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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 188 KB, 1024x1024, Panda Express.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6722681 No.6722681 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s opinion on panda express?

I'm about to go pick some up I think, the one near me is pretty good, the next closest place is a Chinese restaurant, but that's going to cost me even more if I go there.

>> No.6722692

The orange chicken is pretty good. The Panda Express went out of business here because the owners were dumbasses who built the place right across the street from one of the best Chinese places in town.

>> No.6722726

It's god-tier fastfood from most of their locations. They call it gourmet for a reason.

>> No.6722800

Their teriyaki chicken has 36g of protein per entree. Get a double and fuel your gainz.

>> No.6722806

But I'm too unmotivated to work out even though I want the body of a cute trap.

>> No.6722831

>cute trap
just stop eating instead

>> No.6722856

>god-tier fastfood
I bet you eat at taco bell regularly

>> No.6722865

I do. What's wrong with that?

>> No.6722873

Sorry to burst everyone's bubble but at least in my country Panda Express is shit-tier. There's tons of chinese buffet places here way better than this.

>> No.6722880

Fucking delicious and I would get fat very quickly if we had one within driving distance.

>> No.6722884

I wish there was a taco bell near me

>> No.6722888

It's great as far as heavily Americanized Chinese fast food can be expected to be.

Honey sesame chicken > Sweetfire chicken > Beijing beef > Orange chicken

>> No.6722896

taco bell is better tbh

>> No.6722899

>seasame chicken
new yorker please go

>> No.6722906
File: 940 KB, 2448x3264, Panda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Orange Chicken and Mushroom chicken.

Ain't bad at all.

>> No.6722922

All Chinese is shit tier but delicious at the same time. Anyone who hates on it has their priories in life backwards.

Also the best chicken wings on earth come from those crafty chinks.

>> No.6722931

They've had the longest time on earth to perfect it.

>> No.6723024

I've found that the local Chinese take out place around here has some of my favorite fried shrimp surprisingly. It's always been around so I had most stuff on the menu over the years. A lot of the stuff you'll find on the appetizer and other side order menu is really good.

>> No.6723237

I like their rice. But all their "spicy" food is still pretty sweet. And it gives me the shits

>> No.6723257


Orange chicken>Beijing beef>Sweetfire chicken>Honey sesame chicken>Teriyaki chicken>everything else

>> No.6723283

nothing beats local chinese takeout.
You cant compare that with Panda express, and if you live in a somewhat urban area, you're bound to find one anyways.

>> No.6723458


>Orange chicken first

Mark of a true pleb tbh

>> No.6723552

Wtf do none of you faggets get the almond shrimp? God tier dish!

>> No.6723604


Nothing, you're just confirming to him that your basis for calling Panda "god-tier" and "gourmet" is that you eat mainly fast food and haven't expanded your taste buds very much.

You probably think that entails going to 4-star restaurants, though.

>> No.6723618


Do you mean the walnut shrimp? Orange chicken / honey walnut shrimp is objectively the best combo there.

>> No.6723657

I'm not a fan of seafood that doesn't come in a can

>> No.6723691

string bean chicken is fucking dank
i miss their potsickers but they got rid of them, at least in my location
they were expensive just for 3 little turds

>> No.6723696

At least they use fresh vegetables. Honestly like to get veggies instead of rice of chow mein.

>> No.6723794

Like 1200 cals of fried rice for $3.50 isn't too bad

>> No.6723880

some of their meat is weird, but otherwise it's okay

>> No.6723954

The got tofu and eggplant tastes pretty nice but it's pretty much a shit tier restaurant overalls

>> No.6723982

Panda express is fantastic mall food court food.

>> No.6723987


>fantastic mall food court

The chinese food I find at any food court is usually better than Panda. I get a lot more food with it and it's far more delicious. I wish there were better Chinese fast food. Panda gets boring after a while and it doesn't come close.

