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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 125 KB, 425x282, the-egg-i-i-love-eggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6721537 No.6721537 [Reply] [Original]

>Eggs are popular because there's an egg lobby an America
>They're actually poison
>This is what Americans actually believe


>> No.6721544

eggs have cholesterol and bad
FOIA is godsend
god bless usa

>> No.6721557

Do American parents get to choose which mental illness will rot their children's brain away ?

>> No.6721558
File: 281 KB, 1024x815, 1024px-Citric_acid_cycle_with_aconitate_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some retard mumbling 10 minutes about random emails and shit and taking them as granted
>not just summing up what the fuck eggs actually consist of; egg whites and yolk - amino acids and triglycerides
fucking conspiracy theorists man

>> No.6721561


>> No.6721583

What the hell is this guy even trying to argue? Ok, there not that good for you, woopy. We eat worse shit.

>> No.6721586


>> No.6721593

Fun fact, I read an article in the paper last week. It was an editorial claiming screening for mental illnesses was a form of genocide; and that autistic children are a beautiful unique people that should be preserved.

I'm out. I'm fucking done. There are people that want to save a crippling disease. People who get to write for national papers.

>> No.6721602

There's been quite a bit of studies recently that have shown eggs promote healthy cholesterol (HDL), it's that people usually cook eggs with a lot of butter and eat it with buttered toast and bacon and other meaty salty stuff

>> No.6721663

>GMOs are dangerous and cause cancer
>This is what Europeans actually believe

To be honest, I'd rather have people who think eggs are bad and do nothing than have people think GMOs are bad and actively seek their banishment.

>> No.6721672

what the fuck is this picture? someone hard boiled an egg and then just cut it in half without taking the shell off? it triggers me

>> No.6721685


>> No.6721760

Fucking this.

>> No.6721778

>vegans claim saturated fat is "bad"
>they use a half of a pound of coconut oil in every fucking thing they cook

Vegans are stupid.

>> No.6721806

The word is staarting to get around that eggs are the most under-rated superfood of all time. Bio number of 1.0. Basically eggs are the perfect food.

The conspiracy is that cholesterol is linked to either diet or heart disease, so big pharma can sell statin drugs, which is the best-executed wire fraud of all time. It takes 800 prescriptions to prevent one heart attack. And blood serum cholesterol levels are largely genetic. Not to mention it's also what your /brain/ is made of, which is why statins finally got a black box warning that they contribute to dementia.

The recent bird flu destruction of 60 million hens didn't help, but Kroger and Aldi are still under $2 a dozen, so do yourselves a favor and make a yummy fritatta tonight.

>> No.6721982


I don't get the scare over GMOs. There probably are some valid concerns over the pesticides used with them, however.

>> No.6722043

Superfood list:
-Root vegetables(including potato with skin)
-Milk or any processed form(kefir, yoghurt, cheese, butter, etc)
-Smaller fish & seaweed

>> No.6722059


>> No.6722066
File: 30 KB, 460x259, bacon-flavored-seaweed-portland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. I guess it's Portland Oregon, not California.


>> No.6722076

I am really curious
Does it actually taste good?
Or is it another shitty substitute product?

>> No.6722109

reverse image search should lead to the CNN story.

it's real seaweed. The species has been eaten by locals on the North Atlantic for a long time. The Oregon U guys were trying to make a breed cross to feed abalone and made one that tastes like bacon by accident. So it's real seaweed, called dulse, rhymes with pulse. They were using centuries old crossing techniques, not gene splicing. I really want to try it. 4Xs the nutritional value of kale, they say.

>> No.6722116
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it's an ingredient in delicious foods, I'm not gonna stop using them

>> No.6722123


>> No.6722124

It's the same reason people are scared of vaccines, misinformation

>> No.6722139

>>They're actually poison

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Also pretty sure you're the idiot you constantly posts about how eggs are bitter.

>> No.6722159
File: 93 KB, 360x284, RealEggs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a buddy whose mom still lives on a real farm. Sometimes she has too many eggs. So I get real eggs. I know not everybody can be this lucky, but the pic is the difference between store eggs and fresh farm eggs. Shit is so cash.

