that bad tho, OP. Keep going.

>> No.6731163

jesus christ

>> No.6731166


I lay awake at night in fear that my life will end up looking something like this nightmare.

>> No.6731167

>Alcoholics don't drink fucking bud light
Alcoholics drink anything that has alcohol in it...

>> No.6731168
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>> No.6731169

Seriously OP, I was once where you are now.

Seek help, it's not too late.

>> No.6731171


I've heard that bleach gives a sort of zesty flavor

>> No.6731175
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Op here, I made the meal for only about 3.50USD, also I know my kitchen is a mess, I was in a bad place for the last year and I stopped caring about everything and even stopped cleaning, I used to never cook for myself and used to live off fast food. I am in a better place now and I am feeling optimistic about my life, I will post clean kitchen pics one of these days, I find cooking helps me think and is meditative for me.

>> No.6731179

Sober the fuck up, get through the withdrawals, and take the fucking trash out to start.

>> No.6731180

op, I can respect that good luck and hope to see a clean a tidy kitchen next time.

>> No.6731182
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>Calling spaghetti 'noodles'

>> No.6731191

I've been there OP, off and on for a few years. I still drink too much but I am in a smaller place now that is easier for me to keep clean. Cooking helped me a lot as well, keep going OP, you aren't alone.

>> No.6731194

Looks fantastic! Going try this dish out on my number one gal tonight. Thanks for taking the time to show off what's obviously a signature dish of yours!

>> No.6731196

spaghetti is a type of noodle, anon

>> No.6731200

I detect some sarcasm in this post

>> No.6731201


It's more associated with asian cooking

>> No.6731202

How ducking autistic are you ?

>> No.6731206
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>> No.6731208

For my notes OP, were those canned sardines in olive oil or water?

>> No.6731219

Olive oil, you put the whole can including the oil in the spaghetti so it acts kinda like a sauce

>> No.6731224

>drinking bud light
I mean I get that you're eating spaghetti with sardines and olive garden dressing but for fucks sake at least get PBR or something.

>> No.6731229

Oh lord unless you get good quality sardines that olive oil tastes like shit and dirt.

>> No.6731233

What are you talking about? Asians use certain noodles in cooking (soba, ramen, udon, glass) and so do Italians (ravioli, rigatoni, farfalle) and just about every other country does as well. Spaghetti is a type of noodle, all of these are noodles and can be referred to as such. What is your point?

>> No.6731265

Why does everyone hate bud light so much

>> No.6731269

As a drunk I don't care what form my alcohol comes in, I just prefer it to not be gin.

>> No.6731271

worst tasting of all the major light beers. its actually disgusting.

coors master race.

>> No.6731285

it tastes like if I put cheerios and water in a blender

>> No.6731292

So now you have a pot?

>> No.6731294

If you notice, that pot is only big enough to hold 2 sardine can, there's no way you could cook spaghetti in that

>> No.6731320
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>> No.6731322
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OP I'm cracking up you really went all out for this shit

>> No.6731333

It's not even a good alcoholic drink. It's expensive as far as how much alcohol you're getting per dollar. It's shitty tasting and you have to constantly be drinking it and pissing to keep drunk.

>> No.6731355
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>> No.6731357

Ravioli is a dumpling

>> No.6731374

If we're arguing schemantics it's actually a pasta, not a noodle, if anything.

>> No.6731405
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BTFO by google

>> No.6731433

you went full retard and remind me of this kid i met online from argentina who argued pizza was a kind of pasta because if it wasn't then why would pasta places have pizza

>> No.6731445

glad you got the humor

>> No.6731476

Kitchen seem similar to that one YT video from the food gore thread or soemthing.

>> No.6731503


I thought Masao myself.

>> No.6731521

i was just going to say that

>> No.6731545

This is the kind of high quality thread /ck/ deserves. Thank you, OP.

>> No.6731577

are you fucking kidding me, who the fuck could think anything about that kitchen is high quality?

>> No.6731583

Spaghetti and sardines is pretty excellent, I add garlic powder or garlic, onion powder or the real stuff, a bit of salt and some tomato paste and a blast of parm cheese and fuck you Italians, I like it this way!

If you have garlic and onion chop those bitches up fine and cook them in some butter then put it aside or do it while the spaghetti is getting ready.

Chop up them bitch sardines too!

Once everything is ready turn off the heat, mix, add the tomato sauce, toss and enjoy.

