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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6730655 No.6730655 [Reply] [Original]

How do you cure someone who is so xenophobic to different foods?

>mfw my parents wont try anything I make because it's to "exotic"

>> No.6730665
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Cook them exotic food disguised as regular ass food, lie to them about what it is if they get iffy.

Tell them the next day, remind them they enjoyed it and to be more open.

Just keep doing it over and over again.

Eventually they will want the durian all in their mouth.

>> No.6730675


Thanks anon, I'll try this with my congo chicken moambe.

>> No.6730682
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This should pass as store bought hot wings.

>> No.6730690

>congo chicken moambe
Im calling it AIDS chicken.


Do they eat Mexican?
Tell them that shit has a tawco behll sauce in it or something.
No problem

>> No.6730694

Bring that person into the reality that not everyone that has a preference is a phobe like a stupid lame D rate comic like your pic related who makes shit money and is irrelevant by your self being a so called phobe about people with opinions.

>> No.6730703
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>> No.6730718

He was actually funny with his own show until he started bringing irrevelent comics into his show, siendfield sucked. Growing up in NYC, I was never interested in some shit show like weinfeld, about an upper west side male yenta. I got enough of that there, some folk in my family were jews and never actied like upper west side yentas, but then we're from the upper east side. Hoot hoot.

>> No.6730721

even wienfeld woudln't get on Howard Stern now, they both suck.

>> No.6730727

I let other people have their opinions and instead put my energies towards improving my own life :^)

>> No.6730731

Is that a mantra? Maybe you should bathe in the ganges or some shit, or they're really the same?

>> No.6730747
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I think that you forgot Khadaffi that was paying off the French even so much that he prevented the US from killing him back in the mid 1980's.

Isn't Khadaffi the person that you academics worship?

>> No.6730833

A bullet to the head should fix that. Seriously, people who are that closed minded about food should be in camps. There's so much more to life than Applebees food.

>> No.6730998

Same here, but with my mom. Incomplete list of food and drinks she doesn't like:

Dates, figs, plain yogurt, doogh, sushi, espresso, Turkish coffee, green tea, red bean paste, olives, any meat that's not well-done, barley tea, shrimp, prawns, crab, lobster, Americanos, hot sauce, broccoli, sweet potatoes...

>> No.6731160

I grew up with a mother who has a long list of things she doesn't like. She won't eat anything smoked, any fish that isn't mild and flaky, any strong cheese that isn't cheddar, mushrooms, avocado, organ meats, cilantro or any alcoholic beverage. And she won't drink water. She didn't decide she liked eggplant until she was in her 60's.

I have nieces who are even worse. One won't touch any seafood, the other hates onions and any kind of beans.

You can't change them. You let them be, but if you find a particularly delicious example of something you know they're prejudiced against you can offer them a taste.

You'll probably end up doing what I did the moment you get out of the house: actively track down all the flavors you grew up missing out on. That'll probably make you a better cook, or at least an interesting one. Good luck.

>> No.6731225

You have to build a cooking rapport with them. Make better versions of dishes they already like. Cook for them continuously, making it all delicious. Then begin to branch out a bit. Don't call anything by it's ethnic name, if they ask what something is/what you are making just say "some tasty chicken recipe I found" and say a couple of the ingredients in it that are normal "it's got some spices, onion and carrot". Try to equate it to something they've had before. "It's kind of like chicken noodle soup" describe the flavor of it "it's a little spicey but it tastes really good, if you want some, I'll leave out some of the spice" things like that. Eventually they will trust you and assume whatever you are making is tasty and will be happy to have that "some chicken/rice thing" without ever knowing its ethnic origins.

Don't be overly exotic just because you can and then get upset when people don't want to eat some weird shit without having a clue what to expect.

>> No.6731239


This, 100%.
Establish that you're a good cook by cooking things they trust, then branch out from there.

Avoid scary foreign-sounding words and instead make the names more palatable: e.g. you're not making Mapo-dofu, you're making "chinese chili". You're not making Frikadeller, you're making Danish meatballs. You're not serving "Coq au vin", it's "chicken stew", and so on.

>> No.6731242
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Your family reminds me of this Onion article. It activated a powerful rage in my soul when I read it.


>> No.6731246


Great stuff. I'm going to need all of this, seeing as not even a basic rice pudding will grace their palates.

>> No.6731253


Literally went like this

>hey, want to try this desert I made? Try it while it's warm!
>"what is it?"
>Rice Pudding
>"eeewwwww rice and pudding?! That sounds gross. It looks like plaster anon, I'm not putting that in my mouth"

I ate the entire pot by myself.

>> No.6731337

This is actually pretty smart. I usually am drawn to foreign foods because I don't want to miss out on possibly discovering a new and great flavor. My family is the opposite. I took my Dad to a Japanese market one time and encouraged him to pick up something unfamiliar, even if it was just a pre-packaged food. He spent the whole time talking about how weird "oriental food" was, until he found a bowl of Nong Shim Ramyun and said "Oh, I think I've had this before" before buying it. I wanted to jump out of the window.

>> No.6731342

What the fuck kind of flyover nightmare do you live in where your family doesn't even have the courage to try rice pudding?

>> No.6732168

I just want to know what the hell this person was smoking/drinking/snorting when he made this post.

>> No.6732245
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Spotted the drunk anon.

>> No.6732254
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those niggas finna hatch. this shit ridiculous

>> No.6732299

I can't even get my mother to try chicken thighs. It makes sense, in retrospect, why I was a picky eater for so long-- no decent cooking in my family.

>> No.6732328

I doubt any of this will work if they're averse to stuff like rice pudding. Apart from the building confidence in your cooking thing. That should work but will take time if you haven't been doing so already. One suggestion I have is you could find out what your ethnic origins are. I mean there must be some region of Europe you come from (assuming of course you're a white american.) Everyone has ethnic pride so you could cook some dish from whereer you're from and then slowly to other parts of europe and finally the world.

This mixture of ethnic pride and world domination is a great idea which is bound to succeed.

>> No.6732353

Kill them for being racist pieces of shit.

>> No.6732375
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>any meat that's not well-done