>> No.6722179
File: 233 KB, 1189x892, 1433214952164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eggs became popular because egg bearing chickens were easy to maintain as livestock.

in the 18th and 19th century the presidential breakfast was also eggs sausage bacon and the like so it became the thing to do for the well off at the time.

not to mention eggs contain quick digesting whey protein, which is perfect to get you started in the morning.

>> No.6722195

My aunt and uncle give me farm fresh eggs every time I visit. Even the difference in the thickness of the shell is ridiculous

>> No.6722313


Nice fried strips of pork roll, pleb.

>> No.6722328

They're not bad because they're genetically modified; that' not what the prohibitions are about. They're bad because of the monopoly problems they cause and the legal issues arising from their use when seeds can easily spread over a wide area when being sown, plus the impact the heavy pesticides can do to insect populations (even more so with insect resistant plants).

>> No.6722339

which ones are which? the brown egg on the right the farm egg?

my parents used to raise their own chickens too, usually smaller eggs, but with an yolk with a different color, but i couldn't really tell the difference when eating them

>> No.6722362


>eggs contain quick digesting whey protein

what the fuck are you talking about whey is a dairy product

>> No.6722364

The pale, loose fellow on the left is the store egg. The orange meaty spherical jelly-steak on the right is the farm fresh egg.

The sizes vary wildly because they are not sorted like store eggs. I've got some golf balls right now, and some damn near goose eggs.

>> No.6722372

I used to eat maybe 6 eggs a week. Now on keto I eat at least 2 eggs a day. My cholesterol went down...

>> No.6722393

I don't think that GMO's themselves are problematic.

The problem is that plants are modified to resist new pesticides, and the safety of those pesticides are very questionable.

Also, most GMO's are seedless so farmers have to buy seeds from corporations every cycle.

>> No.6723022

"real eggs" lol. I've had farm eggs that were yellow, depends on the feed they're given and guess what, there's absolutely no difference.

>> No.6723187

Eggs are delicious and nutrient dense. Keep eating eggs.

>> No.6723895

Can you read, retard ?

>> No.6723908

>not to mention eggs contain quick digesting whey protein
u wot m8
do they contain oats as well?

>> No.6723914

Your cholesterol went down because you've lost weight and are on a caloric deficit. Doesn't mean you're not at higher risk of various chronic diseases compared to someone on an isocaloric diet that isn't so egg-heavy.

>> No.6724081

I want some fucking eggs now

>> No.6724084

Or because he cut out over refined carbs and decreased the inflamatory response from his metabolism, effectively reducing his blood cholesterol.

>> No.6724098

Dietary cholesterol has no impact on your blood-levels of cholesterol.

This is becoming established science

>> No.6724148

Dietary cholesterol has postprandial effects on blood cholesterol. Don't fall for egg industry propaganda.


>> No.6724152

I dunno man, i eat farm eggs all the time(out of city house with chickens and crops where grandparents live) and when i try store bought it's honestly disgusting.

>> No.6724182

its mostly monsatos iron grip on the patents that keeps this an issue.

>> No.6724184

fucking who cares, sea weed is already delicious, even if it doesnt live up to the hype i cant wait to make dashi out of this than kombu.

>> No.6724735

Well they're not salty, sweet or spicy so all that's left is bitter.

>> No.6725016
File: 21 KB, 198x223, 1406759115430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He calls the Krebs cycle "citric acid cycle"

>> No.6725028

not all autists are drooling retards.

Leonardo Da Vinci was probably autistic.

>> No.6725066


Nice generalisation, friend

It's literally the retarded half of them that does it, it's mostly a 50/50 split between no-oil health nuts and hipsters trying to make vegan food as greasy as possible to fill a void

>> No.6725070
File: 47 KB, 500x375, 44fa45f5f7fe0bfe656465f7e9abe80e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eggs are shit. Stop eating them.

>> No.6725082

Nice meme

>> No.6725090

Eggs have a minor salty flavor

>> No.6725093


>There's been quite a bit of studies recently that have shown eggs promote healthy cholesterol (HDL)

you'd be amazed how much pro-egg research is funded by the egg industry


>> No.6725098


>> No.6725099


Is it not weird that your friend is half-chicken?