>> No.6724296

What about the kung pao? It has 59g

>> No.6726056

I friggin love it. It's cheap, they switch up their menu and the one by my homestead has a drive thru. Fucking love da Panda, oh and dat mandarin sauce is so good. I hate it when the employees call it teriyaki, it's like, that's Japanese you mongoloid, yeesh.

>> No.6726064

Its decent when its fresh. Their chow mein sucks dick and just tastes like celery. Their "chili sauce" is truly terrible though. Aside from that its breddy gud

>> No.6726067

To salty for me and I don't like their chow mein. I also saw nothing but fatties at the one nearest me the last time I was over that way, which makes me want to avoid it.

>> No.6727181

I think Panda Express is garbage tier food. But as this Anon >>6723696 points out their garbage is made with recognizable ingredients that include fresh vegetables. To me that makes it a less terrible option if you're stuck eating at a downmarket food court.

The few times I've eaten there it wasn't good, just less bad than the other choices I had.

>> No.6727203

There's one in my uni's food court. Between the over priced burger place, Taco Bell, and Chick-Fil-A, it get's the least customers.
It's horrible, easily the worst so-called Chinese food I've ever had.

I can't say anything about other places, but but that location is just unpleasant.
From what I hear, they don't even cook the food there. It's a glorified microwave operation.

>> No.6727966
File: 59 KB, 838x471, vllkyt31ibpu9j5pbg.6e847b91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is Panda Express so goddamn stingy with its fucking delicious meats and so goddamn liberal with its fucking bland rice?

Pic related: The normal amount of rice in any given Panda Express meal.

>> No.6727982

...because rice is super cheap while meat is super expensive? Duh.

>> No.6727984

>stingy with its fucking delicious meats and so goddamn liberal with its fucking bland rice?
Because that's how Chinese is: lots of rice and veg, a little meat. PE may be Americanized as fuck, but they aren't stupid. When you're selling cheap fast food you're not going to pile on the expensive ingredients.

If you want to pig out on commodity grade meat go to an all you can eat buffet.

>> No.6727989

>panda express
>doesn't serve panda

>> No.6728016
File: 575 KB, 1840x3264, delicious food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hate finding Panda Express at the mall.

I can go to the mall around here and eat a nice "Japanese" meal. Pretty much American Chinese food but for some reason it's called Japanese food, so I guess they're in that game as well.

For like $8 I can get a styrofoam tray with stuff that is far better than Panda Express, and a lot more food. That's good if you're sharing or saving it for later or just want to have a big meal.

I like Panda Express, but their food gets pretty tiring after a while. Orange chicken is nice and all, but nowhere near as fresh and good as you can get from Americanized chinese restaurants.

pic related. Wouldn't you rather have this than Panda? I'll post a picture of a typical meal I'd get at Panda for comparison.

>> No.6728024
File: 39 KB, 400x300, panda_express_chow_mein_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6729126

Am I the only one who's switched to the steamed veggies? The fried rice and chow me in give me the shits.

I also am partial to string bean chicken and Beijing beef

>> No.6729137

There's nothing wrong with the best fast food chain in existence you fat piece of shit

>> No.6729336

Panda express is crap, everything is either sweet or too fuckin salty.
I would rather go to a real Chinese take out and something edible

>> No.6729396

Tastes fine to me man

>> No.6729409

Too bland. They need to use some MSG.

>> No.6729543

When I'm on duty, my engine officer always wants panda for dinner, so this is what I do. Claudia, you haven't worked in so long?! Why did you abandon me?! You were the only good reason to go this place.

>> No.6730704

Well that's nice for you

The saucy and fresh orange chicken at any Chinese place beats panda. Their chow mein are pretty crappy too

>> No.6730795

I might go there later today. What should I get? I'm thinking teriyaki chicken.

>> No.6730861

>the amount of sugar in that bullshit orange chicken

And you fatties gobble it up nonstop.

>> No.6732558

Chicken looks good to me, and you should have got rice instead, only get the chow mein when it's fresh.
You mean mandarin chicken?
Get the asparagus steak, I almost went for that today.

