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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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6729312 No.6729312 [Reply] [Original]

So I always see people with questions and comments relating to gluten free diets, and have seen some very unhelpful answers given.

Hopefully this thread can answer some of those questions, so ask away!

I've been a diagnosed celiac for 18 years, confirmed via IgA blood test and biopsy

>> No.6729324

Why don't you kill yourself? You are clearly biologically and evolutionarily inferior.

>> No.6729333

You raise an excellent question.

My own inflated sense of self worth prevents that from happening

>> No.6729337

Do you think picky eaters are born, or is it bad parenting? Like what if you took a picky eater and just made zer eat seitan, would that fix zer you think?

Also, what are your thoughts on the new cultivars of wheat being developed with the help of visionaries like Dan Barber, will it teach picky eaters that wheat isn't poison? Or will carnism win yet again?

>> No.6729355

I think as with the vast majority of personality and character traits it is both nature and nurture.
Growing up Iwas the most adventurous eater of my siblings, and I attribute that to the fact that there were so many things I couldn't eat that trying new things was exciting.

I hope that the wheat aversion fad will die out. I hate that people have a whole food group I would love to try yet shun it based on the most insubstantial evidence. Obviously wheat is a pison to me, but to the vast majority it is just a really good food source

>> No.6729361

How much gluten does it take for a noticeable medical effect to occur?

Background: I want to make cookies for someone with a gluten intolerance (I assume from celiac disease), and the recipe calls for rolled oats, but I'm having trouble finding rolled oats that are guaranteed to be completely gluten free (ie, have no chance of containing some trace amounts of wheat, barley, or rye). I know there are specialized place that sell gluten-free oats, but I don't have the time to order them from online and I'm going to have to choose between making the cookies with regular rolled oats or not making anything at all. Can I risk it?

TLDR: are trace amounts of gluten detectable?

>> No.6729383

The amount of gluten detectable by the immune system is highly variable.

I for example, am not very sensitive, so some non certified oats are ok, but other brands will wreck me.

Bobs Red mill has certified GF oats, and if you are in the US they should be easy to find in grocery stores.

Safest answer though is to make a different recipe, as even if the gluten is not the problem, many celiacs are not accustomed to the fiber in oats, and will get the worst shits from eating more than like 1/8 cup at a time. It took me like a month of slowly working my way up to a bowl of oat meal

>> No.6729410

Thanks. Bob's Red Mill was the brand I was looking for; the store I was at had gluten-free steel-cut oats and instant-oats, but no rolled oats. There's another one I'll try nearby.

Here's the recipe I wanted to try:

Do you have any similar recipes you could suggest? Or just any celiac-friendly baked-good ideas.

Also, do you have any recommendations on a gluten-free flour blend? I tried the Bob's Red Mill AP gluten-free flour (made from chickpeas) and didn't really care for it. I'm considering the King Arthur mix, but I'd love a second opinion.

>> No.6729450

Sadly my favorite baking book is actually a book so I can't paste any recipes, but the Culinary Institute of Am. has their GF books which are good, and I've done
with instant and gotten good results. THe cookies are less chewy, more like a straight PB cookie when you use instant not rolled.

As for flour, the CIA baking book has several blends which I use, but the basic would be
1 1/2 cups brown rice flour
1/2 cup potato starch
1/4 cup white rice flour
1/4 cup tapioca flour
and xantham gum if you need elasticity

playing with the proportions can make the equivalent of bread and pastry flour too, and i find using cold water helps hold the dough together

sorry if I seem rambling, I'm just listing tips as I think of them

>> No.6729454

what do you fill up on?
meat and potatoes?

>> No.6729469

Corn chips are crack, rice, polenta, GF oats, meme grains like quinoa, teff, grits, they have GF bread in stores, and i make my own when I feel like it

That covers carbs, everything else is the same
Veggies, meats, fruits, I just eat my burgers bunless the majority of the time, at home I might have a bun and some restuarants offer GF bread

but no tendies...

>> No.6729477

Thanks! I take it from that recipe that you make your own flour blend, as opposed to buying it? The King Arthur sounds pretty similar, so I think I'll try some of theirs before I make my own ( here's the one I mean: http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00OZENHYS?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=ox_sc_sfl_title_5&smid=ATVPDKIKX0DER )

>> No.6729491

If I'm lazy I'll just use bob's, but I get better results with the blends. I havent used King Arthur, but the ingredients sound like a good blend, but be prepared for a very crumbly dough with whatever you make. Generally if I'm subbing into a recipe that uses AP flour using buttermilk along with milk in the recipe helps stick it together a bit better, IDK why

>> No.6730413


>> No.6730419

>I've been a diagnosed celiac for 18 years, confirmed via IgA blood test and biopsy

Which is the correct answer, and most of us have no problem with people who are genuinely gluten intolerant.

It's the "muh feels" hipster fad diet fucks we can't stand.

>> No.6730430

Speak for yourself.

>> No.6730437

>hey guise talk to me I'm a special snowflake!

>> No.6730440

I'm speaking for all the normal people here, not the ones who are skipping through on their way to /pol/ or /b/, obviously.

>> No.6730449

because he isn't as faggy as you, fat fuck

>> No.6730453

Speak for yourself.

>> No.6730454

People who cannot digest even the most basic of foods should be eliminated.

Fucking inferior creatures

>> No.6730460

people with a BMI higher than 22.9 should be killed on the spot

>> No.6730464


>> No.6730469


this. Just imagine what a bunch of faggots we would have become if cave men would have went vegan.

>> No.6730474

all me :^)

>> No.6730480

Oh wow man, congrats

>> No.6730484


I bet your skinny fucking arm couldn't even lift up a gun, faggot.

>> No.6730489

they are big enough to satisfy your whale mother

>> No.6730507

what the fuck is this thread, there is nothing to ask. Don't eat gluten, it's that simple; you don't need wheat to make something taste good ffs.

>> No.6730538

OP posting mobile now, can't trip
That wasn't the point of this thread at all.
Whenever celiac disease comes up in another thread, people always have questions. How dare I try to answer some of these questions

>> No.6730628
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this is so hilariously childish, some faggot cant handle even the idea that he is not been ordained by the holy ghost to be the official representation of other people than himself. I dont even disagree with the thing he posted, but its pretty clear he's the giantest of faggots.

>> No.6730638

nothing wrong with sucking dick bb