And is he planning on rescuing his mum from captivity or what

>> No.6725111


Probably just trying to rebalance peoples' view on eggs since most people have the idea in their head that eggs are some kind of nutritious healthy superfood

>> No.6725112

I am autistic. I am also completely socialy inept. But I wouldn't call myself a drooling retard.

>> No.6725118

Eat a raw egg every now & then as a super quick snack. Been doing it for years. Who gives a fuck.

>> No.6725122

Even as a man who dislikes eggs and throws up upon consumption of said eggs, I respect your god-given right to eat them.

>> No.6725125

Fuck off Hans

>> No.6725129

>people still think cholesterol is bad
>not knowing it's essential for making hormones
>not knowing it builds up in the arteries to help heal inflammation caused by excessive sugar and polyunsaturated fats


>> No.6725136

Leonardo Da Vinci was also probably a homosexual.

>> No.6725145

>polyunsaturated fats
muh boogeyman

>> No.6725152

And as a man who hates shilling of all kinds (from both mega-agricorp and vegan commune alike), I respect your right to have an opinion that does not coincide with my own.

>> No.6725157

>watching vegan propaganda

Stupid goyium buy my goji berry powder, only $89.99 for 16oz

t. balding manlet

>> No.6725160


>being retarded

Like with everything, you want to control the amount of cholesterol you have circulating in your blood. Blood sugar is also essential to life but having high blood sugar is bad. You'd die if you had no blood pressure but having high blood pressure is bad. If you somehow had 0 cholesterol you'd be in bad shape but having high cholesterol is also bad.

>> No.6725169


>The conspiracy is that cholesterol is linked to either diet or heart disease, so big pharma can sell statin drugs,

Which kind of falls apart when you realize that the first line of treatment for high cholesterol is lifestyle changes/diet modification. Drugs are used in people who refuse to change their diet or have a genetic issue that requires drugs to treat.

>> No.6725282

What, are you are retard?
Why do people add salt to eggs if they're already salty?

>> No.6726166

Fucking FDA, Food and Drug Assassins.

They choose Religion 99% of the time, the 1%, dietary malpractice.

>> No.6726256

Fucking conspiracy theorists.

Their logic is basically "If it could happen, or if it would happen, then it did happen"

>> No.6726271


It's not a meme you fuck.

A lot of anti-GMO types are also anti-vaccine because their entire identity revolves around being NATURAL and PURE.

These people don't give a fuck about anyone else, the thought of children dying from preventable diseases or children starving in developing countries that would benefit from GMOs doesn't phase them.

>> No.6726288

>GMOs are bad and actively seek their banishment.
No one is pushing for this. They're just pushing for labeling GMO products and let the people decide I they want to buy them or not.

And people don't say GMOs are bad either. Just that they don't want to be the guinea pigs for the testing. It's not like we've never made anything that's bad for us through history only to find out a generation later.

>> No.6726299


Labeling GMOs is fucking retarded, all it's going to do is increase operating costs and make produce more expensive for the working class.

Sorry, but I don't think everyone should have to spend more money on food so some smug suburban new-age fucks can feel better about themselves.

>> No.6726319
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I don't have a problem with that, I have a problem when people get fanatical and fear monger, and then countries that have a very difficult time growing crops refuse to take GMO seeds for fear that they will hurt them somehow.

Whether or not GMOs actually cause damage is going to be up in the air for some years to come, but in the mean time we can be saving starving peoples LIVES. They are already living shit lives and I can guarantee they would probably rather get sick years later than starve now.

>> No.6726330



I think it's pretty appalling that people who are well off enough to afford organic produce are trying to make food more expensive for everyone else.

>> No.6726342

do you expect the steel industry to do pro-egg research?

>> No.6726354

just like how they made that girl with down syndrome into a fashion model

we could use medicine and technology to prevent diseases and make people healthier, but nah, i wanna be a model lol

>> No.6726359

he also never really accomplished anything, he farted around a lot and drew a bunch of imaginary vehicles that never would have actually worked

>> No.6726385

Yes, can you comprehend?

>> No.6726400

Increasing the information available to the customer is retarded. Ha.

Increase the operating costs? By what a few cents per item for a few months till the infrastructure is put in place. Then a fraction of a cent to maintain it? Infrastructure being a grandiose term for data collection and IT.

I know there are no actual shills on the cooking board of an anime website but you're as close as we're gonna get.