Takes all of a few minutes and it's really really pretty good. I add a shake of hot pepper powder or some diced thai chilies but some people are sensitive to chilies so it's sometimes best to add those after the fact to ones own dish.

>> No.6731598
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>mfw his kitchen

>> No.6731608


>> No.6731646

Thanks anon, I will try that sometime

>> No.6731711

I like your oven mitt, OP

>> No.6731852
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>> No.6732028
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>> No.6732104

Because it's embarrassing to be associated with such a fucking travesty that is now consumed by fucking everyone on earth. It's really not good beer. Beer is an acquired taste for most people, so if you're going to do that, fuck bud lite. Acquire a taste for something that doesn't taste like
Something with some fucking character, some complexity, some actual flavor.

>> No.6732274

op you are my hero

>> No.6732576

I was rolling by this point lol

>> No.6733057

this needs to be archived for posterity

>> No.6733079

>all that bud light

i need a xanax

>> No.6733095

I make a similar dish, tho it's vermicelli and canned sardines in tomato sauce instead :3

>> No.6733099

Does he still make videos?

>> No.6733103

>using archive sites
it isn't 2007 anymore anon. >>/ck/

>> No.6733112

thanks anon. didnt know which archive site actually had /ck/

>> No.6733116

Fuck. I'm in love.

>> No.6733124


>> No.6733130
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Why do you love me for saying that?

>> No.6733141

Looks amazing tbh

>> No.6733146

Just start by cleaning up the recyclables. You'll feel so much better.

>> No.6733150
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>using bing

>> No.6733160

so this was an homage to masao, right? It was alright, but next time maybe lay the cans straight on the element and talk about the meaning of life

>> No.6733167

He's dead yo

>> No.6733177

I don't even know who that person is lol, I was just messing around today

>> No.6733209

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFjSGalLmE0 tons of yt vids from a few years ago. He was a legend here but hasn't done much for a while, which is a shame, I think maybe he got a gf

>> No.6733227

Hey OP. Sorry you're going through hard times, which other dishes do you like to prepare? I hope things continue to look up for you, and when you decide to clean your kitchen please make a thread :)

Have a good friday

>> No.6733229


Nice apartment, lives like a flyover, probably is a flyover but even worse... OP you're the best anti depressant for /ck/ we're all terrible alcoholics who love cooking and good food but our lives are shit because we don't know any better. Shit i spend 16 hours in a kitchen every day and get paid nothing and i'm a terrible alcoholic, but at least i live better than you, and that's soothing, thanks OP.

>> No.6733231


looks Better than I expected TBH

>> No.6733238

>calling spaghetti "noodles"


>> No.6733251

[citation needed]

>> No.6733312

In Soviet Russia, Oven Mitt You!

>> No.6734783

Op is my spirit animal

>> No.6736678

I would actually kill myself if I ever ate something as terrible as that tbh

>> No.6736713

it's really not even that bad...

>> No.6736740
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>Gorillaz noodle

>> No.6736788

this thread reminds me of masaokis


>> No.6736812

Poor Op
Being a heron addict is so hard.

>> No.6736884

Do you just try to drink all your problems away?

>> No.6736894
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>Gorillaz Noodle

>> No.6737050

I've got a feeling you haven't eaten (can't call it cooking) sardines and pasta before op. You dumped the fish on with the scales and spine inside with along with all the other crap. A mouthful of that will taste like crap as you've probably found out.

>> No.6737064

you can literally eat every part of canned sardines. the bones are just crunchy bits and what the fuck are you saying about the scales because no one de scales a fucking sardine

>> No.6737083

Maybe I buy a different type. But there are always these thick plasticy scales that I have to scrape off. And the bones are not the kind you'd want to chew up and swallow.

>> No.6737822

excellent thread op. Laughed several times

>> No.6737834

/Takes his gin shot followed by Rasberry Lime seltzer

>> No.6737877

I can still remember when this guy first posted a picture of his shit pile of a place in the off-topic section of HFboards. IIRC he was a Habs fan. That had to be six or seven years ago, maybe more. Thanks for the nostalgia tip, breh.

>> No.6739897
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That's not canned sardines. That's canned chicken

>> No.6739945

>white people

>> No.6739970

you're doing gods work op don't listen to these fags

>> No.6740007

There was one where he prepared an entire morning cocktail while laying on the floor.

He said it needs to be done that way to get the correct taste. I kek'd