>> No.6733184

my nigga

>> No.6733195

teriyaki chicken and broccoli beef with steamed vegetables as a side, its a great meal

>> No.6733218

nah bruh, get the orange chicken

>> No.6733326

Panda express is really decent higher end fast food

fuck everyone who says it isnt "authentic"

real deal Chinese food from china is fucking gross
and the majority of those mom and pop Chinese restaurants are grody too

>> No.6733357

> Hating real chinese food

Look at this faggot.

>> No.6733359

It is most definitely not authentic, but honestly no one should care. People seem to think that if a food deviates from the recipes/style that inspired it, it no longer can be considered good. This is fucking stupid. There is great inauthentic food and there is plenty of dogshit that is loyal to the country's cuisine. The Americanized versions of Chinese food that originated in the San Francisco bay area are fucking great. Besides, China is the fucking shit tier of Asian cuisine anyway. Thai/Japanese/etc cuisine is vastly superior. I'm glad Americans deviated and invented great shit like Chow Mien and General Tso's Chicken.

>> No.6733363

Oh yeah, anon is such a pleb for not eating chicken feet and fermented eel paste. Chinese cuisine is based entirely on thousands of years of fucking peasantry. No one ever tried to actually achieve or create any ambitious recipes in that country until about 100 years ago.

>> No.6733372

Have you ever eaten chicken feet before?
You're just ignorant if you think 'read deal chinese' is 'fucking gross'. You know how stupid it is to generalize every single type of cuisine in china is? 'I'll just talk shit about my stereotypes of a single cuisine because I'm an arrogant american'. Fuck you.

>> No.6733376

China is a big place. You can't really lump their cuisine together any more than you can lump ours here in America. The same way we have huge regional variations (chili has beans. lets talk bbq! ever had gumbo? lobster rolls ... with avocado!) so do they.

>> No.6734489

Pretty much this. There is one about 5 miles from my home that's been around for 30 years and the cooks and owners are all Taiwanese-Americans. A pound of takeout for $2. I can last an entire day with that. These guys have A rating on health inspections on the window. Panda Express charges $8 for the same food(Orange Chicken+Fried Rice+Drink).

>> No.6734585

Chicken feet is tasty dish if done properly. You sound small-minded and ignorant. Besides, other Asian countries have made plenty of "gross" dishes before: Japan with natto and sashimi, Vietnam with balut, the list can go on and on. If you are going to criticize only China while generalizing a whole country at least think a little harder.

>> No.6734617

>real deal Chinese food from china is fucking gross
wahh wahh broccoli is gross too mom

What does the origin of something matter? That doesn't mean a type of cuisine or dish is invalid just because of your arbitrary value of what is "ew gross" and what's not.

>> No.6734677

It's good when the chefs aren't all hispanic.

I wish I knew how to make their sauces. I need to diversify my own stir fry.

>> No.6734692

when i went here they gave me small portions of everything. they are stingy with the food and it cots more.

>> No.6734696

Also mexicans whee running it and fill the mexicans plate in front of me full of shit and gave me little to nothing.

>> No.6734703

you can buy their sauces at most grocery stores
they have their own line and it's literally the same sauces they supply to their restaurants, just at retail prices

>> No.6734890


Real Chinese food, as in the street vendor food the poor sit at during off hours of work is literally just what the cook can scrap together to wok fry and serve it with rice.

Most authentic Chinese food is garbage that they've had the courtesy to fry into oblivion to kill any parasites. Bunch of people in here with yellow fever talking about panda being inauthentic

>> No.6734900


People might roll their eyes at this anon's post but he's completely right. I have personally gone into Panda and expressly watched them fill up trays of food.

All the cooks and servers are Mexican, and if they serve a Mexican customer, they scoop 3 heaping scoops full of food and put it on the tray. But when I get in line they give me only two scoops and sometimes even shake the ladle so that the overflowing bits fall out.

It happens every time, I've considered filming it but I don't want to be called autistic for caring so much about fast food.