There is fear for a reason. People don't know how certain new technologies effect health. And while we shouldn't stop technological growth people also have a right to know where and how their food is coming from. Throughout human history apart from the last 50 years we've always known exactly how and where our food comes to us. It's not exactly revolutionary to pass a law to ensure that we still have that insight

Oh and spare me the bullshit about people starving because of GMO safety concerns. People wanting GMO labeling in America doesn't mean kids and Bangladesh sleep hungry because their government banned GMO seeds.

What's far more likely is a famine caused by the monocrop culture Monsanto and friends propogate once a bug develops a taste and tolerance for one of their crops and pestisides.

>> No.6726415




>> No.6726446
File: 2.24 MB, 4128x2322, 20150727_160751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here. If you think eggs are bad you are fucking stupid. I'm still pretty damn DYEL, but the pic is me. For the past year I have been eating a minimal of two eggs every morning, most of the time three. I like to boil and eat just the white, but the yoke is fine too. People have been eating eggs for thousands of years. No they are not poison, don't be a god dammed idiot. Eggs are essential if you want to be fit. Do you want to know why you are fat? No it's not the cholesterol, no its not the fat, most foods are "fat free" now. And guess what it's not the calories either I eat close to 3000 a day. It's the sugar you morons. The fucking sugar, you eat too much. What do you think happens when you go over your daily intake? It gets stored into fat cells. That amazing only 50 cal mini oreo snack you eat? it has a shit ton of sugar and will make you fat. Check your cereal, basically anything man made is bound to have a bunch of sugar. So no its not eggs that make Americans fat (most Americans eat cereal fyi which also has a bunch of sugar). The reason Americans are fat is because we are straight sugar addicts. Yes it is addicting. I used to be a chubby shit counting calories wondering why I couldn't lose weight. You know for a cooking board I'm pretty disappointed you would fall for some shit like this. There's a lot more to this than I said, I could go on and on. But you should just look it up yourself I gave you some base info to go off of.

>> No.6726477
File: 2.60 MB, 4128x2322, 20150728_223551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now adding to what I said about sugar, you need sugar, a great source is fruit. You should eat one banana and one apple a day. But take a look at this, hot cocoa and pb and Nutella sandwiches are my criptonite. But look at how it's almost proud to say it's under 100 calories. Now the common American would actually think this is healthy due to low calories but being totally ignorant to the effects of too much sugar intake. Just as an example.

>> No.6726479


You're a fucking idiot if you think the average anti-GMO shill is basing their opinions on anything even remotely logical.

>> No.6726486
File: 183 KB, 1845x1845, Graphic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wheat is the true enemy

>> No.6726490

Please. Please. Shut the fuck. Get out.

>> No.6726493

Enjoy your useless bread

>> No.6726531

It just occurred to me that if their entire identity revolves around being NATURAL and PURE, why do they still get their kids circumcised?

>> No.6726561

It makes their Willie head rub on their knickers thus making American boys useless due to constant need for fapping their boners into submission

>> No.6726649

But GMO isn't some fucking thing they inject into the crops, it's mostly gene manipulation-which we already do with farming, to make the plants more productive. And the pesticides they spray crops with are less dangerous to you than your average cup of fucking coffee.

And like that other anon said, the average people that are scared of GMOs don't think fucking logically, they fear monger.

>> No.6726668
File: 19 KB, 720x540, kW67S[3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.6726785

If eggs are poisonous why do chickens rely on them for the next generation?

>> No.6726826

Here's a better question: if eggs are so poisonous, why have we been eating them for fucking ever?

>> No.6726852
File: 77 KB, 407x405, i can count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. But nowadays we are violating the survival of the fittest by keeping things alive that simply shouldn't be.

Take the Hartley Hooligans, they are an abomination. Twenty years ago they would have died before they took their first breath.

>> No.6726874
File: 127 KB, 728x1041, p_00001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it not weird that your friend is half-chicken?

>> No.6726893

Finally someone who gets it. I have been watching nutritionfacts for a long time

>> No.6727039
File: 159 KB, 625x475, 14_29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>orange meaty spherical jelly-steak

I...I was so close to being on board with you...and then THAT.

>> No.6727854

>but the pic is the difference between store eggs and fresh farm eggs

Beta carotene?