>> No.6734907

They're probably paid shit and burnt out.

>> No.6736262

I'm a chink and I get a lot of food from them Mexicans. Maybe they just hate euros.

>> No.6736394


The rice isn't always fresh, either. I've been noticing that the local one around here isn't always giving me fresh rice like the other one I used to go to.

I don't know, but >>6728016 or any other average styrofoam-container Chinese place is far more appetizing to me than Panda Express. And I like Panda Express. I go there often because of convenience. It's just that I don't feel like I get the best bang for my buck these days.

When I was 12, it was the fucking bomb. I loved it since I discovered it. I wish I could still have those feelings for Panda 10 years lat-....

wow it's been 10 years........ I'm going to go lie down, now.

>> No.6736397

>Oh yeah, anon is such a pleb for not eating chicken feet and fermented eel paste. Chinese cuisine is based entirely on thousands of years of fucking peasantry.

Oh my fuck it's one of those people who judge Chinese food based on what the peasants eat.

Not that chicken feet is bad. Fuck, I could eat a dog if someone actually cooked it right. But I also know that most Chinese people don't eat dogs, but you probably think they do.

>> No.6736462

This is the guy you responded too. they also didi this tome me to.--->shake ladle so that the overflowing bits fall out

>> No.6737061

Orange chicken, honey walnut shrimp, chow mein, and crab Rangoon.

That's what I normally get. Sometimes i replace the chow mein with Beijing beef

>> No.6737187


>> No.6737388

Beijing Beer, Noogles and Veggie rolls is all I need, less that 7 bucks

>> No.6737395
File: 132 KB, 866x572, 1271828237370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beijing Beer, Noogles

I have brain problems today

>> No.6737439

>3 toppings and 1 topping Bigfoot... WHAT A FUDGING CROCK!

>> No.6738174

Tried it once and it was just terrible.

>> No.6738797

My local PE has claimed an egg shortage for the fried rice, and replaced it with corn. Not really a fan of the substitution, but I'll still eat it.

>> No.6738807

Panda express is by far the worst food selling establishment in my entire city. Maybe it's just a bad egg but good fucking lord I have never had shittier food in my entire life. Should I give it another chance?

>> No.6738817

You are dumb as shit.

So are you

Just fucking kill yourself

>> No.6738833

let me start out by saying that I have actually worked at a Panda Express before, both in the front and in the kitchen. The cooks are mostly mexican, the dishes are hardly authentic, and some of the fares are pretty tasty.

Let me conclude by saying that all the fucking retards in this thread who hold chinese cuisine in low esteem are just that, retards. They are too poor and too uneducated to appreciate or even scratch the surface of chinese cuisine.

Before one if these miscreants rage in denial, think about how much money you make, what you do for a living, and what is the level of your education and sophistication,

>> No.6738977

Do employees even check the dates on the receipts? It says you only have two days to fill the survey and get your free entree item. I don't think they really check the receipts but I wanna make sure.

>> No.6738996

>Before one if these miscreants rage in denial, think about how much money you make, what you do for a living, and what is the level of your education and sophistication,

I thought you were going to finish that sentence with something that would explain how that's relevant to someone's taste in food.

>> No.6739017


>Egg shortage
Hah, they're just cheap. Esp since a dozen eggs can cost $3-4 (cheaper in bulk but still more than fucking corn)

>> No.6739022


They couldn't give a flying fuck. Also the company itself probably doesn't give that much of a fuck, either. You're still a customer buying food. One extra scoop of their shitty meat isn't going to do much.

Never saw an employee check that shit. Or verify it.

>> No.6739028

Stealing food is not cool dude

Seriously you'll get their employees in trouble and you'll be eating food you haven't even paid for. Those surveys are for those who bought food within the last two days. Good customers who eat there often. not for someone who barely buys Panda Express food and wants a quick meal. Food tastes better when you pay for it anyways....

>> No.6739038

What.... are you serious?

It's a coupon for an extra scoop of meat, in addition to a menu item that you must buy in order to use it in the first place. Most people don't buy a meal from Panda Express and then return there two days later.

>> No.6739068

Panda fucking sucks

You can go to any PLA-owned Chinese buffet for the same price, or Chinatown if your city has one and get better food for cheaper.

>> No.6739072
File: 2.69 MB, 3072x2304, IMG_2557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's adorable.


This. compare >>6728016 with this

Like most foods that are overhyped, it's a novelty. Chinese food in less than 5 minutes? Sign me up. The thing is I could probably go to a buffet in that price range and enjoy it much more, or get food at the mall and enjoy it.

Chinese food is such a fucky industry. Not because some places are shit quality or poorly managed, but people make a big fuss over it. Like it's the lowest point in their life to eat some rice and saucy meat with possibly MSG in it.

>> No.6739083

I know what the coupon does. You didn't explain how it's not wrong or how it's not stealing, you merely described it. It would be akin to walking out with food you didn't pay for at the groceries just because the greeter who went to the bathroom isn't going to get in trouble for it.


Caring about theft isn't adorable.

Am I being trolled here?

>> No.6739534

No, you are just bring exposed to the average 4chan /ck/ poster. Poor, immoral, and devastating bad in taste.

>> No.6739536

>I know what the coupon does
That doesn't seem to be the case here

>> No.6739587

You don't have to be poor to take advantage of a fast food coupon.

Using a coupon after it's two-day expiration date is hardly stealing. I don't know why anyone would get so self-righteous about that.

>> No.6739601

Honestly, any chinese food place in any shopping mall food court is probably better than PE. Because these food pics from the place look just like fucking umi of japan, or master wok or any of the mall chinese places I've eaten from.

>> No.6739608

You ever visited flyover? I've been a bunch of times, their malls only have panda express and PF Chang's.

>> No.6739621

Woooo... PF Chang's. You hit a nerve there, buddy.

I can dig Panda Express because it's not really marketed as authentic. But PF Changs? Now THAT is a place where pretentious middle class white people go for "an authentic Chinese dinning experience".

>> No.6739639


>> No.6739799


Wow those are some shitty options. How is PF Chang's food in comparison to chinese places and Panda Express? Honestly never had it.

Really hate when Panda Express is the only option or drives a better chinese place out. It's not like it takes that long to get takeout in the first place.

>> No.6739805

Honestly, it used to be okay

Lately it's been complete shit tho, and I don't eat there anymore

>> No.6739834

>Honestly, it used to be okay

I've felt this way but I wasn't sure if I just got tired of it. I can't really pinpoint what changed.

What changed?

>> No.6739849


Compressing this much faggotry i one post is pretty remarkable. You're a real spectacular pussy m9.

>> No.6739854


Holy fuck, are you me? That's exactly what I get. Except I still get the rice cuz' I need the carbs for working long days.

>> No.6739857


This guy gets it. All the wanna be Anthony Bourdains in this thread don't realize 'real' Chinese food is shit and usually made with dog or cat.

But yeah, keep posting your experiences at the 'local authentic Chinese hole in the wall' on your food blog, queers.

Panda is just fine.

>> No.6739864

Says a guy who willingly eats warming tray Chinese American food.

>> No.6739871
File: 322 KB, 1582x1190, 1389457978401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it how passportless flyovers think you can just step off the plane in Asia, pick up your luggage, and get some cat-stuffed dog at the first place you see. Do you realize how awesome that would be?

>> No.6739872 [DELETED] 


Fuck off Chang, I've had dim sum in all gook town before and it was unimpressive to say the least.

Your food is mostly shit. Panda takes the best parts of it and make it palatable for non subhumans.

>> No.6739878


I'm from Los Angeles, had enough 'real Chinese' food to know the only people that back this shit are hipster foodie fags or butthurt gooks that can't handle criticism.

>> No.6739883

>Panda takes the best parts of it and make it palatable for non subhumans.
This is what the kind of fatty who loves Sonic and Carl's Jr actually believes.

>> No.6739884

Back what shit? Having a passport?
>I'm from Los Angeles
That explains why you're such a retard.

>> No.6739895


Not fat at all and I've never had Sonic. Carls makes a decent fast food burger.

Stay mad Chang.

You said flyover, I'm a cosmopolitan from the Best Coast. I've eaten everywhere from taco trucks outside of bars at 2 am to 5 star restaurants in Beverly Hills. People that shit on Panda Express for not being authentic enough are try hard faggots trying to sound sophisticated on the internet. Food doesn't have to be served by a Chinaman that barely speaks english for it to be 'good' or 'authentic'.

>> No.6739907

Los Angeles is Chicago tier, just because you have a lot of people in your giant parking lot doesn't make you cultured.

The only place that matters in CA is the Bay Area, and if you're not from the Bay Area, and you're in California, you're flyover scum, the same as Fresno or Turlock or Des Moines.

I'm not even from the west coast and I know this, how can people not know this?

>> No.6739912

>People that shit on Panda Express for not being authentic
No reason to shit on Panda Express for authenticity, because it is authentic Chinese American food, more or less. Shit in them for being mediocre at best. You wouldn't understand because in LA mediocrity is usually the best you can do. That's why Michelin stopped bothering with that town years ago.

>> No.6739983

Oh you're from LA? That's cool. You make enough money to dine at high end Chinese places in LA? I don't fucking think so.

Why don't you pack up all your rampant stupidity and shove it down your fucking throat? That way, at least you'll be full for a while, you worthless sack of shit.

>> No.6739989

Let me guess. You're in community college, come from a lower middle class background, make less than 60k a year, and have a piss poor palate.

Last one isn't a guess by the way, it's a prognosis.

Go eat a bag of dicks you poor fuck.

>> No.6739992

You make it sound like it's a bad thing. It's delicious, cheap, greasy food.

>People that shit on Panda Express for not being authentic enough are try hard faggots trying to sound sophisticated on the internet. Food doesn't have to be served by a Chinaman that barely speaks english for it to be 'good' or 'authentic'.

Is not liking Panda going to be "fedora-tier" or "hipster-tier" now? Some people genuinely don't like it.

And no sane person expects authenticity out of them. It's American Chinese food, that's what it is. It's not authentic and I don't think it ever claimed to be.

>> No.6739995

that guy doesn't get shit, and neither do you.

Up your taste, up your income, up your intelligence, dumb shit.

>> No.6740001

Bitch I live and work in Cupertino, and I go to San Fran for Chinese food.

Are you one of these poor fucks who's getting displaced by all the tech money because you're stupid and poor? Sounds like it.

Hint: nobody gives a shit about what you have to say.

>> No.6740003

Don't listen to these elitist "muh authentic food" faggots.
Panda Express is great for what it is. Their orange chicken is really good, their staff is always friendly, and you get twice as much food as a McDonald's combo for the same price.

>> No.6740012

>It's delicious, cheap, greasy food.
Chinese American food is that, and part of why it's so good is that in most situations it's cooked to order. It really dies fast when it sits out in a warming tray, and that's the failing of PE.

>> No.6740068

When I worked at Panda Express, I can't stand the smell of orange chicken when it's being made. It is just overpowering.

>> No.6740081

Taco bell is to mexico what panda express is to china
take that as you will

>> No.6740144

Sweet I love taco bell

>> No.6740166


Chinese buffets are pretty good (when it's run properly) and their shit sits out for a while. I think Panda Express just needs to replace their food more often. They probably have expiration dates that ensures freshness and they don't follow it like most places. Why would they make more rice every 3 or 2 hours or so when it's still good and their customers don't seem to care?

I don't go to fast food for the friendly staff. I really like their orange chicken, but I don't know what it is about it these days. Maybe I got sick of it or they don't care about the quality as much anymore, or the recipe changed. Nowadyas I'd rather have orange chicken from other chinese places.

I wish I could have a Panda Express experience like I used to years ago. There's a mystery going on because it's not as enjoyable anymore no matter how infrequent I go there. :/

>> No.6740193

>Chinese buffets are pretty good
We'll have to agree to disagree on that one, which is probably why you like Panda Express and I don't. I find them pretty much on par with a Chinese buffet, which to me ruins what's good about Chinese-American food - the fact that it's cooked to order.

Many things work well enough in a warming tray, but noodles and stir fries really don't. They turn disgusting pretty quickly.

>> No.6740197


I know that it might sound like comparing two different pieces of shit. Maybe it's been a while since I've been to a Chinese buffet but aren't they at least better than Panda Express?

I would much rather have something cooked to order, though, definitely. Just comparing the two shittier options.

>> No.6740209

There are a lot of buffets, and their quality varies even based on time and number of customers.

Generally speaking, you want a high turnover rate, and since PE's number of offerings is smaller, and they have more customers, their food tend to he fresher. Obviously statistical anomalies exist.

>> No.6740293

>Maybe it's been a while since I've been to a Chinese buffet but aren't they at least better than Panda Express?
Not in my experience. But I would assume there are some buffets somewhere that would have to be better than PE. I just think the warming tray model is a poor match for Chinese American food. (FWIW it seems to work for Fujian food, but most of that stuff isn't really that great to begin with).

>> No.6740324

>Also the best chicken wings on earth come from those crafty chinks
Holy shit, this.

>> No.6740361



>> No.6740364

Don't lie nigga, i know you google translated that shit.

>> No.6740904

this thread makes me want nothing more than to go get some panda tbh

>> No.6740993

>mfw i was able to go to panda and get my food within a literal minute

thank you based cu/ck/ god

>> No.6742042

>I know what the coupon does. You didn't explain how it's not wrong or how it's not stealing, you merely described it. It would be akin to walking out with food you didn't pay for at the groceries just because the greeter who went to the bathroom isn't going to get in trouble for it.

Are there seriously people who have an issue with this? I use expired coupons a lot. It's hardly fraud if two days ago I could've gotten the same coupon that wasn't expired. They likely don't care.

>> No.6742056


Sigh... Look, champ. A coupon gives you permission for a free entry. If it expires, you no longer have permission.

>but stealing is cool
>free food you guys everyone's doing it

Stop being a fucking child. Seriously.

>> No.6742076


You're making it a big deal than it should be. Most employees really don't care or consider it stealing.

I can't take you seriously at this point.

>> No.6742096

So what if employees don't care? It's still stealing. Stop being a douchecanoe. Those coupons expire after two days.

Panda Express is too good to be losing money over people who have to resort to using old coupons.

>> No.6742104

yeah he's an asshole because he used a coupon a day or more after its expiration date. He's literally stealing. What an awful thing to do, to buy a two entree 8 dollar meal and then use an expired coupon for another scoop of cheap meat. He's a horrible person.

This has to be bait.

>> No.6742875


They're making money off this, not losing it.

>> No.6742988

>Panda Express is too good

>> No.6743154
File: 32 KB, 348x348, 348s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worked there for a year.

It's all just piles of grease with barely any taste difference. The shrimp is kept frozen for months and the orange chicken sauce is like 50% sugar (no exaggeration, that's why americans like it so damn much). Most of the sauces are made from a base sauce that's also mainly sugar. The honey sauce for the shrimp is like fucking lard, wouldn't go near that shit.

The teriyaki chicken, white rice, and steamed veggies are the only things that aren't completely fucked. Although i'm sure the chicken breast isn't the best quality and the vegetables usually end up over-steamed.

>How is PF Chang's food in comparison to chinese places and Panda Express

worked at both, PF Changs is literally panda but twice the price
Honestly, every town has a good oriental hole-in-the-wall somewhere if u look for it. And since you can just call ahead and pick it up even faster than sitting in a drive-thru line I don't see any reason why u would want to get the corporate garbage shit. Plus they give you like 3x the food for the same price at most of those hole-in-the-walls.